Things You Need to Know About Declawing Your Cat What is Declawing?
Declawing is a surgery where your cat’s bones, ligaments, and tendons are amputated.This is also called onychectomy and it aims to remove the first bones or the distal phalanx that contains the nail.
Things You Need to Know About Declawing Your Cat Reasons of Declawing
To prevent the cat from scratching on furniture. To prevent the cat from scratching small children or other pets. To lessen the risk of having contact with the bacteria under the cat’s nails. To remove tumor or tumors present in the cat’s nail bed.
Things You Need to Know About Declawing Your Cat Process of Declawing The procedure for declawing can be done using two methods. One method is using a guillotine type clipper or a scalpel. Either of these tools are used to amputate the cat’s toe and the wounds will be stitched or sealed with a special type of glue. Another method used for declawing is the removal of the cat’s distal phalanx using laser. This method is less invasive and has less blood.
Things You Need to Know About Declawing Your Cat Possible Complications When doing the declawing procedure, your cat may respond negatively to the anesthesia and it may cause your cat to die. There are also risks of having infection, nerve damage and necrosis on your cat’s paws. It may also affect the back of your cat as the way it steps on the ground will change and it may cause musculoskeletal problems.There are also cases that declawed cats develop behavioral problems and change in personality.
Things You Need to Know About Declawing Your Cat What Can Be Done Instead of Declawing? Declawing can be considered as a cruel procedure because the aftermath of the surgery is painful and difficult for cats. Nails have also their own functions so removing it will definitely change the cat’s lifestyle. Declawing has also been banned in many countries because it shows cruelty and is not proven to be medically beneficial to cats. If you are having problems with your cat that you consider declawing, here are alternative ways you can do. Trim the nails of your cat. Use nail caps. They can stay for 4 to 6 weeks using a safe glue and they look good when worn by your cat because they come in different colors.
Modify your cat’s behavior. Train your cat to use a scratching post or board when scratching.
Things You Need to Know About Declawing Your Cat
NuVet knows that procedures like declawing might be harmful to your cats. To prevent health conditions that will leave you no choice but to declaw your cat, it is important to keep your cat healthy. NuVet Plus can help you maintain your cat’s health and prevent development of tumors on its paws. Supplementing NuVet Plus to a cat’s diet is proven effective by the NuVet Plus users on our NuVet Plus Reviews. They share their stories about how NuVet Plus helped them maintain the health of their pets and relieve health conditions. Visit NuVet Reviews so you can witness the stories of many NuVet Plus customers.
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