NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
Aromatherapy – you may have heard of it but may not have much of an idea as to what it is. Well what about aromatherapy for your dog? Aromatherapy is not a new thing and many people stand firm on the benefits of it’s’ use with not only themselves, but with their pooch as well.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
Aromatherapy is the use of essential aromatic oils to help promote healing and well being. You may compare it to a scented candle that you feel helps you relax, however aromatherapy and essential oil use’s claims go beyond just relaxation.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
Essential oils have been used with dogs to help with fleas, skin conditions, nerve calming and as an antiinflammatory and anti-fungal and much more.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
Whether you decide to use essential oils and aromatherapy with your dog, it’s important that you know which ones are considered safe and which are not for your dog.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
It is a good idea to check with your vet prior to starting any essential oil or aromatherapy treatments with your pup. Never apply anything all over your dog’s skin without appropriately checking your dog for any sensitivity to it.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
Essential oils are typically applied by mixing with a specific powder substance to form a powder prior to application or by directly applying to the skin after being mixed with a base oil for dilution.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
A good first defense with your pet’s health is maintaining a healthy lifestyle that consists of a balanced diet and exercise. Consider adding a nutritional supplement from NuVet Labs to your dog’s daily routine.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
NuVet reviews are a great place to start learning more about the products offered from NuVet Labs. NuVet reviews are written by customers that have seen the benefits with their own pet while using the supplements from NuVet Labs.
NuVet Labs|Aromatherapy for Dogs
Learn more about these great products and which may be a fit for your pet by visiting the NuVet reviews.