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Milk August-September ISSUE 2022 MILK ADULTERATION Why is it harmful to your body? BREASTMILK Is it the only food for infants? TYPES OF MILK Read more to know about the 10 different types of milk varieties LACTOSE INTOLERANCE NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION OF MILK Understanding the macro and micronutrient contents in milk and how to counter it! RECIPE BOOKLET HEALTHY-365 Get your recipe featured today!


















contents nutrition insights | August September issue | 2022
R E C I P E B O O K L E T 365 HEALTHY A RECIPE BOOKLET FEATURING HEALTHY DELICIOUS RECIPES FOR DAILY HOME-COOKING Contact us to join! Email: Phone: +91-9867299172 Get a chance to feature your recipe in our upcoming recipe booklet "HEALTHY 365" NUTRITION INSIGHTS WELCOMES YOU TO

Editor's note

Hello, we welcome you to another issue of nutrition insights!

In this issue, we talk about "Milk"

Milk is essentially an emulsion of fat and protein in water, along with dissolved sugar (carbohydrates), minerals, and vitamins. These constituents are present in the milk of all mammals, though their proportions differ from one species to another and within species

Did you know, one cup(240ml) of cow ' s milk contains roughly about 150 calories, of which 88% is water, 11 7 grams of carbs, 8 grams of fat, 12 3 grams of sugar, 7 7 grams of protein, and 0% fiber?

In this issue, we talk about the basic nutritional composition and significance of milk and milk products. We cover topics such as different types of milk and different alternatives of dairy milk and their types we also shed light on the health benefits of drinking milk every day and also educate you about lactose intolerance

As September is celebrated as a national nutrition month, we have also enclosed and talked about topics on this year ' s theme, like Shishu poshan and traditional foods for women and children in the tribal areas.

This issue also features articles on one of the most trending nondairy milk like "Oat and almond milk", their importance, health benefit and uses, etc We, as always, bring to you some common myths around milk with facts, along with some yummy, easy to make, healthy recipes, and gives you a chance to feature your recipes and expertise in our upcoming issues!

We would also like to remind all of you about our upcoming Healthy 365 day recipe booklet for which we would love to invite you all to feature your recipes and be a part of this venture Send in your recipes today!

Hope you enjoy reading this issue!

Happy Reading!


By Tanvi Patwari

Consulting Dietician

‘One glass of milk’ in the morning before going to school or before going out for a class or even before going to bed has been a constant part of all the generations till now This one glass has been a tradition for decades now and India being a country with a solid traditional knowledge base, food habits like this which have been rooted for years, are now turning into an absolute star for good health. This star has been an important part of the meal for all age groups because of its nutritional composition and has been an easy to have food item due to its physical characteristics. Milk as a food overall has been somewhat of a magic potion in itself due to its properties of being a pacifier of diseases, which is depicted and evidenced through Ayurveda, the Indian System of medicine practiced for more than 2000 years.

Research shows, according to Ayurveda, milk acts as an immune modulator, memory enhancer, has a strengthening effect, acts as a sleep

enhancer, etc. It is also observed that every type of milk obtained from various animals has benefits other than the specific nutrient related effect of milk Thus, milk has properties depending on single nutrients present in it as well as milk as a whole.

But for years now, we have looked at milk from a narrow perspective as merely a ‘source of calcium’ / ‘high in fat’ and this consideration of milk is the reductionist approach, which works on the grounds of one nutrient one health effect. The truth is, the food we consume is just not a single nutrient but a whole food, and thus there is an interplay of physical and nutritional properties, which not only affects the digestion and absorption but also the bioactive properties of the food product. This holistic approach is an important consideration of food as a matrix that contains physical, nutritional, and bioactive properties

