Sylvania Northview High School
5403 Silica Drive Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Volume 88, Issue 12
May 29, 2014
Swaggerty caught “dirty dancing” Seniors accepted to Principal guilty of inappropriate dance moves Hogwarts Lauren Lewis
Falls down sometimes
Megan McLean
Hangs out in pub
After waiting all these years, the time has finally come. Senior students all over Northview have been receiving their acceptance letters to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Over the summer, students sent in applications hoping to get a spot in one of the top colleges in Europe. “I am so thrilled and honored to be able to go to Hogwarts. I know it’s one of the best schools to get into,” senior Evelyn Gulla said. There have been several sightings of owls arriving across town, with pieces of parchment attached to their feet. So do not be alarmed if you see a huge mass of feathers fly by. “I asked my mom when we got the owl, and she said a week ago,” senior Jacob Groth said. “She told me it brought my acceptance letter but no one wanted to tell me.” Once the first-year students arrive at Hogwarts (after taking the Hogwarts Express from King’s Cross, platform 9 ¾), they will be sorted into their respective houses, as chosen by the Sorting Hat. “I’m hoping to be placed in Gryffindor, but I’d be okay with any house,” senior Bailey Olson said. “As long as it’s not Slytherin.” The standard classes for first years at Hogwarts include Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration. Attached to the letter is a list of books and equipment required for the first year of school. Along with the required equipment, students can bring either an owl, frog, or cat. “I’m stoked to go to Hogwarts and have my first college experience there,” senior Ben Pifer said. “I expected the acceptance letter to come earlier, but better late than never.” Unfortunately, not all students were accepted into Hogwarts. They have to live in the Muggle world, and go to a normal college.
It’s common knowledge that Northview students grind at dances, but what’s practically unheard of is the administration grinding at the same dances. Yes, you read that right. A member of the NV administration was caught dancing inappropriately at Prom. That member was none other than the one and only twerk-tastic Principal Steve Swaggerty. While students did line dances like the Cha Chad Slide and Cupid Shuffle on the dance floor, Mr. Swaggerty couldn’t keep himself from twerking. Mr. Swaggerty was so into it, he didn’t even notice when Assistant Principal of Student Discipline Melissa McDonald grabbed him by the arm to escort him from the dance floor. “He [Mr. Swaggerty] just kept twerking, even though I kept yanking on his arm,” Mrs. McDonald said. “It was extremely embarrassing. I don’t know where he learned to dance like that. Disco is much better.” Due to Mr. Swaggerty’s strengthening lower body muscles from his persistent twerking and grinding, Mrs. McDonald was unable to haul Mr. Swaggerty off the dance floor by herself. She therefore enlisted the help of both Athletic Director Chris Irwin and Assistant Principal of Curriculum Kasey Vens to carry Mr. Swaggerty kicking and screaming off of the floor to waiting Officers Gallup and Rowe. “I have no idea what the big deal was, I was having a lot of fun and was enjoying myself. There was nothing wrong with it, it’s the move of my generation,” Mr. Swaggerty said. “But clearly, my co-administrators did not agree. I think they just don’t like it because they don’t know how to do it.” By this time Mr. Swaggerty had caused quite a scene, and many students gaped at his change of heart towards the “inappropriate dancing”. Some students were extremely appalled that their principal had decided to take part in the grinding pit, while others simply admired his skills and learned some new tips from him.
Photos courtesy of some parents, Lauren Lewis and probably a lot of tea PRINCIPAL STEVE SWAGGERTY HAS ESCAPED from jail and is now on the run from the law (Assistant Principal of Student Discipline Melissa McDonald). He is wanted, dead or alive for grinding. “I thought it was the coolest thing ever. How many school principals know how to twerk?” senior John Wendt said. “I actually learned a few tips from him. Like the more that you bend your knees, the easier it is to do.” Despite Mr. Swaggerty’s obvious newfound
love of twerking and grinding, the rest of the administrators did not appreciate the display of dancing skills and decided to send him to jail for the night at NV’s After Prom. They hope that his jail time taught him to appreciate the old ways of dancing, including the disco and lawn mower.
Science teacher turns classroom into laundry room
Mr. Ulrich brought in so much laundry that he started offering extra credit to Dances sporadically students who would come in and fold it Sometimes I would during their free periods. catch Mr. Ulrich sniffing “Sometimes I would catch Mr. Ulrich Science teacher Frank Ulrich’s students sniffing David Marsh’s hockey jersey when were able to breathe a sigh of relief after David Marsh’s hockey he didn’t think anyone was looking,” senior Principal Steve Swaggerty ultimately banned jersey when he didn’t and volunteer laundry folder Joe Jennewine Mr. Ulrich from doing his laundry in his said. classroom. think anyone was According to witnesses, Mr. Ulrich shed “It was really strange, all of his dirty looking. more than a few tears as he took his clothes clothes hanging from the ceiling during class. down from the ceiling. Nobody knew Mr. I had to walk through a curtain of clothes just -Joe Jennewine, senior Ulrich was such a fashionista, but the only to get to my seat,” senior Emma Hawley said. thing he loves more than fashion is educating his students. Mr. Ulrich said it started off innocently enough with only one “I’m sad that I have to now do all of my laundry at home. But or two loads per week, but recognized it soon got out of hand. the thing I value above everything else is making sure that Rachel “I knew it was going to be a problem once students couldn’t Bules gets the astronomy education she needs, with no clothes see the SmartBoard with all the clothes hanging in the way,” Mr. hanging in her way,” Mr. Ulrich said. Ulrich said.
Rachel Bules
WITTMAN MR. ULRICH HANGS his dirty laundry from the ceiling.
High: 90 degrees Low: 60 degrees
High: 37 degrees Low: 19 degrees
High: 65 degrees Low: 50 degrees
Sunny and 0% chance of precipitation. Break out the swimsuits, today will be a great day for a dip in the pool!
Overcast and dreary, with a 75% chance of rain/sleet. As temperatures drop, there is a chance it may snow, so get your snowblowers ready.
Mostly sunny, with a chance of tornados late afternoon. Carrying heavy rocks in your pockets would probably be a good idea, considering the hurricanestrength winds that may occur.
Thursday High: 73 degrees Low: 58 degrees
High: 18 degrees Low: -12 degrees
Early morning will be sunny and pristine, but prepare for enormous thunderstorms at approximately 2:25 PM.
Don’t worry, you didn’t wake up in Antarctica, it still is Sylvania. A cold front blew in, bringing three feet of snow and frigid temperatures. Bundle up, and happy June!
Can you find Maggie and Miss Hage? pg ?.
NV is transformed into the Wild West, pg. 5
Don’t you forget about us pg. 8
Skills we learned in high school, pg. 10
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Remembering the good old days Remodeling the theater and the musical department
Mr. Jesse was the principal
ALICE training
Cell phone policy changes in favor of students Leadership Academy and Interact come to NV
Mrs. Benya’s last year.. “okay my friends.”
“Hubba hubba more matching,” Mr. Schneider’s saying
Support fundraisers... just do it.
NV used to have vending machines
Connections Day changed then failed
Mr. Drouillard’s last year
Remember grilled cheese Wednesday’s, slushies and cookies?
New adminstrator’s join the staff Teacher cuts in 2012
Our OGT’s didn’t get us out of exams
How to be a successful, happy senior class...
Old lockers with with actual locks
NOTIONS IN MOTION Where do you see yourself in 10 years at our high school reunion?
-Jessica Stark
“I won’t be there...I’ll be sitting on the beach in Hawaii, fanning myself with $100 bills.” -Nick Rioux
“I will be riding in on my horse, after I am the first female to win the Kentucky Derby.” -Tori Schafer
“I’ll have 34 cats by then.” -Mikhala Meyers
“My mom will be dropping me off...” -DJ Schumacher
Have a well organized prank involving the whole class. ALL seniors go ALL OUT on spirit days. Don’t fight over silly things... like class t-shirts. Stay spirited for the WHOLE game. Feel connected as a class. Branch out and talk to others.
Did you choose the right major? You might think you want to go into math, but you don’t really want to go into math. You just thought that these better majors you would love to pursue didn’t exist. BUT THEY DO! Have a nice life. Beyoncé: Don’t even try, it’s impossible. Tuition is too high. Tree Hugging: Taught by Elton John, and by the end of first semester, you’ll have so many splinters you will be mistaken for a tree. Only extreme earth lovers will complete the course. Wearing leggings: Come to this course to stop wearing leggings. Call 1-800-leggings-addict to sign up for this course.
