Volume 80: Issue 5

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SPOTLIGHTon NORTHVIEW TRADITIONS Girls Basketball is ranked 2nd in the NLL

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Students experience life outside of school through shadowing

Dance team gets spirited with their team dinners


Speech & Debate hosts NVSG biggest tourney of year helps

students donate

Lauren Kotlarczyk Features Editor


The annual Sylvania Speech and Debate tournament, also referred to as SPADE, was held January 16 and 17. This is one of the biggest competitions in all of Ohio with students from all around the state competing for a top spot. There are about 30 schools that participate in the Sylvania tournament. “Competition is fierce, but it definitely makes you stronger in your category. I went and watched some break rounds and found out a lot about different styles,” said junior SPADE recorder Morgan Owens. The NV Speech and Debate team spends the week before the tournament getting everything ready. Stuffing ballots, cutting questions, gathering food and judges is what the team does to prepare for all of the people who come. There are many nights that the coach, Mr. Joe Droulliard has to stay very late doing work along with the SPADE officers. “Balancing school work with exams and SPADE preparations was hard, but in the end the long nights are worth it,” said Owens. “The tournament had a really good turn out. Thanks to the team’s cooperation, Sylvania was awesome,” said SPADE President Olivia Lui. Senior and Vice President of SPADE, Sundeep Mutgi qualified to semi-finals in Lincoln Douglas debate. Semi-final rounds narrow down the top 16 out of around 60 participants in each category. “Making it to semi-finals in O.O. with only being a beginner, was awesome,” said junior Griffin Browning. The previous two years, Griffin has been in Policy Debate and was very successful. “This has been the best tournament we have ever had. Everything ran very

Sylvania Northview High School Volume 80 Issue #5 January 27, 2006


Meredith Lodge Staff Writer

Melissa Cohen Sophomore SPADE Sophie Lui and senior SPADE Vice President Sundeep Mutqi discuss the room locations for the tournament. smoothly and I got nothing but compliments throughout the whole process by other schools,” said coach Mr. Droulliard.

The SPADE team will be competing in the State Qualifier tournament at Perrysburg High School in early February.

Winter break brings rest and many changes to NV

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French students plan their progressive dinner full of French cuisine, fun and travel from house to house.

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Valentines Day, love it or hate it, the day is on its way. Check out what Jackie and Greg think in our Pro/Con!

Club overload! Does NV have too many clubs? Are their too many opportunities for students to get involved causing themt o stretch their time too thin?

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Everything from MedTech to Cosmetology to Business Tech or Early Childhood to Engineering allow students to leave school during the day to shadow on the job, see what it’s like.

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Hockey, Girls Basketball, and Swimming all look to go far this season - check out if States is in their futures!

– page 8 CONTACT US

Phone: 419-824-8708 The Student Prints Sylvania Northview High School 5403 Silica Drive Sylvania, OH 43560 www.sylvanianorthview.org

Med Tech preps for upcoming fieldtrips Ashley McNair Staff Writer

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Over the past months and the holiday season, Student Government has helped Northview’s students and faculty help others in times of need. The charity program for Mom’s House was a major success this year. Hundreds of donations and gifts were collected before winter break, which included diapers, food, and clothing. A contest was held to see which class could donate the most to this charity. The winner’s of this contest were Mrs. Jennifer Owens’ and Mr. Gary Lewis’ second period classes. “We had so many donations this year that we had to get a huge truck to bring everything to Mom’s House,” said junior student government member Julianne Judge. The donation to Mom’s House also made Channel 13 news on December 16 when Student Government members brought the donations and filled the storage areas and many of the halls at Mom’s House. Student Government also ran a Hats Off day. Students were allowed to wear a hat for the day if they donated at least 50¢. “I thought Hats Off Day was a good way to raise money because a lot of people like to wear hats, which would mean more donations,” said junior Emily Navarre. The donations went to a local Sylvania family. Students and faculty raised around $650 to help this family during the holiday season.

Colin Ferguson CHECKING HER EMAIL Mrs. Nowak uses her new computer. Most of the teachers in the building returned from Winter Break to discover a new computer in their rooms.

Laura Berkowitz Staff Writer Coming back to Northview after winter break, students might have noticed a few changes around the school. The most obvious change is the yellow signs hanging on the walls all over the school and were paid for by NV parents. “The new signs are easier to read and should help people find their way around the building,” said Mrs. Mary Spilis. The signs are much bigger than the old ones

and are harder to miss. Another major change at NV is that all of the teachers were given new computers as part of a district wide update in technology. NV was the last school to be updated. “A levy was passed a few years ago to help update technology in the schools. The elementary schools were the first to be updated, then the junior highs, and now the high schools,” said Mrs. Spilis. The business department and then the science department received new comput-

ers months ago, according to Mr. Andy Roth. However, all of the other teachers came back to find them the first day after break. This caused some confusion with attendance and other programs as teachers were adjusting to the new systems. Now that the teachers have had them for a while they seem to be enjoying them. Mrs. Spilis thinks they are fabulous, and Mr. Roth said he “loves the computers. They are fast, efficient, there are more options, and they don’t breakdown.”

Northview’s Medical Technologies I is getting ready for two upcoming field trips. Students will be going to Flower Hospital today to witness first hand, the life in a hospital cadaver lab. Students will be among dead bodies for the day to see first hand anatomy. “I think it is a little grotesque, but if I want to me in the medical field then I am going to need to deal with it,” said junior Maria Holup. Med Tech I is excited for the field trip because this will be their third attempt to go. “We were upset both times our teacher told us we would not be going to the hospital but I am glad we are finally going and I hope I experience what it is really like in the hospital setting rather than a school setting,” said junior Ashley Kaptur. NV Med Tech students will also be visiting the Medical University of Ohio. They will be touring the Emergency Room, Intensive Care Unit, and many other areas of the hospital. Both Mr. George France and Mrs. Pat Johnson are glad the students are going on these field trips this month because they feel the students need more out of class experience.



27 January 2006 - in brief -

Pandora high school student stays in U.S. illegally Lauren Kotlarczyk Features Editor Pandora High School in Gilboa, Ohio has been the talk of the whole country this past month. Manuel Bartsch, an 18 year-old senior at Pandora, is no different than any other American teen. Bartsch has played football for his high school and is a good student. He immigrated to the United States in 1997 to stay with his step-grandfather on a 90-day visa from Germany where he was born and raised. Bartsch’s step-grandfather returned to Germany in December. In order for Bartsch to stay in the U.S., he had to find his immigration paperwork to show he was an American. After searching for the papers, he came to find that there were never any to begin with. Soon after he found out that there were never any records of any papers, his step-grandfather was supposed to fill out the papers eight years ago, but never actually finished them, according to the Corporate Counsel online. On December 21, Bartsch was put in jail for staying in the U.S. illegally. According to the law,

Bartsch is determined to finish high school and graduate along with his classmates the immigration policy said Bartsch must return to Germany within 90 days. Bartsch’s lawyer fought for this not to happen since he had proof of a trip to and from Canada in 1998. With evidence of this, the immigration authorities allowed further investigation to happen. Bartsch returned to Gilboa on January 5 around 10 p.m. and was welcomed home at a local community center by his classmates with a cake and a banner. The following day Bartsch returned back to Pandora High School for classes. The immigration authorities and court officials are still dealing with Bartsch’s immigration issue and a court hearing should happen within the next couple of months. Bartsch is determined to finish high school and graduate along with his classmates, according to the Toledo Blade.

FFA attends local leadership conference Faye Minshall Staff Writer Northview’s club FFA (Future Farmers of America), administered by Ms. Michelle Bogue, was recently invited to a leadership program at Clay High School. The event started at 6pm on January 12, inside of Clay’s Marvin. R Hemminger Agricultural Education Building. Only FFA members from Lucas County’s District I Ohio Schools could attend. The Leadership Night was planned and put into

“NV students had a great time meeting other area FFA members.” - Ms. Bogue action by Clay High School’s State Officers. According to the invitation that NV received for the event, the lessons were designed to match the Made for Excellence and Washington Leadership Conference. On January 12 the president of Ohio’s FFA came to NV and talked to the Environmental students. The Ohio FFA president (Julie Watson) has competed in many events and has written many essays for projects. While she visited NV she did activities such as goal building, leadership understanding, self-esteem raising and trust building. “NV students had a great time meeting other area FFA members,” said Ms. Bogue.

