Enjoying Every Day Life March/April

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Partnership—What Is It? And Why You’re the Missing Piece


A Boy and His Sneakers Ashley Wilkins


Will You Speak for Me?


A Beautiful Mind Dr. Caroline Leaf

Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer

Let’s play! It’s time to replace our fears with real joy and peace. See page 34.






Want to help people in need, but not sure where to start?

Too often people hear of a need and think it’s too big to meet. That’s why it’s important we all work together in partnership to help those in need.

We thank you—and so do they.

Become a Partner Today! joycemeyer.org/partnership

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I’ve held a malnourished newborn in my arms. I’ve looked at the rubble of a family’s home destroyed by an earthquake. I’ve seen the heartache of a mother who couldn’t clothe her children for the winter. It’s situations like these that make me want to help as many people as I can in my lifetime. I also realize, in situations like these, that I can’t do it alone. Sooner or later, I think we all come to that realization—we need each other. We need help, cooperation, support—we need partners.

Together, we are partners with Christ. We all share a common goal of bringing practical aid to people all over the world. We also share in the delight of each smile...each sigh of relief...each tear of happiness from those we help. And someday we’ll all share in the joy of hearing our Lord say, “Well done.” Partnering together,

Want to learn more about partnership, good reasons to give, and where your money goes? See page 12.

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While Jesus was on this earth, He was all about doing good, healing, blessing and helping. He trained His disciples to work with Him in partnership, and they became examples for the rest of us.

When I think of , our friends and partners, I think of people who are committed to helping others. Even if can’t be present physically, are involved in everything we do. participate in every missions outreach. Our combined effort fuels every relief or rescue project. are united with us in each conference... in the production of every radio or television broadcast...in each prayer and every other thing we do.


We are living in tough times. So many people are trapped in the midst of deep sorrow, overwhelmed by poverty and gripping oppression of all kinds.


Publis Joyce

Execu Dan M Ginge

Creat Steve

Art D Jon R

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Staff Kacie Matth Anne

Graph Mega Anna Greg H Aman Amy R Jessic

Produ Georg

Produ Jeri Ic Jeff D Stacy Rober

Wherever you go… Just jump in and lend a hand…and watch God work through you.

Produ Bill Sc Monic Andre Jessic

Get more out of God’s Word with a






Editor Caroly Dar W Susan

Photo Kevin Dario Mike David Kacie

How much time do you spend thinking about God, reading and studying the Word? Are you really giving Him your all? Join Joyce for this eye-opening teaching on the importance of putting God first.

God uses difficult times in our lives to help us grow spiritually mature. In this teaching, Joyce shares how to develop the kind of patient endurance that proves God’s presence in your life.



The Law of First Things

Patience & Faithfulness



by Joyce Meyer

by Joyce Meyer

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joycemeyer.org • (800) 727-9673 • In Canada (800) 868-1002 If you would like to receive Joyce’s Featured DVD on a monthly basis, without having to order each time, we can automatically debit your credit card each month. Please call our office for details. 4 | ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE

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Credits Publisher Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.


Executive Editors Dan Meyer Ginger Stache


Creative Director Steve DeShetler Art Director Jon Richert Managing Editor Demian Farnworth Staff Writers Kacie Campbell Matthew Loomis Anne Timmerman Graphic Designers Megan Riordan Anna Monette Greg Holtzmann Amanda O’Rourke Amy Roff Jessica Romo Production Supervisor George Dill

All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 40030597 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 cpcreturns@wdsmail.com Canada (800) 868-1002 Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.®, a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2009 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 40030597. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: www.joycemeyer.org Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.

At Joyce Meyer Ministries, financial accountability is very important. We want you to be confident that your investment is being used wisely to build God’s kingdom. That’s why we are so pleased to be accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability—one of the most widely respected nonprofi t accrediting agencies worldwide.

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Joyce shares her heart about what partnership is and why our partners are so important to us.


HAND OF HOPE—Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions


Learn how partners helped a little crippled boy walk almost normally with a simple pair of shoes—and the many more like him who are also being helped through our medical outreaches around the world.


Leader’s Edge


Book Sample

26 A Closer Look 27

America At Its Best


Across America

31 Conference Tour 32 Live, Laugh, Love 33 TV Broadcast Schedule 34 Real Life Perspectives


Photographers Kevin Kelly Dario Acosta Mike Leavitt David Dobson Kacie Campbell




Find out how God is enlisting your help in fighting social injustice and bringing attention to the forgotten of the world.


Production Coordinators Bill Schlick Monica Johnson Andrea Carpio Jessica Turnbeaugh

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Can you really think yourself happy...calm...even healthy? Learn five basic steps to better thinking.



Editorial Proofreaders Carolyn Coley Dar Wood Susan Hutchison



Need a little extra help getting through today or need some extra advice? Everyday Answers provides wisdom from God’s Word to help you deal with life’s difficult issues. Watch a video from Joyce, read related articles, send a prayer request, and more. joycemeyer.org | MARCH/APRIL 2 0 1 0 | 5

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Production Artists Jeri Icenesse Jeff Douglas Stacy Williams Robert Houston


SHOOTING How Good Planning Carries You Through

THE RAPIDS Life’s Challenges




If you’ve ever gone white-water rafting, then you know the importance of planning. Whenever the raft approaches rapids, the guide has to plan the best route to “shoot the rapids” (navigate safely and swiftly through them). If the guide fails to plan, then the raft can easily smash into a rock or capsize.

Some get bogged down in details. As a consequence, they end up buried under a sea of details, and they can’t pull their heads above water long enough to plan.

The same is true in life. Good planning prevents you from allowing those inevitable surprises to derail whatever it is you’re doing. Poor or no planning causes you to work inefficiently and, in some cases, even fail.

Many people view planning as a nuisance— unnecessary and a waste of time.

We all basically know this, but many people still neglect to plan. Why?

“After all,” they say, “When I do make a plan, it normally doesn’t end up happening, so why bother?”

