Learn Bahasa Indonesia
Musical Instrument (Alat Musik)
Gong Gong
Cello Cello
Keyboard Keyboard
Learn Bahasa Indonesia
Musical Instrument (Alat Musik)
Seruling Flute
Harpa Harp
Gitar Guitar
Saksofon Saxophone
Learn Bahasa Indonesia
Musical instrument (alat musik)
Drum Drum
Terompet Bugles
Drum Drum
Learn Bahasa Indonesia
Angklung : Indonesia’s Traditional Music Instrument
The Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand strikes the instrument. This causes a repeating note to sound. Each of three or more performers in an angklung ensemble play just one note or more, but altogether complete melodies are produced. The Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in today's Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries. Source : Wikipedia
UNESCO designated the Angklung a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 18, 2010
About Indonesia
Bengkulu Capital City : Bengkulu Bengkulu is smallest and lowest populated province of Sumatra. Bengkulu province located on the southwest coast of Sumatra. Tiger and elephants still live there within the original rainforest, where exotic rafflesia’s grow. The tourist would be able to visit Enggano Island famous for its waves and international quality surf. Source : Visit Indonesia 6
Jayapura City : From Tourism to Culinary Delight Story & Picture by : Florensia Lantang After introducing the culture of Papua in previous post, the next is to introduce the existing attractions in the capital of Papua province, Jayapura. Jayapura is located at the tip of the island paradise that borders with Papua New Guinea. Jayapura has many natural resources which have become the attraction of foreign tourists and even locals. The charm ofthe mountains, hills, Sentani Lake, waterfalls, and natural beaches really describe the "zamrud khatulistiwa" which is a nickname for Indonesia.
Before landing at Sentani Airport, a beautiful view of Sentani Lake seems like a warm greeting from Jayapura city. Sentani peoples call it "FoiMoi" which means "welcome". Sentani Lake is host to one of Jayapura’s tourism icons known as "Sentan Lake Festival" which occurs between June and August each year. In addition, there are unspoiled beaches – a favorite- is in the coastal city of Jayapura, called Harlen. This beach can be reached from Depapre by a speedboat. Harlen Beach has shaded water, and a wide range of species of fish and sea cucumbers. There are several other beaches which are no less interesting than Harlen coast; Base-G beach, Hamadi beach, pasir 2 beach, pasir 6 beach, Amai beach, and holtekam beach. The attraction of these beaches in Jayapura is the white sand and many colorful starfish on the coast.
In addition, culinary tourism is a new attraction that must be tried in Jayapura. The typical foods are generally similar to other cities in the province of Papua. Papeda, which is processed into sago, yellow fish sauce, and matoa fruits, is an original food in Jayapura. Papeda is always served in traditional parties and formal events, and matoa is a fruit that tastes similar to longan fruit, but the flesh is thicker and sweeter. In Jayapura city the basis of most culinary dishes encountered is seafood, since the sea is the source of most local revenue. Fine dining can be found from the restaurant "Asei Faa" in Sentani to a restaurant near the Office of the Governor of Papua. One of the most popular souvenirs from Jayapura is Papua batik which has a wood carving motif. Papuan batik can be found in three main batik shops in Sentani, Kotaraja, and Hamadi. Papuan batik is more expensive than other batik in Indonesia, ranging from 60 thousand rupiah per meter and 180 thousand rupiah for ready-made clothes. Though even more expensive Is batik papua silk, which could be up to 500 thousand rupiah for a batik shirt. There are just too many wonderful things to describe about tourism in Jayapura city. Isn’t it lovely to ring up the city? The paradise of seafood and charm of “zamrud khatulistiwa” is ready to welcome you!
