Top 5 Cat Misconceptions And The Truth Behind Them There are a lot of misconception about cats that cat parents want to clarify. Today, we’re sharing the top five on our list that gets frequently asked.
Top 5 Cat Misconceptions And The Truth Behind Them Cats Steal Newborn’s Breath This myth is associated with witchcraft in the early days. People believe that cats steal babies breath which can get really scary to new mothers and cat parents at the same time. I hate to break it into your but the truth is, it’s a myth!
Top 5 Cat Misconceptions And The Truth Behind Them Cats are Into Cow’s Milk This is huge misconception. Kittens must drink their mother’s milk for optimum nutrition. They need it before weaning. When weaned, kittens can eat solid food and milk is not necessary anymore.
Top 5 Cat Misconceptions And The Truth Behind Them Calico Cats are all Female Cats The calico pattern gives domestic cats a spotted parti-colored coat that is predominantly white. This is dictated by the X chromosome. This explains why most calico cats are female. However, this doesn’t not disqualify the chances that male calico cats will be born.
Top 5 Cat Misconceptions And The Truth Behind Them Declawing = Nail Trimming Declawing is definitely not equal to nail trimming. Declawing is a surgical procedure and gives permanent results. Some cat parents send their lovies for declawing to preserve their furnitures amongst other things. Scratching is the natural way that cats trim their nails.
Top 5 Cat Misconceptions And The Truth Behind Them • • • •
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