Reasons People Donʼt Plan


You don’t have to be in leadership very long to learn that planning pays off. Even so, many people don’t plan. Here are four reasons people neglect planning. Read these and see if you find yourself in any of them.


1) They don’t possess planning skills or knowledge. Some people have never been taught to prioritize their day or to prepare for tomorrow.


2) They’re caught in the tyranny of the urgent, and they believe they don’t have time.


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3) They don’t like the perceived hassle of planning.

4) Many people don’t plan because the outcome varies greatly.

These excuses for not planning don’t hold much water. Sadly, people who habitually don’t plan ahead never reach their full potential.

Why Planning Is Essential Planning bridges the gap between our desires and dreams by calling us to action. As noted by William Danforth, “No plan is worth the paper it is printed on unless it starts you doing something.” A concrete plan supplies us with tangible steps to take in the direction of our dreams. But how you plan is everything. Let’s look at four common ways people plan, and why the fourth one is the way to go.


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• Influence – Build relationships with other influencers and you’ll be more likely to receive their assistance when you need it.

2 Panic planning happens only after the raft is in trouble. At this point, all of the organization’s resources are scrambled in a reactionary pattern in an attempt to solve the problem.

• Flexibility – Be resourceful and improvise when circumstances push you off course.

4 Principle-centered planning is the key to effectiveness. It’s called “principle-centered” because it consists of seven principles that are absolutely critical to successful planning.

• Timing – Reserve your big decisions for those times when you can get the full picture of the situation. • Teamwork – What we can do alone pales in comparison to the potential we have when we work together.

“A concrete plan supplies us with tangible steps to take in the direction of our dreams.” Simple Discipline to Improve Your Life It’s been said, “By failing to plan, you plan to fail.” People who ignore planning handicap themselves and stifle their effectiveness. The good news about planning is that it’s a relatively simple discipline. Anyone can do it.

• Passion – It provides your planning with energy and keeps you focused.



So, do you have a dream you want to achieve? A mountain you want to climb? A river you want to raft? Your first step is to make a principle-centered plan. And then work that plan.

• Creativity – Many sacrifice new ideas for the sake of going with what’s easy.



3 Scientific planning is viable, but can be laborious, mechanical, and often ends up abandoned in the process. Imagine if a raft guide constantly tried to measure the depth of the water, the distance between rocks, the wind speed, and the water current. In a like manner, leaders often have to respond to change in an instant. There’s no time to collect scientific data on all of the variables before deciding which course of action is best.

• Priorities – What’s important to you? Stop dabbling in everything and achieve excellence in what matters to you.




1 Passive planning happens when leadership allows the raft to travel downstream at the mercy of the current rather than steering, rowing, and turning. This kind of non-planning eventually leaves you unprepared to face whitewater rapids.

JOHN C. MAXWELL, DM is a dynamic speaker, bestselling author and founder of EQUIP. He communicates his principles to Fortune 500 companies, international marketing organizations, professional sports groups and church leaders worldwide. This article is used by permission from Giant Impact. Find other leadership content, resources, training, and events at www.johnmaxwell.com joycemeyer.org | MARCH/APRIL 2 0 1 0 | 7

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It’s ok. You can

lighten up. NEW FROM JOYCE!

Do you feel guilty whenever you give yourself

a treat—like a new pair of shoes? Does a little voice of condemnation scream at you before the cookie reaches your mouth? Discover a life of balance that is guilt-free and full of celebration!

Eat the Cookie...Buy the Shoes CAN’T WAIT? Read a sample chapter at joycemeyer.org/cookie.





208-PAGE HARDCOVER by Joyce Meyer Available April 13 wherever books are sold.

Available in Spanish (Paperback)

joycemeyer.org/cookie | | joycemeyer.org


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Reward yourself now and then–it’s okay.



I’ve surveyed many people on the subject of self-rewards and have found that most people feel guilty when they take the opportunity to celebrate. They push themselves to go on with no joy left in their fuel tank.

Our thinking has been warped in these areas. Satan has managed to deceive us, and by doing so he succeeds in keeping people weary and worn out, feeling resentful and taken advantage of because of excessive work and responsibility.


I believe that we must confront the reasons why we tend to feel guilty about enjoying and celebrating life when God has clearly ordained and commanded both.


Enjoyment is the fuel we need to reach the finish line of an endeavor with a good attitude. We may drive ourselves to finish, but somewhere along the way we will probably become bitter and get a chip on our shoulder if we don’t lighten up and take time to celebrate the journey.

Don’t miss Eat the Cookie...Buy the Shoes on Enjoying Everyday Life April 12-16. Check your TV listing for stations and program times in your area or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings.

When I ask large audiences how many people feel guilty when they try to rest or entertain themselves or even do things they enjoy, my guess is that at least 80 percent of the people raise their hands. I was part of that 80 percent until I decided that I was not built for guilt, and I was not going to continue allowing a renegade feeling to rule my life.

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Why Your Guilt Doesnʼt Belong


We need times of refreshment and recreation as well as work and accomplishment. Learn to reward yourself, because you are worth it!

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I studied God’s Word about guilt and studied His character and nature until I was totally convinced that God is not the source of guilt. I see guilt as an illegal alien that attacks our mind and conscience, attempting to prevent us from enjoying anything God has provided for us. Guilt has no legal right in our lives because Jesus has paid for our sins and misdeeds. If it is in us illegally, then we need to send it back where it came from—which is hell!

five minutes and said, “You are a very intense woman and your problem is stress!” I got offended, left his office and continued with my intense, stressful lifestyle. I didn’t know how to trust God with daily life.

Your Permission to Lighten Up I was out of balance in almost everything. I did not yet realize that celebration and enjoyment are necessary in our lives—we cannot be healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically without it!

“We need times of refreshment and recreation as well as work and accomplishment.”

Don’t give guilt a green card or, even worse, citizenship and allow it to take up residence in you. We must remember that we are not built for guilt, and we should deal with it aggressively anytime we experience it.

