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Meet Key Note Bob Francis, Research Analyst with LNS Research
from International VAM April 2023
Asset Management is at its best when it is able to contribute to Operations and their business drivers such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Together with MaxGrip and the senior manager of an industrial company, Bob Francis of LNS Research will take the stage at Euromaintenance 2023 to share his vision.
proven way to drive a unified purpose-driven culture, adoption and collaboration across Operations, Maintenance, Reliability, IT, EHS, etc. is to publish the organizations OpEx metrics and show how the Asset Management program metrics roll up and positively impact the plant and enterprise OpEx metrics. Everyone is a stakeholder according to Francis.
> What are the trends in the market in APM?. LNS Research studies and weekly briefings from both end users and software suppliers, indicate that adding OT/Time Series data to APM predictive / prescriptive analytics models is trending up significantly. Specifically, these software tools automate the extraction of industrial data from historians, IoT sensors, and operational technology (OT) systems to provide “real-time” condition, anomaly detection, and alarm data, greatly enhancing the accuracy of the models.
Bob Francis is a Research Analyst with LNS Research. He is focused on coverage areas including. asset performance (APM 4.0), digital transformation, organizational readiness and operational excellence. LNS Research’ vision is a world where industrial companies are agile, autonomous, and sustainable.
> Why is Asset Management important to improve Ope- rational Excellence? It is very difficult, if not impossible, to positively impact the Operational Excellence performance metrics in an industrial operation without an effective asset management program. Organizations will be hard pressed to achieve greater Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), extend the life of their assets, maximize throughput, increase operating margins, or lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) without a modern (digital), comprehensive and integrated asset management approach.
Francis; “One of my mentors, Ron Moore, taught us that a reliable plant is a safe plant, is a cost-effective plant, is an environmentally friendly plant. A new generation of Asset Management platforms for APM, EAM/CMMS are now utilizing advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP) in what is known as APM 4.0 and greatly enhance the capabilities of Asset Management systems with direct benefits to Operational Excellence performance”. While the Asset Management technology enables OpEx gains, it also brings organizations together around common metrics shared across historically siloed groups. A
> Why are you presenting together with MaxGrip and an asset owner? Francis; “The three of us combined represent over 150 years of expert knowledge and front-line experience on the topic of Asset Management and how these programs are a direct contributor to operational excellence. I will keep the name of the asset owner a surprise, but I do want to say that he is a leader in his field. MaxGrip adds valuable insights with them being a global consultancy firm known for their domain expertise and experience in APM. I am very excited about speaking at EuroMaintenance together with these leaders”.
Dr. Eduardo Calixto, Germany is one of the International Workshopleaders during EuroMaintenance in Rotterdam. His professional career is within ECC of which he is the Founder and CEO. As a RAMS Expert he is also member of the Safety Committee of EFNMS.
Calixto; “One of the most fastastic Maintenance conference in the world, the EuroMaintenance will take place again on 17th to 19 April 2023. Now is time to join to this fantastic event with the most hot topic at moment in Europe such as Artificial Intelligence for Maintenance 4.0, Safety, Asset Performance Management, Sustainability, Human Factor and Smart Industry. I am very happy to give a contribuiton by two workshops such as Reliabiltiy 4.0 and Asset Integrity Management on the Asset Performance Management and Safety workshop sections respectively. On the first case, the reliability 4.0 workshop will demonstrate the intelligent and easiest way to perform reliabiltiy prediction and measure the asset reliabiltiy performance as part of Asset Management process. On the second case, the Asset Integrity Management workshop will demonstrate how the asset integrity management process is integrated to the Asset Management routine and manage the safety crittical asset on daily basis”.
“EFNMS Committee EHSEC’s (European Health, Safety and Environment Committee) vision is to continuously strengthen the cultural pillar of Safety and Environmental Protection in all maintenance activities. In this framework, EHSEC has developed an extroverted way-forward including its participation to actions that promote a sustainable maintenance. EuroMaintenance provides one such opportunity which EHSEC strongly supports. At first, EHSEC has already served as a liaison to assure the active participation of EU-OSHA during the event which will ascertain the mutual cooperation. EHSEC serves as a source of other renounced speakers from the European HSE Network like ENETOSH and ENSHPO. Additionally, EHSEC will submit papers and deliver presentations on key sustainability-related areas and will also present their publications to all visitors. Finally, EHSEC members will support the whole event by organizing and facilitating at least two workshops. We are proud to be involved”, says George Scroubelos, Chairman EHSEC
Asset Management at its best will be the theme for this edition of EuroMaintenance. Business leaders will share their vision on developments and the future of the industry and best practices will be showcased. More than 40 workshops will focus on the main themes in Asset Management:

In addition to the workshops, international Key Notes take the stage to share their knowledge and inspire. Part of the Euro-
Maintenance program are the ‘Inspiring Tables’. Laura van der Linde, Marketing Communications Coordinator at Mainnovation will host this unique inspring part of EuroMaintenance. Three tables, Five themes. Her job will be to ensure that the conversation is not only inspiring, but also informative, educational and entertaining as well.