2020 Sharing Cities Joint Studio Tsinghua Living

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Sharing Lifestyle

Tsinghua-NUS Sharing Cities Joint Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

Estevez Guerrero, Natalia Figueiredo, Rita Grigolato, Mattia Shema, Paul

Intention Introduction The CBD has witnessed dramatic changes in the recent years. The new dynamics started to bring a specific profile of people, making the land and the rent accesible for just a few. Looking forward to a close future, the project aims to mix lifestyles. The main intervention would be in the south-east side. As it can be seen, the area is lacking of services.Therefore the project has it core in that cityblock, that will be enrich with affordable residences and plans to target a big range of people with different incomes and services that will go trough the vertical proposals. This will have extentions trough the area, recalling the intention of the main core









Main core



On the north-east side, we can still find the last residential community where multigenerational families live. The future development comtemplates to get a deal with these families and therefore leading to the only residential community to disappear. The diagrams on the right show the few presence of residencial communities, all but the above-mentioned are are outside the chosen site-area. NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

Beijing CBD Development For the past couple of years the government decided to speed up construction of the district, the Beijing CBD has grown to a now diverse CBD. It has attracted hundreds of businesses in the financial, media, information technology, consulting and service industries. As the city of Beijing keeps on developing, the Beijing CBD keeps on developing with it: as the number of offices increased, the number of commuters increased too. These diagrams show the projection of the population growth of the CBD throughout the years. Though Beijing CBD offers diverse services there is still more to do in terms of upgrading it to a kind of a smart city such as to make it more sustainable and also create some services for all. Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing


Comparison Competitors The analysis of other CBDs around the globe started from the assumption that all CBDs do compete in attracting the best and highest skilled workforce. Looking at Canary Wharf (London) and Marunouchi (Tokyo) it becomes evident that CBDs are increasingly offering mixed activities and housing solutions to attract these talents. These pictures show how London and Tokyos CBDs have evolved into attractive community areas offering diverse amenities and public spaces. Looking at the Beijing CBD plan, we can notice how residential areas (green) are now absent in the chosen site (red).


Canary Wharf CBD, London

Residential Units and Public Space

Marunouchi CBD, Tokyo

Marunouchi CBD: Before and After

Beijing CBD

Beijing CBD: Residential areas in Green

NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

Miss Liu


Heiress 30 years old

Mixing 1.Reluctant to live in a ghost town

2. Not motivated to share space

3. Wants to meet people who share her life-style

1.Would probably move out soon, but for now...

2. Would like a safer community space

3. Where he souldn’t worry too much

1.Would like to move closer to his work-place

2. He wouldn’t mind sharing

3. To save money and not be lonely

Mr Wang & Grand son Community members 85 & 5 years old

As the Beijing CBD has expanded, the pre-existing communities have disappeared, replaced by office buildings, hotels, bars and restaurants targeting a high-end consumer. Neither have been catered places for CBD workers to live, nor have been provided amenities and public spaces for the few remaining existing communities. This proposal aims at designing a CBD where different lifestyles can co-exist. The idea is to create a strong community where the four persona would not only grow profesionally, but would also share their lifestyles.

Mr. Shema JR. Manager 29 years old

Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing

4. And If he is lucky enough, he would soon need a bigger space 4

Master plan The Masterplan shows our intention to re-activate certain areas of the CBD. Other than the three typologies of housing proposed to target the lifestyle of the abovementioned persona, this design offers commercial and cultural activities. At the same time it provides aboundant green public spaces for the community and links them through a platform system.




NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

Zoning Legend


Companies Commercial Cultural New green Platform Program under the platform 1.Cultural 2.Commerce 3.Sport 4.Community service 1








5.Health Long satay residences Medium stay residences Short stay residences Connectors Living extension


Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing



BCR: Building Coverage Ratio

Process Different solutions The diagrams on the right explain the process that lead to the design of the South-Eastern area. Different configurations and their impact have been considered and weighed on the basis of their building coverage ratio, public spaces, floor area ratio, ventilation and and study of the shadows they would create. These very diverse proposals have been instrumental in leading to a solution (right page) that resulted ideal both for the users an the developers.
















Public Space


FAR: Floor Area Ratio



Ventilation and Shadow Study


NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

FAR: 3.14

P.S.: 73%

BCR: 14%

Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing


Main cityblock This axonometry shows the main intervention of the project, which is situated in the South-Eastern part of the CBD. The three building typologies grow on a Urban platform. This elevated area increases the public space both indoor and outdoor. On top and throughout the buildings, green areas are designed for occupants to gather.


NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing


i.Mr. Shema ii.JR. Manager iii.29 years old

First type Short time stay This type of building focus on bringing young people to the CBD, in where it`s given areas to share and to meet people. Therefore, the proposal aims to bring a vertical interaction trough the building itself. This building caters 180 rooms and is equipped with amenities and all the commodities such as sport facilities and co-working spaces. This reinforces the intention to have young talent in the area that can share those amenities at a competitive price.



Commerce Living area Sharing amenities Flexible spaces 11

2. 4. NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio


Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing


I.Miss Liu II. Heiress III.30 years old

Second type Medium stay The second type follows the last system, in where activities are mixed.On the first levels the green platforms and sharing facilities are catered. Above those, there are different commercial and flexible areas. From the 10th level the residences are organized so that all residents can enjoy a view on the CBD. These apartments aim at a higherincome target and offers 60 apartments of roughly 60 squaremeters each.


2. Commerce


Living area

3. Sharing amenities

Flexible spaces

NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio


Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing


I.Miss Liu II. Heiress III.30 years old

Third Type Long stay

I.Mr. Shema starts a family

The last proposal is the tallest building. These buildings, that target high-end occupants, will be catered with spacious apartements for long-stay. This tower in the first part, mixes the housing (for Mr. Shema family) and the commerce in a more direct way. In between green public areas and indoor spaces for people to gather are provided. The upper part of the tower is reserved to high-profile occupants, like Miss Liu, that will enjoy a stunning view of the CBD area.


1. Commerce 15

Living area


3. Sharing amenities

Flexible spaces

NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio


Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing


Conclusion 1.

Dynamics of Sharing This project doesn’t only provide accommodation, facilities and amenities for people with very diverse income and life-styles, but it integrates them. As the legend on the right shows, the new CBD is designed in a way that allows all four described personas to enjoy their diverse lifestyle while at the same time allowing for interaction within the same premises. In this way, the same building can offer accommodation to one of the target groups, while at the same time providing certain activities for one or more other groups.




3. 5.


4. NUS-Tsinghua Sharing Cities Joint Design Studio 2020: Tsinghua Studio

Legend 5. 1. At lunch time Miss Liu goes to a wine bar in building two, right opposite to the building where she lives. 6.

2)At dinner time Miss Liu has a business meeting by the park 6.

3)Young Mr. Shema works in a coworking space within his building 4)Young Mr. Shema meets friends after work by the park


5)Mr. Shema picks-up his daughter from sport-facilities in building 1




6)Mrs. Shema plays with her daughter in the green area within building 2 7)Mr Wang plays with his son by the park


8. Urban Design of Guomao Central Business District, Beijing

8)Mr. Wang and his grandson return to the community where they live 18

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