BPA heads off to competition Matt Wade Staff Writer

As the holidays come to an end it can only mean one thing for Business Professionals, competition time. Each year Business Tech I and II students compete in Columbus for one of numerous competitions held for Business Professionals of America (BPA). Northview’s Business Tech classes have been competing in BPA for the 21 years Mrs. Sue Briddell has been at NV. “There are close to 60 competitions that a BPA can choose to compete in,” said Mrs. Bridell. In the BPA competitions a group can have a maximum of four members. If those four members qualify in Columbus they have a chance to go to nationals in Orlando, Florida. “I can’t wait to represent NV in Columbus and hopefully in Orlando,” said junior Business Tech I student Brian Koehl. During exams Business tech students have time with their groups to do research on their topic and plan out what they want to achieve down in Columbus. One would think Business Tech II students would have the leg up on the first time BPA competitors, but not this year. It will be stiff competition down in Columbus for the NV challengers. “It will be nice having a year of experience down in Columbus,” said senior Business Tech II student Brad Brown. NV does have many successful business professionals coming back from last year including the team of now seniors Jake Butcher, Michael Herman, Brett Perlman and Donald Pogan who competed as a Financial Analyst Team and finished in the top ten at the state competition. Also the team of now seniors in Sarah Bridell, Brittany Johnson, Katie Kunar and Jackie Stamp, Administrative Assistant Team who placed third in the state of Ohio.

Mason Nistel SENIOR BRAD BROWN WORKS on the computer during class in Mrs. Briddel’s Business Tech II for seniors. During exams Business Tech students worked on their projects for the BPA competion.

A Capella FLA teen travels to Iraq Choir plans trip to NYC Melissa Benton Staff Writer

On December 11, 16-year-old Farris Hassan began his Christmas vacation a week early, flying en route to Iraq without his parents’ knowledge. The Fort Lauderdale teen was assigned to write an editorial about an international topic at Pine Crest School, a prep academy consisting of about 700 students. Hassan chose the Iraqi war and decided to practice complete immersion, or experiencing a topic first hand, a subject he had learned about in journalism the previous semester. The only people in on his secret were two school friends, according to MSNBC. Hassan flew out of the Miami International Airport with his $900 plane ticket headed for Baghdad. After a connection flight in Amsterdam, the teen landed in Kuwait City. It was in Kuwait City that Hassan first phoned his parents to let them know that he was okay and in the Middle East. Hassan attempted to take a taxi across the Kuwaiti border into Iraq, however tightened border security stopped him. Hassan’s Iraqi heritage allowed him to blend in effectively since his parents were born in Iraq. Unfortunately, the American teenager speaks no

Arabic. After failing to cross the Iraq-Kuwait border, Hassan contacted his father who tried to convince his son to come home, however Hassan was determined to go to Baghdad. On his father’s recommendation the teen flew to Beirut, Lebanon to stay with family friends for ten days. On December 25, with help from friends, Hassan flew into Baghdad at the Baghdad International Airport according to MSNBC, staying at an international hotel where other Americans were lodging. On Tuesday, December 26, Hassan’s second day in Baghdad, the teen located editors from the Associated Press and told them that he wanted to do research and humanitarian work in Iraq. Alarmed at the teen going solo in such a dangerous place, the AP contacted the U.S. Embassy, which immediately found Hassan and sent him home. Hassan’s parents, Shatha Atiya, a psychiatrist, and Redha Hassan, a doctor, had sent the U.S. Embassy on the lookout for the boy. In an e-mail to his teachers expressing his hopes to volunteer in Iraq, the teen wrote, “There is a struggle in Iraq between good and evil, between those striving for freedom and liberty and those striving for death and destruction,” he continued, “I want to experience during my Christmas vacation the same hardships ordinary Iraqis experience everyday.”

French club plans progressive dinner Neno Aouthmany Staff Writer The thirteenth annual Progressive Dinner for French club is on January 29, from 5 to 8pm and the students are getting together to attend French club’s biggest event of the year. The Progressive Dinner is when the French club travels from house to house to enjoy a course from a traditional French meal. Only 40 students will get to be involved in this activity and they will need to bring a tray of food with them also. Mrs. Stein believes the French dinner is going to be a success. “Eating delicious food and enjoying each others company are my expectations for the Progressive Dinner” said Mrs. Stein. The first house is where the participants will eat an appetizer, quiche loraine and French onion soup. They will then go to another student’s house and eat the main

dish, boeuf bourgignon and legumes farcis, which is beef burgundy and stuffed vegetables. The third house will consist of verde salad and bake brie which is green salad and cheese. The final house will be desserts, and they will enjoy a chocolate fondue with strawberries, marshmallow, Oreos and other toppings. “The Progressive dinner is a great way to explore the French culture and have a great time. with friends,” said sophomore Ryan Young

Katie Litzer Staff Writer Look out New York, here comes the Northview A Capella choir. Singing their way to the “Big Apple,” the A Capella choir is touring NYC, February 8-12. The choir tours the city every two years, that way everyone who is either a junior or senior will get to go at least once. “This trip was such an awesome experience when we went in 2004,” said NV 2005 graduate Ashley Archambeau. “I will never forget all the memories that were made.” The choir will leave NV on February 8 and depart to Strongsville, OH to do an exchange concert at the local high school. After the concert the choir students will be paired with another family and stay overnight at their homes until the next morning. Departing early in the morning, the choir will head towards the “Big Apple.” “I’m very exited for this trip,” said Junior Becky Morris. “It will be something that I’ll remember forever.” The choir may even be able to be on the Today Show, while they are in the city. This all depends if the show has a time slot open while taping. Also while in the city the choir will go and see two Broadway musicals, Wicked and The Lion King. The choir will have free time to themselves to tour the city and will be accompanied by a chaperone and will be allowed to go shopping, site see, and have fun in the “Big Apple.” “I’m looking forward to going into Times Square.” said senior Zach Baroudi. “I’m going to try and get on TRL at the MTV studios during my free time.” The students will also be performing at Saint John the Divine Cathedral, and many other small venues.



27 January 2006

Kelly Melchert GIVING BLOOD senior Greg Carlson donates blood for the NHS blood drive on December 2, 2005. Over 200 students, staff and parents donated blood. On December 8, more than 200 students, staff, and parents donated blood in Northview’s Gymnasium. At the end of the day, a total of 140 units of blood were collected and donated to the Red Cross. This amount of blood could have saved 420 lives in one day, which is incredible. The fact that such a simple and easy procedure can have such a significant effect on those in need is just one more reason why everyone should consider donating more. Why donate on just one day of the year? The gift of blood is the gift of life. There is no substitute for human blood, and approximately 32,000 units of blood are used each day in the United States. There are even more reasons to continue donating, since one out of every 10 people entering a hospital needs blood. Every three seconds someone needs blood and approximately every 10 seconds someone in the United States is receiving a blood transfusion. About 3 gallons of blood supports the entire nation’s blood needs for one minute. One blood donation can save as many as three lives. One unit of blood can be separated into several parts, including red blood cells, plasma and platelets. America’s independent community blood centers collect, test, process and deliver 45% of the U.S. blood supply to hospitals nationwide and they are always in need of volunteers. It’s great that the students, staff, and parents of NV came together to donate, but our country needs volunteers and blood for more than one day. Anyone who is in good health, is at least 17 years old, and weighs at least 110 pounds may donate blood every 56 days. This means that a person can donate up to 6 times a year. The process of donating blood, as anyone who participated in the drive in December will remember, isn’t a difficult process. According to the Red Cross, the whole procedure takes no longer than an hour, so donating is easy and fairly quick. 60% of the US population is eligible to donate , but only 5% do on a yearly basis. People older than 65 use 43% of all donated blood and the demand for blood will increase as the population ages. Clearly, our country needs everyone who is eligible to donate and yet only 5% do. Blood donation is a great way for young people to give back to their communities because it doesn’t require money. Since teenagers and young adults are generally low on funds and donating blood is free, it’s the easiest way for them to help. Given all of this information, I think it’s wrong for students to just donate one time a year simply to get out of class. It’s easy, free, and blood is needed constantly. I think everyone should really reconsider their annual blood donation because there is no excuse for not helping others when you can. If you wish to continue donating, contact the Toledo Red Cross at 419- 535-0707 to make an appointment. It is located at 3510 Executive Pkwy in downtown Toledo.