Thanks to :
Ambassador of Indonesian Culture and Tourism
https://www.facebook.com/aict.official 8
Indonesian Folklore
The Beginning of Cianjur Sumber : Buku Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Long ago in Western Java there was a very rich man. The whole fields in the village belonged to him. Villagers eventually just became laborers in the fields. The rich man was called Mr. Stingy by the entire village. Mr. Stingy has a son. Even toward his only child, he was stingy. However, the son was of good character. He often helps neighbors in need. One day, Mr. Stingy was obliged to hold a thanksgiving feast. If the party was organized properly, then the harvest will be bountiful. Out of fear of the next harvest failing, Mr. Stingy was forced to hold a party the right away that night. All the villagers were invited by Mr. Stingy. The residents thought they would get good food during this feast. There was an apparent miscalculation. Mr. Stingy only provide simple meals with side dishes. That was not enough to entertain all residents. Many of the villagers were not fed. They ended up only to be offended by his stinginess. "Huh! He dared to invite people was not able to provide food! Truly outrageous. Why would a bunch of value it?" "The Lord will give grace to His many subjects." Thus gossip and curses by the poor was the only congratulations for the party held by Mr. Stingy. At a party last salvation, there came an old woman who begged to Mr. Stingy. "Lord grant me alms, though only with a bite of rice". Groaned the old woman. "What is charity? You're suppose to cook rice from unnecessary toil, huh? ". "Give me a little of your abundance". "No! Get out of here, or I'll have to strike you!" It seems the old woman was in tears. So the old woman was not given alms instead rudely evicted by Mr. Stingy. One could not imagine how sad the old woman was. Mr. Stingy already left the area. Meanwhile, the son of Mr. Stingy was sad to see what happened. Quietly he took his lunch rations and chased the old grandmother who had reached the end of the village. He gave food to the old beggar woman. Grandma's eyes sparkled with joy. She thanked him and prayed, "It's better for you son. May your life someday be glorious." 9
Indonesian Folklore
Grandma was soon devoured the food gift pack by Mr Stingy's son until she was full. "I'm sorry Grandma I need to get back to the house." ."Well son, once again I thank you for this kindness", said the old woman. After that the young man went his away and the old woman went on her way. Up on a hill near the village, he paused. From the top of the hill was the grand home of Mr. Stingy. While the surrounding residents suffered from Mr. Stingy's greed. The old beggar woman was angry with Mr. Stingy by his behavior. She said: "Remember, remember mister, you will drown yourself by your greed and stinginess. God will inflict punishment unto you " This prayer of the old woman was not taken seriously by Mr. Stingy. The old beggar woman reaped it and struck her stick into the ground then lifted it. From the pits of the ground, water gushed out heavily. More and more and more of the water flowed towards the village. "Flood!" Shouted some of the villagers who had seen the first flood of the hill. Other villagers were panicked to see the flood. Mr. Stingy immediately urged other residents to leave their homes. "Go away villagers, run up to the hill for safety." "But what of our fields and livestock?" "You select the property or life? There's no time to take your possessions." Human nature are very fond of their possessions, and in a critical state there are still people who still intend to carry their possessions and livestock. The flood water came from the even bigger house and they were knee-deep in water. Mr. Stingy's wise son was still yelling screaming reminding villagers. He also persuaded his father to get out of the house. "I quickly left the house. We urgently need to save ourselves! " " What? Run away. Stupid! I had to take my treasure chest that I keep in the basement. " With no time anymore then Mr. Stingy's son immediately ran to save himself. Meanwhile Mr. Stingy was still collecting his treasures. He was too late to escape, and eventually drowned from the flowing flood. Most of the villagers and Mr. Stingy's son survived. They were sad to see their homes submerged. Then they decided to look for new areas. They raised the son of Mr. Stingy as their village leader. Mr. Stingy's son advised people to cultivate land and for it to be divided equally. The new head of the village taught residents how to plant and irrigate paddy fields. The village was then called the village because the villagers always adhered to the recommendations by its leaders. Eventually, the village developed into a small town called Cianjur. Ci means water. Cianjur means areas containing enough water. Prompt village leaders guided the farmers to cultivate rice. So now, Cianjur rice is known to be tasty and savory.
