3 minute read
Leveraging waste as a new medium that transforms Jakarta wasteland into public parks and urban developments
The sheer magnitude of solid waste has always been a pressing environmental problem in many urban areas particularly in Jakarta. Despite the multitude of issues to minimise solid waste, the continuous flow of waste is still unceasing. These informal wastelands scattered in Jakarta naturally become the “malignant tumour” of the city environment. Taking the example of an existing informal wasteland located at Kampung Kedaung Kali Angke, the purpose of the Garbagescape leverages on the current and continuous waste problem. The intent is to change people’s perception of how wasteland can be transformed into while injecting programmes that engages people associating with the wasteland. This study aims to utilise the continuous flow of solid waste extracted from the existing site. Through the compression and stacking of solid waste bales, it creates and forms new topographic landform that acts as a structural foundation, opening up existing wasteland area for potential parkland and urban developments. The objective of this project is to alter people’s subjective opinion on waste landscape in transforming it into a new development plot in Jakarta.
This project develops and constructs through a timeline approach :
1. Solid Waste Bales Compaction (Daily)
Application of compacting residual waste assists in minimising land area and volume of waste produced. The compressed waste thus creates individual components known as solid waste bale.
2. Clearing of Existing Landfill (1 Year)
Clearing of existing waste from the wasteland by transporting loose solid waste into waste compressor machines. Upon compression, these individual waste bales will be transported back to the wasteland site, representing as a structural element that can be stacked to create new landforms.
3. Fabricating topographic levels and landforms (5 – 10 Years)
Stacking of solid waste bales act as structural foundation with exploration of new topographic landform. This process tackles the current issue of flooding in Jakarta by elevating the ground level to 5m in height as a flood protection barrier during storm events, creating potential land uses - parkland and urban developments.
4. Bioplastic film protection (1 Year)
With the solid waste bales stack to a desired height, an impermeable bioplastic film protection is required to be capped around the waste bales that prevent any form of methane gases or leachate leakage from sipping though the waste bales into new surface grounds. Excessive toxic gases and leachate will be channelled through a gas well header and drainage pipe for proper means of disposal or recycling accordingly.
5. Potential parkland and urban developments for Jakarta wasteland (5-10 Years)
Using the parkland and urban development as a starting point for future planned development for wastelands in Jakarta, the construction process defers depending on individual land use requirements. Specifically for parklands, varying of soil depth layer for new vegetation, including hardscapes (paving), will be constructed above the bioplastic film. Demarcation of urban developments will require piling foundations made before any stacking of solid waste bales with a pile cap that sets the ground foundation of any structural development.

A man-made disaster
Jakarta Solid Waste Management System Improvement Report: https://www.jica.go.jp/ english/our_work/evaluation/oda_loan/post/2003/pdf/2-14_full.pdf
Overview Of Waste In Jakarta
Volume of waste materials

By 2021 Bantar Gebang landfill will reach its maximum capacity. If the situation continues, there would not have sufficient land space to contain the waste.
Volume of waste disposed

Waste Materials Landfill Waste Material Categorisation 59% Recyclable 21%

19% Potential Materials saved from landfill

Taking the example of an existing informal wasteland located at Kampung Kedaung Kali, in the west region of Jakarta

Existing Conditions
Components found in a wasteland
Solid Waste Compressor Process
Existing and new waste piles
Solid Waste Bales Production Data

Site specific - Kampung Kedaung Kali Angke

Solid waste bales
Urban Developments
Public Park
Soild Waste Bales film capped on top of solid waste
Proposed Road /For government officials and wagons for waste disposal or collection

Community Garden
Vegetative Swales
An overview of the solidwaste bales are being stacked up while transitioning to a public park at the background and eventually having urban developments built upon the waste for a 25 year projection

Waste Compressor Machines
Sorting and Recycling Bins
Pedestrian Path (1.5m)
Asphaltic Road - 2 way (5.0m)
Vegetative Swale
Detention Pond
Exposed Display of Soild Waste Bales
Look- Out Deck - view of solid waste bales
Park Entrance (Ramp)
Solid waste Bales mounds - sculptural element
Food Waste composting area
Community Garden
Open Lawn - For large events
Soccer Field - Sporting activities
Nature Play Area
Undulating Path
Seating Area
Piling Foundation (future urban developements)
Proposed Residential Development
Expansion of land developmentContinuous Solid Waste bile