my cents

“Valentines is overrated. People put so much work into it. We don’t even get school off.” junior Kendra Sims

Have you ever felt glum at school? I know I have. Having been here for almost four years, I’m trying to understand why most students dread coming to school. Some of you may love it here at Northview, but I know when I look around at everyone, it is as if they wish they were dead. I’m not saying NV is a bad school, but there is definitely something lacking in the atmosphere. Many students will try and pinpoint their unhappiness on the teachers and administration; however, they are wasting their time. Sure, there may be some teachers that are disliked, but so what? They are only doing their job and we have to find other ways to overcome unhappiness. In the real world, you have to be nice to your boss or you’re fired. Simple as that. So act like your teachers are your bosses. Be nice. Punishments are also given out that some students find unreasonable, but just get over it. There is nothing we can do about teachers or punishments we find unfair, but there is something we can do about ourselves. The major thing missing from NV is courtesy. How many times have you been rudely shoved in the hallway and the person did not even bother to say sorry? That is definitely a problem. To be kind and decent to one another is probably the easiest thing in the world, yet most students act as if it would kill them to be decent. Either that, or they just do not understand that it is rude to push someone in the hallway, whether it is an accident or not. If students were at least nice to one another, I definitely believe that it would create a happier environment here. Little accidents, like shoving someone

SSR: contradicting its sole purpose

In the beginning of the year, Northview students and staff found out Sustained Silent Reading would occur every Tuesday. SSR is supposed to be a time when every person in the school is supposed to read a book for fun for 20 minutes. The original plan used to occur every week and alternate which period it happened in. Now it only occurs in a week that has no two-hour delays, assemblies, and homerooms, and also only in 2nd period, which is then made 20 minutes longer. NV already has three different schedules for special schedules making SSR number four. SSR is so random that it causes a lot of confusion among students and staff. It occurs maybe at most 3 times a month, on a good month. Students often forget when it is because SSR occurs at random. How can students possibly be expected to remember something like SSR with everything else that goes on? There is so much going on around the school that teachers and students forget when SSR will be happening. Teachers and students forget to bring their books or what they planned on reading. “It’s a waste of time because everyone forgets to bring something to read,” said junior Danton Crosser. When students forget their books, they just sit there thinking about upcoming tests and incomplete homework, making them stressed out. Instead of thinking of things that are stressful, most students would rather be doing something productive. “I’m in commons so when I forget to bring something to read, I do my homework,” said junior Candiss Schneider. The school needs to make SSR occur every week or not at all. Northview has to inform students that reading is important and it should be apart of every students’ schedule. By having reading postponed for other schedules it makes it seem that reading isn’t as important as assemblies or homerooms. The school administration is contradicting the message they are trying to send.

Is Valentine’s Day a worthy holiday?

“It’s good if you have someone to spend it with.” Sophomore, Karly Kasper

into a locker by mistake, happen just about everyday. They are never going to go away. I am not saying to walk in a uniform line down the hallway like in military style, but if you do accidentally run into someone, just say sorry! It’s that easy and it will not make the other person hold a grudge against you. Another thing that kills me is when people refuse to say hello. I know this has happened to probably every student. Picture this scenario. You are walking down a hallway with just you and another person. What is your first reaction? Quickly hang your head down and act as if you are a mute. Would it really hurt to look up at the person, smile, and say “hello”? After all, we are all students of the same school. We should not be afraid to say “hello” to one another. A simple smile could brighten a student’s day and you would never know it. So try it next time you find yourself in this situation, see what the other person’s reaction is. As far as the teacher situation goes, we should just simply show respect. You may think a teacher, or even an administrator, dislikes you, but if you are kind to them and show respect during class, they can have no reason to not like you. So try it! Pay attention in class, do your homework, and you will find that your life will become a lot easier. NV is filled already with a lot of really nice people, but there is always room for improvement. All I ask of you is to just try and be courteous to one another, whether it is in class, in the hallways, outside of school, or in the parking lot. Being kind to one another can go a long way. -Olivia Reynolds, Opinions editor

“It’s a fun holiday. It’s a good opportunity for people to spend time with each other.” senior George Hadley

“It’s a way for Hallmark to make money. Freshmen, David Navarre

- column world

The through my eyes...

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By Cal l

Common courtesy: Blood donation, A missing link at NV more than an excuse out of class

We all have TV shows that remind us of our childhood and some of them we still love to watch. I remember watching many shows when I was younger, I miss those days. Nothing can really ever replace those favorite childhood shows. Do you remember the days of T.G.I.F.? I do! Every Friday night it was a ritual to sit down and watch great sitcoms. Sadly, the high quality T.G.I.F. we knew has disappeared, the shows have been cancelled, but luckily for us, many are coming out on DVD or still live on in syndication. I know I’m not the only one who loves watching old re-runs of my favorite childhood shows such as Boy Meets World and Full House. I have many shows that I have seen every episode of, and yet, they never get old. Some of the best shows on TV have the exact same formula and all the “serious” life problems are solved in 30 minutes or less. Now I can admit I am a little bit of a TV addict, by that I mean I watch excessive amounts of TV. Even though I love many shows on today, the shows I watched growing up were much better. I have decided to rank my top 10 TV shows from my youth in no specific order (because that would be just too hard). 10. Boy Meets World: I grew up watching it on T.G.I.F. I know I am not the only one who feels like Cory, Topanga, and Sean were the “coolest” high school students. I really hated the season Cory and Topanga were broken up they were soul mates! Through the years this show got a little bizarre at the end, but I still loved it. 9. Full House: Now who couldn’t love little Michelle with her cute sayings like “you’ve got it dude” Or the crazy neighbor Kimmy Gibler with her smelly feet. I will always be a bit jealous of DJ, because she got to date Steve. 8. The Cosby Show: Bill Cosby made this show in my opinion. His interactions with his five children and wife Claire are absolutely hysterical. Just sit down and watch an episode and you cannot help but laugh. 7. Legends of the Hidden Temple: Players wanted to be one of the teams to make it to the end, the temple, but had to watch out that they didn’t get caught by the temple guards. I always felt I would have made a great competitor! (I could have won that 10-speed bike!) 6. Step by Step: what type of character didn’t this show offer? From nerdy little Mark, to tomboy Al, Parents Frank and Carol had their hands full with their children. 5. Growing Pains: Mike Seaver can anyone say teen heartthrob? 4. Saved by the Bell: Zach Morris, need I say more? I love this show from the days of Miss Bliss to when they graduated from high school. It got a little rough after high school though, but admit it anytime Zach and Kelly’s wedding is on TV, you know you would watch it! Everyone loved Zach’s schemes, Screech’s awkward situations and Slayter calling Jessie “Hot Mama.” Honestly, how many new classes were there? 3. The Secret World of Alex Mack: What kid doesn’t want to get hit by a truck holding weird chemicals and be able to turn into a puddle of silver liquid? This was great and I always wanted to be able to change shape just like her! 2. Are you Afraid of the Dark? Remember when this use to make you scared? I loved this show, the midnight society was so cool. The stars of this show got together in the woods and told ghost stories, how cool is that? 1. Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Two weird aunts, a talking cat, and the ability to do magic at the point of a finger (literally). Sabrina had an interesting life, plus she could go to the “other realm” through her linen closet. It all comes down to that I still love the TV shows I watched while I was growing up. Although the shows were a bit corny, they are still funny. There is honestly nothing like sitting down in front of the TV in some sweat pants and T-shirt and watching old reruns. No matter how many times I have seen the episode they still make me laugh and I still love watching them. The best are the ones on DVD you can watch several episodes with no commercials!



