1st Report Erasmus France

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NUMERACY@ENGLISH 1ST MEETING REPORT Place: France-Besancon School: Vauthier Coordinator: Sophie Bouaouli

Monday 23rd November 2015 Our first meeting started in Besancon (France) in a charming pre-primary school called Vauthier and it was incredibly well organized by our French coordinator Sophie Bouaouli and her colleagues. That morning we enjoyed a wonderful show represented by the children and guided by the incredible team of the French teachers. The participating countries had the opportunity to get to know each other through powerpoint presentations and videos made by the children about their schools, towns and countries. After discovering the winner logo of the project which was from Latvia and clarifying the most important sections of our project such as the description of the project (E), preparation (F) and project management (F.1.), relevant decisions have been taken for the setting up of our project. Therefore, we discussed for a while and these were the results: a) the participating countries decided to improve the main objective of Erasmus+, which is disseminating the results and the good practices; b) we agreed to create common questionnaires for students and teachers to assess the project at the beginning and at the end. Twenty students will have to complete the questionnaires and all the teachers involved in mobilities. In addition, the coordinator advised us to present to our students the winning logo of the project and to set in each school an Erasmus+ Corner where to put all the Erasmus products including the pennant banner from the different countries, the mascot of the project or the presentations of the European countries (if we have a television or a computer). This corner will represent the “FunnyLabMathEnglish-Fl@me”. Finally, we had a handicraft workshop with students in different classes. We learnt how to prepare chocolate step by step and we could learn good practices from the receiving teachers. This activity is related to our project because it is a funny and easy approach for young students to the numbers and quantity .We also had the opportunity to meet the parents of the children in a relaxing and enjoyable coffee time. We finished the day with a great European dinner, full of food.

Tuesday 24th November 2015 On this day we finished with the presentations of the participating countries. During these presentations, students from three to five years old of Vauthier´s school had the opportunity to find out more about the European countries. Next, during the morning the main coordinator, Paulo Vasconcelos, gave us the following instructions: - Teachers should ask their own national agencies what teachers and students need to travel securely. - Teachers must check school insurance (the conditions) for both teachers and pupils when they travel to another country. - Pupils will need the European Health Card and a parental permission. - To write a formal paper where it is stated that those children are going to another country with teachers for a specific European project. (In the police office ask what we need as teachers to take students to another country).

NUMERACY@ENGLISH 1ST MEETING REPORT Place: France-Besancon School: Vauthier Coordinator: Sophie Bouaouli

Tuesday 24th November 2015 - In case of divorced parents, teachers must ask if the child can go out of the country or need the authorization of both parents. - It is better if travelling children are couples of males or females - We will have a video conference so that families meet each other, before travelling and during the meeting. Afterwards, we had a discussion about some issues and these were the agreements: -Meeting in Portugal with Learning/Teaching/Training Activities will be from 28th February to 5th March. - Meeting in Croatia with Learning/Teaching/Training Activities and will be from 9th to 13th May. Activities: -During each meeting with Learning/Teaching/Training Activities each partner has to prepare at least one task for ‘Move your mind’ booklet. Tasks should be related to the topic of each meeting (in Portugal it is money and financial education). Tasks could be any maths related tasks, problem solving tasks, logical tasks...For each task, the country and the age of pupils must be specified. Consequently, all these Maths´ tasks will compose the “Move your my mind´ booklet”. - We agreed which countries (coordinators) are going to write the report in each meeting. As well, the report should be similar to a news in a newspaper. We agreed that we have one week deadline to finish the report. These are the receiving countries with the corresponding official report makers: France: Spain and Italy Portugal: Poland and Northern Ireland (Ligoniel’s school) Croatia: France and Northern Ireland (St. Vincent´s school) Latvia: Portugal and Spain Northern Ireland (Saint Vincent´s school) : Croatia and Latvia Italy: France and Northern Ireland (Ligoniel ’s school) Spain: Croatia and Poland Northern Ireland (Ligoniel´s school): Italy and Northern Ireland (St. Vincent´s school) Poland : Latvia and Portugal

-Accompanying teachers, who travel and stay with students during all project’s activities, have to write about the learning activities and collect photos about those activities. Next, they share this information and the photos related to the official report makers. During the afternoon we visited a chocolate factory where we discovered how a wide variety of chocolates are made in a professional way in Besancon. This visit was connected to the handcraft activity we did with children on the day before.

NUMERACY@ENGLISH 1ST MEETING REPORT Place: France-Besancon School: Vauthier Coordinator: Sophie Bouaouli

Tuesday 24th November 2015 In the evening, we attended to a short training about the uses of the Etwinning platform where we have the twinspace of our project and many useful applications for the good development of the project. In fact, we could be involved in additional activities with added value: -Logging into Etwinning (www.etwinning.net) , seeing the description of the project, getting into the Twinspace and adding teachers or students in it. -Seeing the new page of the project. -Creating a gmail account, logging into it, going into google drive and sharing activities and document there. -Seeing an example of KA1 in the Mobility tool. Eventually, we talked about the possibility that one of the teachers in Tamara´s school (English teacher) could be in charge of the creation and the upgrading of the project´s web page. We had a wonderful dinner “chez Rabah & Sophie” and delivery of the certificates of stay.

. Wednesday 25th November 2015 We decided to create a new gmail account: numeracy.erasmus@gmail.com to use for Google Drive, for the blog of the project and youtube channel for Slideshare account and Twitter account. Besides, we created altogether the questions of the questionnaire for transnational meetings that all the teachers participants of the meeting will have to complete, the questionnaire for the training activities, and preliminary survey for students and teachers for the beginning of the project and survey for the end of the project. Furthermore we decided to create questionnaire for parents of students who will be involved in mobilities as well as questionnaire for hosting families to share their experience. Tamara Vidovic, the Croatian coordinator, will send us the questionnaires using official project Gmail account. Furthermore, we revised some of our duties as coordinators: -Creating the “FunnyLabMathEnglish-Fl@me” and the “Move your mind” booklet. -We will use Europass mobility document for each short-term joint staff training event as well as short-term exchange of group of pupils. Every partner will contact National Europass agency. Furthermore, we had the chance to meet a relevant city councillor and an education principal who is responsible for the services and organisation of all the schools in Besancon. They offered us an explanation about how education and schools work in France. We need to mention the cultural visit we enjoyed in the city center in order to get to know the history, monuments, architecture and museums of Besancon and the way people live in this gorgeous city. These two events are connected to the social cultural dimension of the children who attend to Vauthier´s school. In the end, the main coordinator revised the budget and warned us about problems we might suffer if we do not accomplish the objectives. He also added that coordinators should be present in every mobility. For dinner, we went to a restaurant called “Cafe, Cafe”.

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