So you’ve just discovered that Fido’s breath smells plainly
bad. You took all necessary steps to address it by feeding him with a high quality diet, taking him to check-ups with his vet regularly, and flossed his teeth! You don’t see much result and you’re getting a little disappointed. Stop fretting for you’re in great luck! NuVet is here to your rescue so don’t give up the fight against Fido’s bad breath just yet. NuVet compiled this list for you in an effort to help you win the fight against Fido’s unpleasant breath. Here are 6 more easy ways to treat your dog’s bad breath.
Mouthwash Do you know that aside from toothpastes specially made for dogs, there is also a mouthwash made just for your furry friend? It’s also known as liquid tartar remover and it’s very easy to use. Just add it to your dog’s water and let him drink it. It’s one of the easiest ways to get rid of plaque and tartar causing your dog’s bad breath.
Chews Chews are available in almost all pet supply stores and they are helpful in maintaining the cleanliness of your dog’s mouth and the freshness of his breath. One example used by dog parents is Greenies. Greenies has charcoal, an ingredient which helps you win the war against unpleasant doggie breath.
Rawhide To keep your dog’s teeth look clean and their breath smell fresh, feed them with high-quality rawhide. Ask your vet about his or her recommendations. Keep in mind that when your pup is eating rawhide and other kinds of chew products, you should be around to supervise him as these types of products sometimes get stuck in Fido’s digestive tract. Choose high quality products to prevent these kinds of instances.
Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine is a type of antiseptic present in some mouth sprays and chews specially made for your dog. It can be brought online or in your local pet store. help freshen up Fido’s breath. If you have any concerns about using chlorhexidine, seek advice from your vet.
Clean your dog’s dish Your dog’s food and water dishes must be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals to prevent the bacteria from inhabiting the dishes and to also keep them away from Fido’s mouth. statistic shows that 50% of dog parents admit to not cleaning their pup’s dish once a week and it’s alarming! You can avoid this from happening by purchasing a dishwasher-friendly dish so you can make it a point to have the dish cleaned through the help of the dishwasher, making this task a little easy for you if you find cleaning Fido’s dish a bit hard.
Good Nutrition Pups and dogs which do not receive proper nutrition are undernourished and can have problems with bad breath. Do not let your pooch be one of them by making sure he receives high-quality food matched with the best and nutritious vitamin supplement like NuVet Plus. NuVet Plus has been popular among discerning dog parents everywhere. To read more of their personal experience with NuVet Plus, check out NuVet Reviews.
NuVet hopes that you’ve found these simple tips helpful in
your fight against doggie halitosis. Good oral hygiene is as important as proper nutrition, to help Fido be at his best every day. For this reason, we created NuVet Plus, a nutritious supplement specially formulated to provide your dog’s dietary needs. Outstanding nutrition is just a toothsome tablet away with NuVet Plus. Dog parents are raving because of the impressive results they’ve witnessed when their canine family members started taking in NuVet Plus. We share their personal testimonies on NuVet Reviews for you to read. Learn more about what their experiences have been by stopping by the NuVet Plus Reviews.