27 January 2006

Valentine’s Day

Romantic Experience Pink and red will be f looding the world in a few weeks since Valentines Day is upon us, and I can’t wait because it’s one of the coolest days of the year. T his hol id ay mea n s di f ferent t hi ngs for ever yone, but ever yone can agree that it is not one that can be easily ignored. If you’re in a relationship, you have to wor ry about what to get the other person and if you’re not in one you think about how you have no one to worry about. It’s great to see what your significant other will come up with to show that he or she cares about you. Even if they go with the cliché card and flowers, it’s still nice when they surprise you at work or in class with them if front of everyone. There are other great reasons to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Sometimes it gives your crush the guts to tell you, in the sweetest way possible, that he or she likes you. That can be a good thing or bad thing, but it definitely makes February 14 better than a usual day. If you’re not in a relationship, this day doesn’t have to be a completely depressing waste of life. Like I said earlier, it could be the day you find love, or the day love surprisingly finds you. The great thing about this day is that you could be alone in the morning, with no prospects, and suddenly part of a couple at the end of the day. Valentine’s Day isn’t all about showing the opposite sex that you care about them either It’s really a time to show anyone that you care. My mom always buys me a card and little present and it’s something that I’ve always looked forward to. My sister and I usually get each other something, and my grandma sends me cards in the mail too. It makes me so happy to hear about all the cute things that happened to my friends throughout the day, and I really don’t understand why some people hate Valentine’s Day so much. I know that it can be a little cheesy and I know that most male specimens are incapable of expressing feelings of love, but it really is an important day. I think that Valentine’s Day really needs to get more recognition as a good holiday. It’s doesn’t have to be a Hallmark holiday because it’s not about just buying a card. It’s really just about telling the people you care about that you, well, care about them. Plus, there’s always a ton of candy around, and in my opinion that makes Valentine’s Day a great holiday. --Jackie Zureich

Hallmark Holiday

The year is flying by and that magical time of February is fast approaching. People are already excited for February because of Valentine’s Day when couples grow closer together, lovers express their passion and anyone who is single will magically find somebody to get together with because that’s just how it works. Give me a break! When it comes down to it, Valentine’s Day is just another day of the year. The sun rises at the same time, sets at the same time, and we still go to school. It is considered a holiday, but who made that rule? Hallmark? Valentine’s Day was created by Hallmark and other such companies out for a profit, it’s as simple as that. The CEO’s of these companies will not care if the fancy cards you purchased from them will help you score with that special girl. If she does not like you, no matter how many heart-shaped boxes of chocolates or flowers you buy her, she still will not like you. I’m sorry, but that is just how it goes. Welcome to the real world. As long as the companies are making money off you they will be happy. For couples, Valentine’s Day can be a great way to show appreciation or passion for each other. However, why can’t that be done every day? Girls, your boyfriend should open doors for you, hold you when times are rough, and be there for you no matter what no matter how long you have been dating. In olden days, all guys were gentlemen and treated the ladies right, with respect. However, today is seems to be okay to let those values slip as long as we make sure to exhibit them on that one “special day” every year. Here’s an idea: whatever you had planned for Valentine’s Day, do it next weekend. Show your significant other that you really care, without using a holiday to do it. Valentine’s Day has been so commercialized it has lost its meaning. Now it is all about the chocolates, flowers, cards, jewelry, and teddy bears. Now the message is, “You do not really love them unless you buy them this.” Way too many people give in to that mind set therefore forfeiting their true passion to a modern state of mind where the emphasis is entirely on what and how much you can purchase. Through this, the true love for a person is lost. Take your boyfriend or girlfriend out to dinner, look them in the eyes and tell them how much you love them. You do not need a teddy bear holding a heart that says it. Surprise them by doing something for them that you normally would not do. There are plenty of great things you could do to express your love, don’t just buy them candy and feel satisfied with yourself. Make it a memorable Valentine’s Day without fueling the commercial drive for love merchandise. -Greg Adkins

Fad diets offer false hope in keeping Social cliques cause loss of off weight for long time periods Still trying to lose those pesky pounds you put on after the holidays? Most people find themselves buying into fad or crash diets such as the South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet. These diets claim that you can eat some of the food you love while burning off the excess pounds and doing it fast. However, these diets aren’t balanced, meaning they do not contain servings from each of the groups of the food pyramid. Therefore, they are not meant to be kept for a long time. “People going on the Atkins diet don’t realize that it isn’t the right way to go about losing weight. It’s ineffective. I would rather go to the gym,” said senior Betsy Poll. Basically, fad diets are totally lame! I honestly do not find it appealing eating cabbage soup for weeks on end. Cabbage, which consists of mainly water, cooked in water is not satisfying to my growing body. Throw in a Twinkie, a bag of chips, and a glass of chocolate milk minus the cabbage soup, and then call my hunger satisfied. Teenagers in high school are typical victims of crash diets. Crash diets usually consist of liquid diets, grapefruit diets, and so on. Crash diets typically are meant to lose weight fast, and they are only meant to be kept for no more than a week. People honestly drink only liquid with no solid foods for a week. They want to lose that extra weight before prom, spring break, or a school dance and don’t want to do anything exerting in order to lose that weight. This is not only unhealthy, but it is weird. If you want to lose weight, and care so much about it, then stop being lazy! Get up, put on workout clothes, go to the gym and sweat a little! By exercising, you ultimately raise your metabolism meaning that you burn calories faster even when you aren’t doing anything. After finishing a crash diet, one only puts back on the same weight that they lost the week before. This is not healthy, all that feeling bad for weeks by not eating what you usually eat and straining yourself mentally and physically goes down the drain after you get off that diet. Your body basically compensates for everything it has been missing the weeks that you were on the diet. So all that weight that you think you


Colin Ferguson READING ABOUT HOW celebrities lose those few pounds with fad diets is junior Emily Navarre. Fad diets are popular for crash dieting in order to lose weight. lost on that diet is just hiding somewhere and getting ready to creep up on you and attack right at the point where you think you can fit into those jeans from last spring! “For every fad diet that anyone has ever gone on, within three years, every person has returned to original weight or gained weight. The only way to lose weight is to exercise and change the way you eat for the rest of your life,” said Mrs. Mary Spilis.

NV on club overload with new club additions Northview has become known for its abundance of extra curricular clubs and activities. Actually, that should be over-abundance. There are so many clubs at NV, the old phrase, “You could start a club for anything,” has been proven true. There can only be so many clubs before they begin to clash and then problems occur. For kids involved in major sports and activities, clubs are already a challenge because of attendance. Practice for other activities takes up lots of time and can interfere with meetings for clubs as well. Also, people involved in more than one club are forced into mind-wrenching dilemmas when they have to decide which meetings to attend because of the overlap. This is especially dreadful when they have friends on both sides and each group of friends is urging and begging them to come to that particular meeting. Clubs have also lost some meaning with the extent to which they have been created. Some clubs just seem rather pointless and don’t promise accomplishing very much. No offense to anyone, but entertainment club? That seems quite a stretch to be a school-sponsored activity. Not to mention kids could always just go home and watch the E! Channel. There has also been a shortage of teachers to sponsor the plethora of arising clubs. Kids can start a club but they need a teacher to agree to be the supervisor for it. Many teachers have families of their own and want to go home and spend time with them. They do not want to stick around school and watch kids do random things that they could just do at home. Give these teachers a break and let them leave. Stop pestering them with petitions to look after you during some off-the-wall idea for a club. Another major problem is that many students seem to think that starting a club automatically makes them the president of that club. They declare themselves the president and leader of the club, and in some extreme cases, have even been known to declare other people as high officers such as vice president. They do not even take applications or look for the best candidate, they just pick their friends to help lead some cool new club. Webster defines president as, “One elected to preside over an organized body of people.” The key word is elected! A person cannot declare themselves president! That’s what America has been fighting since the 1950’s. A person could declare themselves a dictator, or even a king in some cases, but a president has to be elected by the people. The veterans of America, the former government officials, the Founding Fathers themselves would be ashamed of these new clubs and their tyrannical officials. In many cases, these people are not even the best ones fit to run their club. Do some research and learn how to be a real governing official, learn how to be a real American. Many of these clubs were created for one main reason; college applications. The tyrants running them just want to say they started a club for their college applications and they do not really care about the club itself or the people in it. Some changes are needed here at NV. There are just too many clubs and they have poor management.