The Trouble with Guilt Addiction

I was intense about how my children behaved and looked. I was intense about how my house looked, how I looked, and what people thought of us. I was intense about trying to change my husband into what I thought he should be. I really can’t think of anything I wasn’t intense about!

The best gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you—and you cannot be healthy without celebration being a regular part of your life. You can change the entire atmosphere in your home by simply giving yourself permission to lighten up. This article is an excerpt from Joyce’s newest book, Eat the Cookie…Buy the Shoes.

I remember going to a doctor once because I was exhausted all the time and generally felt horrible. He talked to me




I was once addicted to guilt. The only time in life that I felt right was when I felt wrong. I especially had difficulty enjoying myself because I didn’t feel that I deserved it. I was most definitely a person who needed to give myself permission to lighten up and not be so intense about basically everything in life.

COME MEET JOYCE Meet Joyce in person and get your copy of Eat the Cookie… Buy the Shoes signed during her upcoming book tour.


APRIL 13 | Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona APRIL 14 | San Diego, California and Ontario, California APRIL 15 | San Jose, California

Find details online at www.joycemeyer.org/cookie.

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“We can make such a


if we’ll





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What is it? And why you’re the missing piece BY JOYCE MEYER

What is the difference between... What is partnership?


partnership and m

p Partnershi you to continually support

You know, at Joyce Meyer Ministr ies we’re pretty aggressive when it comes to meeting needs. Everywhere we take the truth of God ’s Word about love, we need to show love. When we are able to meet people’s physical needs, they open up to hear the Gospel. I think too often we hear somethi ng and think it’s too big for us, and we just let that shut us dow n. That’s why it’s important to get involved with a ministr y like ours. We have the reso urces and opportunities to help in so many places around the world. And together, we can reach so many more.




Plain and simple: Partnership is several people joining together to acco mplish a task or meet a need that is grea ter than what they could do on their own .


Spread Hope...

ws Partnership allo yce Meyer outreaches of Jo e op H of d the Han ppor t ever ything it also helps su Ministries. But able to do. else that we are to call in for place for people a g in id ov pr You’re s through ces and teaching en er nf co ee fr , prayer ment and agazine, employ m is th d an on televisi rtnership h more. Your pa uc m d an s, st co faci lit y of this m in istr y ing ever y part is literally mak rt and ever y e need ever y pa possible. A nd w aching ever y h our goal of re partner to reac ty…ever y day. nation…ever y ci


s division of e world m ission t Hand of Hope, th prov ide suppor istries, ex ists to ng ri Joyce Meyer Min ffe su d k, needy, lost, an for the poor, wea ld. around the wor hip is send ing of your partners A large port ion two-thirds t to help nearly financial suppor Hand of Hope u’re suppor ting of the world. Yo phanages, eding centers, or fe h ug ro th es outreach outreach, ical care, pr ison ed m , ls el w er freshwat uing girls from f, as well as resc and disaster relie meless in , reaching the ho the sex indust ry g the Gospel ica, and shar in inner-city A mer sion, internet, ugh radio, televi worldw ide thro the world. nferences around co d an ls ia er at print m

by becoming a Partner today! See page 21 for details. joycemeyer.org/partnership

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Where does m y money go?

Our partners are digging water wells in areas where there is no clean drinking water. That might not mean much until you watch a mom walk five to ten miles one way—one way—every day with a stone pot on her head just to get enough water to take care of her family for that one day. They ’re also feed ing hungry child ren, helping widows, build ing orphanages, visiting prisons, prov iding free med ical care…and so much more.

In 2008 alone, 83 percent of all money raised through partnership went directly into these outreaches, either by us helping directly or supporting already established ministries, to reach even more than we could on our own. Because we know it’s a big decision where you spend your money, we strive to be transparent in all our decisions. You can see a complete breakdow n in our annual report at www.joycemeyer.org/annualreport.

Why should I give?

The Bible says in Acts 20:35, In ever ything I did, I showed yo u that by this kind of ha rd work we mus t help the weak, remem bering the word s th e Lord Jesus himse lf said: “It is mor e blessed to give than to re ceive” (NIV).

BLACK Yellow


I don’t ever wan t to be the kind of person who ju “Well, I’m doing st says, enough. I’m satis fied.” No, I wan as many people t to help as I possibly can. We need you to and I believe yo do that, u need us becaus e together, we ca do so much mor n e than we can on our own.

do n a c e m o “S s, r e h t o n a more th asks d o G l l a but is you to do what you can do.”


I thin k a lot of people want to help. Maybe th have the time or ey don’t the knowledge, but they have fi This is why we nances. partner together and get things done. Some can do m ore than others , but all God as do is what you ks you to can do. By the gr ace and mercy we have many of God, doors open to us . We want to co helping the peop nt inue le we are helpin g, but we also w walk through ne ant to w doors.

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I hadn’t noticed ten-year-old Rothtim and his mother until after he had been treated by the doctors and was leaving our Hand of Hope clinic. Then again, once you saw him walk, it was hard not to notice him. (Pursat, Cambodia) - Rothtim was obviously very small for his age, but also crippled. With each stride, the tops of his bare, calloused feet would scrape against the concrete. He had walked this way his entire life. I can still hear that sound in my ears. Moved with compassion, I ran and picked Rothtim up in my arms.

Sitting him down on a nearby bench, I asked his mother if they would be willing to wait while I got him a pair of shoes. She excitedly replied that they would. I made a tracing of his feet to get the correct size. I wanted to be absolutely sure that these shoes fit him. With the outline of Rothtim’s calloused little feet in my hand, I headed to the market. joycemeyer.org | march/april 2 0 1 0 | 15

Desperately Searching for Shoes Finding a new pair of shoes in a developing nation is not an easy task. I located a shop on a street corner and began looking through the limited choices of new shoes. The majority of the shoes were either for girls or grown men, and most were covered in dust from the dirty street. But after some searching, I found two good, clean pairs of shoes in his size. I immediately gave thanks to the Lord because I had found Rothtim’s shoes. I picked out a few pairs of socks and quickly paid the clerk.

