Architecture Portfolio of Nurin Qistina (Selected Works 2017-2019)

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selected works 2017-2019


The Str[eat] thematic restaurant


Plug In, Plug Out residential high rise


Galeri Kita royal river gallery ceremony


Humble Space residential bungalow


Hungry Sleepers urban compact hotel


Model Making projects compilation


Wok of Life cultural nuclei


Others hobby,talent,passion

Year 2, Semester 1

Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya

food + space

01. t h e s t r [ e a t ] t h e m a t i c

design strategies

r e s t a u r a n t

The Streat Thematic Restaurant is located in the busy road of Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya where the site is mostly densed with commercial area and educational area. This gives potential to the restaurant to act as an informal platform where everyone can gather and increase the interaction between the young adults. My first approach to this project is by analysing the problems faced on the site where it creates oppurtunity and enhances the environment in the area. The targetted users which are the students from nearby schools and young adults from surrounding commercial area sparks the ideation of this thematic restaurant.

design development

the streat

programme ideation

exploded axonometric diagram

site plan

the streat

The concept of ‘food street’ is strongly expressed in the plan where it allows students to informally ‘short-cut’ to their usual waiting area for their parents and forces people to go through the restaurant. The ‘zigzag’ layout also creates a visuality of an ‘ infinity’ street from a perspective view from the entrance that makes people curious and wanting to explore.

ground floor plan

first floor plan

section y-y

section x-x

right elevation

left elevation

wall section details

Informal pocket spaces that incorporates interaction among the community and nature.

Porosity between buildings allows shortcut and easy accessibility from all sides.

Bridge from first floor overlooking in between spaces throughout the building.

the streat

Revitalizing public spaces around the specific needs and desires of the community.

Year 2, Semester 2

Jalan Gasing, Kuala Kangsar

royal+ public


galeri kita

r o y a l

r i v e r

c e r e m o n y

site issues How is the community in Kuala Kangsar?

g a l l e r y

Galeri Kita Royal River Ceremony Gallery accomodates the unique tradition of Kuala Kangsar where the royal river ceremony will take place by the river. By studying the 2 entities involved by this gallery, I am inspired to design this building by the spatial experience of users. The gallery is designed to serve as a venue for active and healthy recreation, environmental education for large and diverse residents and local community while at the same time looking after the environmental and contextual issues found in the area. The tectonics and the exploration of sustainability is also considered and applied to produce a good building design practice into architectural design scheme.

design ideation

galeri kita

programme ideation

design strategies

exploded axonometric diagram

galeri kita

The exploration of design also incoporates the details found in the wall section of the gallery. The Formal Gallery space is designed to be an ‘elevated’ sub-divided gallery area which optimises the use of natural lighting while maximising the view of the river. The elevated gallery also provides shade to the seating area underneath that is overlooking the river for informal activities. The reflecting pool found inside the gallery also acts to cool the interior of the building while providing a calm and aesthetically pleasing ambience in the gallery for the gallery visitors and also the staff workers. The ‘floating’ walkway gives unusual experience to the gallery visitors as they are embarking upon the journey of acknowledging the royal culture of Kuala Kangsar.

galeri kita

The section of the gallery emphasizes how the architecture achieves different spatial experience inside 3 continuous gallery by the ideation inspired by the 2 entities defined for this gallery; the royal and the people. The Formal Gallery shows the hierachy and formality where the space has interesting corridor walkway that gradually steps up. The Twisting Bridge shows an interesting transition space while optimising the view of the river. The Fabric Installation Gallery shows how the organisation of space can affect the mood of the visitors towards this gallery whilst still mainting the function of the flexible gallery.

The welcoming steps heading towards the entrance of Galeri Kita Royal River The porous amphitheatre that welcomes people towards the jetty where the Ceremony. royal river ceremony and water activities happen.

The flexible Fabric Installation Gallery when its open to public viewing and affects the surrounding site positively.

The design of Galeri Kita Royal River Ceremony to captivate view of the river while optimising the function well.

The sub-divided formal gallery area that will showcase the royal collection for public knowledge and understanding of the culture.

galeri kita

The ‘Formal Gallery’ strongly shows the tectonics structure of the building where the architecture gives positive impact to the interior design.

The Twisting Bridge Gallery is a ‘floating bridge’ facing the amphitheatre outside The interior of the Fabric Installation Gallery is design in spilt levels for people where people can enjoy the spatial experience while going through the gallery. to be able to enjoy the gallery through sense of sight and touch.