Aglet Making: taught by the losers of Project Runway. First semester you learn what an aglet is, and when you enter the second year, you figure out how to place that little plastic thingy on the end of the lace.
Ninja: taught by Jackie Chan, and your first semester is being beaten by multiple ninjas. You won’t even make it to the second year. You are in the hospital for months.
Twerking Major: taught by Professor Miley Cyrus. First semester you start slow; only learning the basic hand-on-knee twerk movements, but by your second year, you will be a professional at twerking on vertical surfaces.
Foot Modeling: taught by the girls who never quite became Victoria’s Secret Angels. First semester requires a weekly pedicure and learning the basics of painting toenails. The second year you learn how to not sickle your foot and to point your toes.
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Kaelynn Knestrick News Editor
Aka-believe it, I’m saying goodbye. I have learned to say goodbye from moving to and from Colorado but it has never gotten easier. I have known about this goodbye since last year but I never realized how hard it was going to be to actually write it. I’ll start by saying how I became involved in the Student Prints. Junior year I received a personal letter from Ms. Huey that altered my path both junior and senior year. I was debating even trying out for the newspaper again for my senior year. After talking Intro to Journalism first semester junior year I was given a letter from Ms. Huey asking me to join the Newspaper staff the beginning of second semester. It just so happened that the Newspaper period was a commons for me so I decided I would give it a try and then decide if I wanted to continue doing it senior year. After being on the staff a few days I realized I wouldn’t want to spend senior year without these people and the experiences being on the staff provided me. It was hard joining newspaper halfway through the year. People already knew each other and were established with what they wrote. I am thankful for last year’s seniors who took me under their wing and helped me figure out the ropes of how to be a staffer. Learning how to write
headlines and design pages became second nature. When it came time to interview to have an Editor position I thought why not give it a try? I applied and became one of the two News Editors. I almost worked solo the whole year but I convinced Casey to do the interview and I know she has loved it, I hope. Working with Casey this past year has been an experience. Every day she would rave about my lunch while she ate her “cardboard pizza.” Common topics of discussion in the Pub were books, food and making fun of Lauren and her daily blonde moments. Rachel, Lauren and I could spend the whole period talking about Divergent, Shatter Me, Poison Princess, Fault in Our Stars and of course Harry Potter. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend and Co-Editor, Rachel. Even though we have differing views on Christmas and she would purposely sing Christmas Carols to bug me we have become very close. A trend for Rachel was photo shopping her face into any picture, usually one with a hot guy who she was crushing on. We also talked about how out of shape we were after becoming winded walking up the stairs at school, on a daily basis. Her and Jordan’s constant “wiggling,” singing and bickering meant there was never a dull day in the Pub. And then there is Jordan…let’s just say that more times than not he was irritating me to no end. On the days that he decided to act normal he was a great friend. I learned a lot throughout the year from our other Co-Editor, Maggie. Even though she could be Naggy Maggie at times, she truly wanted what was best for the paper, even though “she liked as us people but didn’t always like us as staffers.” Staying after school with Maggie I learned a lot of neat tricks to make pages more interesting. I even learned how to export pages and I came to appreciate all the work that the Co-Editors and Huey had to do
to make an issue ready for printing. It is more than just writing stories and putting them and pictures onto a page, who would have thunk it? Staying after school for hours on end the week we went to office created bonds that most people would not understand. The communal stress and anxiety of getting everything done before 4 pm tends to bring people together. Being a Pub person didn’t limit me to only knowing people in Newspaper, more often than not yearbook and newspaper staffers would be working in the Pub together during commons. Being able to see Maddie, Megan and Sarah when I stopped in during yearbook or when we all had deadlines and were working in the Pub 6th period, was a great addition to being a Newspaper staffer. Someone I am truly thankful to is Ms. Huey; for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the Student Prints Staff. I felt honored to get a personal letter asking me to be a part of the staff and to be able to show my ability to write and create pages. Being on the Students Prints has allowed me to see how creative I can be. By doing interviews I have been able to meet new people and become less shy when I first met someone. I plan on continuing to be a part of Newspaper in college and will forever be thankful for the opportunities that the Student Prints has offered me. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents. You have always encouraged me to try new things and do what I love. Thank you for telling me to try being a part of The Student Prints. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for you guys. Your supports has helped me through so much and I know it will continue to help me for the rest of my life. I couldn’t have asked for a better four years at Northview. Going to games, participating in many of the available clubs and activities was a great way to spend my time. Having the opportunity to meet new people and discover things that I enjoyed have helped prepare me for my future days at Miamia Unoversity. Even though I will now be a Red Hawk I will forever be a Wildcat.
Jessica Stark Photo Editor
Casey Wittman News Editor
When I made the decision to apply to be a part of The Student Prints, it was because of my love for English, reading and writing. No one forewarned about the amount of deadlines…the gruesome, dreadful deadlines! Honestly though, staying after those long days has given me some of the best memories. Mag Dog always cracked me up with her sayings for each issue, such as “the pooches,” “the boxes,” “I’m a wizard,” and “chalk.” Yeah, you had to be there. Then there is the one and only, Lauren Lewis. She joined junior year and I am so glad she did, newspaper would not be the same. Her awkward moments never fail to make life more interesting. Maggie, Lauren and I have had so many memorable experiences such as making our psychology projects. Poor Zoe getting conditioned to the song Splish Splash, you all leaving me on Gibbs Bridge alone then Maggie decided to do her Sarah Palin voice. I will always remember that the pituitary gland is the master gland of the endocrine system due to Maggie’s perfect impersonation. We have to continue our monthly Frickers dinner throughout the summer! I will miss both of y’all so much when we are all away at college.
My fellow News Editor Kaeylynn will be missed! Especially our talks about books and food. Our preferences of genres are the same but your gourmet food beats my cardboard pizza everyday! Shout out to Kailee for joining newspaper staff this year! And for letting me convince you to join and push through the deadlines. It will be so weird not seeing each other everyday at school. I will just have call you a million times when I need a…complaining session. Then there are two friends I won’t have to call. A fellow publication person I have become close to this year is Ray. I am so excited we have become good friends again and that we are both going to Kent State University. Another person that’s going to KSU is someone I have literally known my whole life. Our moms were pregnant at the same time and the fact that we have remained best friends since day one and are going to the same college is astounding. Not many people can say that and I am so blessed that Sydney Bihnny (sorry I had to) and I will continue our friendship just a campus apart! I would like to thank my parents and sister for supporting me all throughout high school. Also another shout out to my family back home in Louisville, I love you all bunches. A special thanks to my Grandma and Papa for reading my articles each issue! The main thanks goes out to Ms. Huey. Thank you for inviting me to be on The Students Prints staff my sophomore year, which has lead to one big Pub family. I truly cannot imagine what my high school experience would have been like without newspaper, the Pub, or most of all the Pub people I have come to meet. Rachel and Maggie, our Co-Editors, are amazing. They have done a fantastic job this year. Maggie and I have some great memories and I hope all of the Pub people will continue Rachel’s and my obsession with Christmas and decorate the Pub with holiday cheer. I will miss all of you Pub people! Moving on to more milestones requires leaving some behind. Northview has helped me create wonderful ones that I will forever remember. A bittersweet moment such as writing a goodbye only means there is better to come. I have been blessed thus far and hope that all my friends and peers continue on and have bright futures! Thank you Northview High School for an unforgettable four years!