Taking That First Step When I got back to the clinic, little Rothtim and his mom were sitting on the bench, waiting patiently, exactly where I left them. We washed his dirty feet, put the socks on and slid them into Rothtim’s new pair of shoes. He sprang up and began walking about. Amazingly, the shoes actually acted as a corrective device, which allowed him to walk almost normally!

Most Can’t Afford Shoes Most Cambodians, like Rothtim and his mother, live on just one U.S. dollar per day, making the simple luxury of owning a pair of shoes impossible. For just $10 USD, we were able to purchase Rothtim clean socks and two new pairs of shoes. In an instant, with something as seemingly insignificant as a pair of shoes, Rothtim experienced the love of Christ. The smile that stretched across his face was indescribable. And

I could not help but smile in return as he and his mother repeatedly bowed to me in thanks.

Many More Like Him Rothtim’s story is just one example of thousands who are in desperate need. And because of partner contributions to Joyce Meyer Ministries, the blessing of something as simple as a pair of shoes for Rothtim’s little calloused, crippled feet was made possible. As a pediatric emergency nurse for the past eight years, I have seen and experienced a great deal in the medical world. And I truly cannot express in my simple words how these medical outreaches have changed my life. Our partners are participating in the redemption of lives around the world every single day through their selfless giving. Their willingness

A S HL E Y W IL K I N S R . N . has been the Medical Outreach Coordinator for Hand of Hope since 2007. Before joining Joyce Meyer Ministries, she worked as a registered nurse in a pediatric emergency room and attended the Hillsong International Leadership College in Australia. She truly has a heart for tending to people’s physical and spiritual needs. She and her husband, Jason, reside in the St. Louis area. 16 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E



to participate financially makes it possible for us to bring aid to places like Cambodia. And to help people like Rothtim, even if it’s something as simple as giving a pair of shoes… Through these medical clinics, thousands of people in third world countries around the world have also been blessed with free medical care. These efforts are drastically improving the health of thousands. It has been a privilege to see firsthand the difference that the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries are making in lives across the globe.

Kim Alger Sometimes the volunteers who go on Hand of Hope medical missions trips are also partners, who get to see for themselves how their partnership is helping others. Kim Alger has been nine times! After enduring a painful time in his life, Kim began watching Joyce Meyer on television and reading her books. Through those avenues, he began to find healing in his life and a renewed relationship with Jesus Christ. “I’ve been healed by God through Joyce’s teachings, and that’s why I am giving back as a partner,” shares Kim. “And I can see the seeds being sown back into others’ lives firsthand.” Kim began partnering with Joyce Meyer Ministries in 2007 because he was inspired by the ministry’s passion and commitment to help hurting people. While volunteering at a conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania, those in attendance were asked if they would be willing to go on a medical outreach. Kim raised his hand high. Kim discovered on his first outreach to Mumbai, India, in 2008, the great privilege that God afforded him by allowing him to serve His people in developing nations. Kim is an inspiration as he serves God and those around him with a vibrant, fervent passion to make a difference wherever he goes. “I’m blessed beyond anything. Every time I go, I grow in my relationship with Christ.”

Step Out…

by becoming a Partner today! See page 21 for details. joycemeyer.org/partnership joycemeyer.org | march/april 2 0 1 0 | 17

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How Partners


Bring Attention

the Forgotten BY JOYCE MEYER

It’s simply wrong to see or hear of someone in need and do absolutely nothing. Let me explain…

injustice, hunger and abuse—it can seem overwhelming.

Years ago I had no idea how strongly God felt about wanting us to work for justice for the oppressed. Before that, I lived a selfish, mefirst life, and unfortunately, I missed out on a lot of joy. However, once I figured out that happiness is a by-product of doing something good for other people, I began to adopt a lifestyle where I intentionally look for ways to help people—every day.

You might be thinking right now, What can I do about this?

Lonely and Forgotten Some of the most lonely and forgotten people in the world today are the girls who have been forced into prostitution in order to survive, the orphan boy in Africa whose parents have died of AIDS, the prisoner who spends day after day alone in a prison cell, the homeless man living on the streets…there are plenty of people in need out there.

Will You “Speak” for Them? When you read about all the problems in the world—the numbers of people facing social


During 2008, eighty-three percent of total expenses were for outreach and programs directed at reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a partner, you can be confident that your contribution is somehow helping a person in need. You can become an advocate for hungry and hurting people, even with a busy schedule, through your giving.

Why We’re Not Shy About Asking


We ask people to partner with us because we’re determined to help as many people as we can— with feeding programs, medical outreaches, orphanages and whatever the Lord leads us to do. These outreaches require faithful partners to help make them happen.


He’s been looking for people to help the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed and the poor since He gave the law in Old Testament times. Speaking through Moses, He said, You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child (Exodus 22:22). God is not partial, He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger or temporary resident and gives him food and clothing (Deuteronomy 10:18). God told the people that if they fed the strangers, the widows and the fatherless, He would bless the work of their hands (see Deuteronomy 14:29). Please notice that all of these groups—widows, strangers and the fatherless—would probably be full of very lonely people. God cares about the lonely!

Partners Truly Make a Difference Maybe you’ve heard me say this before, but it’s worth repeating—everything we do would not be possible without our partners. The prayers and financial gifts our partners provide enable and equip this ministry to do some incredible outreaches here in the United States and around the world.

I want to ask you to prayerfully consider joining us. You can actually go all over the world through your partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries. I believe one of the greatest things we can do is to relieve the pain and suffering of someone else.


But it’s not only me that God wants to help fight social injustice... He wants you also.

One of the best ways to help feed people, tend to the sick, assist widows and orphans and even free innocent girls from forced prostitution is to become a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries.

God has taught me that if I relieve the suffering of just one person, that is better than doing nothing. joycemeyer.org | march/april 2 0 1 0 | 19

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Army of God

“It’s simply wrong to see or hear of someone in need and do absolutely nothing.

Please don’t think that what you have to give isn’t enough or won’t make a difference. All of us working together are an army of God that is defeating the enemy of darkness.