So losing weight is basically a lifestyle change with many key ingredients. Working out, exercising, eating not only healthy but balanced meals, and losing the right amount of weight. One’s body can only take so much. So limiting the amount of weight loss to two or three pounds a week is probably one’s best bet. Basically, crash and fad diets get weight off fast, but it will only come back in the long run. -Kaila Tschappat, News Editor

Cliques with students are becoming more noticeable with age as we go th rough high school. According to urbandictionary.com a clique is an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose. Cliques have both benefits and indictments. Students can make the best of friends in school within their group because they all share common interests. Cliques also give people the feeling of safety because they are always with the same type of people. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, p e o p l e i n cl i q u e s m a y not see other ideas or opinions of other students. Many students in a clique do not associate with others mainly because they are afraid of what the other people may think of them. “The word “cliques” reminds me of a time bomb that is about to explode. It makes me uncomfortable and afraid. I feel the same way about cliques,” said junior, Justin Kruger. Being a well-rounded student is important because when we leave for college we are going to need to accept many different people in order to make friends. Fr iends a re cr ucia l i n our so ciety b ecause without them we are considered an outcast, which ma kes it even ha rder for p eople to accept you. S o m e t i m e s b e i n g i n a cl i q u e c a n g ive you a name. You may not have the same morals as your friends but you still have fun with them. Sadly, people will define you by who you hang out with. I thin k students at Northview should start inviting others to hang out with them because this wo u ld e n c o u r a g e o t h e r s t o d o t h e s a m e. -Ashley McNair

The Student Prints

Sylvania Northview High School 5403 Silica Drive Sylvania, Ohio 43560 2005-2006

Co-Editors-In-Chief: Sophia Papadimos & Calli Smenner Advisor: Sarah Flynn News Editor: Kaila Tschappat Features Editor: Lauren Kotlarczyck Photo Editor: Colin Ferguson Sports Editor: Alden Hirschfeld Editorial Editor: Olivia Reynolds Business Editor: Wang Pan Staff Writers: Greg Adkins, Kamel Ansara, Neno Aouthmany, Melissa Benton, Laura Berkowitz, Lizzy Breier, Destiny Bryant, Jamie Hamilton, Taylor Helberg, Katie Litzer, Meredith Lodge, Ashley McNair, Faye Minshall, Pat Sayre, Ryan Stansley, Matt Wade, Katie Wambold, Kristin Winters, Kim Yark, Jackie Zureich The Student Prints is the official student-produced newspaper of Sylvania Northview High School. It is distributed monthly at no charge to serve the purpose of informing students, faculty, staff, administration and the Sylvania community of current issues. The main goal of TSP is to present coverage of events in an unbiased and accurate manner. The paper also respects the opinions and ideas of the entire NV community. Signed letters to the editors are encouraged and should be no longer than 300 words. All letters can be turned in to the publications room, E-6. TSP reserves the right to edit letters that contain grammatical errors, accuracy and profane or libelous comments. The newspaper staff is entirely responsible for the content of the paper and supports the First Amendment to the Constitution. Unsigned editorials published in TSP are written by staff members and agreed upon by a majority vote of the editorial board. TSP is carefully examined by its staff and advisor prior to publication to prevent incorrect or libelous information. The newspaper staff and school do not endorse advertisements published in TSP. Advertising specifications may be obtained by calling (419) 824-8708. The newspaper follows the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook guidelines for punctuation and grammar. TSP is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and Quill and Scroll.



27 January 2006

Valentine’s Day gift ideas Valentine’s Day brings around many feelings, both good and bad towards the romantic holiday. If you’re lucky enough to have that special someone in your life, now is the time you get to worry about giving the gift that shows him or her just how much you care. Don’t panic yet- we have a few ideas that will cover you and make your sweetie proud. These gift ideas should help ease your mind and make February 14th a day that you and your sweetie remember. that n a m your l of you s w Choco t sho le. Tip: Al friend f i latesg r eally s i e a l h c a s t a nic m shows ure the ging a nes e arr g n e o s l o k p o your a e n p C i c angem m r u i a b r l o g l u o t r s n o v i e o y e t m v d ent i s o r e towar s one s ju one. T fo t p n d he’s m might con ent oute e s i that a sc assort cific kind p: go for s s e f r e i o p d a y s l and s ment; buyin k thi too girl k t g c n i i h p o p e b t o m t h d o to y e y n s t l h i kes ery uge it’s it’s th that man. e one chocolate to bite in t that they and discov o manly truly Flowers- a simple and traditional gift detes er t. that always puts a smile on someone’s face. Red roses are definitely the flowers of choice for this gift. ke nothing li s y u g t s o m Movies h their main it w p u le g g u sn more than to good movie. a g in h c t a w e of the squeeze while im t e n o e h t robably Also, this is p tching the a w h it w y a w et a year you can g now he will k u o y t a h t r rke sappy, tear-je atch again. w o t g n li il w never be

Build aB that any g ear- a c her t u o the irl would te gift i de what m m she w all and le elt for. Ta a t her k ants ! choo e se

Eating disorders pose a problem College football ends for both men and women season with bowl games

Melissa Benton Staff Writer

according to the EDA. Today, pro-ana sites are becoming more and more popular. According to Ana’s Underground Grotto, Everyday a harmful, sometimes fatal and always anorexia is a “lifestyle” and a practice of “self-control.” lifelong disorder affects millions of Americans. Most The site refers to food as “Thine Enemy.” Anyone can do not give the disorder a second thought. However, it create a site to attempt to justify a disorder; however, it is inappropriate and inaccurate, according to Mrs. Mary penetrates society quietly and easily, seeking victims. Eating disorders are defined by Merriam-Webster’s Spilis. Bulimia Nervosa, also known as bulimia and mia, Dictionary as any of several psychological disorders (as anorexia nervosa or bulimia) characterized by serious is characterized by compulsive overeating followed by disturbances of eating behavior. The question is: how self-induced vomiting. Bulimia can advance to the point where a person will vomit involuntarily after every much is it actually influencing American citizens? According to Anorexia Nervosa and Associated meal. Signs of bulimia include sore throat, swollen glands, Disorders (ANAD), approximately seven million girls and women and one million boys and men in America stomach pains, mouth infections, irregular periods, dry struggle with eating disorders. Even more college-aged skin, difficulty sleeping, sensitive or damaged teeth, Americans have eating disorders. An astonishing 19% or eating large quantities of food, being sick after eating, being secretive, feeling more of college-aged ashamed, and mood swings, women are bulimic, according to the EDA. “Eating disorders are a lifelong mental according to Radar There are also many Programs. health issue; in other words, you hopepro-bulimic sites that refer The root of fully learn to cope with the disorder to the disorder as “mia.” They eating disorders is feel that the bathroom is not surprisingly and adopt a healthier lifestyle...” their friend, and that they are food-related. In fact, Mrs. Mary Spilis practicing the ultimate selfaccording to the control. Eating Disorders Binge eating occurs Association (EDA), eating disorders are a way to cope with feelings that are when a person begins eating large quantities of food making a person unhappy or depressed. Many sufferers often, usually being unhealthy foods, and vomiting them of eating disorders look in the mirror and see only fat back up later. The symptoms of binge eating are defined by the and ugliness, even if they are unhealthily thin. Their selfEDA as excessive weight gain, eating large quantities of image is distorted by the eating disorder. Many Americans may be influenced by the media food, eating inappropriate food, being secretive, feeling and their peers to be thin. In today’s society, thin is depressed, and mood swings. If you feel that you have an eating disorder, it is much beautiful. Stars such as Paris Hilton and Calista Flockhart set unrealistic goals for girls and women. Even Barbie, easier to overcome the disorder with help. The road to whose frame is impossibly proportioned, has become a recovery for most eating disorder victims is difficult, however rewarding. Self-confidence and a positive attitude role model for girls. There are three main kinds of eating disorders: are the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle. If you are concerned that a friend or family member Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and binge eating. Anorexia Nervosa, commonly known as anorexia or may have an eating disorder, get help now. Talk to a ana, begins with eating less and less, and feeling more parent, doctor, counselor, teacher, or someone else who and more obese. One’s self-image is distorted to the point can get you friend the help they need; they will thank you where the sufferer feels guilty if they eat more than a few in the end. A doctor, psychiatrist, dietician, counselor, bites at a meal. People with anorexia often drink lots of friend, self help group, help hotline, the internet, or informational articles and books can all help a person water and only nibble at their food. Symptoms of anorexia include but are not limited to: cope with eating disorders effectively. “Eating disorders are lifelong mental health issue; severe weight loss, skipping periods, difficulty sleeping, stomach pains, constipation, poor circulation, feeling in other words, you hopefully learn to cope with the cold, wanting to be left alone, wearing baggy clothes, disorder and adopt a healthier lifestyle but later in your excessive exercising, lying about eating, denying a life you may be affected by stressors that may cause a problem, difficulty concentrating, intense fear of weight relapse so maintaining that healthy lifestyle is the first gain, depression, obsession with dieting, mood swings, step to recovery. Be aware, this is a lifelong problem,” said and distorted perception of body weight and size, Mrs. Spilis, Northview Psychology teacher.

