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History of the area

In 1973, the then Governor Ali Sadikin moved the Ambon community a dutch-formed armies to Kedaung-Kali Angke area.Kampung Ambon is also known for its drug-dealing activities, and often seen police bust-up throughout the years. The rise of the drug-related problems started after the monetary crisis in 1998.

In 1990, the village experienced population growth and began to be taxed. the village at that time was included in RT 13 and RT 14 and moved from Kelurahan Kapuk to Kelurahan Kedaung Kali Angke.

Floods occurred 3 times, in 2002, 2007, and 2012.

Evictions occurred in late 2014 and early 2015. in 2014 evictions of houses that intersect with Kali. and in 2015 demolished houses along Kali and normalized Kali.

At the end of 2017, people submitted an objection letter, which contained a reduction in river widening and river-equivalent roads to be 10 meters and 5 meters.

In 2020, The people of kampung applied for land certification, although it was rejected because the land was claimed by PT Sarana Jaya, but the land claim was incorrect. Then the people start to put forward a supply of clean water that was responded well by the national water supply company.

Source: https://www.satumaluku.id/2019/10/31/riwayat-kampung-ambon-jejak-orang-maluku-di-belantara-jakarta/, https://www.antaranews.com/berita/453756/shenynda-perempuan-pemberani-dari-kampung-ambon, Mrs. Ratu Nisa

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