What Partnership Means to Partners Recently, several of our partners had an opportunity to see firsthand how their giving is actually helping those who are living in poverty and suffering needlessly. Their experiences gave them a new perspective on how much their partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries really does make a difference in the lives of the poor around the world. Mark S. – Largo, FL While helping serve food at one of our feeding programs in Africa, Mark said, “I don’t think there’s anything I’ve done in my life that compares to what I’m doing here through this ministry. I am shocked at the poverty I’ve witnessed, yet, at the same time I’m encouraged by the fact that I can have some small say in turning these people’s lives around. That’s life-changing.”


Jennifer C. — Phoenix, AZ Jennifer spent time with us in India and witnessed one of our outreaches there. “I saw the hospice care and HIV care going on. You can see the impact from what this ministry does here. They care about people and are all about bringing them to Christ. It’s just marvelous.”


“To come here and see firsthand, the children in many of Joyce’s outreach programs, to see how these programs are touching their lives, to see 200,000 people come to a stadium hungry for the Word…to see it all in action is hugely reassuring.



Michael M. – Sydney, Australia Michael discovered how his partnership matters after visiting India with our ministry. “I was curious to see Joyce Meyer Ministries in action, particularly in a third-world country, to see the sort of work that was taking place here.

“To come to India and see the orphanage and see the kids’ center and the work taking place in the slums…to come here is mind-blowing. But

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to my absolute delight, having seen the truth of the work, the commitment and the sense of purpose here—that’s why Joyce Meyer Ministries has the success they do. It’s a straight-downthe-line, no-nonsense, hard-working ministry.”


Discover the Joy of Giving These precious partners have discovered the pure happiness that grows in your heart when you put God’s command to love others into practice and nurture a way of life that gives instead of takes.

Speak Up... by becoming a Partner today! joycemeyer.org/partnership

Become a Partner Today! When you become a partner, you’re supporting feeding centers, children’s homes, freshwater wells, medical care, prison outreach and disaster relief, as well as rescuing girls from the sex industry, reaching the homeless in the inner city and sharing the Gospel worldwide through radio, television, print materials and conferences.


But there are many more people out there who are still hungry, still homeless, and still living in misery and hopelessness. Will you speak for them? Will you help us bring attention to the forgotten?

You can help—

Sign up as an auto-debit partner, and we’ll send you Joy Redefined, a set of three books


And in the process, partners help us bring attention to people who otherwise might be forgotten. They become a “voice” that enables this ministry to reach people who don’t have anyone speaking up for them: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the orphans and widows… And their “voice” helps us share the Gospel, stop social injustice and spread hope.

by Joyce Meyer. Thank you for your support.

JOY Redefined



BOX SET INCLUDES: 3 HARDCOVER MINI-BOOKS • Loving Jesus • Loving Others • Loving You

joycemeyer.org/partnership (800) 727-9673 • In Canada (800) 868-1002 Ask us about our auto-debit option. joycemeyer.org | MARCH/APRIL 2 0 1 0 | 21

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MAIL-IN REGISTRATION FORM Register online at www.joycemeyer.org/lovelife or mail this form along with payment (U.S. Funds only) to: Joyce Meyer Ministries; P.O. Box 1348; Fenton, MO 63026, USA.

Name _____________________________________ Address __________________________________ City ______________________________________ State/Province ______________________________ Zip/Postal Code____________________________ Country ___________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Email _____________________________________ _____ Registrants @ $45 each = $______ (Number)

(Total U.S. Funds Enclosed)

_____ Registrants @ $60 each = $______ (Number)

(Total U.S. Funds Enclosed)



_____ Number of registrants who will need Spanish translation. (Number)

(American Express and Discover accepted in U.S. only.)



___________________________________________ (CardN o.)

________ /________ (ExpirationD ate) Make all checks payable to Joyce Meyer Ministries. Registration fees are nonrefundable. Advance registration ends September 2. After that, you may register on-site during the convention. If your registration card(s) does not arrive prior to the convention, you can pick it up in the Courtyard Lobby. This is a women’s convention therefore, we are unable to accommodate men or children.





joycemeyer.org/lovelife (888) 727–5280 (U.S. and Canada) (636) 349–0303 (International) EDWARD JONES DOME ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI

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LOVE LIFE—EMBRACE THE POSSIBILITIES What if you knew how to control your mind, mouth, moods and attitudes, so that you could totally transform every day into a great one—no matter what’s going on around you? Give us three days this September at our 28th Annual Women’s Convention, and we’ll show you how to love life like never before. Learn more at joycemeyer.org/lovelife.



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Save Money. Register by May 23.





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A Beautiful

Mind 1

5 Simple Steps to Setting Your Thought Life Free BY DR. CAROLINE LEAF







It’s true. You can also think yourself into being calm, clever, healthy, emotionally in control, and free of stress. The mind is such a complex and intricate organ that many people don’t realize how easily adaptable it is. You can actually learn to control your thought life and, consequently, your emotions, attitudes and behavior, ultimately leading to feeling and living better. How is this possible?

Use these five basic steps as your means to a more beautiful mind.

1. Gather. Train yourself to become aware of what is coming in through your five senses by gathering information about your toxic thoughts. You have a great frontal lobe in your brain that God designed to help you stand outside of yourself and observe your own thinking. Ask yourself: • What am I thinking about? • What am I listening to? • What am I watching?

2. Reflect.

Believe it or not, every thought you think is electrically and chemically represented in your brain. If a thought is healthy, it releases healthy chemicals whenever it is referenced. If it is a toxic thought, it releases toxic chemicals when it is referenced. That’s great news if you have nothing but good, healthy thoughts. But most of us have at least one area of thought that could use some attention. The good news is, God gave us the amazing ability to rewire these thoughts, and in the process, renew our minds—and it’s easier than you might think. In fact, you can transform your thought life in a matter of weeks with this simple five-step process.

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is for mind

Did you know you can think yourself into being filled with joy?

