Catalogue 2011-2012 independent, innovative, interactive
Contents Publisher’s Note New Releases Fiction Non-fiction eBook Classics Distribution Order Form
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We acknowledge the assistance of the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.
Publisher’s note 2011 is turning into a big year for Spinifex and our authors. The media has been running with us on big issues such as the harmful effects of pornography, GM foods and climate change. We have published some remarkable fiction and poetry, and are continuing to convert new and existing titles to eBook formats as well as reviving feminist classics that are out of print or have limited availability. Independent publishing is strong in Australia and the Australian Publishers Association, Copyright Agency Limited, Australian Booksellers Association and SPUNC are all contributing to this strength. Abroad, the International Alliance of Independent Publishers has created opportunities for independent publishers to work together. So why is this important? It is because globalised bookselling is a monoculture. What we at Spinifex Press stand for is having a chance to hear diverse and marginal voices from those who sit on the fast-moving outer shoreline of the cultural river. Big Porn Inc is one such book. Edited by Melinda Tankard Reist and Abigail Bray it takes a look at the social costs and harms of the global pornography industry. As pornography is mainstreamed and the sex industry makes billions of dollars, women and children are not having fun. It is a shocking and fearless book. Francesca Rendle-Short’s hybrid memoir and novel, Bite Your Tongue, traverses some of the same territory. Francesca transports us into the world of Joh BjelkePeterson’s 1970s Queensland, with its moral crusaders and street protestors, and a girl coming of age between these conflicting forces. A feminist classic long out-of-print: Finola Moorhead’s Remember the Tarantella takes up the story of a wryly, humorous taxi driver and her 25 co-narrators. They take the reader on a whirlwind trip around the world in the international feminist milieu of the 1970s. Merlinda Bobis’s novel, Fish-hair Woman is set in the Philippines during the 1987 Marcos total war against insurgency in the countryside. In grief, Estrella with her twelve-metre hair trawls corpses from the river. She falls in love with the visiting Australian writer Tony McIntyre who disappears in the conflict. Poetry has a way of saying things that can’t be said in other ways. Patricia Sykes in The Abbotsford Mysteries takes us into the heart of the child sent to the Abbotsford Convent after her mother’s death. The poet draws on oral memoirs of more than 70 women who lived and worked at the convent. 1
Susan Hawthorne’s Cow has us running across the sky as a herd of stars, writing love poems by the river and delving into mythical traditions about cows from India to Greece, Egypt to Ireland. Invisible Women of Prehistory by Judy Foster musters a huge amount of evidence about how important women were in the development of human culture. A big book, filled with original illustrations and timelines of global prehistory. Abigail Bray’s Misogyny Re-Loaded looks at how misogyny is re-labelled as sexy and cool and violence against women treated as if it were some mild misdemeanour instead of a human rights abuse. S. Caroline Taylor in Social Death and Sexual Violence exposes the real costs of violence against women, to the individual as well as to the community. Among the books we are bringing back to print and into eBook form is Sheila Jeffreys’ Anticlimax. This profound work takes a critical look at the sexual revolution and the way it has been misrepresented. A number of titles have been reprinted in recent months, among them Pornland, and Getting Real, Unmaking War, Remaking Men and perennial classics, Daughters of the Dreaming and Feminist Fables. You’ll find more about all these books in this catalogue. Spinifex would like to thank the Australia Council for the Arts for funding to assist in the production of books and eBooks by Australian writers. Also to CAL and the APA for funding a digital internship. You can keep up with Spinifex author events and other news by subscribing to our monthly eNewsletter, reading our blog, or following us on Facebook or Twitter@spinifexpress. The Spinifex Team
Melinda Tankard Reist & Abigail Bray (eds)