As we are working with a new approach, it is necessary to

understand the food matrix of milk. Milk majorly contains casein micelles, whey proteins, sugars in an aqueous state, phospho and sphingolipids, enzymes, and a solution of minerals Sphingolipids have antiproliferative activity and glycosphingolipids have immune activity. On the nutritional side, there is an array of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus, which are easily absorbable Milk also has a unique selection of bioactive peptides, which exert a physiological effect on the body, such as casino phospho peptides which play a role in the transport and absorption of minerals, glycol macro peptides that binds to toxins, casoxins, and casomorphins that act as opioid antagonists and agonists, isracidin that has immunomodulatory effects and casoplatelin which has antithrombotic effects As these components are partially protected from proteolytic breakdown, these bioactive peptides hold a special place in health promoting effects. Considering the


Nutritional Significance of Milk & Milk Products



(ChiefDietitian&DiabetesEducatorof Apollo247Dr UtsaBasu’sClinic,Kolkata& ConsultantDietitian&CDE,HorizonLifeline MultispecialtyHospital,Kolkata)

Milk has been known as nature’s most complete food. It contains water, fat, protein, lactose, vitamins, and minerals Milk and dairy products are nutrient dense foods, supplying energy and high quality protein with a range of essential micronutrients in an easily absorbed form

Nutritional Significance of Milk Products:

Milk minerals are crucial for human health and development as well as in dairy processes such as cheese making and for all traits involving salt protein interactions They play a key role in healthy human nutrition and development throughout life, but especially in childhood. Milk and milk products have a good balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrate and are a very important source of essential nutrients, including:

calcium riboflavin phosphorous vitamins A and B12 potassium magnesium zinc iodine

Dairy products are rich in nutrients that are essential for good bone health, including calcium, protein, vitamin D, potassium, and phosphorus.

Adequate calcium intake influences skeletal calcium retention during growth and thus affects peak bone mass achieved in early adulthood High levels of calcium play an important role in the development, strength, and density of bones for children and in the prevention of bone loss and osteoporotic fractures in elderly people.

Milk products also have ‘high quality proteins that are well suited to human needs For example, having milk (or yoghurt) with cereal can provide amino acids that may be lacking in the cereal product.

We should never drink unpasteurized milk, as you have an increased risk of gastrointestinal illness from pathogens (bugs, germs, bacteria)


Lactose Intolerance is a common problem of gastrointestinal symptoms in both children and adult populations worldwide 1. Lactose Intolerance is a clinical syndrome of physiologic manifestation where in there is grave lactose malabsorption created due to an imbalance in the amount of lactose consumed and the volume of lactase enzyme in the gut flora used to hydrolyze the lactose ingested2. The prevalence of this syndrome varies based on ethnic and community groups. In a few countries like America and Africa, the rates of this clinical syndrome exceed up to 50% whereas some countries like Asia have a prevalence reach of up to 100% Lactose intolerance is a syndrome characterized by abdominal bloating, pain, distension, diarrhea, flatulence, and nausea post the ingestion of foods containing lactose. Diet& Nutrition plays a very crucial role in the management of Lactose Intolerance.

Lactose is a disaccharide (a carbohydrate molecule) that consists of monosaccharides glucose and galactose which are primarily found in mammalian milk Lactose malabsorption takes place when non digested lactose found in milk passes through the gut flora without being absorbed. Undigested lactose succumbs to bacterial fermentation, higher osmotic load in the stomach, and results in symptoms of lactose intolerance3 There are many causes of this clinical syndrome; the most frequent being primary lactase malabsorption during infancy due to genetic mutations resulting in severe diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms4.

Secondary lactase malabsorption’s occurring due to etiologies like acute forms of infections in the gut flora leading to loss of lactase containing epithelial cells and resulting in this form of clinical syndrome5.

There are a variety of methods that have been used for the diagnosis of Lactose Intolerance, the most common form of test being the Lactose breath Hydrogen test, and others being blood tests, intestinal biopsies, and low stool pH tests. In Lactose breath hydrogen test after ingestion of food products containing lactose results in the exhalation of hydrogen breath which is then measured with the use of an electrochemical sensor or chromatograph,6 Other tests include a blood test where the blood glucose should raise above 1 1 1 4 mmol which would be indicative of lactose malabsorption. There are intestinal biopsies that are used for measuring intestinal enzymes, but these tests cannot be used for children as they are very invasive procedures The last form of tests are low stool Ph tests that can be used for children and are an indirect measure of carbohydrate malabsorption Lactose is commonly found in dairy products like milk, yogurt, Ice cream, cheese, cream, butter, some bread, baked foods, ready to eat breakfast cereals, instant soups, biscuits, confectionery, drink mixes, chocolates, also sometimes called “Hidden Lactose” Also, lactose can sometimes be hidden in prescriptions and over the counter medications7 Lactose free diet is one of the ways to manage individuals who have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance.