Ryan Stansley Staff Writer

This year’s College Football Season was a great one, as the two top ranked teams went undefeated and met in the Championship game. Each year the eight best teams are selected to play in the Fiesta Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Orange Bowl, or Rose Bowl, which are, the top Bowl Championship Series bowl games. The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl was host to the Ohio State Buckeyes, who have been present in the Fiesta Bowl three out of the past four years and they also won the National Championship in 2002. The Notre Dame Fighting Irish were Ohio State’s opponent in this close match-up where the #4 ranked Buckeyes were up against the #6 ranked Fighting Irish. In this intense battle, Notre Dame got on the board first with a short run by Irish running back Darius Walker. Ohio State soon answered with a long pass from Troy Smith to a wide-open Ted Ginn Jr. for a touchdown. The game was close until Ohio State’s running back, Antonio Pittman, scored on a 60 yard run to insure the Buckeye victory with 1 minute and 46 seconds left. The Buckeyes won favorably 34-20. “The bowl games this year were exceptionally well, especially the Fiesta Bowl,” said sophomore Tyler Puhl, “I’m just glad my Buckeye’s got the win.” Another high-tension game was the Nokia Sugar Bowl. The West Virginia Mountaineers, who were ranked #5, played the #10 ranked Georgia Bulldogs. West Virginia dominated in the first half scoring three touchdowns in the first quarter, while Georgia was held to none. WV scored again 50 seconds into the second quarter giving them a commanding lead 28-0. Georgia came back and scored two touchdowns before WV kicked a 27-yard field goal and at half the Mountaineers led 31-21. In the third quarter Georgia was only down three points. During the fourth quarter both teams scored again making the score 38-35 with West Virginia leading. Neither team scored in the last five minutes crowning the West Virginia Mountaineers the Nokia Sugar Bowl Champs winning by just three points 38-35. The FedEx Orange Bowl was host to #3 ranked Penn State Nittany Lions who were highly favored against their opponent, the #23 ranked Florida State Seminoles. Because Penn State was highly favored in this match-up the final result shocked many fans and viewers. The game was neck and neck the whole time and it was so close that it took three overtime periods to get the Orange Bowl winner. After the end of regulation the game was tied 16-16 and the game was sent to overtime. Both teams matched each other’s touchdown in the first overtime making the score 23-23. In the next OT period neither team was able to score and the game was sent to a third OT session. After holding the Seminoles from any type of points the Nittany Lions managed to kick a 29-yard game winning field goal. The biggest bowl game this year was the Rose Bowl or National Championship. The National Championship is every college football teams dream and this year the #1 ranked USC Trojans and #2 ranked Texas Longhorns met in Pasadena, California. With both teams undefeated in the regular season it was said to be the best game in years. The Trojans were looking for their third national championship win in the three years while the Longhorns were looking to break the Trojans 34 game win streak and bring the national title back to Texas. Texas was up against arguably the two best college football players of this time. After Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush led the Trojans 54 yards for the games first touchdown. Vince Young and the Texas offense answered with a 46-yard field goal and then took control of the rest of the first half. At halftime the Longhorns were up 16-10. Neither team quit after half as Reggie Bush and the USC offense put up two more touchdowns while Vince Young and Texas only managed to score one more touchdown making the score 24-23 with USC leading. The fourth quarter was neck and neck the whole way until Young took over. With the game on the line Young snapped the ball, dropped back, and took off, dodging USC defenders for an eight-yard touchdown run and the win. The final score was 41-38 making Texas the national champions. Texas was able to snap the Trojan’s 34 game win streak and was given the National Championship trophy. After rushing for 200 yards, Young received the MVP award and helped the Texas Longhorns become In-Vince-Able. Junior Tom Snavely said, “This years bowl games were very surprising.”



27 January 2006



MEGAN YOCKEY] “Mrs. Jude is a great instructor and gets us extremely prepared to get our cosmetology license.” Senior Megan Yockey

Cosmetology is a great program here at Northview to help students decide if they want to pursure this career in the future. In Cosmetology students work on manikins and each other. They also have hairdays during the week where the students also get their hair done.


In Med Tech II Mike Darah and Justin Lea shadow in the operating room at MUO. They volunteer, prep surgical beds, and transport patients into pre-op. This year they have watched laproscopic surgery, coronary surgery and a total knee replacement. “The best part of shadowing is no school, free lunch, and it prepares us for the future.” Seniors Mike Darah and Justin Lea

[EARLY CHILDHOOD KATE DONEY] In Early Childhood Education II students get to work with children in different elementary schools or they have the choice to be in a paid placement.



In Business Tech students get the chance during the year to intern at a job that they apply for and are paid for. They gain valuable work experience in the field of business.

“I feel this class is very beneficial and a good learning experience before college!” Senior Kate Doney

“I work at Wagoner and Wagoner Financil Services and I think that interning while your in high school will let you know if you want to pursure that career later in life.” Senior Jake Butcher

Would you like to be on the Yearbook of Newspaper Staff? positions available: photographers layout design writers sales Applications are now available in room E-6 and interviews start next week!

[ ENGINEERING TECH PREP MIKE SCHNEIDER] “The reason why I chose to be in Engineering Tech Prep is because unlike other classes it is hands on and we apply our learned skills in class projects.” Senior Mike Schneider

This year in Engineering Tech Prep II, the class has had a great opportunity to work with a sprint car builder named Ron Miller. At his shop they constructed their frame for their hummer project.