Big Porn Inc: Exposing the harms of the global pornography industry
The unprecedented mainstreaming of the global pornography industry is transforming the sexual politics of intimate and public life, popularising new forms of hardcore misogyny, and strongly contributing to the sexualisation of children. Yet challenges to the pornography industry continue to be dismissed as uncool, anti-sex and moral panics. With contributions from leading world experts and activists, Big Porn Inc offers a cutting edge exposé of the hidden realities of a multi-billion dollar global industry that promotes itself as a fashionable life-style choice. Unmasking the lies behind the selling of porn as ‘just a bit of fun’ Big Porn Inc reveals the shocking truths of an industry that trades in violence, crime and degradation. This fearless book will change the way you think about pornography forever. Contributors include: (Australia) Maggie Hamilton, Nina Funnell, Christopher Kendall, Susan Hawthorne, Sheila Jeffreys, Caroline Taylor, Meagan Tyler, Robi Sonderegger, Caroline Norma, Renate Klein, Helen Pringle, Betty McLellan, Abigail Bray, Melinda Tankard Reist, Melinda Liszewski. (International) Gail Dines, Catharine A MacKinnon, Melissa Farley, Diana Russell, Robert Jensen, Jeffrey Masson, Chyng Sun, Julia Long, Diane L Rosenfeld, Linda Thompson, Hiroshi Nakasatomi, Anne Mayne, Ruchira Gupta, Asja Armanda, Natalie Nenadic, Anna van Heeswijk, Matt McCormack Evans. This powerful and humane book is a breakthrough. Like Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring which began the environmental movement, Big Porn Inc shows us we are poisoning our own spirits, and that an ugly misuse of thousands of women, including very young children, is the dark and criminal underside of the insatiable need for more. —Steve Biddulph author, The New Manhood and The Secret of Happy Children. pb $36.95 ISBN 9781876756895 eBook $26.95 ISBN 9781742195438 Non-fiction 330pp Rights: World
Melinda Tankard Reist is a writer, speaker, blogger, media commentator and activist against violence against women, objectification of women and sexualisation of girls. Her third book Getting Real: Challenging the sexualisation of girls is in its fourth printing. Dr Abigail Bray is a research fellow at the Social Justice Research Centre at Edith Cowan University. She has published widely in leading international academic journals on anorexia, child sexual abuse, moral panics, and child pornography.
Judy Foster with Marlene Derlet
Invisible Women of Prehistory: Three million years of peace, six thousand years of war
This book is an opening to histories rarely written about. Based on many years of research into ancient history and prehistory, Judy Foster takes on the world. She argues that three million years of peace, a period when women’s position in society was much higher than it is now, preceded the last six thousand years of war in which men have come to hold power. Her work is based on close readings of archaeological evidence from around the world, much of it appearing in the last decade or two. She also writes about the academic resistance to these ideas and to the archaeological work of Marija Gimbutas. Beginning with an examination of Old Europe, Judy asks questions about how archaeology is used. She looks at theories of matriarchy and the invention of writing and ‘civilisation’. The role of language and the transmission of mythic knowledge are considered alongside visual and symbolic histories. While the northern hemisphere pre-histories are reasonably well-known this is not the case for the hidden pre-histories in Africa, East and South Asia, the Americas. Even less known are the hidden pre-histories of Australia, Oceania and Indonesia. This is ground breaking work. While other books have explored these ideas, rarely are southern hemisphere countries included in the evidence gathering. Judy Foster completed a Visual Arts Major at Monash University, as well as courses in Koorie Studies, sociology and Women’s Studies. A chance encounter with the book Language of the Goddess by Marija Gimbutas in 1993 inspired her to begin researching the origin and meanings of visual symbolism. Marlene Derlet taught in the Monash Centre for Indigenous Studies from 1989 to 1993. She co-authored, with poet Kristin Henry, Talking Up a Storm (1993). Marlene is a linguist with a background in Anthropology and Sociology.