Types of Milk

HetikaHaria Nutritionist

The best source of calcium for our body is MILK. It is a source through which protection of several ailments such as cancer, bone loss, arthritic conditions, migraine headaches, pre menstrual syndrome, and obesity in children is possible Along with these, it also possesses dental care by protecting and strengthening the enamel. It helps in reducing risk factors for heart diseases and strokes The potassium and magnesium supplied by milk act as vasodilators which reduces blood pressure and increases blood flow

Milk is the quickest, easiest, most readily and least expensive available commodity for calcium supply. India is recognized as the world’s largest milk producer nation It accounts for 22 percent of global production India was once known as a heavily dependent nation for milk imports in the 1950s and 1960s In 1965 the Indian government decided to establish the National Dairy Development Board. In 1970 India successfully was able to launch the Operation Flood

Cattle farming being India’s heritage is one of the most important and oldest milk producing source



Buffalo milk:

Followed by cows, Buffalo milk is highly used Although fat percent is very high, it is also rich in casein to protein ratio


Goat milk:

Individuals with cow milk allergies are advised to have goat milk Goat milk has a similar composition as cow’s milk but has comparatively less sugar Goat milk is said to be a powerhouse for the supply of proteins and energy and also acts as an anti inflammatory. Goat milk production is low in India which is about 3% of the total production

04. Sheep milk:

As compared to cow and goat milk sheep have high fat and protein content. Hence it is used majorly for cheese production. Sheep are reared in Kashmir, Rajasthan, and Gujarat It contributes only 1 4 % of milk production in India

05. Yak milk:

On slopes of the Himalayas where yaks are found, milk extraction from them is majorly practiced Yak milk also resembles Buffalo milk in terms of fat percent It is used for making most of the milk products.

Cow Milk:

Cows are vastly found in many regions. Hence it is the cheapest and the richest source of milk Fat constitutes about approximately 3 to 4 percent of the solid content of cow milk The slight yellow colour in cow’s milk is due to the substance beta carotene.

Cattle such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, and camels have contributed in making India a world leader in milk production. Cows and buffaloes are very important in it.


Health benefits of drinking milk everyday

By Nidhi Mehta

Milk is a part of the everyday diet for most people It has been a part of the human diet for thousands of years. It is highly nutritious, versatile & filling; rich in nutrients like protein, essential minerals like calcium and phosphorous &vitamins A, B & D Nourishing and filling, a glass of milk can be a quick & easy snack

Protein: Milk is a source of good quality proteins it has all the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) that are required by our body. Proteins & amino acids are required for muscle building & maintenance, strength, growth, cell repair, immunity, and so on Since it has a good amount of protein ( 5 6g per cup), it also has a good satiety value & hence helps stay fuller for a longer time.

Calcium: Calcium as we all know is important for bone strength Milk not only has good amounts of calcium, but it also has many factors that assist in the absorption of calcium! The Phosphorous to calcium ratio in milk is such that the absorption of both nutrients is better. Lactose which is milk sugar also helps in the absorption of calcium Natural or packaged milk has vitamin D which helps in its absorption Hence milk is considered one of the best sources of calcium & hence it is advisable to consume about a glass every day for good bone and teeth strength.