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In this step you engage the middle and front parts of your brain to observe the patterns of your thought life. For example: • How often do you find yourself thinking, doing, feeling or saying things that block your thinking—hourly/daily/weekly? • Are these thoughts positive or negative? • Where are they coming from? • What influence do they have on your choices and behaviors, and on the people around you?

3. Journal. Amazing things happen in the brain when you write down your personal reflections. Your brain starts sorting and prioritizing and puts you in a position to move forward.


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God gave us the God gave us the amazing amazingability abilityto to

renew ourminds minds— — renew our and andit’s it’seasier easier than than youyou might think. might think.

4. Revisit. Look back at your journal entries and outline your priorities. Which negative thought seems to affect you the most? Make that your starting point.

As you apply these five steps to rewiring your brain, watch the change in yourself and the impact of your positive change on those around you.

As you sweep away toxic thoughts and embrace healthy ones: • Approach the five steps prayerfully, using God’s Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. • It takes twenty-one days for your brain to identify a new pattern as a habit. So, go through the steps for twenty-one days for each toxic thought. Even if it seems daunting, take the leap—it’s worth it. • Don’t be overwhelmed by twenty-one days. They do not need to be consecutive. If you miss a day, jump right back in. There is no way to “fall behind,” so don’t be discouraged. • Determine how this process will best fit in to your life. There are no set rules. Just do what works for you.

SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER DR. CAROLINE LEAF Also, watch Dr. Leaf on Enjoying Everyday Life Friday, April 23. Check your local TV listing at www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings, or watch online at www.joycemeyer.org/broadcast.

C A R O L I N E L E A F, P h D is a recognized author and speaker, and has researched the science of thought since 1985. She has published numerous articles in academic journals and is frequently interviewed for articles and broadcast programs as an expert. She and her husband, Mac, and their four children live in Dallas, Texas. www.drleaf.net joycemeyer.org | MARCH/APRIL 2 0 1 0 | 25

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Do something practical to make the change real. Start with repentance and forgiveness (of yourself and others) and then do something to reach out in faith. If you have really forgiven someone, call them and take them out for lunch. If you’re working on not worrying, when the opportunity arises—and it will—cast all your cares on Him (see 1 Peter 5:7). If you are a could-have/wouldhave/should-have person, take those thoughts captive immediately and replace them with positive thoughts.


5. Reach.


For more detailed information on this process, see the revised edition of Dr. Leaf’s book Who Switched Off My Brain?

A CLOSER LOOK: partnership


\pärt-nər\ 1. One that shares 2. One associated with another especially in an action

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and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.“ —Romans 8:28 (Amplified)

Romans 8:28 (See side column) Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 (The Message): It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps... 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT): ...Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. ...She is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life.... jump page Philippians 4:15 (CEV): ...After I left there, you were the only church that became my partner by giving blessings and by receiving them in return.

1. These verses refer to different types of partnerships. Can you name them? Can you think of others? Write your answers below. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

2. The word partnership implies each member has a part in a common goal. What is your “part” in the partnership(s) you are involved in? In what way(s) can you enhance or improve your partnership commitment(s)? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

3. Here are some scriptures for further study that show examples of partnership: 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 19:1-7; 20; 1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT/ AMP/CEV; 2 Corinthians 8:23 NIV Answers: 1. With God; with friends, coworkers or business associates; with spouses; with church or other ministry organizations


“ We are assured

Let’s take a closer look at what it means to partner—with Christ and with others. Read these verses and answer the questions below.

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If recorded accurately and truthfully, history is the story of who we are. It explains the when, where, how and why events took shape. History cannot be foretold (except by God). It can only be recorded after time and events have unfolded.


If history is not recorded in the flow that it happens, it is not history, but a listing of random events without continuity. What happens when this occurs is the providential hand of God is no longer identifiable D AV E M E Y E R is the Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries and has been married to Joyce for over forty years. He passionately shares the truth about our rich Christian heritage in conferences nationwide, encouraging people to get educated, pray and take action. joycemeyer.org | MARCH/APRIL 2 0 1 0 | 27

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History is a flow of events that begins at the creation of time. Starting from that point, the providential hand of God is revealed along the way through the historical events acted out on the stage of life.




Either Recall (Remember) or Relearn (Pay Price Again)

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and the understanding becomes chaotic and confusing. Without truthful, accurate history, the direction for the future becomes clouded and out of focus because pieces of the past are missing. People and nations lose their way and destinies are unfulfilled.

Satanʼs Plan The reason for missing or revised segments of history is clear: Satan knows well the importance of recounting, recalling and remembering the great things the Lord has done. Satan’s plan is now and has always been to dilute or destroy this clear understanding of God as the Director of history. When people (a nation) have an understanding of providential history, Satan begins to function according to his title of great deceiver. If allowed, the deceiver blinds people to the truth, and they become victims of ignorance. Without the knowledge of how people of the past defeated Satan with God’s Word, people who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Men and women and nations inevitably repeat the same or similar situations over and over when past examples are deleted from history. The price paid is sometimes very large.


What Can You Do About It? This leads us to the question: What can we as Christians do about this perpetual cycle? The answer is simple— learn our true history. Our future is always an extension of our past. If our past is distorted and God’s handiwork has been removed, our direction for the future will disappear and we will wander aimlessly, as the Israelites did each time they forgot God. The ultimate end is always bondage.

“If history is not recorded in the flow that it happens, it is not history, but a listing of random events without continuity.” Historyʼs Benefits

WILL AMERICA STAY Discover simple steps that will turn back the tide of tyranny and restore America’s Christian heritage.

On the other hand, if we will remember our past and all the great and mighty things that our God has done, we will no longer be deceived and therefore passive because of ignorance. Our wisdom will return and we will become responsible and active to take back what the devil has stolen. This is God’s plan for America. Will you join me in making God’s plan for America our plan? This cannot happen unless we remember all that He has already done. Our history (our godly heritage) is more important than you may think. Otherwise the devil would never have stolen it. We have to know who we were to know who we are. And if we know who we are, we will know what needs to be done.



