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Floods in Jakarta
Map of Isohyet on February in Jakarta(1996,2002,2007)
Flood prone area in Jakarta
Function of flood prone area in Jakarta:

1.Very high
2.High potential flood area - Central and Southern Jakarta

3.Low potential flood area - Southeast Jakarta - steep slope
Actual prone area in the north, west and east of Jakarta lowland both in beach ridge, coastal alluvial plain and alluvial plain. Flood potential area on the slope is found flat and steep at alluvial fan, alluvial plain, beach ridge, and coastal alluvial plain in Jakarta.
Flood and Poverty
50 Year Flood Return Period
Number of poor households in Jakarta map (2008)
The flood hazard map showing inundation depth and extend for the following return periods: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 & 100 years.
In Jakarta, household income and the type of houses they live in also determine the impact of flooding on them. Most villages are located in the North of Jakarta (including our site)
Flood risk assessment for delta mega-cities: a case study of Jakarta Jakarta Climate Adaptation Tools (JCAT)