I am not one who is good at goodbyes, so this will be short, sweet and to the point... Most of you may know me as the girl whose mom is a photographer. Growing up I was always in front of the camera, getting my picture taken. But as I got older I realized that I had the photography gene and found a passion for taking pictures as well. As I got to be a sophomore I knew I wanted to take pictures for Northview, so I joined The Student Prints. My senior year I became the Photo Editor for the newspaper, and before I knew it the year flew by and here I am writing my final goodbye. I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to be part of The Student Prints. It has been a great experience that has helped me grow in my writing and my photography, and really opened up my eyes to how truly stressful a deadline can be. Thank you so much to Ms. Huey for teaching and helping me to become a great all around member of The Student Prints. Also, a huge thanks to Rachel and Maggie for putting up with all of us and for running this glorious paper. It has been a great year, you guys are awesome. To all my fellow pub seniors, it’s been great working with you and I wish you all the best of luck in your future. Throughout my four years in high school, in addition to being part of The Student Prints, I have been a Northview majorette, a member of the Northview Dance Team, I played lacrosse, and did several other things that kept me way too busy. I want to thank all my coaches for putting up with my crazy, busy schedule and for helping me grow and improve in the things I love. Thanks to all my wonderful friends on helping me survive this year. It’s been a long road but we finally made it. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you all. A huge thank you to Bailey for making my senior year so great and memorable. I am truly so thankful to have you as my best friend. Your future is bright. Most of all, I want to thank my parents. Thank you for putting up with me for the past 18 years. Mom, I credit you for my love of photography, and am so thankful for how close we have become. Dad, thank you for always doing everything you possibly can to make me happy, even though you do not always believe me I appreciate everything you do. Thank you both for being the best parents ever and for shaping me into the young woman I am today. Next year, I will be attending The Ohio State University and will continue my love for journalism and photography as I plan to major in broadcast journalism. The future brings wonderful opportunity, and I am so excited to begin the next stage in my life. To all 2014 Northview seniors, I wish you all the best of luck on your future endeavors. Enjoy the last couple of months at home. Before you know it, we will all be out on our own. Stay wacky wildcats.
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
I can’t believe this is goodbye.. .
When I filled out my application to join the Northview Newspaper staff, I did it because I was interested in a career in journalism. I’ve always loved writing and I wanted to join the staff earlier, but I had issues fitting it into my schedule. I’m so glad that I was able to be a part of it this year because I had so much fun! I met new people, got closer to others, learned how to design pages, learned how to work with a Mac computer, and the best part, I learned how to be a better writer. This was not the only new Northview program I joined this year. While attending Northview’s Young Life Club when I could, I also joined the Theatre program which allowed me to participate in Our Town and Winter One Acts. All the organizations I joined this year taught me something different, as did all of high school. I realized that our time here is short and while we think that we have time to do everything, that isn’t always the case. I always thought to myself, “Oh I can do that next year, I can’t fit it in this semester,” or “I would do it, but I’m just so busy.” I look back realizing that I had opportunities to join these organizations and do other things at this school earlier than I thought I did. I had the time, but I didn’t realize it because I focused on other things. Now we all have things to focus on, I had obligations that I couldn’t always avoid, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have tried harder to fit new things in. If I had tried, I may not feel the way I do now about leaving high school. I’m grateful for all that I was able to do here my last year, but I also am very sad at all that I missed out on. I feel like I missed wonderful memories I could’ve made here because I didn’t always make use of my time. I think that it is a normal thing that we all do as humans, but now that I’m about to be a college freshman, I realize that we need to make room for life along the way. Life happens very quickly, and we all change as we go through high school. I’m not the same person I was when I was 14, and I have my experiences from these last four years to thank for that. High School is a bigger stage of our lives than we would sometimes like to believe. We change, we learn, we experience, and we grow over these four years. Life takes a toll on all of us, and we develop as individuals. I don’t know who I would be without all that I’ve learned from the programs and organizations I was a part of here at Northview. Newspaper taught me to be a better writer and that deadlines come quicker than you think, you can’t procrastinate forever. It taught me how to work with people
and how to push yourself in your work. Young Life taught me to be open about yourself and that it is completely okay to scream a song or smash on disgusting fast food. It also taught me about being comfortable with who you are, and who you are in your faith. Theatre taught me teamwork and how we all work together like a family to put on the best shows that we possibly can while having a blast along the way. Choir taught me how to express myself in the best way I know how, through vocal music. It taught me how to work with a piece of music and make it into a work of art expressing all that you are feeling and what you want others to feel. I have had some of the most life changing and incredible moments of my life from this program and I will always have it with me in my heart. Northview High School taught me so much, through its teachers, programs, and students. Overall, I learned to use my time to the fullest, and to make the most out of everything that I have. My message I want to leave to everyone is that life is beautiful and an incredible adventure, use your time and do everything that you can while you have these four years. Even though I am only 18, I know all of that, and I’m optimistic of what life has to offer because of my experiences from high school. I am ready to live the rest of my life and use the time that has been given to me. Once a Wildcat, forever a Wildcat!
Melanie Siedlecki
Other than the pub life, I would like to thank my true friends that stuck it out of this 4 year constant roller coaster! The friends and memories I’ve created in high school is something I hope to never forget. I wouldn’t be who I am today without the experiences I’ve had with not only the newspaper staff but my other families at NV like NV Theatre, choir and cheer. My theatre family is like any other, I will miss you guys so much but I know that you will continue the excellence and I can’t wait to come back in years to come to see you all shine on stage. To my fellow cheer seniors, we have been through a lot over the past four years but I wouldn’t want to share them with anyone else. From cheer camp to long practices, I’m still surprised we made it out alive! To the choir, thank you for always making my day brighter. I will miss being there twice every day and I ask the underclassmen to please continue to work hard but also continue partying on Fridays. There are many special people I would like to personally thank but you know who you are and I just want you to know that I love you guys and will miss you so much. Hey Northview! Well, I was told I was supposed to write a senior goodbye. Since only my friends and people who care about me are reading this (or you’re just creeping) I will especially miss you. Considering that this is my first and only year on the newspaper staff, I would like to thank the entire staff and Ms. Huey for allowing me to join the family. Thank you to Rachel and Mags for putting up with all my questions and editing my horribly written stories. To one of my best friends Casey, thank you for making me join newspaper, laughing and complaining with me each day. Lauren, thanks for being there when I need help and sharing the “Day in the life of Lauren Lewis” stories with me! Jordan, thanks for making the pub more exciting and
I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of a great high school and community and I couldn’t be happier about the memories that have been created. Before I forget, I need to thank my mother for reading all my articles and asking “Did you really write this?” I wouldn’t be where I am today without her and I can’t thank her enough. Next year, I plan to attend Bowling Green State University and major in Communications and see where my life goes. If I ever become famous, I guess any of you can get millions off this embarrassing goodbye I wrote. Or at our 30th reunion you can pull out this issue of the Student Prints and laugh at how I turned out so much different than planned. I’m not gonna say that the four years of high school go by really fast, because it feels like I’ve been here forever. I’m sad to be leaving but I’m ready to move on to new things in life. I hope you and I both end up sucessful doing something we love. I’ll end with the wise words of Zac Efron in High School Musical 3, “Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat.” Thank you for the last four years, Northview.
teaching me how to do the Carleton but also BOO Jordan BOO (Yeah Jordan) To all seniors on staff, good luck in the real world and I hope we stay in touch. We’ve been through a lot even this year but it is memories that I’ll never forget! Good luck to all the underclassman as well, it is all yours next year! Shoutout to other pub people like Alanna and Ray for nacho day and helping me procrastinate. Also, all credit to Emma for finally getting me to join a publication inside of Northview (sorry I picked newspaper over yearbook but oh whale!) Overall, thank you to all the pub people for great memories shared in the pub and again for letting me join the family for my last year at NV.