The Bible teaches us that wisdom is gained through the Word of God and life experience (see Proverbs 3:13.) It also teaches that the experience necessary for wisdom is costly (see Proverbs 5:1.) When this experience is discarded, revised or forgotten, nations can no longer act in wisdom.

The Future of America




Featuring Dave Meyer and Special Guest David Barton

$26 in Canada

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We love yOu we believe in You

And we want tO

pray fOr you Share your prayer

requests with us in time for THE Annual






March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 10 Submit your requests at joycemeyer.org/prayer

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St. Louis Dream Center Recognized for Community Involvement



The 21st Ward is one of the poorest neighborhoods of St. Louis.





Every time I drive through this area, I imagine what it looked like back when the buildings were first built. The architecture is impeccable, and the area is quite beautiful. I also can’t help but notice that the community is struggling from a poverty that even shows in these beautiful buildings. But what’s worse is that the people are suffering. Not just in how much food or basic necessities they have, but the poverty has impacted their safety as well. Crime is prevalent in this area—shootings, drug deals and other violence. But I can also see that things are beginning to change here, thanks in large part to the ministries of the St. Louis Dream Center.

A Special Recognition Founded in 2000 by Dave and Joyce Meyer, the church and ministry center is located almost exactly in the middle of the 21st Ward. With more than thirty different outreaches, the Dream Center is known throughout the community as a much needed help and blessing to the people. That’s why the City of St. Louis recognized them with a special recognition for outstanding humanitarian and community service. Joyce Meyer accepted the honor from City Alderman Antonio French, who works closely with the Dream Center staff to reach the 21st Ward. “We’re both humbled and honored by this recognition,” said Joyce Meyer. “Wanting nothing more than to be a blessing 30 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E

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to others, we intentionally established the Dream Center in the 21st Ward because we want to make a difference in our own community, not just other parts of the world—and we’re committed to being here long-term to help them improve their quality of life.” During the service, Dr. Kelvin Adams, Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools, was also recognized for his vigorous leadership as a strong, supportive partner of the Dream Center’s after-school student and youth initiatives and programs. Thanks to this partnership, students are experiencing the love of Christ in practical and powerful ways throughout the city.

Outreach for the Whole Family Each year, through a team of volunteers and trained staff, the Dream Center reaches out to thousands in the community—providing food, clothing, friendship, and spiritual help. The St. Louis Dream Center has established several ministries that serve people of various ages with different needs. Every time I visit the Dream Center or attend one of its outreaches, I am overwhelmed by the difference our partners are making possible for the people of this beautiful, yet worn down neighborhood. Men are being healed of addictions, children are being fed nutritious meals and receiving character training and discipleship, people are being trained for ministry, the homeless are receiving food and clothing, elderly people are receiving attention and love, and the truth of God’s Word is penetrating the hearts of thousands of people.


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WH cha cha

Get to p

Upcoming Conferences March 18-20 WINSTON-SALEM, NC

Joyce Meyer Ministries Worship with Martin Smith of Delirious?

CONFERENCE TOUR2010 Thursday Friday Saturday

7:00 pm 10:00 am & 7:00 pm 10:00 am

Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum | www.ljvm.com

April 8-10 CHATTANOOGA, TN Worship with Martin Smith of Delirious?

Thursday Friday Saturday

7:00 pm 10:00 am & 7:00 pm 10:00 am

The McKenzie Arena; UT Chattanooga www.utc.edu/mckenziearena

April 22-24 GrANd rApIdS, MI Worship with Matt

Thursday Friday Saturday


7:00 pm 10:00 am & 7:00 pm 10:00 am

resurrection Life Church | www.reslife.org



Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information.Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change.


FESTIVAL OF LIFE, Harare, Zimbabwe June 4-6 , Worship with darlene Zschech For more information: +(27) 21 701 1056 www.joycemeyer.org/zimbabwe

Where else can you be inspired, challenged and changed during a fun, refreshing weekend—free of charge? Only at a Joyce Meyer Ministries conference.



Get the complete schedule and the details you need to plan your trip at joycemeyer.org/conference.

Great perks and lots of fun! volunteer@joycemeyer.org (800) 707-7877 x3516

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Joyce Returns to Pahappahooey Island What does it mean to be courageous? Ali and the gang find out firsthand as they try to rescue Ruby the Lioness (Joyce Meyer) from Pahappahooey’s venomous villain, Ichabone Slink. This new children’s adventure DVD is based on Joyce’s classic teaching Do It Afraid! Look for it at Christian bookstores and joycemeyer.org/ruby.

Around the World What You Did to Help Haitians Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, with minimal access to health care. So when the earthquake hit in January, we stepped up our efforts to help. If you’re a partner, you were right there with us helping out after the earthquake hit, and in addition, you right helped us minister to the sick last month.





Last month’s outreach took place February 20-27, at the Jesus Healing Center, founded by Joyce Meyer Ministries and operated by Love A Child. As a partner, you help keep this clinic up and running every month. Thank you for doing your part to provide food, medical supplies and health care for the people of Haiti. Taking care of the practical needs of people gives us a greater opportunity to share Christ’s message with them.

Living The Love Revolution:

Learn more at www.joycemeyer.org/handofhope.

God at the Grocery Checkout Laura L. of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, was in the grocery store when God spoke to her. “He said, ‘Help the people in front of you because they don’t have enough money.’ “Well, I didn’t,” said Laura. “And my heart actually ached afterward. “So I told God that if He would put other people in front of me that needed money, I would help them. “Now every time it happens, the love of God rises up in me because I know He is so close at that moment. It feels so good to give!” Are you living The Love Revolution? Do you know someone who is? Share your story online at www.TheLoveRevolution.com. 32 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E

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Learn more about Joyce’s books and conferences, get daily encouragement and share your own thoughts and reflections.


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For stations and program times in your area, check your TV listing or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at www.joycemeyer.org.



Programs air daily, Monday-Friday.

Programs air one day a week.


