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Called To Saltiness – Pearl Kupe


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its avour, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” – Matthew 5:13


In Matthew 5, what is commonly known as The Sermon on the Mount, Yeshua sets out a pro le of God’s people. He completes this pro le by stating that a true Kingdom Citizen is called to be salt and light. Let us examine the properties of salt: —by Dr Pearl Kupe

Salt makes a di erence Salt brings and facilitates healing

Salt is designed to make a di erence and change the avour of a particular dish. It is designed to in uence the taste in a positive manner. The question we must ask ourselves is whether or not the Church is having a positive in uence on our societies, communities, and the world we live in. We will not make a di erence by simply attending church, wearing our traditional Sunday best, and singing hymns with an a ected “holy demeanour”. The question we must ask is whether the Church is facilitating Kingdom transformation and culture in workplaces, hospitals, schools, prisons, o ces, homes, and communities at large. If not, then we cannot be said to be ‘salty’! Salt is in uential An inherent feature of salt is that it can be in food, without taking on the nature of the food. It can change colour, but it never changes its substance. In the Body of Christ today, we see many individuals and ministries taking on worldly protocols, standards, mannerisms, and behaviours. We do things the way they are done in the world, yet the Bible cautions us, “though we are in the world, we must not become like them”. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to bring godly in uence and change without being changed by worldly procedures or ungodly worldviews, mindsets, or mentalities. Salt has been used in a medical sense and continues to be used to cleanse wounds and as a means of promoting healing. It is unfortunate that, in many cases, the Ekklesia seem to have become a club that houses individuals who would want to be entertained by Gospel music, instead of coming to worship the Lord. Many do not assemble to hear the uncompromised preaching of God’s Word, but rather to be tickled by catchy, eloquent speeches. Let the Ekklesia rise up in this

Let the Church rise up season and allow itself to be used by God in this season and allow itself to be used by God to to bring healing in society. Let the Church be used as instruments to facilitate God’s healing on a physical, emotional, and bring change in society. spiritual level. Let us become ‘ministers of reconciliation’ who will not only reconcile people to Christ, but also be used to facilitate reconciliation in the Body of Christ and society at large. Salt the nations! In 2022 and beyond, let the Church and Body of Yeshua be challenged to salt the nations! The mandate given to us in Matthew 28:19 is to teach and disciple nations. We have been planted purposefully by God and are called to be agents of change. Salt is one of the best change agents you can nd. It brings transformation, but does not allow its inherent properties to be a ected. 

Salt prevents decay and rot

For centuries, salt has been used as a means of preventing decay. In the days before refrigerators were invented, salt was widely used to ensure against rot. Many of the communities we live in are plagued by corruption and other types of immoral and ungodly behaviour. Instead of rising up against ungodliness in the society, most of us in the Body of Christ would prefer to stay at home and complain about the level of corruption and decay. Let the Ekklesia walk in its salt mandate and be encouraged to stand against moral decay and immorality in the land.

DR PEARL KUPE is an attorney and consultant to world leaders and international organisations. She is the international president of the Global Forum for Women Entrepreneurs. Email pearl.kupe@gmail.com or visit pearlkupe.co.za or follow her Facebook page, Kingdom Transformer Pearl Kupe

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