Kailee McAfee
Goodbye. Such a simple word, yet such a hard thing to do. I never really expected this to come so soon, I think I wasn’t really ready to do this. I even procrastinated writing this until the day it was due…#oops. I have gone round and round trying to find the right or sentimental words to say, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. My experiences these past four years have been some of the greatest moments of my life. Yes it’s true, I have had my fair share of moments when I would rather go backpacking through the arctic tundra than to go school or do homework. Who hasn’t? But regardless, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have an awesome time here. I remember my first day of high school like it was yesterday. I never expected that I would make so many friends and make so many memories here. I wouldn’t have changed anything. Then my sophomore year, I remember going with Sydney down to Ms. Huey’s room for our interview to be a part of The Student Prints the following year. We were both so nervous. I was so ecstatic when I found out we both had made it, especially because I really love writing and I knew it would be such a great experience for me. Some of my favorite memories come from being part of The Student Prints, and spending my time in the Pub. These memories drastically range from singing along to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack, to when the Pub turns into a scene from The Hunger Games to get a computer the day before we go to print. I can’t even begin to imagine not coming back to Ms. Huey’s room for another year of newspaper. I’m going to miss it all so much. Yes, even the ridiculously hectic deadlines. I don’t wish to sound like I’m writing in a yearbook, but there are so many people I’d really like to say goodbye to and thank for making my high school career so memorable. Ms. Huey, our whole staff would be nowhere without you. Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of The Student Prints. I can’t tell you how much I loved getting to experience this. You have taught me so much and I don’t know anyone else who would be able to put up with all our antics. You are one incredible person and an amazing teacher. To all my teachers, especially the English Department. Since freshman year, I have had the privilege of being taught by some of the best English teachers I know. English has been and will always be my favorite subject. Having great teachers that honestly just helped me learn so much throughout these years is amazing. I hope I have professors in college that help me as much as you all helped me. So Mr. Dick, Mrs. Schloegl, and Mrs. Laskey, thank you. Sydney. We became a part of the staff together, and now we’re leaving together. I still remember when we first met during track season freshman year. Man did we have some great times. I’m going to miss having you around and seeing you every day, fourth period. Thank you for always being there when I need someone to talk to. I wish you the best of luck in Florida. I’ll be around, mostly for the warm weather, but I guess I can visit you too while I’m down there… Melanie, I’m so glad you decided to join the staff this year. We’ve gotten so close because of that and I could not be happier. You’re an incredible person and I’m going to miss your smiling face. I wish you the best of luck next year at OU. Maggie and Rachel, you two are one kick-butt team. I think of all the hard work you two and Huey have put into The Student Prints, and I can’t help but be amazed at everything you’ve done. I wish you the best of luck next year and expect to see great things from you both!
To all my friends, Kitty, Coop, Sindhya, Evelyn, Marisa, Ellen, Anna, Bailey and so many others (you know who you are, and I wish I could list everyone), thank you for going through this experience with me. I love you all and you’ve helped me so much all these years. Even though we’re all going separate ways, I won’t forget you! Keep in touch, and good luck to all of you. The track team. I’ve been a part of NV’s track team since my freshman year, and it has been one of my favorite activities I have participated in. Thank you so much to everyone on the team for making me feel as if I were a part of one huge track family. Good luck to you all. Last, but not least, I’d like to thank my parents. I would not be who I am today, without them and all their help. Seriously, I do not know where I would be if I did not have them in my life. All their hard work, love and support, are things that I cannot thank them enough for. Well, that’s as far as I can go without getting TOO emotional. Although I am incredibly excited (and somewhat nervous) for a new chapter of my life to begin, I will miss Northview and all it has to offer. Class of 2014, congratulations! It’s been real. I truly look forward to seeing where life takes you all.
Megan McLean
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
YaYa Hu
Emily Birsen
Rachel Bules
( ) (
Wild Wild West AFTER PROM
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) ( ) ( ) ( ) (
Megan E. Miller and Jessica Hanf
Abhi and Jacob Groth
( ) (
( ) ( Dominik Konik
Matt Dierker and Emmi Peterson
Wil Weddington and Mr. Swaggerty
Ryan Rogers
Because Maggie really wanted Miss Hage to see this...
Volume 88, Senior Issue Co-Editors-In-Chief: Maggie Figliomeni & Rachel Bules Adviser: Sarah Huey News Editor: Kaelynn Knestrick & Casey Wittman Features Editors: Lauren Lewis & Sydney Albert Sports Editors: Jordan Rose Opinions Editors: Geeta Rao & Annie Nowak Arts & Entertainment Editor: Henry Gray Business Editor: Emily Simone Photo Editors: Jessica Stark & Kristin Osinski Staff Writers: Ahmed Atari, Peter Birsen, Nazihah Bhatti, Isabelle Compton, Emma Crandall, Mackenzie Elrod, Claire Goecke, Allie Hartnett, Andrew Headman, Kailee McAfee, Kendall McCoy, Megan McLean, Melanie Siedlecki, Claire Weber & Jarred Wulf
The Student Prints is the official student-produced newspaper of Sylvania Northview High School. It is distributed monthly at no charge to serve the purpose of informing students, faculty, staff, administration and the Sylvania community of current issues. The main goal of TSP is to present coverage of events in an unbiased and accurate manner. The paper also respects the opinions and ideas of the entire NV community. Signed letters to the editors are encouraged and should be no longer than 300 words. All letters can be turned into the publications room, E-6. TSP reserves the right to edit letters that contain grammatical errors, accuracy and profane or libelous comments. The newspaper staff is entirely responsible for the content of the paper and supports the First Amendment to the Constitution. Unsigned editorials published in TSP are written by staff members, and agreed upon by a majority vote of the editorial board. TSP is carefully examined by its staff and adviser prior to publication to prevent incorrect or libelous information. The newspaper staff does not endorse advertisements published in TSP. Advertising specifications may be obtained by calling (419) 824-8708. The newspaper follows the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook guidelines for punctuation and grammar. TSP is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and Quill and Scroll.
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Alexander Apardian Skylar Gilbert Sarah Avina Sabrina Good Davidson Baker Jeffrey Hammye Jenna Barfell Jessica Hanf Ashlee Barth Niccole Haughn Nicholas Battaglini Brendon Hartbarger Lucas Benton Raghad Hassabelnaby Jacob Bilek Benjamin Heinrichs Erin Bruggerman Alexia Hiznay Benjamin Cechner Hannah Hurt Caitlyn Cheser Morgan Isola Ashley Cole Joshua Jablonski Natalie Doner Joesph Jennewine Heather Dorner Raven Jimenez Keegan Edinger Laura Judge Hunter Egbert Jason Kahn Andrew Emmenecker Madaline Keil Shelby Faunt Robert Kennedy Emily Frankhauser Megan Kling Hannah Ganoom Grace Carroll Kailee McAfee Kooper Carter Megan J. Miller Eben Corron Rachel Olson Emily Kruse Emmilea Peterson Matthew Dierker Emily Radebaugh Caroline Gable Elizabeth Royal Emily Giovannucci Madison Rutter Kevin Goff John Seeman Samantha GozRoberta Sefing dowski Madison Warner Emma Hawley Alexis Wheatley Jason Hosinski Kaitlyn Zigulis Adam Liber
Katherine Diment Jacob Groth Evelyn Gulla Himabindu Katrapati Kaelynn Knestrick Caitlin Meade
Rachel Audet Adam Downing Ashley Ingle Jai Strong Meagan Jamieson
Chandler Miller Kaitlin Powlesland Caitlin Wohlgamuth
Jacob Kujawa Maggie Larkins Ji Yu Liao Seth Liaros Alicia Maxwell Patrick McCoy Megan McLean Destiny McMorris McCall Austin Micham Zachary Mikolajczyk Andrew Miller Chandler Miller Benjanmin Moyer Sulaiman Mustapha Benjamin Nadarajah Lilianne Neuman Emily Nickoli Jacob Nowak
Daniel Boyle Halley Elchert Hayley Cowden Hoot Erik Massey Cameron McNamee Michaela Morrissey Madison Phillips Brittany Porcenaluk Elena Price Jessica Reed Joy Sandy Ashlee Wagoner
Tyler Parlette Sarah Peart Nicholas Rakich Tyler Rayoum Bradley Reiner Hanna Roberts Ryan Rogers Nathan Roscoe Sierra Rostetter Justin Sauppe Dennis Schumacher Emily Simone Brandi Stafford Oskar Swolsky Lieng Tran Chloe Turner Zachary Wagenhauser Anastasia Wagner Leila Wicker Kaitlyn Williams
Basrur Abhijith Joshua Liebes McElliot Beak Clellan Erin Bishop Sindhya Rajan Rachel Bules Collin ReevesLuke Bushrow Newark Gabrielle Croci Megan Standiford Andrew Drabek Jessica Stark Margaret Figliomeni Ivan Stoychev Caroline Fleck Troy Watkins Ellyn Haviland Alysha Welch Mitchell Kahn Nathan Wood Benjamin Leizeman
Sydney Bihn Madison Garrow Maryssa Micham Raymond Padilla Dana Rathke McKenzie Watt Carlee Winzeler Casey Wittman
Hannah Barrow William Breitigam David DiManna Lauren Keil Colton Lulfs Andie McCready Melanie Siedlecki Treyton Vorderburg William Weddington
Chae Eun Kim Yoong Joon Kim Dominik Konik Julia Nistel Katelyn Work
Kelsey Moore Brianna Quinones Gabriel Rioux Helana Saaka Charity Shaw Shelby Yeager
Emily Birsen Lauren Lewis Jacob Turner
MILITARY Army David Berry, Troy Geer, Christopher Gray, Joesph Helton Marines Jordan Waltjen Navy Matthew White Air Force Nikole Bricker National Guard Keleigh Zenz
