Lesson plans

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LESSON PLANS The final task for the teachers in “Numeracy@English� Erasmus+ KA2 project was to produce a lesson plan based on the knowledge and the skills they gained in Croatian meeting from 8th to 14th May 2016. The teachers produced the following lesson plans in groups.



Prepared by UK and NI

Art Focus Cross - curricular links - Literacy/Science/Personal and Social Development/ICT

OBJECTIVES 1. WALT: Use adjectives to describe 2. WALT: Select natural materials to create a collage 3. WALT: Plan, create and talk about a piece of art

MATERIALS NEEDED 1. IWB/photographs 2. Paper 3. Scissors 4. Glue/sticky tape and other materials 5. Natural materials collected e.g. leaves, twigs, grass etc. 6. I pads 7. Pencils 8. Crayons and colouring pencils 9. Selection of art materials chosen by the children 10. Aprons

VERIFICATION Steps to check for student understanding WILF (Success Criteria) 1. Pupils can use adjectiives and descriptive phrases to describe a stimulus (nature) 2

2. Pupils can choose appropriate materials for artwork 3. Pupils can use skills of cutting, sticking, folding, tearing, molding and presenting materials in final piece of artwork

ACTIVITY Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson Starter Display image on IWB of Plitvice Lakes


Talking Partners - Discuss picture and use wordle or ABCYA to present adjectives to describe the picture.

Give pupils an opportunity to share ideas with the class.


Main Activity Pupils should plan, create and use natural materials to depict their interpretation of the lakes. This materials should be collected before lesson during a nature walk. Encourage pupils to choose their own materials, discussing textures etc. Plenary Children should use i-pads to photograph and record work. Children add photographs to teachers Seesaw account so that they can display, discuss and evaluate with the class.


PLITVICE LAKES GLOGSTER Prepared by Maria Gil, Esther Cabrera and Dunia SantanaÂ

OVERVIEW & PURPOSE Students will find out different aspects of Plitvice Lakes: its flora, its fauna and the percentage of visitors during the last three years by creating a globster. Subjects: Natural Science, Social science and ICT skills.

EDUCATION STANDARDS 1. The flora of Plitvice Lakes. 2. The fauna of Plitvice Lakes. 3. Percentage of visitors during the last three years.

OBJECTIVES 1. To have an overall view of Plitvice Lakes. 2. To recognize characteristic animals and plants of this National Park. 3. To develop the use of globster and the basic ICT skills.

MATERIALS NEEDED 1. Computers (30) 2. Photos of Plitvice Lakes 3. Internet links: http://www.np-plitvicka-jezera.hr/en/natural-and-cultural-heritage/flora-and-fau na/ https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parque_nacional_de_los_Lagos_de_Plitvice


VERIFICATION To check the understanding of Plitvice Lakes, we will follow the following steps: 1. The layout of their own globster 2. The presentation of their own globster. 3. A quiz about Plitvice Lakes using kahoot.

ACTIVITY Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson: Students in small groups (maximum 4) will investigate about the flora and fauna of Plitvice Lakes. For that, they will look for images of characteristics animals and plants of this National Park. Also, they will find out the percentage of visitors per year in this National Park and they will include a video of Plitvice Lakes. During this process, pupils will create a globster with all these aspects.


Numerina spent a week ​ in Croatia

Prepared by the Latvian and French team Let’s discover croatia thanks to the famous Numerina.

EDUCATION STANDARDS Learn new words Be able to exchange and talk about a picture

OBJECTIVES 1. Improving its vocabulary 2. Try to compare with our country

MATERIALS NEEDED A good computer and a videoprojector

VERIFICATION Children will draw the discovering of Numerina in Croatia

ACTIVITY Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson In the room according to the “little movie”, we will show to our pupils pictures one after one , of Numerina, and try to encourage them to find out what he is doing, what they can see, using more and more vocabulary. We will teach them new words, even few words in English. 8

Carsic phenomena related to water Lesson Plan for Grade 5, Science/ geography Prepared by Cinzia, Claudia, Monica, Beata and Joanna

OVERVIEW & PURPOSE Discover how Carsic phenomena can change the landscape around us

OBJECTIVES 1. What Carsic phenomena is 2. Where it is all over Europe and specially in Croatia 3. How it appears in Plitvice lakes


1. Mind map


2. http://bzznora.edu.glogster.com/glog-from-hr-may-13-2016-6298



VERIFICATION Steps to check for student understanding 1. Kahoot Quiz: https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=5aa59d50-1cb0-4419-8a9c-bb6723505644 2. An article for the school newspaper written by the students

ACTIVITY Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson Visit to Plitvice lakes Find information about phases of the carsic phenomena


Lesson plan template Lesson Plan for Grade 7, Social Science Prepared by ____

OVERVIEW & PURPOSE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

EDUCATION STANDARDS 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. 2. Sed mollis aliquam nibh. 3. Pellentesque pellentesque dictum urna.

OBJECTIVES 1. Vivamus gravida lorem vel neque pulvinar bibendum. 2. Aenean vestibulum odio faucibus sapien. 3. Pellentesque accumsan auctor tortor.

MATERIALS NEEDED 1. Pellentesque (30) 2. Ut ullamcorper ultricies est (5)

VERIFICATION Steps to check for student understanding 1. Vivamus ultrices eros nec lectus interdum condimentum. 2. Cras vel felis a leo pretium pulvinar. 3. Curabitur tincidunt elementum ante 11

ACTIVITY Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


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