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Tell Me Why

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Tell Me Why

How A


Microphone Works


Dong! Hi! Come in. What is Uncle Gary doing? Let me sing a song to try the mic.

The cable is plugged in. We can use the

Wow! You bought a mic!

microphone now.

The sound quality of the mic is excellent!

I’m curious. How does a mic deliver sound?

I know how a mic works. The dynamic microphone includes a coil, diaphragm and permanent magnet.

Tell us! Microphones come in many types. This one is a dynamic


Permanent magnet

Coil Diaphragm

Diaphragm Permanent magnet

Sound waves Electrical signal


The sound waves vibrate the diaphragm through the air, and the diaphragm makes the coil vibrate. The vibration of the coil in the magnetic field generates an electrical signal that changes with sound. The signals are amplified by an amplifier and transmitted to the speakers to produce sound. So that’s how sound is transmitted.

Now I Know! Now I Know!

A microphone is a *transducer that can convert sound into electrical signals. It is an important tool for people, such as performers and lecturers, who need to amplify or record sounds.

*transducer: a device for producing an electrical signal from another form of energy such as sound

I’m done singing. Who’s next?

It’s my turn to sing now!

Aw! The cable came off!

You won’t be able to use the mic if the cable is not well connected. Luke will sing first. You’re the next.


Now I Know! Now I Know!

A dynamic microphone is simple in structure. This mic does not easily make a howling noise when it is used along with other audio equipment in a loud environment.

Can you get microphones without cables? Wireless microphones don’t have a cable.

And there is no need to worry about the cable becoming tangled or tripping over the cable.

I want a wireless mic. Wireless microphones make moving freely around easier.

At Luke’s house...

I shouldn’t have bought a wireless mic.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was a British physicist, chemist and inventor. He conducted an experiment in 1831 and found a magnetic field that could generate an electric current. Based on this principle, he invented the disk generator, which is the first generator in the world. Due to his great contribution, he was later known as the “father of electricity” and “father of alternating electricity”.

Now I Know! Now I Know!

In order to avoid interference, do not place several turned on wireless microphones together and do not place them near any receiving antenna. Interference affects the use of wireless microphones.

Types Of Microphones

Dynamic microphones are often used to record human voices. They can endure high sound pressure levels. Thus, they can be used to record the sounds of musical instruments such as drums and cymbals.

Electret condenser microphones are characterised by their low production cost and small size. Thus, they are a very common hand-held device. They need an external power source to function.

Condenser microphones need an additional power source to work. Since they are more sensitive, they are suitable for use in quiet recording studios.

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