Pb $39.95 ISBN 9781876756918 eBook $26.95 ISBN 9781742195513 Non-fiction 400pp Rights: World
Sheila Jeffreys
Anticlimax: A feminist perspective on the sexual revolution
A rigorous, savvy contemporary intellectual history … read this book. —Andrea Dworkin The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s is remembered as a time of great freedom for women. But did the sexual revolution have the same goals as the Women’s Liberation Movement? Was it truly liberation for women or just another insidious form of oppression? In this provocative book, Shelia Jeffreys argues that sexual freedom sometimes directly opposed actual freedom for women. Anticlimax traces sexual mores and attitudes from the 1950s to the 1990s, exploring the nature of both straight and gay relationships and offering original and compelling commentary on Lolita, Naked Lunch, The Joy of Sex, the Masters/ Johnson report, and other representations in the literature on sexuality. At the root of sexual liberation, Sheila Jeffreys finds an increasing eroticisation of power differences within heterosexual, lesbian and gay communities. Her alternative vision of sexual relations based on equality is a major statement in the debates over sex and violence that remain relevant in discussions about the Slutwalks, sexualisation of girls and the pervasiveness of porn culture. Sheila Jeffreys is Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Melbourne and author of numerous books including The Industrial Vagina (2008), Beauty and Misogyny (2005), Unpacking Queer (2003), The Idea of Prostitution (2008), The Lesbian Heresy (1993), The Spinster and Her Enemies (1997).
Pb $29.95 ISBN 9781742198071 eBook $21.95 ISBN 9781742198040 Non-fiction 378pp Rights: World
Abigail Bray
Misogyny Re-Loaded
Today hardcore misogyny has become the cool slapstick LOL of mainstream culture. Exposing a chilling connection between the rise of cosmetic surgery, Big Pharma, porn, self-help and beauty industries, and the shock and awe doctrines of a new culture of extreme misogyny. While race-motivated violence is recognised as an historical and cultural problem, misogynistmotivated violence is often understood as an individual problem. Instead, misogyny is normalised as sexy, rebellious and cool, or as biological, evolutionary and natural. Added to this are neoliberal ideologies about choice and responsibility, which have contributed to a victim-blaming culture that vilifies and silences women and girls who have been damaged by misogyny. Misogyny Re-Loaded offers an unflinching account of the billions made from breaking and remaking the minds and bodies of women and girls. Abigail Bray is a research fellow at the Social Justice Research Centre at Edith Cowan University. She has published widely in leading international academic journals on anorexia, child sexual abuse, moral panics and child pornography. She is the co-editor of Big Porn Inc and the author of Hélène Cixous: Writing and Sexual Difference (2004) and Body Talk: A Power Guide for Girls with Elizabeth Reid Boyd (2005). She is a member of Socialist Alliance and the Marxist collective Das Argument and is an inaugural inductee into the Western Australian Women’s Hall of Fame in 2011.
Pb $24.95 ISBN 9781876756901 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742195476 Non-fiction 120pp Rights: World 6
S. Caroline Taylor
Social Death and Sexual Violence
Social death is the loss and decline of social belonging, social connection and sense of identity and being. In Social Death and Sexual Violence Caroline Taylor examines how sexual assault is often followed by the experience of being a social outcast. How those same individuals seek to reconstitute their wounded identity at the deepest and most personal levels, within their family, community and society. Studies on sexual violence focus on psychological trauma, and rarely take account of the social trauma. But what happens to relationships with others when seen through a veil of trauma? And how do social reactions exacerbate trauma, inhibit disclosure and impede healing? Caroline Taylor untangles the familial and intergenerational effects of social death and suggests ways of reconstituting the wounded self. Professor S. Caroline Taylor is the Foundation Chair in Social Justice and Head of the Social Justice Research Centre at Edith Cowan University. She is an Honorary Research Associate at the Indigenous Law Centre, University of New South Wales. Professor Taylor is recognised as one of Australia’s leading experts in the field of child and adult sexual violence and domestic violence and the criminal justice response to victim/survivors and social models of trauma and recovery.
Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756635 eBook $24.95 ISBN 9781742195551 Non-fiction 300pp Rights: World 7
Francesca Rendle-Short
Bite Your Tongue
‘Mrs Angel Rendle-Short said that a book given to her daughter, Francesca, as an English textbook at school would teach her to be a permissive rebel.’ —Courier Mail, 1975 There are some things you should never speak about. In Francesca Rendle-Short’s family, silence was golden. So to break ranks and tell stories about her peculiar family life and her mother’s moral crusading should send this daughter straight to hell in a ball of smoke and flame along with all those books her mother wanted to burn. Set in 1970s Queensland and also contemporary times, Bite Your Tongue is an elegant mix of novel and memoir that is in turn harrowing and delightful. Can a daughter forgive her mother for making her a pawn in her conservative moral crusades? Can greater understanding reinstate love? What does a mother owe a daughter and a daughter a mother? Bite Your Tongue is the story of the deep bond that exists between a daughter and her mother, no matter how difficult that mother might be. It is also a story of acceptance. What a potent mix — a daughter torn in her loyalties to her overbearing parent, and a mother hell-bent on getting to heaven by banning ungodly school texts. Rendle-Short traverses the remembered minefield with candour, grief and something like wonder. —Cate Kennedy, author of The World Beneath A mother-daughter tale unlike any other: this is a feisty, idiosyncratic and original book, full of weird energies and wonderful affections. —Gail Jones, author of Five Bells Francesca Rendle-Short has worked variously as a radio producer, teacher, editor, freelance writer and arts journalist. She has a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong and is the Program Director of Creative Writing at RMIT University. Pb $29.95 ISBN 9781876756963 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742197883 Fiction 246pp Rights: World 8
Merlinda Bobis
Fish-hair Woman
1987. The Philippine government fights a total war against insurgency. The village of Iraya is militarised. The days are violent and the nights heavy with fireflies in the river where the dead are dumped. With her twelve-metre hair, Estrella, the Fish-hair Woman, trawls corpses from the water that tastes of lemongrass. She falls in love with the Australian Tony McIntyre who disappears in the conflict. Ten years later, his son travels to Manila to find his father. From the Philippines to Australia, Hawai’i, to evocations of colonial Spain, this transnational novel spins a dark, epic tale. Its storytelling is expansive, like the heart — How much can the heart accommodate? … Only four chambers but with infinite space like memory, where there is room even for those whom we do not love. Merlinda Bobis is a contemporary Philippine Australian writer and academic. She has written in various genres in Filipino and English, and her work integrates elements of the traditional culture of the Philippines with modern immigrant experiences. Her previous works have won several awards, including the National Book Award (2000), Manila Critics Circle, Philippines and the Steele Rudd Award for the Best Collection of Australian Short Stories for White Turtle, and the 2006 Gintong Aklat Award (Golden Book Award) Philippines for Banana Heart Summer. Also a dancer and visual artist, Bobis currently teaches at Wollongong University. Her poetry book Summer was a Fast Train without Terminals was short-listed for The Age Poetry Book Award, and her novel Banana Heart Summer, for the Australian Literature Society Gold Medal.
