4 Common Health Scares with Puppies

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4 Common Health Scares with Puppies

Allergic reactions Usually rare, allergic reactions are also known by the term anaphylaxis. Your pup can have an allergic reaction to almost anything in their environment but some common ones to be aware of are animal bites or stings and vaccines. If your dog is experiencing a severe reaction you will see some obvious signs like trouble breathing, vomiting and or diarrhea, seizures, lethargy, fainting or collapsing.

4 Common Health Scares with Puppies

Physical Injury Although puppies might seem pretty tough with all of that rough and tumble play they seem to enjoy, they are still the equivalent of small children, which means they can be more prone and vulnerable to trauma. They also feel pain more keenly than older dogs.

4 Common Health Scares with Puppies

4 Common Health Scares with Puppies • •

Vomiting and diarrhea Unpleasant for all parties involved, vomiting or diarrhea are two things to be watchful of. There are many reasons your puppy may be experiencing either of these two symptoms. Some common causes are dietary changes, stress, poisons or toxins in their environment, ingestion of a foreign body, bacterial infections, viral infections and allergic reactions.

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Your pup hasn’t received all of their vaccinations Puppy has a bloated abdomen He doesn’t seem like himself You notice blood in your pup’s vomit or diarrhea Your pup seems lethargic You see evidence your dog might have gotten into something she shouldn’t have like the garbage.

4 Common Health Scares with Puppies For More Information • https://www.youtube.com/user/NuVet1 • https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuvet-labs • http://www.viewpoints.com/NuVet-Plus-CanineSupplements-reviews • https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.nuvet.c om

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