1 minute read
B9 Deficiency
PREMA KODICAL Nutritionist
Some common reasons are:
Lack of B9 rich food
Crohn’s or Celiac disease
Over-consumption of alcohol
Overcooking fruits and vegetables
Some medications
B9 is found naturally in a wide variety of food, especially liver and green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce It is also found in dry beans and pulses
One of the most common causes of B12 deficiency is –the lack of B12-rich food in the diet Another common reason is - malabsorption because of inadequate production and secretion of the Intrinsic Factor (a substance produced by the stomach that enables vitamin B12 absorption in the intestine). This condition is called Pernicious Anemia and could be a result of an aging, hereditary deficiency in the synthesis of the Intrinsic Factor, or an autoimmune disease
Rich sources of vitamin B12 include the liver, kidney, eggs, and milk. Calcium and protein increase their absorption. Strict vegetarians can include milk and milk products or vitamin B12-fortified food in their diets. But large amounts of the vitamin are lost when milk is pasteurized or evaporated