Vitamin A: Milk has good amounts of Vitamin A or Retinol Essential for good vision and growth, Vitamin A is also important for immunity & is a good antioxidant

B Vitamins: Milk is one of the main sources of B12 for vegetarians. It also has good amounts of B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin)& B3 (Niacin). These B vitamins are vital in energy metabolism. B vitamins are generally light & heat sensitive Care must be taken not to overheat milk & to keep it well covered to prevent their loss Milk and curd are also a decent source of B12, especially for vegetarians

Prevents acidity: Milk is also alkaline in nature; hence, it helps to relieve acidity symptoms. It works great for people who have ulcers

Hydration: Milk is 95% water! And hence rehydrates our body especially after a sport Milk by itself can be a great post exercise meal.

A note for lactose intolerant Those who have digestive issues with milk can try having curd/ buttermilk Here, the lactose is converted to lactic acid, and hence, there is a possibility to digest it



Almonds are nutrient dense food. They are a concentrated source of energy They are an excellent source of B vitamins and help to boost vitamin E levels. Because of the high level of monounsaturated fatty acids in almonds, LDL cholesterol is reduced, lowering the risk of heart disease (bad cholesterol) They include a significant amount of fiber as well (Singh, 2021) As a result, it is a good choice for vegans and those who are allergic to or intolerant to dairy Almond milk can be found in most supermarkets, usually in the health food section It's also very simple to make at home Commercial almond milk is available in a variety of flavors and brands. It is best to choose almond milk that does not contain added sugar for health reasons Most brands are also fortified with vitamins, minerals, or protein. If you do not consume dairy, you may benefit from calcium enriched products (Arnarson, 2020)The advantages of almond milk as well as its nutrients are discussed in this article

What is Almond Milk?

Almond milk is made by blending almonds and water and thereafter straining out the solids Individuals can also consider making it by incorporating almond butter with water. Or you can also make your own almond milk powder at home: Blanch almonds to remove the husks Grind them into a fine powder Soak this powder in water for several hours. Filter the liquid through cheesecloth. This liquid is your fresh, homemade almond milk (Melinda Ratini, 2022)

It has a delightful, nutty flavor and a creamy consistency similar to regular milk. It is the ideal beverage for lactose intolerant persons because it has zero cholesterol as well as is lactose free

For individuals who want sugar free almond milk, there is now sugar free almond milk available on the market For those who don't consume dairy products, almond milk is advised as the finest choice.



By Asmita Kamble

Milk is the basic source of nutrition and part of a healthy and balanced diet. It is an essential component of diet especially for young mammals including humans, as they cannot digest solid food It is the source of necessary nutrients and energy (Haug et al., 2007). Milk is obtained from domestic animals such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, donkeys, and camels (Leedom, 2006) (Jenness, 1980) (Park et al , 2007)

Fatty acid: Among the type of fats, triglycerides are the highest (98%) while 2% are composed of other fats such as diacylglycerol, cholesterol, phospholipids, and free fatty acids. In general, milk consists of 70% saturated fatty acids and 30% unsaturated fatty acids It also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which helps maintain cardiovascular health, enhance immune function, and show potential anti cancer effects. On average, whole milk is rich in energy and fat content as compared to others The fat content in whole milk is 3 5g The fat content in low fat and skim milk is 1.6g and 0.2g respectively.

Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and exhibits anti carcinogenic, cardioprotective properties It also contains Vitamin B12 (4 4 µg/L), and Vitamin E (0 6 mg/L) (Haug et al , 2007) Calcium is present in large amount (1200mg/liter) as compared to the minerals such as phosphorous (950mg/L), magnesium (120mg/L), zinc (3 to 4mg/L), selenium (30 µg/L)

Milk adulteration

Proteins: There are two fractions of milk proteins: soluble fraction (20%) such as whey protein and insoluble protein fraction (80%) such as caseins Milk is the best source of protein for humans as it is biocompatible, fulfills the daily amino acid requirements and score well in terms of the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAs). Milk proteins act as anti oxidants and help in mineral transport

Vitamins and minerals: Milk constitutes both water soluble vitamins such as B complex and liposoluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, and E. Whole milk has the highest amount of vitamin A 172 µg/100g The skim and fat free milk have only 102 and 5 µg/100g of vitamin A respectively Vitamin A is essential for eye health, growth, and development. Whole milk is also fortified with vitamin D (40to 51IU/100g).