27 January 2006

- sports column -

Swimming, diving place well

a day in the life

Alden Hirschfeld & DIVING

Kim Yark Staff Writer The Swimming and Diving team has been competing for high marks at various meets, holding their own at the past three meets. “Although we were thought to be the underdogs, many of the girl swimmers have stepped up to fill top spots which has helped us win meets and will help us place high at districts,” said junior swimmer Meghan Benson. Returning back from winter break, the Swimming and Diving team headed off to Sandusky on January 3 leading the girls to win by a landslide and the boys losing due to a confusion with points. The divers all placed in the top three spots because there were no divers for Sandusky, resulting in the NV team competing against themselves. The Girls swimmers swam their best to take first in almost every event. The boys meet was closer towards the end of the meet. The two teams were neck and neck but the Sandusky boys took the win. A big meet for the girls was January 13 against Notre Dame. The girls won by a healthy amount which was amazing to do against last years district champions. That same night, the boys swam and dove against St. Johns. Although putting up a good fight, again the boys lost. The only boy diver, Bill Pinnow, placed high which helped the team earn points. The biggest of all meets this year was the NWO Invitational on January 14 at Bowling Green University where the team competed against 15 other teams. The girls took home first place and the boys second. The boys only lost by five points to BG. The girls won the 200 Medley, the 200 Free Relay, and placed second in the 400 Free Relay. Sophomore Sarah Mignin placed second in her breast stroke event, beating the meet’s record with the first place swimmer only beating Mignin by two seconds. “My goal this season is to beat the record and I will do whatever it takes to accomplish that,” said Mignin. The Diving team placed well at the meet. Senior

Colin Ferguson SWIMMING A DISTANCE SET during practice is junior Derek Balogh. Derek, a distance swimmer is ranked in the top three in the 500 meter in the District. Jackie Stamp placed second and sophomore Naomi Federman placed fifth.” I am very happy with how the divers and I finished at such a big meet and I can’t wait to dive against some of the other divers again,“ said Stamp. Pinnow finished third. “I am very proud of how all of the divers finished. They really proved to all the other schools they were there to win,“ said Diving Coach Phil

Gymnastics takes gold in personal achievements WARMING UP junior Bethanne Towns practices on the balance beam. Her efforts have helped her meet all of her personal goals for the season. Each member on the team has set personal goals that they try to meet during each tournament or meet since they have so few members on their team and they have trouble combining their scores to win a meet. photo by Colin Ferguson

Kristin Winters Staff Writer The Northview gymnastics team started its season with their first meet against Whitmer High school. After trying their hardest and working hard, they lost since Whitmer’s team had more people giving them the advantage. The team had two meets at South YMCA. The first one was against Springfield, Maumee, and Notre Dame. NV won the meet due to their strengths in vault and beam. The second one at South YMCA was against

Springfield, Maumee, and Toledo Christian, which NV lost. The SV Invitational was January 7 and after fighting hard to win NV came in tenth place out of 13 teams. “We did well for the team because we all met our personal goals,” said junior Kara Messinger. The gymnastics team has half the people compared to other teams they compete against. They base winning and losing on if they met their own personal goals instead of the number on the other teams. “I have met all my personal goals this year and many of the other team members have also,” said junior Bethanne Towns.

Keoster. The Swimming and Diving team will be competing at the NWOACS which is there biggest meet yet to come. As a team the Swimmers colored there hair for the meet on Monday. “We hopefully will make it all the way this year,” said Benson.

NFL Coaches feeling the heat Matt Wade Staff Writer As the NFL season comes to an end the 12 teams that made the playoffs are celebrating a successful season. As for the teams that didn’t advance to the playoffs the coaches have been holding their breath. Almost instantly after their last games teams fired their coaches without hesitation. First was the St. Louis Rams’ Mike Martz who missed the last several games because of medical reasons and was not even coaching when his team was struggling. Next was the Minnesota Vikings’ Mike Tice, whose team went through injury and scandal throughout the whole season. Just managing to have a reasonable season was an accomplishment for this team. The Green Bay Packers fired Mike Sherman but like Tice, the Packers had numerous injuries especially at the running back position where they were down to their fourth or fifth string running back at times. Plus an aging Brett Farve did not help Sherman’s cause. Since joining the NFL in 2002 the Houston Texans have yet to have a winning season and finishing with the worst overall record this season it was no surprise to anyone that they decided to let Dom Capers go. After hurricane Katrina destroyed the New Orleans Saints’ stadium and having to travel every game, it is a tragedy that the Saints decided to fire Jim Haslett. Not to mention they missed the playoffs last season because of a missed extra point attempt. After having high expectations with the acquisition of Randy Moss, the Oakland Raiders were a bust, to say the least. So the firing of Norv Turner was a surprise to no one. In the most unusual off-season coaching move, the New York Jets traded their coach to the Kansas City Chiefs for a fourth round draft pick. The chiefs were looking for a coach after long time NFL coach Dick Vermeil retired. Let us not forget the Detroit Lions who decided that they could not wait for the end of the season to fire Steve Mariucci. In the coaches defense some of these organizations need to really check if they made the right decisions. Maybe it was the players who needed to be changed, you hardly see a coach’s name for winning a game in the paper.

I decided to get wet again this issue but not with the swim team. This past week I joined the dive team for a day and it probably wasn’t my best decision. I have decided that I am not that good at either one. Swimming was very exhausting while diving was very painful. I walked into to the swimming area and I saw all of the swimmers standing around with bleach in their hair. A few of them recognized me and asked what I was doing there again. I told them that I was going to practice with the dive team this issue and for some reason they thought that was funny. I was a little nervous about the whole diving off the high dive and just doing different dives in general since I don’t usually do dives unless it’s a sailor dive off the end of my boat. For some reason the only thing I ever get out of trying to dive are a terrible headache and some embarrassment. During the practice I dove with junior Stephanie Sallah who is an outstanding diver and made it to States last year as a sophomore. The first dive we did, which was a piece of cake for her, was extremely hard for me. It was what she called a basic back dive, but it didn’t look too basic to me when she jumped off, then touched her toes, and then went into the water perfectly with no splash. Well mine didn’t quite look like this. I decided that I wasn’t going to go for the whole toe touch thing and just try to dive. Either way it didn’t matter because when I jumped off the board I must have over jumped because instead of diving into the water I did a half of a back flip and smacked into the water. So after failing to do well on the first dive, which was supposed to be easy, I was a little worried about the rest of practice. A very interesting feature that the dive team has at practice is Tivo. Tivo is like a video camera thing that tapes every dive you do and plays it on TV in slow motion so that you can critique your dives. While the divers would critique their dives and try to learn what they did wrong, I would watch my face plant into the water not learn anything while people laughed. After a few more “failed” dives I asked Stephanie to do one that was harder than a front dive or back dive but not like a triple flip or anything. So, of course, she does something called a front one and a half, which was very far out of my league. A front one and a half is a front flip and a half with a dive at the end. So I started off just doing a front flip to get that part down. Then after a few of those I went for the dive but it was a bad decision. I totally face planted and got horrible whiplash. When I came out of the water I thought that I was knocked out, my head was pounding and my neck felt like I just jammed it straight into a cement wall. This would be the end of my diving career. After feeling like I just fell off a building and smacked the ground I retired and went over to get my towel. The coach started laughing at me. I probably looked like I was dead because of the soreness of my neck and head. I watched the replay on Tivo a few times but it only made my head hurt worse when I saw how I smacked the water. When I asked the coach how I did he smiled and said, “You got some skill. You got some skill. You can jump high which is good for a diver.” I told him thanks and that diving was a very painful sport and I give props to the divers who come and smack their face into the water everyday. I have decided that I am not that good of a water sports guy unless the water is frozen and I have some skates on or it is behind a boat. I think that I will stick with hockey.

Good Luck Northview




27 January 2006

- sports in brief -

Dance team progresses through season Jamie Hamilton Staff Writer Northview’s Dance Team has been making the Boy’s basketball games more interesting one pirouette at a time. They have been performing not only at the boy’s varsity basketball games but also at a few of the girl’s varsity basketball games during halftime. As far as practices go, team members have been working hard, practicing two to three times a week, and rehearsing their dances to perfection. “The team is a lot of fun,” said sophomore dancer, Carleigh Pase, “and the best part is being able to work with the rest of the team. They’re great.” Currently, the dance team is preparing for their upcoming competition on January 28, which will be their first competition so far this year.

