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Overall perspective

Source: school, commercial areas, residential areas, green lands. But the compost generated can aso be used in the source


Zoom-in perspective

Source and micro scale

Composting station can be catogarized into three types: large size, medium-size and small size

Micro scale system

centralized composting facilities

Centralized composting system

Composting station catogarized into three types: large size, medium-size and small size


Later Process


Due to the system, the waste to be the landfill reduced.

Recycling center the decentralized the amount of solid be transferred into can be largely

Source: school, commercial areas, residential areas, green lands. But the compost generated can aso be used in the source

Due to the decentralized system, the amount of solid waste to be transferred into the landfill can be largely reduced.

The compost generated can aso be used in the source

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