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Students’ Union Full Time Positions Toghchán na nOifigeach Lánaimseartha
Students’ Union Full-Time Positions
There are three full-time officers of the Students’ Union
1. The President 2. The Vice-President / Education Officer 3. The Vice President Welfare and Equality Officer
Full-Time Officers work full-time and take sabbatical leave from their studies if they have not completed their course. They are paid an annual salary of €27,000 (gross) and work full-time hours.
Full-Time Officers must be available to work from Thursday 23rd June 2022 to Friday 30th June 2023.
Full-Time Officers are required to be Garda vetted.

What do the officers do?
The responsibilities of each officer are outlined in the Students’ Union Constitution.

i. S/He shall act as Chairperson and shall have responsibility to uphold this Constitution and the terms of reference of all Union companies.
ii. S/He shall be responsible for liaising with the appropriate staff members of the Union, the Union’s companies and with University management.
iii. S/He shall have responsibility for the day to day fi nances of the Union in conjunction with the senior staff member and shall report to the Finance Committee on those issues.
iv. S/He shall also be responsible for ultimate coordination of Students’ Union campaigns
v. S/He shall be required to act as a member of the Boards of Directors of companies owned by or related to the Union.

vi. S/He will represent Union members on University committees.
vii. S/He shall be the Chief Executive Offi cer and chief spokesperson of the Union.
viii. S/He shall be the principal delegate to the National Council and Annual Congress of the Union of Students in Ireland.
The President co-ordinates the activities of the Students’ Union and works with University Management to achieve the best academic environment and quality of life for NUI Galway students. The President is responsible for the Union’s finances, co-ordination of Union campaigns and acts as the chief spokesperson of the Union. The President sits on a wide range of university committees including Údarás na hOllscoile, Finance Resource Committee and Standing & Strategic Planning Committee.
The President is also appointed to the boards of the following companies for the duration of their term:
• Students’ Union Commercial Services Ltd:
A company owned by the Students’ Union which manages Sult,
Students’ Union Shop and Smokey’s Café.
• Students’ Union Publications and Promotions Ltd.
A company owned by the Students’ Union responsible for producing
Students’ Union publications.

• College Campus Radio Ltd:
A company responsible for Flirt FM
• Cumann Céimithe na Gaillimhe Aonad Sláinte do Mhic Léinn Teo: A company responsible for managing the Student Health Unit.
• SCML Teoranta: A company owned by the Students’ Union to manage any commercial arrangements which may arise.

Students’ Union Officer Positions

Vice President / Welfare and Equality Offi cer
1. Shall have responsibility for providing information and educating the general student body on welfare and equality issues and to this end shall initiate campaigns on relevant and pressing Welfare and Equality issues, in collaboration with relevant offi cers. 2. Shall also provide a confi dential listening and referral service for members of the Union 3. Shall represent members on various University committees. 4. Shall also organise and chair the Welfare Forum. 5. Shall also be required to give a mandatory report on work carried out at each Executive meeting. 6. The Welfare and Equality Offi cer’s actions will be informed by the 9 Equality Grounds, being:
i. Gender vi. Age ii. Civil status vii. Disability iii. Family status viii. Race iv. Sexual orientation ix. Membership of the v. Religion Traveller community
The Welfare and Equality Officer assists students with problems in areas of accommodation, childcare, study, health, finances and social welfare. They work closely with on-campus accommodation companies and residents associations.
They sit on a wide range of university committees including Safety Committee, Discipline Committee and the University Centre Planning & Management Group. The Welfare and Equality Officer also organises the Welfare Forum and a variety of high profile campaigns such as Mental Health Week and SHAG Week. Dealing with individual student queries is a large part of the Welfare Officer’s job.
The Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer sits on the following committees: • Discipline Committee • Financial Aid Fund Allocation Committee • Health Unit Board of Directors • Crèche Committee
Vice President / Education Offi cer
i. S/He shall have ultimate responsibility for the co- ordination of the CRC in conjunction with the relevant staff members.
ii. S/He shall provide a confi dential listening and referral service for all Union members.
iv. S/He also has responsibility for keeping the Executive and general student body informed on relevant educational issues.
v. S/He shall be responsible for dealing with individual requests from students. vi. S/He shall also organise and chair the Education Forum. vii. S/He shall also be required to give a mandatory report on work carried out at each Executive meeting.

The Education Officer assists students in areas such as grants, exams, the library and computer facilities. They work with University Management to improve academic services for students. They sit on a variety of university committees including Academic Council, Academic Standing Committee, Discipline Committee and Academic Planning Resource Committee.
The Education Officer also co-ordinates the SU Council and organises the Education Forum. Dealing with individual student queries is a large part of the Education Officer’s job. This year, the Education Officer also plays a central role in implementing NSTEP, the National Student Engagement Programme.
• The Vice President / Education Officer sits on the following committees: • Academic Council • Exam Appeals Committee • Library Committee