How Does SecondHand Smoke Affect Your Pet

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known as environmental Tobacco smoke (ETS), secondhand smoke has originated from smoke producing items including cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. ďƒ˜ Carcinogens, which are cancer causing agents, are found in secondhand smoke. ďƒ˜Awareness and educational campaigns help most pet owners to have an understanding of the terrible effects of secondhand smoke and smoking itself.

We are all aware that secondhand smoke can be detrimental to humans. But more than that, we need to wake up and realize that secondhand smoke not only affects us, but also our furry friends. It’s an interesting fact that our four leggedcompanions’ lungs were shaped and built identically with that of humans. For this reason, we should understand more how secondhand smoke directly affects our beloved pets. The following are 10 reasons why smoking around Fluffy and Fido is a big no-no.

The more your dogs and cats get exposed to secondhand smoke, the more they are at risk of having cancer. Cancer of the lung, sinus, nose, and mouth has been identified in the smokers’ dogs and cats. Cancer types which are more commonly found in dogs are lung, sinus, and nose cancers. According to research, the size of a dog’s muzzle is the determining factor regarding the likelihood of them getting lung or nose and sinus cancer. It’s been observed that the longer the pooch’s muzzle is, the greater the chance is of developing the said types of cancer. This is simply because of the huge surface area potentially impacted by the secondhand smoke. Short-muzzled dogs or brachys have a greater chance of being ill with lung cancer.

Cats exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher chance and even double likelihood of getting Lymphoma, compared to those which do not live with smokers. Aside from inhaling secondhand smoke, because of cat's’ natural grooming habits, they unknowingly lick up the substances which cause cancer when they settle on their fur. Cats are more vulnerable to cancers of the mouth, also referred to as squamous cell carcinoma, and lymphoma.

Problems in the respiratory system including but not limited to asthma and lung infections like bronchitis have been known to afflict pet parents’ cats and dogs. While it may not be obvious all the time, your pet is having health troubles due to secondhand smoke. You can confirm this if your pet shows symptoms like malaise, wheezing, and coughing.




When pets are consistently exposed to secondhand smoke, they get ill with respiratory infections and their recovery time takes longer as well. Over 4,000 chemicals are found in secondhand smoke, including harmful substances like formaldehyde and arsenic. This makes it easy for everyone to understand why pets find it hard to breathe when they are exposed to secondhand smoke.

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Our four-legged family members are naturally curious creatures. So when ash trays are left on garbage cans, coffee tables, and even on ash bins outside where we think they’re out of reach of our nosey pets, they still find their way to these harmful things and they are unknowingly exposing themselves to poison. Cigar butts and cigarettes not only contain nicotine, which are extremely toxic to cats and dogs. Thousands of other kinds of toxins are also present in them and they can be as equally harmful to your pet’s health. You know your four-legged companion has been poisoned if he or she shows signs such as vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, seizures, tremors, and generally odd behaviors.

NuVet Labs understands the importance of keeping our canine and feline family members’ health very well. One way we can keep them healthy is by removing harmful toxins and pollutants in their surroundings. The other way we can help them stay at optimum health is by adding a nutritious supplement, like NuVet Plus, to all of their meals. To learn more about how NuVet Plus helps pet parents and their pets stay healthy, read what they have to say in their NuVet Plus Reviews. Through NuVet Reviews, you’ll get a view of how NuVet Plus works wonders in the lives of four-legged companions around the world. Check out the NuVet Reviews today!


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