Endemic animals

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Croatia, Međimurje

Međimurski konj (Međimurje horse) It is cold-blooded, autochthonous horse breed. The typical Međimurje horse ranges from 155 cm to 165 cm high. It can weigh up to 900 kilograms. It is usually reddish-brown, dark brown or black. It is strong, calm and obedient. It was used to work in fields and forests and to pull wagons. It is endangered today.

Viktorija Žerjav (10)

France, Franche-comtĂŠ

Eurasian Beaver (Castor d'Europe) Castor fiber It was hunted to near -extinction for both its fur and castoreum(medical use). It spend lot of time building barrage. It is very good ingeneer and It improves landscape biodiversity. It can weigh up to 30 kilos and be 1,30 meter long!

Joumana (She is 6 years old)

Latvia, forests with rivers, ponds or various wetlands

Black stork It is 95-100 cm tall bird with long legs and a long neck. Prefers calm and quite places . In Europe there are about 7800 couple s of these birds. They are migratory birds, interesting that couple might migrate to different places and meet only after couple of mo nths near the nest.

JustÄŤne (11 )


arctos marsicanus)

Lives In Italy in the National Park of Abruzzo,Molise,Umbria and the Alps with a population reduced to no more than 30-50 specimens. The brown bear is a mammal, an imposing and massive animal, with thick brown fur,sometimes with blackish hues in contrast to most light areas. His eyesight is poor, while the sense of smell and hearing are highly developed. His teeth consists of 38 teeth with the typical characteristics of carnivorous. His diet is very varied and although mostly vegetarian, really eat a bit of everything: berries, insects, fruits and root sand small animals found in the park;it is considered onnivorous.

GENERAL DATA Body length

from 1 to 2,8 m

Height at withers

da from to 150 cm (it can arrive at 2,5 m when he stands up )


100 - 600 kg (males are bigger than females)

Living thing

20-30 years in the wild, 50 years in captivity

PORTUGAL Lampetra planeri – Lampreia de Riacho The brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri, also known as the European brook lamprey and the western brook lamprey) is a small European lamprey species that exclusively inhabits freshwater environments. The young lampreys are blind filter feeders, feeding on detritus and other organic matter for three to five years before maturing. These fish develop their teeth precisely when they are no longer able to eat.

Ana Sofia Costa 6.Âş D

PORTUGA Canis lupus signatus - Iberian wolf The Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) is a distinct subspecies of the European grey wolf (Canis lupus) which is believed to have evolved when the Iberian Peninsula was cut off from the rest of Europe during the Pleistocene Era. Previously widespread throughout the Iberian Peninsula, wolves were almost wiped out in Spain during Franco's rule when complete eradication of the wolf was encouraged. Only relict populations remained in remote corners of northÂŹwest Spain and northern Portugal. Wolves were trapped, poisoned or shot at every opportunity.

Joana Vieira 5.Âş D

Country, region: Spain, Canary Islands Name of the animal: La Gomera giant lizard Description: La Gomera giant lizard is a wall lizard that can be found on the island of La Gomera, one of the Canary Islands. The intense white colour that covers its neck, chest and area around the mouth contrasts with its dark brown back. This lizard is in danger, generally diurnal and mostly herbivorous and grows up to half a metre long.

LucĂ­a Atta RodrĂ­guez, 8 years old

Belfast, Northern Ireland

The Puffin Rathlin Island in Northern Ireland is known as 'bird island'. It is an inhabited island with a population of just 80 people. This wildlife paradise is a rugged outcrop lies just six miles off the North Antrim coast. Rathlin is great for bird watching with tens of thousands of seabirds. The birds come to Rathlin to breed - its remoteness means that it's a safe environment with a plentiful supply of food.

Country, region: Spain, Canary Isla


Strahoninec, Croatia May, 2016

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