It is an illegal practice of adding certain ingredients such as water to increase the quantity and decrease the quality of the milk The reasons for milk adulteration are lack of proper law enforcement, inadequate monitoring, demand and supply gap, decomposable nature of milk, low purchasing capability of the customer, and poor detection tests (Reddy et al , 2017) (Poonia et al , 2017) (Azad & Ahmed, 2016)

Adverse effects of adulterants on human health (Reddy et al , 2017) (Poonia et al., 2017) (Azad & Ahmed, 2016) are as follows:


Breastmilk and the world around it!

The first few drops of milk when a mother undergoes the birthing process is a sign of production of colostrum from her body which looks golden yellow and is slightly thick in consistency, highly rich in immunogenic factors, beta carotene, omega fatty acids, and much more which is species specific to a human mother to an extent which cannot be replaced by any other milk substitute This milk is so precious that it is highly recommended to be given to babies in the first hour of their birth irrespective of their maturity. Also, this is one of the important reasons that the first hour after birth is referred to as the “Golden Hour”. Colostrum is secreted from the mother’s breast for the first 3 5 days, after which there is a transition in the characteristic of milk which makes it more voluminous and slightly thinner in comparison to colostrum.

There is a scientific reason behind this. On day 1 stomach size of a newborn baby is just like small marble which can take a volume of just 5 7 ml of milk in one session of feeding thereby suggesting that the amount of colostrum is appropriate to the baby’s demands as it is secreted in the adequate quantity. On the same grounds as the stomach size of the baby increases so does the volume of the mother's milk which is suggested by the transitional /mature milk secretion around day 5 from birth A more exciting virtue of breastmilk is to see the physiology of a mother of multiples (twins /triplets/ quadruplets ) producing adequate quantities for all her babies if breastfeeds exclusively. So well customized by the nature, isn’t it? This is the real beauty of the whole idea that breastmilk is the best possible food for the newborn of a human being just like other mammals

Do you know what so special about Breastmilk that makes it “Liquid Gold”?




The National Nutritional week is observed in India from 1st 7th September to create awareness about good nutrition & health, its importance, and how to fight against malnutrition Malnutrition is the condition that results from either excess intake, imbalance, or deficiency of nutrients7 Adequate and balanced nutrition from infancy is vital for optimal human health. A malnourished child faces difficulties in course of development such as proper growth, immunity against diseases, and neurodevelopment Sometimes symptoms of mild malnutrition are not visible and due to ignorance or illiteracy about the same it becomes severe and the damages caused are permanent

Malnutrition is one of the major and most widespread problems which is being faced by our country It is a double burden on India as we are fighting against both sides of the coin One of the sides is undernutrition, the prevalence of which is highest in India than in any other part of the world Undernutrition includes stunting (low height for age), wasting (low weight for height), underweight (low weight for age), and micronutrient deficiencies (lack of vitamins and minerals) The severity of undernutrition can be imagined with the fact that almost 44 % of children under the age of 5 are underweight in India

The other side of the coin is over nutrition causing overweight, obesity, etc, which is rising rapidly in our country. The seriousness of the same can be imagined with the study that says almost39 a million children under the age of 5 years are overweight or obese8 This increase in childhood overweight and obesity is caused due to modern obesogenic environment. It increases the risk of non communicable diseases in the later phase of life7. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019 stated that in one third of low and middle income countries undernutrition and overweight/obesity coexists5 This double burden is a result of inadequate prenatal, infant, and child nutrition, Maternal Health, Maternal literacy, child spacing, family beliefs, poverty, natural calamities, hygiene and sanitation, child birth weight, poor diets consisting of fast foods, sugary products, high fat, energy dense, protein deficient, processed products, micronutrient deficient foods 57 8

Adverse short term effects of malnutrition on a child includes weakness, irritability, low weight for age, poor appetite, and delayed physical and mental development In a study, it was noted that undernourished children were less social, attentive, more fearful, and had more negative emotional traits than normally nourished children8


The resulting low birth weight baby faces poor healthcare, hygiene, and nutrition practices and develops into a stunted and underweight adolescent. This pattern is replicated over subsequent generations of mothers