Workforce: Ra’Sheonia Garnett, Lindsay Kitchen, Undecided: Danielle Adya, Amanda Booth, Brian Catti, Jack McCarthy, Lincoln Raciot, Justin Scherley Justin Langlois, Steven Never, David Shenofsky, Autumn Short, Adriana Valdez
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Meredith Reynolds
Nathan Fleming
Ashley Sabin
Nicholas Bartlett Erin Severhof
Lauren Cooperider Lori Myer
Tyler Wynn
Carolynn McCartney
Benjamin Pifer
Sydney Albert
Trenton Bick
Akinbode Afolabi Alanna Henderson
Marisa Winner
United States Air Force Academy John Wendt
Matthew Durdel Bailey Olson
Caitlin McCurdy
Olivia Wisner
Rebeka Bryan
Nathan Powazki
Raine Bernsdorff
Emily Felser
Ruth Chaban
Samuel Haack
Elizabeth Ellett
Yuxiao Hu
Cassidy Ghesquiere
Christopher Moore
Tori Schafer
Emma Scanes Benjamin Suchomma
University of South Carolina Nicholas Rioux
Marissa Milliron
Jordan Rose James Kilcorse
Ellen Tolson
Zachary Rioux
Jared Karban
Henry Gray
Cody Estrel David Marsh
Disclaimer: If you did not turn in your college form to your counselor, or turned it in late, you most likely will not be on this list
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t
Photos by Sam Steirer
Won’t you come see about me? I’ll be alone, dancing, you know it baby
Seniors Lauren Lewis and Ben Liezerman Seniors Rachel Audet and John Wendt
Seniors Sindhya Rajan and Jake Nowak
Will you stand above me? Look my way
Seniors Ben Moyer and Erin Severhof
Senior Kate Work and SV senior Lance Lu
Senior Steve Chirgott and SV senior Taylor Kershner
Ottawa Hills alumni Zack Hauck and senior Marissa Milliron
Senior John Seemann and junior Hannah Clark
Seniors Luke Bushrow and Maggie Figliomeni
Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling
Seniors Hanna Roberts and Erik Massey
Don’t you try to pretend It’s my feeling, we’ll win in the end
Seniors Marissa Micham and Jacob Turner
down, down, down...
Seniors Ellen Tolson and Justin Scherely
St. Francis senior Robby Grimm and senior Rachel Bules
Call my name or walk on by
Will you recognize me?
Senior Ryan Rogers and junior Caitlyn Jones
as if you never loved me
And love’s strange so real in the dark
Tell me your troubles and doubts Giving me everything inside and out
t e g r o f u o y t ’ n o D e m t u abo
SV alumni Colin and senior Ashley Sabin
A&E I’ve never been good at goodbyes. I always burst into tears before I even get the first word out of my mouth. And it’s not a pretty sight; my face turns all red and puffy and tears stream down my face like I’m trying to make an ocean. But lucky for me-and you, for that matter-I’m writing this, so anything that happens in front of the screen stays in front of the screen. That being said, you can probably picture my face right now as I type all these goodbyes to the past four years of high school and two years in the pub. I have always loved writing, and have always entertained the idea of becoming a writer and enabling my voice to be heard. When I came to high school, I was completely shocked to see that Northview had a newspaper, and I thought it was the coolest thing. After seeing the issues once a month throughout the first two years of school, I finally gathered enough courage to interview for the Newspaper Staff. And I am so thankful I took that jump, because I have met some amazing people through it. First of all, I would not have been on the newspaper staff if the one and only Miss Huey had not put me on it. So thank you Miss Huey, for putting me on the newspaper staff and giving me the ability to write. You have taught me so many things, and I am beyond thankful for your criticism and guidance that has helped me grow as a person, writer, and designer. To my co-features editor, Sydney, it has been so much fun to work with you to create one awesome features section (it has always been the best). You’re extremely talented in what you do and I loved working on our ideas together and elaborating on each other’s to make them even better. Enjoy Florida, and get tan for me! To next year’s co-editors, Geeta and Claire, I am so happy for you both, and I know you will do an amazing job. Your wonderful ideas and ability to follow through with them will make next year’s newspaper excellent, and I am so excited to see every issue you guys create. Senior year goes by so fast, and before you know it, you’ll be writing your goodbyes to everything, so enjoy every moment and remember that something good is always around the corner. Jordan, I am so lucky I got to know you this year. You’re always so funny, and the first to laugh at my awkward moments when I have no idea what to do. Because of newspaper, and of course Andie, I am now able to call you a friend, and I wish you the best of luck at Indiana University as a Hoosier. You’ll go far in life, and when the time comes for a class reunion, it’ll be great to see who you’ve become and what new dance move you’ve managed to come up with. To my fellow book-lover, Rachel, we didn’t know each other too well before this year, but I am so happy that I was able to know you this year before we graduated. You have become a good friend and I am going to miss you and our book talks so much next year. From discussing to talking about funny YouTube videos or crazy stars, I have always loved talking to you. You are so intelligent, respectful, and honest, and. I know that no matter where you go, you’ll find a way to achieve your goals. Have fun at OSU next year (even if we won’t have our book club), and I am so looking forward to our GoodReads discussions next year! Kaelynn, I’m going to miss you so much. You’ve always been there to talk or vent to if I needed it, and to listen to my stories that go on forever that end up having no point and I thank you for that. I’m going to miss you and your sarcastic humor, and our talks. However, since you are only going to be 30 minutes away from me, I plan on visiting. And don’t forget, we made a pact to join our schools’ Quidditch teams, so when we compete against each other, just know that the winning team is going to be Cincinnati. Kailee, thanks for putting up with my awkwardness and persistent questions these four years. There are so many happy and funny memories I have with you, from the truth or dare games to the memories of band and recently theatre and newspaper; I have always been able to count on you for times full of laughter and fun. Not only that, but it has always been amazing to me how much you are able to balance, and how you excel in a variety of different things. You are so capable of overcoming everything life throws at you no matter where you go. Never forget that. To Maggie and Casey, I think our
The Student Prints May 29, 2014 friendship started freshman year, when we were all still McCord kids in the NV band and didn’t know each other well, but knew everyone else even less and therefore stuck together because of it. And I’m glad we did. I was always able to count on you guys for giving me your honest thoughts, not just your opinion. From midnight movie premieres to our monthly Fricker’s fried pickle trips and of course our hilarious Psychology projects, I’m going to miss you both so much. I’ll always have those memories with me, and will always remember your support and kindness throughout everything. I can’t wait for our fried pickle trips together next year and catching up on our college stories. For Non-Newspaper people: To my fellow band geeks, you are all so unique, intelligent, and kind. Every one of you are going to achieve something in your lives, and when our paths cross again, it will be fun and great to see who you have become. Until then, enjoy college, and remember that one time at band camp. Rachel Audet, I didn’t know you very well before this year, but I am so glad I had the chance to know you this year before leaving. R.A., you are one of the funniest people I know; you’re always so happy and excited, and I always enjoy being around you because your happiness and laughter is contagious. Even though a part of me secretly hopes you’ll consider Cincinnati in the future, I hope you have a great time in Akron, because you deserve everything they have to offer. I’m going to miss you so much! To my best friends through thick and thin, Brianna Quinones and Andie McCready, how do you say goodbye when you’re not ready to? Because I’m not ready to say goodbye to either of you. The past four years with you two have honestly been so hectic and fun together and I have become closer with you two than I thought would be possible. You two are like the sisters I’ve never had, but the ones I feel like I’ve had all along. We are all so different, yet we’ve managed to stay friends through these four years and even before that and I am lucky to have you as my friends. Next year is going to bring something different for each of us, but I know that we will still manage like we always have. To my two cousins who are also graduating this year, Amanda Booth and Heather Dorner, I’m going to miss you both so much. We’re the last in our family to graduate, but it feels like just yesterday we were running around and playing house at Grandma’s or arguing over who could wear which dress up dress. But that was 12 years ago, and now instead of little kids playing house, we’re big kids playing in the real world. I love you both and I’m looking forward to having you two down for little sibs weekend-since I am the oldest:) To Mom and Dad, I can’t thank you enough. You have always supported me and enabled me to be the best I can be. I love you so much and want you to know that no matter where I go, I will always be your little girl. Angie, I love you and thank you for teaching me about who I am, I love you. To the rest of my family, I will miss you all so much while I’m Cincinnati. I will look forward to seeing you all when I am in town, and I can’t wait for it. To the rest of NV and my many teachers, thank you for the experiences and enabling me to grow as a person. I’ve learned a lot about who I am and who I want to be while I’ve been here. To my fellow classmates, I wish you the best of luck wherever you are headed, and hope that you find whatever you are looking for.