Pb $29.95 ISBN 9781876756970 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742197968 Fiction 290pp Rights: World x Phillipines 9
Finola Moorhead
Remember the Tarantella
new edition
Remember the Tarantella is learned and frivolous, female not feminine, silly and serious. Written in several strands of narrative, the many characters create a space as if reading were a dance party. Story is not the main objective. Private conversations and thoughts are always within earshot of the rhythm of others, like the stamping of feet and the beat of the music. This is concerto-like poetry; many instruments of different tones assist the reader to know who is who. The tarantella of the title is the ruse of the women who did not want to be burnt as witches. At the bite of the spider, they dance themselves into the sea to disappear. Remember the Tarantella is truly a work of feminist fiction. A delight, to be read again and again, as one would listen to music over and over. Remember seventies & eighties’ experimental writing? Remember its refusal of the conventional dichotomy of form & content even as it conjured structures & immersed itself in language? Remember Finola Moorhead’s place in the Melbourne chapter’s serious commitment to such writing’s passionate & intellectual materials? Yes, yes, yes: Remember the Tarantella! —Kris Hemensley Remember the Tarantella is a complex book in which the various strands weave like the spiralling threads of a helix (and characters do move from centre to margin) … it opens a door for adventurous writing in Australia. —The Age A visionary and questing novel of startling energy, intelligence and passion, its form shaped to its own image, it is the work of a major writer. —Helen Daniel, Sydney Morning Herald Finola Moorhead is an award-winning author of three novels. Her second novel, Still Murder, won the Victorian Premier’s Award for fiction and her literary epic, Darkness More Visible, was published in 2000 with accolades from critics and readers. Pb $27.95 ISBN 9781876756932 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742194585 Fiction 334pp Rights: World 10
Patricia Sykes
The Abbotsford Mysteries
The Abbotsford Convent becomes more than the setting, the grey mince-meat walls, of this collection. It emerges as presence, intimate and familiar as well as constraining and forbidding. But it is childhood itself which becomes the subterranean geography and pulse. Subject to an overworld of lay and religious adults, the razor of power having such adult force, the voices in these poems create multiple pathways through memory and time as they map and navigate the many-stranded mysteries of their institutionalised lives. A collection of extraordinary depth and focus. Powerfully conceived and executed, these poems give complex voice to the multi-stranded miseries and ecstasies of the ghosts of the old Abbotsford convent: the bewildered orphans, left always with a childhood ‘that cannot unbandage itself’, the wild girls swimming the Yarra to freedom in the shadow of the Skipping Girl; and the nuns, whose sometimes punitive practice co-exists with a creed of love that offers moments of ambiguous radiance ‘as if an archangel tapped on your soul’. —Jennifer Strauss Spirited and fugitive, lively and resistant, the girls in these poems speak through a powerful blend of the lyrical and the verbatim in a bare, intense, even visionary form of ‘writing back’ against and into history … These are moving, compassionate poems full of the motif of river: life, undercurrent, debris - and the deeply aspiring self. —Philip Salom Patricia Sykes is a prize winning poet, editor and improvisor. She has read her work on radio, in concert, at festivals, bookshops, pubs, libraries and various other venues. Her prizes include the John Shaw Neilson and Tom Collins Awards and a highly commended in the Jospehine Ulrick Poetry Prize. Other poetry titles include Wire Dancing (1999) and Modewarre: Home Ground (2004). Pb $24.95 ISBN 9781876756956 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742197708 Poetry 166pp Rights: World 11
Susan Hawthorne
Cow I am nothing special just a cow who wants to change the world a cow whose eyes are on the sky
Cow leaps and flies into imaginative realms carrying mythology and language. Cow creates the universe, the galaxies and travels through the sky as a herd of stars. Cow writes love poetry and ponders lost histories. An intriguing approach to the rewriting of myth, this book takes the reader on a journey through the history of languages and symbolic traditions. Through a main character, Queenie, a cow of many abilities and a history that takes in the creation of the universe, readers come to see the world in new ways. The collection draws on the author’s knowledge of ancient languages and its structure draws on philosophy and the Sangam poetry tradition of South India. Cow is so monumental in so many ways I’d be shocked if it doesn’t win at least one major poetry award for 2011. —Heather Taylor Johnson, Mascara Literary Review Susan Hawthorne’s Cow poems are fascinating, fabulous and ceaselessly engaging. They are intellectually supple and emotionally labile –seductive and demanding, vernacular and subtly formal, sassy, accomplished and compelling reading. —David Gilbey Cow is a real literature that entertains, charms and provokes. Hawthorne’s erudition is elegant: she moves from cowshed to cosmos lightly and with technical grace and welcomes you into her fascinating mind. —Chris Mansell Susan Hawthorne is a poet, aerialist and Sanskritist. She is the author of six collections of poetry. Earth’s Breath (2009) was shortlisted for the 2010 Judith Wright Poetry Award. Her work is included in several of the annual Best Australian Poems anthologies. She is an ASA Mentor and Adjunct Professor in the Writing Program at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland. Pb $24.95 ISBN 9781876756888 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742195391 Poetry 166pp Rights: World 12
FICTION Lara Fergus
My Sister Chaos Shortlisted Dobbie Literary Award An obsessive-compulsive cartographer trapped in the mapping of her own house. A painter turned code breaker trying to find the lover she lost in the war. Two sisters on a collision course.