Many initiatives have been taken by the government to reach out to tribal people and increase their access to public health and nutrition services, which are crucial for addressing immediate causes of undernutrition These include relaxing population norms in tribal habitations for setting up of Anganwadi and mini Anganwadi centres under the Integrated Child Development Services scheme; or setting up of the health centres under National Health Mission (NHM), taking into account the scattered and sparse population in a number of tribal habitations


Right nutrition and a well balanced diet is the basic need of all human beings for growth and development A healthy diet constitutes the foundation for human development, by making strong immune function and reducing susceptibility to infections, reducing related morbidity, and mortality, and enhancing cumulative lifelong learning capacities, and adult productivity. Tribal communities live in about 15% of the country’s areas, in various ecological and geo climatic conditions ranging from plains and forests to hills and inaccessible areas The National Family Health Surveys, the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey 2016 18, and the reports of the expert committee on tribal health indicate that tribal women and children suffer from a high rate of undernutrition. The food habits and lifestyle patterns of the tribal population differ considerably from the non tribal and each other. An unbalanced diet and lack of food are directly linked to high rates of stunting, underweight, and death in children Malnutrition is a vicious cycle Underweight, the anaemic pregnant teen mother has to contend with early pregnancy, inadequate spacing between successive births, and poor prenatal nutrition and healthcare

The emphasis should be given to identifying low resource strategies that do not put an unnecessary burden on the environment and should be cost effective. One suggested approach is the adoption of an ecosystem approach in agricultural management with an emphasis on traditional and indigenous coping strategies Traditional foods are those that indigenous peoples have access to locally, without having to purchase them, and within traditional knowledge and the natural environment from farming or wild harvesting (Kuhnlein, Erasmus, and Spigelski 2009)

The tribal people gather many forest products for food, drink, medicine, and other purposes. There is an immense need to find and analyze traditional foods, which can prevent malnutrition in children as well as in women of tribal areas


5 Milk Myths Which You Can Stop believing!

-Rabia Mistry Mulla

As kids, we were handed a glass of milk every day! Enter adulthood and whoosh! You skip the milk and feel better in downing a cup of chai or coffee! Why? The internet is booming with a plethora of information on how milk is terrible for us and that we should avoid it to stay healthy or cure acne, PCOS, and so much more! So what should be done? Whom should we listen to? I’ll tell you! Let's listen to science!

Read on to know of 5 milk myths that you can stop believing.

Foods are bad for your gut

False! Gut health is vital as researchers have suggested time and again that our overall health is majorly based on gut health People are advised to avoid consuming milk and milk products to keep the gut healthy But science or research has not shown any negative impact of dairy foods on gut health. On the contrary, research studies suggest that consuming moderate amounts of fermented dairy products like curd and some cheeses helps boost gut health

Cow milk is not for Humans

Nah! Each mammal's milk works best for the same mammal's young one. This is because we know a few people around us who cannot digest cow or buffalo milk But, most of us can digest it And milk is a nutritious food as it is high in protein, calcium, phosphate, B vitamins, and iodine, all of these critical nutrients to keep our bodies in good health


Oat Milk


A S S I S T A N T D I E T I C I A N , A C T R E C

We are currently in the era of the non-dairy milk revolution. Soy and almond milk reigned the cafés and grocery store aisles alike in the western market; nowadays, the market for milk alternatives is looking at options like macadamia, pea, flax, and hemp. In our country, we are gradually pacing the use of soy and almond milk in our cuisines. We too in our country will soon start looking for more alternatives as we love options. Milk alternatives are gaining more consumers due to medical reasons or by lifestyle choices. Oat milk is plant-based milk alternative Oat milk has its unique natural sweetness and is mild in flavor, it does not taste like oats cereal. The taste is actually similar to cow milk.