Lauren Lewis
Sy dney Albert Saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do. Saying goodbye to my classmates, my teachers, and all the other staff here at Northview, it sure is surreal. I can still remember my first day here, coming in half way through freshman year. I didn’t know many people, and I did not make many friends right away. However, as the year slowly progressed, it became easier to blend in. By the time sophomore year came around, I had many friends, and high school became a little easier to handle being the new kid. I still had the same high school drama that appeared in movies; popular girls, bullying, boys, and all the fights with friends. The more I think about all that, the more insignificant it gets. It doesn’t matter how I looked, who was my friend, who I fought with, or how I handled everything. What does matter is that I made friends that will last a lifetime, worked on my grades, and enjoyed the memories I made here in high school. I joined the newspaper staff my junior year, and I haven’t stopped loving it. All the friends I’ve made and the great times we have in the pub. When I became a Features Editor my senior year, I was overjoyed. I loved creating the Features sections, and getting creative on the pages. It was a lot of work, but with the help of Lauren Lewis, the other Features Editor, we managed to create beautiful pages within the deadlines. I’m going to miss working with her. During my four years of high school, I kept wishing for it to be over, “I just want to graduate already”. Now that it is the end of my senior year, I take back what I said. These years were some of my best, and I loved every minute of
it, whether I worked all night on a research paper, or studied for a math test. Nothing compares to the times you spend here. I don’t want to leave, I don’t want to say goodbye to everyone. A lot of students end up going to the same college, and they don’t really have to say goodbye to their friends. For me, I am moving to Florida in August; I have to say goodbye to everyone, except for a select few that I would like to stay in touch with. My goodbye is much harder than I expected. It is a big decision that I have made to move over 1,000 miles away. I am saying goodbye to high school, to my friends, my family, to the snow that comes and goes in the winter, the brisk air that comes on a December morning, the one week in March that gets very warm and we all are wearing shorts and enjoying it and then goes back to the cold in a matter of days. I’m saying goodbye to the unpredictable Ohio weather, the deer that cross the roads, the heavy winter coats, the first snow of the season; I am saying goodbye to many things that people don’t have to say goodbye to. Everything you do here will seem so big to you, but it is not; not big, just memorable. Some things may seem like the end of the world; but there is so much more life left after this. Never forget your high school years; they will come in handy, but don’t let them be a huge part of your life. I am ready to get on with another chapter of my life, but I am sure going to miss this part. Cherish the years you have here, even though you want to be done with school. It is much more memorable than you would think, and it is surely something that I am going to miss very much.
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
NV Class of 2014 is “Breakin’ Free” We’re soarin’, flyin’ , we’re leaving Northview and everyone else behind. We’re done trying , yeah, we’re breaking free. You know the world is coming, in a way that’s different than what we know. Creating space between us til’ we’re far from home. But our memories will be with us forever. We’re breakin free. We’re soarin’, flyin’ , we’re leaving Northview and everyone else behind. We’re done trying, yeah, we’re breaking free, oh, we’re breakin free, ohh. We’re leaving this building, gonna run out and just lose control, connected by our memories ohh, in our very soul. Running til’ we see the world and everyone will see, We’re breaking free. We’re soarin’, flyin’, we’re leaving Northview and everyone else behind. We’re done trying, yeah we’re breaking free. Oh we’re breakin’ free. Ohh runnin’ and studying to get to that place to be all that we want to be. Now’s the time, so we’re breaking free, we’re breaking free, ohh, yeah. More than math, more than gym, this is real, this is it, and together, we see it comin’. More than you, more than me, It’s a want, and a need all of us breakin’ free. Soarin! Flyin’, we’re leaving Northview and everyone else behind. We’re done trying, yeah we’re breaking free, breaking free. We’re runnin’, ohh, studying to get to the place to be all that we want to be. Now’s the time now’s the time, so we’re breaking free. Oh, we’re breaking free, ohh. You know the world is coming, In a way that’s different than what we know. by Melanie Siedlecki
Senior Skillz
you never knew what you could do by Maggie Figliomeni
Music: Those of you not in Band, Orchestra or Choir still show lots of promise for creating wonderful melodies. Don’t believe me? Take a trip to the parking lot at 2:28. You’ll hear students as they rhythmically play their car horns at a double fortissimo volume. If you listen closely you can differentiate between the melody—students who are frustrated and do not want to wait their turns—and the accompaniment—students who are angry that others have honked their horns who retaliate by… honking their horns. You know, Mozart began composing when he was young too.
Subtlety: This important skill is crucial later in life, especially for those going into business or politics that need to know how to diplomatically get their way. Maybe you’re not quite ready for a merger meeting, but do not yet think yourself a failure in the art of being sly. I guarantee at some point you’ve enjoyed your goldfish crackers in a class you were not supposed to eat and got away with it. Your timing impeccable, you would eat every instant the teacher’s back was turned and look completely natural no matter when they looked your way again. You’re pretty subtle in my book.
Research Skills: You may not know how to find a source that’s more reputable than Yahoo Answers, but if you’re on 17% in need of a phone charger, and someone somewhere in the school has a phone charger, you will find that phone charger. It’s a skill to be proud of when you think about it. You’re tenacious. After all, in the long run it’s more important to be able to finish your game of 2048 with the confidence of a full battery than to know where to find the name of the president of Nigeria, right? Maybe.
Math: You may not know how to integrate the derivative of y, but you’ve got your basic math skills down pat. For example: If Rachel has 25¢ in her pocket, picks 10¢ off the floor, finds 51¢ in the bottom of her purse, and gets 33¢ checking underneath the seat of her car, what size slushie can she buy from Speedway? See you know that Rachel can buy a 32 oz slushie, you smart senior you.
Foreign Languages: The fact that the only phrase you know how to say in French, Spanish or German is “May I go to the bathroom?” does not mean you are uncultured. Many seniors are in fact bilingual—fluent in both English and twitter-inspired teenspeak. To illustrate, Rachel has graciously compiled a sample of common teenage vernacular that should probably already be pretty familiar.
Reading: One of the most important things you learned in English is already something you excel at: finding the main idea. After all, how do you take a funny story and make it fit into a 140 character tweet? You look for the main themes and condense it down into the topic sentence. You’re actually pretty awesome at English and all two people who favorited “OMG I can’t even rn” know it.
This might be something that escapes you, or has been such a normal part of your life that you don’t even realize it, but have you guys realized that there are many words and phrases that have become such a regular part of conversation we don’t even notice it? Same. So I’m here to identify, define, and exemplify some of those words for you in hopes to clear up any confusion. by Rachel Bules
Definition: When one “turns up” or “gets turnt” it generally means he or she plans to get wild and crazy, potentially at some type of celebration. Example: “Wow, I can’t wait to get so turnt at that party tonight.” Example as Rachel would use it: “You guys wanna get turnt and listen to my Les Misérables soundtrack?”
Definition: Loosely derived from the phrase “going to,” this slang word can pretty much be substituted in any situation where you would have instead said “gonna.” Example: “Hey, you finna text me if you do anything tonight?” Example as Rachel would use it: “Hey, you finna hand me that gum wrapper? I need a bookmark.”
Definition: Someone, particularly a teenage girl, who is absolutely incapable of dealing with something (that probably isn’t even a big deal.) Example: “OMG, did you see who subtweeted me? I can’t even right now.” Example as Rachel would use it: “OMG, there’s a new episode of Family Guy on tonight, I can’t even deal.”