Cerita Rakyat Indonesia
Asal Mula Kota Cianjur Sumber : Buku Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Pada zaman dahulu di daerah Jawa Barat ada seorang lelaki yang sangat kaya. Seluruh sawah dan ladang di desanya menjadi miliknya. Penduduk desa itu akhirnya hanya menjadi buruh tani di sawah dan ladang lelaki kaya itu. Orang kaya tadi dijuluki pak kikir oleh orang orang sedesa. Ia mempunyai seorang putra lelaki. Bahkan terhadap anak tunggalnya pak kikir juga berlaku pelit. Namun demikian anaknya berwatak baik. Tanpa sepengetahuan ayahnya dia sering membantu tetangganya yang kesusahan. Pada suatu hari, pak kikir harus mengadakan pesta syukuran. Menurut anggapan penduduk jika pesta dilaksanakan dengan baik maka hasil panen akan melimpah. Takut jika panen berikutnya gagal, Pak kikir terpaksa mengadakan pesta semalaman. Semua penduduk desa diundang oleh Pak kikir. Para penduduk mengira mereka akan mendapat makanan yang enak dalam acara itu. Perkiraan mereka ternyata meleset. Pak kikir hanya menyediakan makanan dengan lauk pauk sederhana. Itupun tidak cukup untuk menjamu semua penduduk. Banyak di antara warga desa yang tidak mendapat makanan. Mereka akhirnya hanya dapat mengelus dada atas sikap pak kikir yang benar benar pelit itu. “Huh! Sudah berani mengundang orang ternyata tak dapat menyediakan makanan, sungguh keterlaluan. Buat apa hartanya yang segudang itu.” “Tuhan tidak akan memberikan berkah pada hartanya yang banyak itu”. Demikianlah pergunjingan dan sumpah serapah dari orang orang miskin mewarnai pesta selamatan yang diadakan Pak kikir. Pada saat pesta selamatan berlangsung, datanglah seorang nenek tua meminta sedekah pada pak kikir. “Tuan berilah saya sedekah, walau hanya dengan sesuap nasi”. Rintih nenek itu. “Apa sedekah? Kau kira untuk menanak nasi tidak diperlukan jerih payah, hah?” “Berilah saya sedikit saja dari harta tuan yang berlimpah ruah itu”. “Tidak! Cepat pergi dari sini, kalau tidak aku akan menyuruh tukang pukulku untuk menghajarmu” Nenek tua itu nampak mengeluarkan air mata. Demikianlah nenek tua itu tidak diberi sedekah justru diusir kasar oleh pak kikir. Tak dapat dibayangkan betapa sedihnya nenek itu. Dia segera meninggalkan halaman rumah pak kikir. Sementara putra pak kikir sedih melihat kejadian itu. Diam diam dia mengambil jatah makan siangnya lalu dikejarnya nenek tua yang sudah sampai ujung desa. Ia berikan makanan itu kepada si nenek pengemis. Sepasang mata nenek itu berbinar senang. Ia mengucapkan terima kasih sambil berdoa “Sungguh baik engkau nak. Semoga kelak hidupmu menjadi mulia.” Nenek itu segera melahap makanan pemberian putra pak kikir hingga habis. “Maaf ya nek saya harus segera kembali ke rumah.” “Baik nak sekali lagi kuucapkan terima kasih atas kebaikanmu ini”ujar si nenek tua. 11
Cerita Rakyat Indonesia
Setelah itu anak muda itu pergi, si nenek tua melanjutkan perjalanannya. Sampai di sebuah bukit dekat desa, dia berhenti sejenak. Dari atas bukit itu dilihatnya rumah pak kikir adalah yang paling besar dan bagus di daerah itu. Sementara penduduk sekitarnya menderita karena ketamakan pak kikir. Nenek pengemis itu marah melihat kelakuan pak kikir. Ia bersabda “Ingat ingatlah pak kikir keserakahan dan kekikiranmu akan menenggelamkan dirimu sendiri. Tuhan akan menimpakan hukuman kepadamu” Itulah doa si nenek tua yang telah disiasiakan oleh pak kikir. Nenek tua itu lalu menancapkan tongkatnya ke tanah. Lalu dicabutnya lagi. Dari lubang bekas tancapan itu memancar air yang sangat deras. Makin lama air itu makin banyak dan mengalir menuju desa. “Banjir!” Teriak beberapa orang desa yang sempat melihat lebih dulu air bah itu dari atas bukit. Penduduk desa lainnya menjadi panik melihat air bah itu. Anak pak kikir segera menganjurkan para penduduk lainnya agar meninggalkan rumah mereka. “Cepat tinggalkan desa ini, larilah kalian ke atas bukit yang aman.”