Year 3 Semester 1

Jalan Masjid Abidin, Kuala Terengganu

food+ hotel

site issues

03. hungry sleepers u r b a n

c o m p a c t

h o t e l

The Hungry Sleepers Urban Compact Hotel aims to provide a unique experience stay beyond the 4 walls of hotel rooms. With the concept of ‘tapau’, this hotel provides full experience of food especially the local delicacies of the city where the hotel users can fully utilise the herbs garden and communal kitchen provided in the hotel. This will also involve the interactions between either domestic or foreign tourists in the hotel while still controlling the privacy of each rooms. As it is located in the heart of Kuala Terengganu, there are also urban intervention attempts in order to connect people from all across the context and improve the quality of life in the site surrounding.

site analysis

hungry sleepers

massing strategies

exploded axonometric diagram

hungry sleepers

hungry sleepers

wall section details

hungry sleepers

This section shows the flexibility of spaces in the ground floor from the neighbouring abandoned building towards the hotel. The current abandoned bookstore is proposed to be design into a food district where local hawker stalls can be properly relocated into this building and bringing in famous restaurants into the city of Kuala Terengganu. The cafe on the right side of the hotel shows potential to be able to spill out towards the parking area where foodtruck festival can happen during night time. The first floor shows the interaction between the hotel room and the open area designed for disabled where the dumbwaiter is connected from the cafe downstairs so fair food experience can happen in consideration of disabled as well. On the second floor, it is shown where the communal kitchen is design to be well ventilated and proper exhaust fan will channel the air out for the comfort of the hotel users. The eating area in the second floor is also facing the courtyard which gives a good eating experience towards users.

hungry sleepers

A welcoming urban plaza with edible plants and exposed glulam structure Rooms overlooking the courtyard to increase social interaction between the along the entrance to act as buffer zone upon entering the hotel. hotel users with a calming ambience.

Flexibility of recipes and freedom of food customization to cater various groups The connectivity between spaces in consideration of the journey from rooms of people with different backgrounds. to the rooftop gatden while overlooking the ‘framed’ view of Kuala Terengganu.

The configuration of capsules are designed to have solid and viods creating an The communal area on the second floor offers the famous scenic view of the interesting in between spaces and double volume communal area. mural painting of Kuala Terengganu while enjoying their food.

hungry sleepers

The communal eating area is the medium where travellers can share stories The family room is designed to be elevated 2 meters from the floor creating inand allow the exchangeof culture between people of different origins. formal play area near the rooftop garden with a sense of control and security.

Year 3, Semester 2

Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Terengganu

culture + journey

site issues

04. w o k o f l i f e c u l t u r a l

n u c l e i

The State today is a melting pot of old and news, set against the backdrop of Terengganu’s traditional poise and beauty. Seeing the users and the cultural elements as different ingredients; this cultural nuclei hopes to offer a flow as users pave into effective cultural learning process where they are able to informally gain information from each other and understands how each cultural elements compliments one another; a melting pot of people and culture. This nuclei acts as a starting point and an effective medium where people especially youngster will be able to practice cultural elements in daily life and appreciate the values of Terengganu.

massing strategies

wok of life

space ideations

wok of life

wok of life

wok of life

The program outline consists of a selection of workshops that compliments the cultural aspects of Terengganu as a whole adding values to the mother of all culture- the culinary heritage which still sustains in this growing modern driven era.

wok of life

The wall system for this Cultural Nuclei consists of a framework of columns and beams with nonstructural wall panels attached to or filling in between them. The wall system in this building consists of walls structural frames, masonry walls and concrete walls.

wok of life

Integrating daily lifestyle with cultural elements whilst visitors go through a series of cultural journey of the authentic Terengganu.

The paddy rooftop garden gives an ultimate experience to the visitors on the essence of Terengganu and the activities integrated boost innovative thinking where the creative thinker discussion area is designed here too.

The visitors can experience the Discovery Trail where they can depart on a The Cultural Nuclei is designed to be able to cater activities at night during cultural journey while participating and gaining knowledge of Terengganu KT Walk festival where the stalls can open allowing the open seatings at the through a first-hand experience. theatre restaurant to be utilised by public with security consideration.

The cooking workshops uses kitchen chimney which is an appliance that Recycle timber is used as as a seating platform in the urban plaza and also makes kitchen clean and free from smoke. This can make sure the space to façade design. This is because it is a natural material which goes well with be operated comfortably for visitors and students. the natural feel of the garden.

wok of life

The series of green roof terrace overlooking Jalan Sultan Ismail is treated as The seminar room and most of the spaces in the building are natural ventia good viewing point where the staffs and students can take a break and rest. lated with operable windows design. These are to increase the sustainability The green roof is also beneficial as it can cool the spaces below by 4-5°C. of the building operation while bringing an outdoor learning experience.

DTLM Architects, 2019

GAMUDA HOUSING 4.0 Competition



design concept

plug in plug out a d a p t i v e

s p a c e s

Corresponding to the brief which highlights on the use of automation, mechanization and prefabrication of components, we aim to propose a flexibility of lifestyle celebrating the diversity of events and experimentation of spaces within them, ‘PLUG IN, PLUG OUT’. We envision a neighborhood, by building structures out of a catalog of 29 modules. The linkage that bridges the community from the housing area on the frontal part of the road acts as an explorative pit stop for people to go through a series of retails, parks and event spaces before they take off to the MRT station.