Pb $24.95 ISBN 9781876756840 eBook $19.95 ISBN 9781742195032 220pp Fiction Rights: World
Chaos and order in tension provide the scaffolding for this compelling work of fiction. Presented within a world of obsession and trauma it asks whether any of us is immune to the forces of destruction. With My Sister Chaos, Lara Fergus has limned the depths of a universal subject and created a stunningly powerful novel in the process. Australia needs more voices like hers. —Alice Nelson, The West Australian
Suniti Namjoshi
Feminist Fables
Pb $19.95 ISBN 9781875559190 133pp Fiction Rights: World x UK
There was once a man who thought he could do anything, even be a woman. So he acquired a baby, changed its diapers and fed the damn thing three times a night. He did all the housework, was deferential to men, and got worn out. But he had a brother, Jack Cleverfellow, who hired a wife and got it all done. Suniti Namjoshi is elegant and subversive in creating new patterns of meaning through stories that are simultaneously spare and full of richness. An ingenious reworking of fairy tales from the East and West. Her imagination soars to breathtaking heights … she has the enviable skill of writing stories that are as entertaining as they are thought provoking. —Kerry Lyon, Australian Book Review
Francesca Rendle-Short
Imago Molly Rose Moon dreamt of worms the night before she married Jimmy Brown in Tooting Bec. The young couple were on their way to Australia. When Molly agrees to go on a journey across hemispheres she’s looking for an escape from home. It’s a story of metamorphosis, taking and eating, larvae and pupae, the risks of stagnation. The possibility of death. Pb $ 19.95 ISBN 9781875559367 eBook $14.95 ISBN 9781742194288 230pp Fiction Rights: World
The transferences of female imagery to the landscape (a tremendously difficult device to use newly) are among the best I’ve read. The fluctuations and magnitudes of individual interpersonal electricity are also conveyed with great respect and art. —Jennifer Maiden, Overland 13
Pornland: How porn has hijacked our sexuality Pornland takes an unflinching look at pornography and its effect on our lives, showing that today’s pornography is strikingly different from yesterday’s Playboy. As porn culture has become absorbed into pop culture, a new wave of entrepreneurs is creating porn that is ever more hard-core, violent, sexist, and racist. Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756871 eBook $27.95 ISBN 9781876756871 236pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
We’re now so pornography-saturated that our capacity for sexual delight is being brutalized. Gail Dines brilliantly exposes porn’s economics, pervasiveness, and impact with scholarship as impeccable as her tone is reasonable. This book will change your life. —Robin Morgan
Melinda Tankard Reist (ed)
Getting Real: Challenging the sexualisation of girls From advertising and merchandising to Bratz and Voodoo Dolls to the Henson affair, Getting Real puts the spotlight on the sexualisation and objectification of girls and women in the media, popular culture and society.
Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756758 eBook $24.95 ISBN 9781742194219 208pp Non-fiction Rights: World
... an incredibly confronting but important book ... It’s a terribly bleak but necessary look at how we are eroding what was once the sacred space of childhood with a bombardment of appalling imagery and sexually suggestive ideas aimed at children, particularly at girls. —Mia Freedman, MamaMia blog
Christine Stark & Rebecca Whisnant (eds)
Not For Sale: Feminists resisting prostitution and pornography As an activist, I explain that I’m not against sex and nudity but that women do more than just have sex … whether it’s Vogue, or pornography or beer ads – the message is that women get power through our sexuality and this is how women excel.—Ann Simonton Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756499 eBook $24.95 ISBN 9781742194455 444pp Non-fiction 14 Rights: World
This international anthology brings together research, heartbreaking personal stories from survivors of the sex industry, and theory from over thirty women and men—activists, survivors, academics and journalists. Not For Sale is groundbreaking in its breadth, analysis and honesty.
NON-FICTION Lynn Welchman & Sara Hossain (eds)
Honour: Crimes, paradigms and violence against women
Pb $39.95 ISBN 9781876756611 384pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
In the Australian context, the provocation rule could be considered a descendent of the ‘honour’ defence. This rule has enabled men to claim provocation—an insult to their honour—as an excuse for murdering wives, girlfriends and former partners. This book draws out those further connections by focussing on the legal protections, the social ‘obligations’ and the deadly consequences for women. …This book must find its way to the shelves of every concerned lawyer, activist and citizen. —Nandini Sundar, Professor of Sociology, Delhi University
Kathleen Barry
Unmaking War, Remaking Men: How empathy can reshape our politics, our soldiers and ourselves
Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756864 eBook $26.95 ISBN 9781742195100 240pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
In Unmaking War, Remaking Men, Kathleen Barry explores soldiers’ experiences through a politics of empathy. By revealing how men’s lives are made expendable for combat, she shows how military training drives them to kill without thinking and without remorse, only to suffer both trauma and loss of their own souls. With the politics of empathy, she sheds new light on the experiences of those who are invaded and occupied and shows how resistance rises among them. A provocative, impassioned and necessary exploration of a topic too often cloaked by euphemisms and evasions. —Jeff Sparrow
Vandana Shiva
Staying Alive
Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756161 224pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
In Staying Alive, Vandana Shiva links the violation of nature with the violation and marginalisation of women in the Third World by examining the position of women in relation to nature—the forests, the food chain and water supplies. She shows how science, technology and politics, along with the workings of the economy itself, are inherently exploitative. Every area of human activity marginalises and burdens both women and nature. Laced with references to Hindu deities, hard-nosed research into Indian land use and bold attacks on Western science ... Staying Alive has the go of a big personality behind it. —Observer 15
NON-FICTION Bronwyn Winter & Susan Hawthorne (eds)
September 11, 2001: Feminist perspectives After September 11, feminists around the world spoke out, wrote for newspapers, for email lists and for the Internet. But in the maledominated mass media, it was hard to find feminist perspectives; this collection represents some of those voices.