. “Tapi sawah dan ternak kita?” Tanya warga. “Kalian pilih harta atau jiwa? Sudah tidak ada waktu untuk membawa harta kalian” jawab anak pak kikir. Watak manusia memang sangat menyukai harta bendanya, bahkan keadaan kritis seperti ini saja masih ada orang yang bermaksud membawa harta dan ternak mereka. Padahal air banjir yang datang semakin besar bahkan rumah mereka sudah terendam air setinggi lutut. Anak pak kikir yang bijak itu masih terus berteriak teriak mengingatkan penduduk desa. Ia juga membujuk ayahnya agar segera keluar dari rumah. “Ayah cepat tinggalkan rumah ini. Kita harus segera menyelamatkan diri!” . “Apa? lari begitu saja. Tolol! Aku harus mengambil peti hartaku yang kusimpan di ruang bawah tanah.” Karena tak ada waktu lagi maka putra pak kikir segera berlari menyelamatkan diri. Sementara pak kikir masih terus mengumpulkan harta bendanya. Dia terlambat menyelamatkan diri dan akhirnya tenggelam dalam arus air bah. Sebagian besar penduduk desa dan putra pak kikir selamat. Mereka sedih melihat desanya tenggelam. Kemudian mereka memutuskan mencari daerah baru. Mereka mengangkat putra pak kikir sebagai pemimpin desa mereka. Putra pak kikir lalu menganjurkan penduduk untuk mengolah tanah yang telah dibagi rata. Pimpinana desa baru itu mengajari penduduk menanam padi dan bagaimana mengairi sawah dengan baik. Desa itu kemudian disebut desa Anjuran karena penduduk desa selalu mematuhi anjuran pemimpinnya. Lama kelamaan desa itu berkembang menjadi kota kecil yang disebut cianjur. Ci berarti air. Cianjur berarti daerah yang cukup mengandung air. Anjuran pemimpin desa dijadikan pedoman para petani dalam mengolah sawah. Maka hingga sekarang beras Cianjur dikenal enak dan gurih. 12
From Reader
If you have experience about Indonesia, why don't you tell us? Send your story and photo to nusantaramagazine@yahoo.com
Hello, I would like to tell you about the experience of an Austrian girl who had been living in Surabaya about one year ago. She was a student at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. She took Indonesian literature but now she moved to Belgium to work. Her name is Anneliese. Me (M): Hi Lis, what did you think when you first came in Indonesia? What was your impression?? Lis (L): My first impression of Indonesia was Gosh! HOT! And gosh why people stare at me all the time? I asked myself, do I look so bad? Ok I just came out of the airplane, but, is it so bad? I was surprised about people smiling and being friendly. I remember when I tried to use Bahasa Indonesia with the driver who took us to the hotel. In Europe, I had started a little book with some words and phrases in Bahasa Indonesia. So I just read them out loud (no idea how to pronounce it). But you know what? He could understand me; He didn’t speak English. That was when I knew the experience and adventure was going to be so different from everything. M: So which Indonesian culture do you prefer? L: I just know the Javanese culture and a little bit of Sumatra. So cannot say which one I prefer. They all have something interesting and special in their own way. But I love the music angklung, kolintang etc as well as the various traditional clothes of course. In my opinion culture very much depends on the geographic location, especially the climate and history. Each culture and language strongly reflects that. M: You’re right Lis! Then have you ever learned traditional language in Indonesia, such as bahasa jawa or many others? And what was your impression the first time you learn it? LIS: iyo aku isok boso jowo sithik, indeed! I picked up some words of bahasa jawa and most importantly bahasa suroboyo. I can understand it easily because it has no tenses or difficult declinations of words. However it turned out that it was challenging than i assume it is because there are many words that have several meanings. Ex:” sedang” –which can mean”average” middle or at the moment”. So when my friend texted me “sedang makan” I thought she is eating a little bit . There are also many words taken from Dutch which are similar to words in German. Ex: kulkas= kuhlschrans and handuk=handtuch. M : That was so challenging and an unforgettable moment, right? And, do you have any plans again to come to Surabaya someday? L : Yes you’re right! Indonesia was for me a challenging but unforgettable time, full of great experiences. Of course I would like to return to Surabaya even if it’s just for holiday. Doakan yah!* *Pray for me!
Got some photos? Send it to Nusantaramagazine@yahoo.com
Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya (By : Ahadin Fahmi)
Batik Jambi ( By : Bella Moulina) 14
Si Gundul (The Bald Headed) is a young Indonesian boy. The comic trying to give you an insight of Indonesian daily life. Of course, In a fun way . Enjoy Laughing!!
Arrange the words in Bahasa Indonesia Hint : Music
1. I - L - B - A - O 2. K - L - N - A– G - U - N - G 3. P— H —A—R 4. S—I—G—R– E—N 5. D– I—K - S 6. S—O—U– D—N 7. K—E—B—Y– A—O—D—R 8. C—O—E—L-L
Me & You
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