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SU Finance Cúrsaí Airgeadais an Chomhaltais

University of Galway Students' Union Income Statement 30 June 2022

University of Galway Students’ Union Income Statement 30 June 2022

The Students’ Union financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June. The details below relate to year ending 30 June 2022 with figures from the previous year for comparison.

This was the first year of the collection of the new Student Levy. Although students now pay considerably less in the Student Levy, student services such as the Student Health Unit, Clubs and Societies, FlirtFM and the Students’ Union receive increased funding. CÉIM is also funded exclusively by the Student Levy which finally provides much needed security. However, the Union no longer receives funding from the student contribution which is how all other students’ unions are funded.

Covid 19 continued to have an impact on the activities of the Students’ Union in the year ending 30 June 2022. The allocation from the licence fee paid by Sult to the University (€30,000), and the contribution from SUCS Ltd (€36,000) continued to be waived.

As campus life returned to some level of normality the Union’s activity level also increase. Campaigns expenditure grew significantly as did entertainments costs, USI participation and spending on CÉIM activities.

The Union always seeks to use its resources to deliver for its members and all expenditure is viewed in that way. 50% of expenditure was on Representation and Services and 12% was spent on Office and Administration. The remaining 38% was Staff and Officer Costs who deliver the work of the Union.

At the end of last year, we delivered a surplus of €27,614. We continue to be mindful that we are a private sector organisation, and we require a strong balance sheet and cash at hand to keep us stable.

The accounts for 30 June 2022 have been presented to Comhairle Comhaltas na Mac Léinn (SU Council) and are publicly available on our website. For further information on the finances of the Students’ Union, please visit our website www.su.nuigalway.ie.

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