Pb $32.95 ISBN 9781876756277 eBook $25.95 ISBN 9781742194615 280pp Non-fiction Rights: World
….It is an invaluable intervention from those who hold up more than half the sky, and is essential reading for all men and women to better inform themselves of the meanings and ramifications of “9/11”, the current Terror War, and mass violence in general. —Arnaud Gallois, Melbourne Journal of Politics
Diane Bell
Daughters of the Dreaming Living in the community, developing friendships that have spanned decades, award-winning author Diane Bell shines a light on the importance of women’s role in Australian Aboriginal desert culture. As maintainers of land, ritual and culture, Indigenous women of central Australia share the patterns of their lives in this remarkable and enduring book. Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756154 eBook $24.95 ISBN 9781742194134 342pp Non-fiction Rights: World
This volume should be held in all serious libraries … concerned with anthropology or with a less sexist look at human behaviour … a classic. —CHOICE, American Libraries Association Journal
Zohl dé Ishtar
Holding Yawulyu: White culture, and black women’s law
Pb $32.95 ISBN 9781876756574 eBook $25.95 ISBN 9781742194240 388pp Non-fiction Rights: World 16
From 1999 to 2001, Zohl dé Ishtar lived and worked intimately with a group of thirteen women elders to establish a vibrant intergenerational cultural knowledge transmission program: the Kapululangu Women’s Law and Culture Centre. Her profound radical feminist analysis of the socio-cultural context surrounding this Indigenous women’s initiative challenges White attitudes and behaviours and offers a deeper comprehension to those who aspire to be involved in collaborative projects with Indigenous peoples. I believe this book has great relevance to all of Australia as well supporting our struggle to find ways in which we can live together. —Judy Atkinson, Professor of Indigenous Studies, Gnibi, College of Indigenous Australian People
NON-FICTION Judy Atkinson
Trauma Trails, Recreating Song Lines: The transgenerational effects of trauma in Indigenous Australia
Pb $29.95 ISBN 9781876756222 eBook $23.95 ISBN 9781742194738 400pp Non-fiction Rights: World
Providing a startling answer to the questions of how to solve the problems of generational trauma, Trauma Trails moves beyond the rhetoric of victim hood, and provides inspiration for anyone concerned about Indigenous and Non-Indigenous communities today. Beginning with issues of colonial dispossession, Judy Atkinson also sensitively deals with trauma caused by abuse, alcoholism, and drug dependency. I recommend this complex, well-composed and emotionally satisfying book to anyone who has an interest in improving the quality of Australian psychological work. —Craig San Roque, Aboriginal History 2004, Vol 28
Maria Mies
The Village and the World: My life, our times Maria Mies’ autobiography packs in seventy-seven years of life: from the small German village of her childhood, to the world of the Indian subcontinent. Sociologist and Women’s Studies researcher, scholar, ecofeminist, and international activist, Maria Mies is one of the world’s original thinkers. Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756826 eBook $27.95 ISBN 9781742195056 350pp Non-fiction Rights: World x Germany
A beautiful journey between two remote poles: The Self and the World. The subtle connection between fact and fiction, autobiography and novel, between the personal, the political, the economic, the historical, the global and local. This book by Maria Mies is inspiring and creative, I hope many people read it. —Nawal El Saadawi
Marie-Monique Robin
The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, politics and power Winner of the Rachel Carson Prize, an explosive expose of the disturbing practices of one of the world’s most influential multinational agricultural corporations.
Pb $34.95 ISBN 9781876756833 eBook $26.95 ISBN 9781742195049 384pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
The result of a remarkable three-year-long investigation that took awardwinning journalist and documentary filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin across four continents, The World According to Monsanto tells the littleknown yet shocking story of this agribusiness giant—the world’s leading producer of GMOs (genetically modified organisms)—its new and dubious “green” face and its problematic PCB–and Agent Orange–soaked past. Not glamorous, and not a cookbook, but arguably the most important big-picture food book this year ... Riveting, scary stuff. —John Lethlean and Necia Wilden, The Australian
NON-FICTION Fethiye Çetin
My Grandmother: A memoir Translated by Maureen Freely
Pb $23.95 ISBN 9781876756857 epub 9781742194981 128pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
When Fethiye Çetin was growing up in the small Turkish town of Maden, she knew her grandmother as a happy and universally respected Muslim housewife. It would be decades before her grandmother told her the truth: that she was by birth a Christian and an Armenian, that her name was not Seher but Heranush, that most of the men in her village had been slaughtered in 1915, that she, along with most of the women and children, had been sent on a death march. A compelling and beautifully written account of family stories and secrets, and a heartfelt call to peace and harmony. —Elif Shafak
Vandana Shiva
Soil Not Oil: Climate change, peak oil and food insecurity
Pb $29.95 ISBN 9781876756727 156pp Non-fiction Rights: ANZ
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