First athletes, failing in life, sports Pat Sayre Staff Writer

There is nothing I would rather do on a quiet weekend afternoon than to sit down on the couch with a cold one and watch an NCAA game. By the way, that cold one I said is really a nice Cherry or Vanilla Coke. I love watching the college athletes play for the pride of their university and not for a paycheck. At least that is how I once saw college athletics. Now athletes all think they are the next Michael Jordan or Walter Payton, when they are most likely to become the next Sam Bowie or Rashaan Salaam. Some college athletes see themselves as bigger than the game. Pride is no longer their main reason to play; they play for the benefits of being well known and the possibility of earning a big paycheck on the professional level. The athletes use their appeal to take money from boosters and get a free meal or some new clothes. I remember a time when athletes only had one concern, to win a championship and make their university and teammates proud of them. Sadly that is a lie, I cannot remember a time when athletes played for the team and not just for themselves. I have to hear stories of a time when the best athletes were more concerned with their education from my 80-year-old neighbor. What is going to happen to these players when they do not succeed? They lost their chance to earn a world-class degree at some of the biggest universities in the United States. One such person who threw away a promising career and a good education is one of my former favorite players. Maurice Clarett threw away his chance and now he is going nowhere with his life. While he was still attending The Ohio State University he had no problem accusing coaches, players and boosters of giving him illegal benefits. He thought he was the best thing since sliced bread and did whatever he could to keep himself out of trouble even if it meant betraying those who once liked and respected him. I was one of those people who was foolish enough to believe that he cared about more than himself. I once called him my favorite player. Now I dislike him and dislike is probably not a strong enough word. Recently Clarett attempted to rob two men outside a bar in Columbus, the town he once was praised and respected in. He has finally hit rock bottom and has nothing to look forward to other than jail time. No one cares about him and no one respects him. The life of being the popular OSU football player has long passed him by. The only life that lays ahead of him is one of struggle. How could it turn out like this? He was supposed to be the best running back in the country. He was supposed to be this and that, but he lost his dreams when he lost his sense of pride for his University and teammates. Clarett was a “me-first” player and now he has failed. Some of the “me-first” college athletes will succeed and are on their way to becoming millionaires. What is going to happen to the people who do not succeed? Have these athletes been built up so much that they are only doomed to fail and only a few can survive. These athletes need to remember that even if they fail in sports they still have a world class education to fall back on. Players need to remember that they are not- just athletes and they should never ignore their education, teammates and fans to make money at the professional level.

Girls basketball aims hopes high Taylor Helberg Staff Writer The Girls Varsity Basketball team is looking to continue their strong play into the second half of the season and deep into State playoffs. Currently the Ladykats hold a 12 - 2 overall record, and a 7 - 1 league record. They are ranked second in the Northern Lakes League under rivals Southview. “We are ranked 19th in state and hope to continue to move forward and win big games,” said junior Nicole Munch. NV’s most recent defeat came from Cincinnati Mount Notre Dame, currently ranked first in the state. The Ladykats played with great passion and were led by senior captains Lisa Johnson and Rianna Miller. Johnson led the team with 18 points and Miller was named by NBC 24 as the player of the week. NV defeated Maumee, 64 - 39 January 2 at home. The team played strong with good team work. Maumee did not have very much height, but they made up for it with speed. Freshman Lindsay Diegel, led the Panthers with a total of 21 points. At halftime, she had scored all of Maumee’s points. Once again Johnson and Miller were the Wildcat’s leading scorers. Johnson had 24 points and 14 rebounds and Miller had 18 points and 10 rebounds, along with junior Ashley Morris’ 11 points. This game was a special night for Johnson, she scored over 1,000 points for her high school career. Head Coach Jerry Sigler called a time - out and Mr. Schneider announced her achievement. She was given balloons and everyone in the gym held up a sign with the number 1,000 printed on it. The previous weekend Miller achieved this accomplishment at the Springfield game. “It was really cool that our team worked so hard to help us achieve this goal,” said Miller and Johnson. Maumee was not one of NV’s strongest opponents, but the team played just as hard. NV’s next game is against SV on tonight at Southview. “After our first loss against the Cougars, we knew we would get better being such a young team. This is our opportunity to see just how far we’ve come,” said Assistant Coach Melanie Rogers. The team is looking to achieve another NLL championship, by capturing a victory against Southview. “It’s going to be a huge challenge, but it’s an opportunity to put us in the lead. They are obviously a good team being second ranked in the state,” said Rogers.

MAKING THE LAY UP is senior Lisa Johnson while Perrysburg’s post player tries to deflect her shot. Photo by Colin Ferguson

Wildcats cage bulldogs on court

Hockey defeats Titans, Knights over weekend Alden Hirschfeld Sports Editor

Colin Ferguson LOOKING FOR the shot is junior Derek Anderzeak in a game against Anthony Wayne.

Ryan Stansley Staff Writer This year the Northview boy’s basketball team is off to a better start than last year. With a record of 4-6 the Cats have already won 3 more games than last years season. Junior Chad Weaver said, “Our team is really coming together and working hard.” Over a long winter break, NV played very well winning 3 games in a row after losing to a very good Bowling Green team. In their first winter break game the Wildcats matched up against the Rossford Bulldogs. It was a good game for the Cats where their top scores made up 41 out of the 64 points for NV. Senior Sam Myers scored 18 points, Junior Derek Andrzejczak had 13 points, and Junior Matt Wade put up a solid 10 points. The Wildcats beat Rossford with ease 64-20 for there second league win and first win over winter break. After defeating the Bulldogs, the Cats moved on to face Whitmer in a non-league game. With the momentum

from the big Rossford win the Cats were able to pull out another convincing win 72-48. Myers was the leading scorer again with 19 points while Wade was close behind scoring 17 points and Andrzejczak scoring 15. With two wins in a row NV was on a role. Their confidence level was high and it showed when they went up against Bowsher. It was tight the whole game but the Cats ferociousness helped them seal a close win. The final score was 78-74 as NV’s top scorer, Myers, had 25 points. “We have really been working hard in practice so that we can perform up to our potential,” said junior Derek Andrzejczak. After the three game win streak the Cats momentum didn’t last as they lost to Fremont Ross during winter break and then once school started back up they lost to Springfield, Anthony Wayne, Perrysburg, Maumee, and Clay in double overtime. The Wildcats next game is at home against Rossford on February 2 where the Wildcats will try to defeat Rossford for the second time this season.

The Northview Wildcat hockey team struggled this past weekend but managed to get by with two big overtime wins. The Cats took on the St. Francis de Sales Knights on Friday night and the St. John’s Jesuit Titans on Saturday night. Both games were league games and ones that the Cats needed to win to stay on top of the league. The Wildcats took an early lead on the Knights with a goal from sophomore forward Tyler Cook and then proceeded to score two more before the third period. However, late in the second period the Knights scored and took some momentum to the locker room with them at the end of the second period. “We gave them life which is something that you cannot afford to give teams,” said Cook. The Knights came out in the third and scored two more goals making the game 3 - 3 at the end of regulation. In overtime the Cats went on the power play and got a huge game - winning goal by sophomore forward Cody Bourland. The following night against the Titans the Cats were slow again and found themselves down 2 - 0 with less than six minutes left in the game. A big goal by senior Thomas Monteith got the Cats rolling and was followed by another big goal by junior Matt Cook. The game stayed tied through the rest of regulation and went into overtime where Wildcats pulled out another close win with a goal by senior Alden Hirschfeld. “The whole weekend we were slow and just weren’t playing our game. We need to have a good hard week at practice and come out ready to play this coming weekend,” said Bourland. Over Martin Luther King weekend the Cats went to Meadville Pennsylvania for a holiday tournament. The Cats went 3-0 in the round robin games, but suffered a tough lose in the semifinals to Pennsylvania LaSalle. In the round robin the Cats knocked off Bowling Green, Pittsburg Central Catholic and tournament host team Meadville. The Wildcats overall record is 22 - 3 - 1 and they travel to Columbus this weekend to play Dublin Coffman on Sunday afternoon.

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