Why Cats Stop Using Litter Box? If your cat suddenly starts peeing outside her litter box, try to understand the reasons and resolve this frustrating problem. Nuvet understands the feelings of a pet parent and therefore providing some reasons for litter box avoidance. Take a look at reasons of litter box avoidance with Nuvet Labs.
Health Issues Sometimes we assume that litter box avoidance in cats is a behavioral problem, but it can be a health issue. Your cat could have a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI. A urinary tract infection is a serious condition and can be dangerous. Accidents outside the litter box may be signs of UTI in your cat. If you have a doubt, must contact your veterinarian
Overcrowding in House If you have two or more than two cats at home, but litter boxes are less then, the chances of accidents are more. Experts suggest there should be one litter box per cat with one extra box available to be safe.
Location is Not Convenient Location of litter box should be according to your cat not the choice of a cat parent. If the location of the litter box is wrong, your cat will start to avoid it. Cats that are older and suffering from age related health issues like arthritis are not going to want to go on a hike in order to use their bathroom.
Litter Box is Dirty Like humans, cats also love clean place for toilet. If you do not clean your cat’s litter box, it may start to void outside her box. Cats are very clean animal and they do not like a dirty litter box. Always remember to clean out the litter box with soap and water and add fresh litter to it.
New Litter in The House  If your cat likes their litter and uses it like they are
supposed to, do not buy a new litter box for your cat. Cats are super picky about this.
Wrong Sized litter Box Choosing a litter box according to the size of location may not be the right decision. The size of the litter box should be based on your cat’s size. If the size is not comfortable, your cat will avoid it and it will seek other arrangements.
Thanks Nuvet Labs We hope these tips will help you to resolve the litter box avoidance issues in your cat. Sometimes finding out the source of your cats annoyance can be hard. But it shouldn’t be hard to keep your cat healthy. One way to do so is by incorporating NuVet Plus into your cat’s diet. NuVet Plus is a nutritious supplement you can give your cat daily to help keep them strong and healthy.
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