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CITY SCALE - HYDROLOGY Waterway system
West Flood Canal | Banjir Kanal Barat(1919)
1918: Batavia city plan
1919: Constructed
1973: In the 1973 master plan, a system of canals was planned to cut to the flow of water in West Jakarta.
1979: Because of the 1979 flood, government revised the West Flood Canal plan by the construction of the Cengkareng drainage system.
East Flood Canal | Banjir Kanal Timur(2002)
1918: First launched by the Dutch engineer Van der Beer
1973: The EFC design was finished
2002: Construction began(but delayed due to problems in clearing the area)
2013: During the 2013 flood the East Flood Canal was still not connected to the Ciliwung River.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakarta_Flood_Canal
Future: Try to connect the Ciliwung River and the East Flood Canal through a tunnel.
Master plan development of Eastern Flood Canal, Jakarta, Indonesia
1965 Establishment of Jakarta flood prevention project by the central government (‘Kopro Banjir’)
1969-1998 General Suharto’s New Order Government in power
1974 Water Law No. 11
1996 Severe flood inundated almost all Jakarta’s land area, especially in North and East Jakarta
Master Plan I (Master Plan of Flood Control and Drainage System for Jakarta) (NEDECO, 1973)
Master Plan II
New study about Jakarta flood was conducted by central government in collaboration with The Netherlands government
1997 Master Plan III
1998 Fall of Suharto’s regime
1999 Decentralization Law 22/1999 and Fiscal Equalization Law 25/1999
2002 Severe flood hits Jakarta. It was recorded that disastrous floods affected 10,000 ha of Jakarta’s built-up area
2004 New Water Law No. 7. First direct election
2007 Another devastating flood hits Jakarta; one of the worst floods ever experienced
Eastern Flood Canal plan is integrated with the spatial planning of Jakarta 2010

Master Plan IV
Kick-off of flood canal construction by President Megawati Soekarno Putri
Plan and construction of flood infrastructure under the authority of the Ministry of Public Works (MPW)
Water resources and other governmental functions consolidated to central government
Master Plan I produced by the Department of Public Works and Electricity (central) in collaboration with the Netherlands Engineering consultant, NEDECO
According to this law, the flood control infrastructure project was fully funded and implemented by the central government (MPW)
The collaboration between the Department of Public Works and the Japan International Consultant produced a new master plan (revision of previous master plan)
The ‘Jakarta Flood Control Advisory Mission (JFCAM) by NEDECO’(1996) produced a new study about floods in Jakarta and an alternative design of the Eastern Flood Canal
The collaboration between Department of Public Works and Japan International Consultant produced a new master plan
The transformation from centralization to decentralization is initiated
Change of institutional arrangement in water sectors. Provincial government has autonomous power in regulation and policy related to water and flood management
More stakeholders involved in developing the Master Plan IV. MoU between central government and provincial government to implement Eastern Flood Canal signed
Central government increased its commitment to accelerate the completion of the Eastern Flood Canal by allocating more budget than before
Resource: Evaluating Jakarta’s flood defence governance: the impact of political and institutional reforms Imelda Simanjuntak, Niki Frantzeskaki, Bert Enserink and Wim Ravesteijn
Flood project in Jakarta
The coastal areas of northern Jakarta are the most susceptible to flooding. By 2100, the simulated maps of inundation show a large increase in inundated areas, both under low and high water level scenarios

Map of coastal flood (2009-2100)