Unlike other plant milk having origins as early as the 13th century, Rickard Oste, a researcher at Lund University in Sweden, began producing his own oat milk in the '90s, while researching ways to produce milk alternatives for those with lactose intolerance which is also environment friendly He used oats because they're a particularly prominent crop in Sweden. Compared to milk and other plant based milk, the oat milk manufacturing process produces small amounts of carbon dioxide and no methane (low greenhouse gas emissions) and requires relatively low use of water and land

Oat milk production requires 1/15th of the amount of water of milk production and 1/8th of the water of almond milk. Rickard Oste with his brother founded Oatly, an oat milk producing plant for locals which now is a global Empire, exporting worldwide

Global Reach

Currently, in the number two position, oat milk is projected to replace almond milk as the most popular milk substitute all over the world. With celebrity backing like Oprah Winfrey and collaboration products with corporations such as Starbuck's Oat milk Honey Latte, this product is taking over the milk alternative world This preference has revealed itself in that oat milk is now becoming the preferred creamer in coffee even by dairy consumers. As it blends well, gives a better texture and amazing taste. And, unlike dairy milk, oat milk does not leave you with a long lasting aftertaste

During 2020, oat milk sales in the United States increased to $213 million, becoming the second most consumed plant milk after almond milk ($1 5 billion in 2020 sales). But oat milk could be the vegan milk that dethrones almond: according to Bloomberg Businessweek, oat milk sales jumped up from a mere $4 4 million in 2017 to $29 million in 2019





Crispy creamy cajun potatoes are one of the most popular items in the restaurant called BBQ Nation. Cajun potatoes use a special mix called cajun spice mix to coat the potatoes which make this dish flavourful and unique.

Cajun cuisine is a style of cooking named after the French and Barbequing is one of the cajun cooking methods. Cajun cuisine is sometimes referred to as a ‘rustic cuisine’, meaning that it is based on locally available ingredients and preparation is relatively simple.


Traditional Recipe: Ingredient

Cajun Spice Mix

1 teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon onion powder ½ teaspoon ground black pepper ½ teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon red chili powder (paprika) salt to taste

Recipe: ]

Firstly, in a take 15 baby potato and add ½ tsp salt. pressure cook for 2 whistles or until potatoes is 90% cooked. remove the potatoes, press and flatten slightly. keep aside. in a small bowl take ¼ cup corn flour, ¼ cup maida, ½ tsp chilli flakes, ½ tsp mixed herbs, ¼ tsp white pepper powder and ½ tsp salt. add ½ cup water and mix well forming a smooth lump-free batter. now dip the boiled potato into slurry coating uniformly. shallow fry the potatoes on medium flame. fry both the sides until the potatoes turn golden brown and crisp. add ½ tsp butter and fry to have a buttery flavour. keep aside. now in a small bowl take ¾ cup mayonnaise, ½ tsp chilli flakes and ½ tsp mixed herbs.

also add ¼ tsp white pepper powder, ½ tsp garlic powder, ½ tsp paprika, ½ tsp onion powder, ½ tsp salt and 1 tsp chilli sauce. mix well forming a smooth paste. now add 3 tbsp milk or as required and prepare a smooth flowing consistency sauce.

to serve, in a plate place fried potato leaving some gap in between. pour a generous amount of cajun sauce over it. sprinkle, paprika, 1 tsp onion and 1 tsp coriander. finally, cajun potato is ready to enjoy.

From This



Instant Oats:100g

Ragi Flour:50g

Brown sugar:150g

Dark compound:50g


Cocoa powder:25g

Eggs:3 nos Milk:100ml

Baking soda:⅓ tsp

Vanilla essence:1 tsp

Salt:½ tsp




Preheat the oven for 15 mins at 180 degrees

Grind the instant oats in a blender to make a fine powder.

Add the oat flour to a large mixing bowl, and add wheat flour, brown sugar, salt, and cocoa powder

In a pan, heat the butter and add dark compound and let it dissolve completely.

Next add the melted butter with dark compound, egg, and milk to the oat flour mixture and mix everything together

Grease a round cake tin with a brush and now pour the mixture into the cake tin

Chop the almond and walnut and sprinkle on top of the cake mixture Bake for 35 mins at 180 degrees

Let the cake cool completely before cutting.



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