Definition: Pretty much the exact opposite of the actual meaning of the world “literally.” Example: “ZAC EFRON IS SO HOT I’M LITERALLY DYING.” Example as Rachel would use it: “NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON IS MY FAVORITE ASTROPHYSICIST I’M LITERALLY DYING.”
Definition: Acronym for “Before Anybody Else,” but has taken to mean the same thing as significant other. Example: “Guys, Dave Franco is bae.” Example as Rachel would use it: “Guys, Seth MacFarlane is bae.”
CRAY Definition: A shortened slang for “crazy,” used to describe the behavior of something or someone. Example: “Wow, Miley Cyrus is so cray.” Example as Rachel would use it: “Wow, the end of Allegiant was so cray.”
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Well, you know how it goes, so long J-Rose Jordan Rose
Sports Editor I would like to say something that I have prepared. Hello. How about that ride in? I guess that is why they call it sin city. Haha. You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a oneman wolf pack. Who am I kidding? I am not Alan from The Hangover. I just felt that my last article should be plagiarized just like all my other articles the past three years…just kidding Mr. Swaggerty. The thought of going to another school other than Northview is just crazy. The fact that I, Jordan Rose, Student Body President, will not be walking in the halls of NV next year has not really hit me yet. The “Mr. President” and “J-Rose” greetings are already fading away. The Jordan Rose era is coming to a close. Although I am beyond excited to see what my future has to offer, there is still that bittersweet feeling leaving NV, my home away from home. These four years at NV have been incredible. I have been very fortunate to be surrounded by so many great people throughout my high school career that I would like to thank. Ms. Huey, lets be honest, this years sports section has been fantastic. If you research the word procrastination in the dictionary, a picture of me would appear instantly. My high school experience would never be the same if I did not join the staff my sophomore year. You have helped me become a lot more better at writing and stuff. I have reread this goodbye story several times and I have yet to find a grammatical error. Thank you for always helping me
with pages. Seriously, I still cannot create a page without your assistance. I will definitely stop by during winter break next year so I can see how the newspaper is going. Maggie, you have been a pleasure to serve under this year. I always know that you will laugh at my annoying and ridiculous jokes. You were one of the many editors in newspaper that always chuckled at my lead sentences, and for that, I thank you. Rachel and Joe, we are the trio of terror. Senior year would have been so much different without constantly hanging out with you two. Who am I going to watch Family Guy with next year, and who will I go rollerblading and consume tons of pizza with? I am so glad our lockers were next to each other, I mean, who else would I gossip with? I am going to miss you both so much. Next year, do not be afraid to “holla atcha boy”. K-Mac, Mack El, and Emma Crand. I wish you all the best of luck next year in newspaper. You better be helping Andrew out and not bully him. Actually, he is going to be a professional golfer someday, so make as many golf jokes as you want, especially when he talks about how he shanks the ball. Kailee, Kaelynn, J Sizz, Casey, and Lauren. Oh my, what the…yeah Kailee. How would I know if my sayings were either funny or annoying without you guys? I have had so much fun with all of you in newspaper this year, except for Kailee. Boo Kailee, boo. Ms. Wilson, you have been the best Student Government Advisor a school could ask for. I have had so much fun this year being president, and it could not have happened without your patience and guidance.
Thank you for allowing me to speak at assemblies. I was a tad worried you were not going to let me at first due to my lack of “personality” but I think you realized that I was born to take the microphone and speak to a crowd with an occasional voice crack. Alanna, Ashley, and Emma Hawley, my partners in crime. I would not have survived my presidency without you three. I could not have asked for a better group of friends to work with. Thank you for always supporting me and reminding me about those early meetings on Wednesdays. I am going to be honest here; there is no way I would have showed up to those without persistent texts in our group chat. Andie, I could not of had such a great senior year if you were not part of my life. I had an amazing time with you at every dance we went to. I know I can always talk to you about anything that is on my mind, even if it involves things like my bathroom incidents in the mysterious NV bathrooms. Thank you for always being there for me and for always making me smile. I cannot wait to hear about your success in the cosmetology industry. Josh, Adam, and Jacob Groth, where do I even start. We have been best friends since kindergarten. Remember when we would compare our underwear that our moms would get us? I would always have the Power Ranger ones and you guys were so jealous. I am so glad that we have stayed friends for so long. I am going to miss you guys next year. Troy and Collin, the two funniest people I know. I don’t think there has been a day where you guys have not made me cry laughing. I am so happy to consider you guys my best friends. You guys are going to take down Ohio
State next year. John Wendt, my long lost brother. For whoever is reading this, I want you to know I was John’s very first friend when he moved here from Texas. Also, John attended a chess camp at age six, where he eventually became the Texas State Chess Champion. He will always have a second profession to pursue if his soccer career does not pan out, which I highly doubt. Anyways, I am going to miss you next year, we have had so many great memories together throughout our basketball careers. I will certainly keep in touch with you. Jake Bilek and Davidson, I cannot forget you guys. We need to have a sleepover before we leave for college. We can have a pillow fight, tell scary stories, whatever you two want. You two will have such a great
time at Toledo next year. And last but not least, my mom and dad. Thank you for all of the encouragement and unconditional love that you provide me each and every day. I am so thankful to have such caring parents. Mom, we would all be so skinny without your amazing treats. Thank you both for allowing me to attend my dream school next year, I promise I will not let you down. Finally, a message for the class of 2014. Cherish the moments you have these last few months living in Sylvania. Before you know it, you will all be off to bigger and better things. NV has provided you the opportunity to become successful in all of your future endeavors. Just remember one thing: two times four is most certainly half of sixteen. Go cats.
Looking good isn’t a lifestyle, or is it? Jordan Rose
Sports Editor
Next year, most of us seniors will be going away and attending different schools. This calls for a new wardrobe makeover. What does this mean? Well, no more Northview High School spirit outs, that is for sure. If you are having trouble selecting what to wear next year, don’t be worried, college apparel policeman Jordan Rose is here. Next year I will be taking my talents to Bloomington and attend Indiana University, as you most likely assumed by the fantastic apparel that is bestowed upon me every day at school. Looking good is a lifestyle, whether you agree or not, and I am here to help. With this article, I will unveil valuable pieces of information for what college apparel to wear at your future schools.
I feel you creeping, I can see you checking out those candy stripes. Well, I do not blame you.There is never a wrong time to go game seven when being school spirited. You can rock an outfit like this at sporting events, during class, and even to sleep. Remember the number one rule: you can either go hard, otherwise, you might as well go home.
A word from our Business Editor
Emily Simone I’ve never been someone who likes goodbyes, much less the one you have to say as you are about to start a new chapter in your life. I never thought that I would end up on this amazing newspaper staff, especially since I was really only involved in yearbook as far as the Pub goes. When there was an opening for the Business Editor position in newspaper, I applied and luckily got the position. Balancing yearbook, newspaper, high school and attending UT all at the same time is something that
was extremely stressful and yet extremely rewarding at the same time. While I may have not been at Northview for very long each day, I have enjoyed creating something that the entire student body is able to look at every three weeks. To Rachel and Maggie, thanks for being great coeditors and allowing me the chance to be the Bus. Editor. To Huey, thank you for giving me this opportunity to work on both staffs and always being so understanding with my crazy schedule. My family and friends, you have all been amazing and awesome through this crazy year of my life, in which I juggled UT and Northview at the same time. While my time at Northview has been great, I know that my future endeavors at UT and working with my flies at my lab, will help to make the idea of leaving here a little easier. So that’s it, goodbye Northview, I am moving on.
This outfit is my more casual look. When you are walking around campus and are returning to your dorm from class, you want to look somewhat sophisticated, yet school spirited at the same time.
Everyone is always freaking out about what is known as “gaining the freshman 15”. I understand, late night pizzas are a must, I agree. But, you can always work off that midnight snack the next day while wearing the perfect workout attire. I prefer the light t-shirts and shorts. Notice how all the colors of the school you attend must match and have the school’s logo or mascot located on your clothes. If these standards are not met, your workout is basically a waste of time.