FEB 28–MAR 6

Extreme Personality Makeover

It’s been said that a person can feel 1,001 different ways in thirty days about the exact same thing. Discover how to be confident in what God’s Word says, so you’re not continually swayed by fickle feelings.

It’s time for you to be someone that people really enjoy being around. Having this makeover will help you become an even stronger influence in the world around you.

MAR 8-12 The Connection Between Prayer and Love

MAR 7–13

MAR 15-19 Partnership: You Are Here

Do you really want to help people, but don’t know where to start? Through partnership you have the ability to reach lives all around the world. And when a bunch of people partner together, amazing things will happen. Enjoy five days of programs as we say thank you for all you make possible and show you how you can reach even more lives!*

MAR 22-26 Change

Did you know that change doesn’t have to be a bad thing? This week Joyce will help you focus on the benefits of change and the steps you can take to get there.

MAR 29-APR 2 Confidence

You can probably think back to numerous occasions when someone or something made you doubt your ability. Those moments, over years, can affect your confidence. Joyce welcomes Paul DeJong on Monday and Tuesday and shares two more days of teachings on how to regain and live with the confidence that God gives. On Friday, Joyce welcomes Nick Gumbel for a special Easter program.

Spiritual Health

Did you know there is something you can carry with you all day that will put your spirit at ease and give you direction whenever you need it? Tune in to learn how to work with the Holy Spirit in every circumstance.

MAR 14–20

Healthy Living

Do you take time as a family to sit down and enjoy a meal together? Special guest Dr. Linda Mintle joins Joyce to discuss the positive benefits of reinstituting this lost tradition.

MAR 21–APR 3

Your Body Is God’s House

When it comes to your health, are you a gambler or investor? Discover how to make choices that will pay off in the long run.

APR 4–10

Easter’s True Meaning

Joyce welcomes Nick Gumbel to discuss what real Christianity looks like and the special meaning behind Easter.

APRIL APR 5-9 The Cure for Stress

Are you approaching overload? Is there just too much going on in your life and you’d love a break? Discover how and why it’s important to give your soul a vacation.

APR 12-16 Eat the Cookie...Buy the Shoes

You can wish you had someone else’s life, but not enjoy where you are, who you are and the progress you’ve made instead? Join Joyce for four days of teaching, along with a question and answer session on Wednesday.

APR 11–MAY 1

The Safety Zone

Do you have a hard time saying no? Joyce will answer your questions about the importance of boundaries and how they help, not hinder you.

APR 19-23 The Love Revolution

At the 2009 Women’s Conference, women left ready to change the world through The Love Revolution™. Hear the same messages that spurred them to live out simple acts of God’s love every day. And on Friday, get a preview of what’s to come at Love Life: Women’s Convention 2010, with special guest Dr. Caroline Leaf.

APR 26-30 What About Me?

On Monday and Tuesday, you’ll learn how to fix your mind on God’s plan, for good. The rest of the week, Joyce teaches how to focus on others instead of waiting and wondering, “What about me?”




Schedules are subject to change. * TBN will receive alternate programming.

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Could your prayer life use a boost? Join Joyce as she shares the connection between loving others and your prayer life. Tune in Wednesday for some special encouragement on the annual Day to Heal and Restore. And on Thursday and Friday, she’ll share how to simply incorporate prayer into your everyday life.

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MAR 1-5 Why Do I Feel the Way I Feel?






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PLAY LIKE A CHILD— AGAIN The Joy of Surrendering Your Ambitions BY DEMIAN FARNWORTH



My son owns a red tricycle. Behind that tricycle he likes to pull a red wagon. He likes to haul stuff around in that little wagon.

See, for years of my so-called Christian walk, I obsessed about one thing and one thing only: Becoming a world-famous writer.

One day I noticed him lugging around the large plastic Joseph from our old nativity set. So I asked my son, “Who’s in your wagon?”

Much to the disappointment of my wife, this ambition took first place over everything else—my marriage, children, work and church.


In fact, I believed it was natural and justifiable to neglect my wife, children and God for the sake of art. But do you know the really sad part? I was miserable.

“Jesus’ father?” I asked.




He looked back at the faded Joseph. Then back at me. “Yeah, God’s dad.” I chuckled. But then it struck me— that’s exactly what we do with God... that’s exactly what I did for ten years of my life. Let me explain.

How I Destroyed My Family Not long ago there was a time in my life when, as a Christian, I toyed with God. Yes, I said my prayers, read my Bible and spent a lot of time at church. But something was wrong. Very wrong.

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I lived that way for ten years until I finally crashed and burned. It shouldn’t have surprised me. The Bible teaches that pride comes before a fall.

God is not a toy we can pull around. He’s not even our “copilot.” He’s the Creator who made us. The Shepherd who guides us. The Savior who paid the price for our salvation. In essence: He’s in control. And usually we’re out of control.

“The real God was waiting for me to surrender.” So let me challenge you with this: How’s your spiritual life? Is it full of joy and peace? Or is it dominated by frustration and anxiety?

Then God Turned Me Around

If it’s the latter, there’s good news: You don’t have to live like that. A full, complete surrender to God means incomprehensible joy and peace.

In the end, I realized I wasn’t pulling God around in my little wagon. I was pulling around an idol, just like my son. The real God was waiting for me to surrender.

It means you get to let go of your fears and play like a child again. Which sounds like a lot of fun, don’t you think?

So true.


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NEED TO LOOSEN UP? Order The Cure for Stress today and learn the keys to stress-free living.

The Cure for Stress 4-CD SERIES by Joyce Meyer

$26 $33 in Canada




If you want to see change happen in your life right now, but feel like you don’t have the time or tools to get started, this is the message you need to get the job done. Hear from Joyce as she shares about the one “constant” that keeps us seeking God and growing continually closer to Him…

Change by Joyce Meyer

joycemeyer.org |

Yours for a donation of any amount...



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3 days s 5 session

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SAVE $15

tering on when regis y 23, 2010 a M or before

Joyce Meyer Ministries 28th Annual Women’s Convention EDWARD JONES DOME ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.