SITE AREA : 10 700 sq. metres ( 2.64 acres ) DEV. TYPE : Residential, Transit Oriented Development ( TOD ) NO.OF UNITS : 330 units UNIT MIXES : 60 % ( 2 Bedrooms ) : 40 % ( 3 Bedrooms ) UNIT SIZES : 2 Bedrooms ( 700 – 800 sq. ft ) : 3 Bedrooms ( 950 – 1050 sq. ft )

plug in plug out

brief requirements

plug in plug out

plug in plug out

PLUG IN, PLUG OUT’ MECHANISM With a catalogue of 29 modules, the users can participate in various kinds of activities where the plug in modules can be operate by human power.

This design proposal also achieves GBI rating of 67 points (Silver Award) with the integration of Industrialised Building System( IBS ) of 83%.

plug in plug out

Nurin Qistina, 2019

Jalan DB5, Bangi



humble space

design concept

r e s i d e n t i a l

This is a bungalow house located in Bangi where I have designed for my parents’. This house aims to celebrate sustainable living lifestyle with multiple passive design strategies integrated in the planning. With consideration of maximising the internal courtyard facing the river by the side of the house, I try to create a more private experience for the house owners with certain openings allowing the people to view people coming from outside, internally. As the client prefers a high ceiling living area for the public, i splitted the house plan making the foyer and living area single storey where I maximised the height up to 4m height with exposed roof structure. Whereas for the semi private areas, I added another storey for the other bedrooms to be located upstairs.

In collaboration with LARAS Architect, they produced working drawings based on my design proposal.

humble space

massing strategies

humble space

Bird eye view of the house showing the relationship between the frontal ga- Front entrance before entering the house where the public cannot really see zebo and the foyer as the waiting area for the leisure of visitors. whats inside the house maintaing the privacy of the house owners.

View from gazebo towards the house where the visitors and home owners Landscape area and the internal courtyard shows the continuity of space to can leisurely enjoy in the green space shaded by some selected tall trees. allow flexibility and spill over of activities towards the gazebo in the front.

Raw materials and exposed roof timber structures are emphasized to visual- The balcony located on the first floor are also designed facing the courtyard ise a lightweight structured house design and a more sustainable approach. where the can enjoy the view of the river with a more private space.

humble space

All the views of the internal space is concentrated to the internal courtyard The living area is designed overlooking the internal courtyard with foldable and people can leisurely sit on the patio and enjoy the ambience. glass door panels to maximise the view of the house.

Nurin Qistina

projects compilation



mock up models

model making projects


model making

Model making skill is a basic fundamentals learnt throughout my study in Bachelor Science of Architecture. It is an important skill where we can successfully showcase our design intention in 3D form. I usually come up with mock up models to explore the overall form while considering the function of the spaces. This enables me to create a good design in its own urban setting. I am more comfortable making mock up models manually but as for final models, I prefer to lasercut as its faster and easier to assemble later on. My lasercutting skills are polished throughout my study in degree which helps me explore making other corporate gifts and gimmick props with lasercut as well.

La Camino Retreat House where I fully constructed manually with mixed ma- The timber bookshelve wrapped around the treehouse also connects through terials including balsa woods and wire mesh to create the curvy roof. the walkway enabling the house owner to walk through the forest from her own house.

The Streat model which I mostly made manually and lasercut certain ele- The landscape of the space shows the pocket spaces found throughout The ments such as the roof and the site model. Printed brickwall is also pasted to Streat where the it distinguishes the setback and the site boundary of the show its real material. project.

Wok of Life Cultural Nuclei with urban context to show how the building gives Welcoming urban plaza to strongly illustrate the melting pot of people and positive impact towards the surrounding and the spill over of activities hap- culture where it stimulates eating experience with cultural performances to pening in the area. enhance the cultural ambience.

model making

Hungry Sleepers Urban Compact Hotel with urban context to show the rela- The entrance of the urban compact hotel and the pedestrian walkway for tionship between the building and the urban intervention proposals. visitors either by cars or by foot towards the site.

Nurin Qistina





others hobby,




I believe everyone has unique skills and talents, and that is what makes each one of us special. People realize their talents at different stages in their lives and as for me these passions of mine are discovered mostly even before I took Architecture. I really enjoy sketching, enhancing my skills in drawing illustrations, exploring new photography techniques whilst travelling and also dancing. I managed to join a few competitions in dancing since primary school and have been involved in international programmes as well. I am also interested in community services activities where I got to polish my leadership and soft skills. I have been fortunate and blessed with these passions of mine where I can further fill my leisure time with activities which brings positive impact in me.




dancing competitions

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