The Co-Editor Dream Team
The Student Prints May 29, 2014
Your editors have to say goodbye This is the part where I say goodbye. I’ve been through 32 issues, 13 debate tournaments, 37 halftimes, nine parades (and not nearly as many pep bands as I was supposed to), three field trips, two state qualifications, one winning essay, six college visits, five OGTs, one ACT, two SATS, countless sick days, tons of homework and now I have to say goodbye. I would be lying if I said it was entirely sad. A lot of the last four years (sometimes literally) wasn’t pretty. But I would also be lying if I said that I did not have anything really great happen to me in high school. Because really, when it comes down to it, I had some fantastic experiences here and every one of them is due to the wonderful people I have had with me. So it is to those people that I would like to dedicate this goodbye: the people that have made it possible for me to write this with sincere sadness, knowing that I might actually, every once in a while, miss high school. I have to start with my parents. Mom and Dad, without you I don’t know how I would’ve made it through. You were always there, you knew the most important things that you could do for me, and you did them. You got me a Kleenex, gave me a hug and then made me move forward. While you are by no means perfect, you are awesome parents and I love you. Next are my sisters. Victoria, I really appreciate that you are genuinely interested in my somewhat boring life. I am so excited to be going to college with you next year! I feel like I should make a few things clear in writing so things go as smoothly as possible next year: I will come over in the middle of the night and sleep in your bed if I have a bad dream and in exchange I will be there if you ever make cupcakes or whatever and you need someone to taste test. I will do that. Because I love you. Gracie, I love you and I am going to miss you so much next year. I know that I won’t be around to drive you places or make smoothies, but that’s okay. You won’t be able to crawl in my bed in the middle of the night when you have a nightmare and I won’t be able to sleep on your floor when I read a scary book at two a.m. (we might actually be five years old) but sometimes a phone call works too. I promise we will be as close as ever—just give me a call. I will pick up and listen to you vent about living with two crazy people no matter what hour it is. Grandma, you are my favorite person. Thank you for everything.To the rest of my family, all of my uncles, aunts and cousins: I need to say I love you all and I am so lucky to have a close family that loves each other so much. To my friends, I love you and I couldn’t ask for better people to surround myself with. Kate: I’m so lucky to have such a smart, funny and talented friend and I know you will be amazing at U of M. Julia: You are so unique, artistic and funny that I am always happy to have you around and you are going to do great at U of M as well (don’t forget to eat). Tiana: You drive me insane and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My life would be so boring without your sass and you understand my TV references, which means I need you around all the time. Claire: I’ve known you for so long but that time is not enough for me not to miss you like crazy next year. I am so grateful to have you in my life and as part of my family. Tiana and Claire, I leave you both the school. I will miss you all but I’ll visit. Wait, there’s water on this ride? I have to thank the people that make joining
newspaper, the best decision I made in high school, amazing for me. Casey and Lauren: where do I even begin? Do I mention our Frickers dinners where we order too much food but eat it all? Or the best feature that never happened, Four Years in the Life of Lauren Lewis? Or should I just leave you with these words: boxes, pooches, wizard, chalk? Ah, you know what I won’t say any of that. Instead I will tell you I love you and thank you for making newspaper so enjoyable for me. Kaelynn, Melanie, Megan, Sydney, Jordan, Kailee and Jess thank you for being awesome senior staffers! Have a great time in college! To the rest of the staffers: good luck. Claire and Geeta, I know you will do amazing as CoEditors and that next year will be the best The Student Prints ever. I can’t wait to see what you do with it! Even when I didn’t like you as staffers, I loved you as people. I’ve had the best time with all of you and I know you’ll be great. Rachel, my co-conspirator and the ultimate
During my freshman year, my favorite Tuesdays were the ones when The Student Prints came out. I couldn’t even wait until SSR to tear one open and read it front to back. Immediately, I knew that helping to create TSP was something I wanted to do as part of my high school career, and I couldn’t be happier that I did. I found my true calling as a writer of opinions, specifically editorials, and my pride and joy: my column. Writing these stories for an audience is not only tremendously therapeutic to me, but it allowed me to express my opinions, popular or not, to my peers. High school wasn’t all fun and games for me. I’m not one of those kids who is afraid to graduate, afraid of going to college. BRING IT ON. High school was full of too much drama and too much time spent with people who turned out to not actually be my friends. Fortunately, whenever I had a bad day, I always had a place I could escape to… my haven, my sanctuary, my home away from home… or as you Muggles
partner in crime. I couldn’t ask for a better CoEditor, or a better friend. I’ve had so much fun with you this year and I think that we made a pretty good paper. I love you even when you are dancing uncomfortably when we go through the darkroom doors, you freak. My year would’ve been unbearable boring without you singing Les Mis all the time. I’m so excited to be at OSU with you! BUT STOP CALLING ME MARGIE. Huey, you are a wonderful teacher, a fantastic advisor and a good friend. Thank you for helping me, for helping the staff and for allowing us to make something meaningful every three weeks. I’ll miss the nights working late listening to Disney music eating Panera together and I’ll miss you. Thank you:) Finally, I would like to say goodbye to Northview. I’ve had a good experience here, and I am excited to enter the next stage of my life at the Ohio State University next year. Thank you to everyone who have helped make me an incredibly blessed individual, and goodbye.
know it, “The Pub.” Ah yes, a relatively small, windowless room where I spent nearly all of my free time working on the paper, or more realistically reading, eating desserts, watching SNL clips on YouTube, singing Les Mis, or dozing on the couch. But the Pub, or my high school experience, would be nothing without the people I shared it with. Here we go… Jordan. Whether we were singing, cramming AP Gov material right before a test, or making eye-contact across the room and wiggling, there was never a dull moment with you. You’re one of the only people I know that I can hold a full conversation with by only speaking in Family Guy references, which I appreciate. Although we aren’t going to the same college, we’ll always be neighbors and best friends. LITERALLY EW I CAN’T. I can’t wait to spend the summer with you and Joe, locker buddies and partners in crime for life. Casey, Kailee, Kaelynn. You guys were my rock of sanity during our newspaper periods. Casey, I know our Christmas decorations in the Pub will never be topped, and I like to think we were the founders of a wonderful tradition
by buying out the Christmas aisle at the Dollar Tree. Kailee, I could always count on you for a sympathetic eye-roll and I loved knowing we were always annoyed by the same things. Kaelynn, I’m so glad we were able to become so close this year through our similar classes, inability to climb stairs without breathing heavily, and crushes on the same fictional characters in the books we read. Lauren and Erin Bruggemann. I can’t thank you guys enough for getting me back into reading the way you have. I am so glad to have friends like you guys and I know we’ll never run out of things to talk about as long as YA fiction is still alive and well. We’ll stay in touch because I’ll be calling you guys for book suggestions all the time. Mackenzie, I really appreciate knowing another human who consumes Speedway slushies at the same dangerous rate as me. I can’t wait to hang around with you and Joe this summer. Carol and I are super pumped for you to visit us at OSU next year. Geeta and Claire. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind you will make the paper amazing next year. You are both two of the sweetest girls I have the pleasure of knowing, and you are both going to be so wildly successful down the road. Make the most of your senior year co-editorship because it FLIES by. CAN’T WAIT for you both to come down and visit Maggie and me at OSU so we can go (book) clubbing! My girls. You all know who you are. You guys have been my best friends for years, through thick and thin. I love you guys and I can’t wait to spend my summer with you all. Huey. I’m so glad I had you as a teacher for four years, back to my days in Photojournalism as a freshman. The time commitment and flexibility you have demonstrated in so many aspects of our time spent together is mindboggling and unparalleled by any other teacher I’ve ever had. I can’t even begin to list all of the great times we had in the Pub and in NYC. I am going to miss you SO FREAKING MUCH next year, but I’ll definitely be back to visit. Maggie. Margaret. Marg(i)e. I LOVE YOU. Being your co-editor was one of the best experiences of my life. You were the one who kept me from going insane (or at least tried really hard to and only sometimes failed.) Whether we were trying and miserably failing to keep the Pub and our desks tidy and organized, or you were trying to keep me from wiggling on you as we shared our revolving door trips to the darkroom together, I always had a blast. I’m so happy we will be on the same campus next year and will be able to make all new memories there. Finally, to my class of 2014. It’s hard to believe that we started this educational roller coaster together 12 years ago. I wish all of you the very absolute best in all of your future endeavors, and I’ve had a great time with you these past four years. Although it’s sad that this is all coming to a close, it’s so important to remember that this ending is only the beginning of more awesome things ahead. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing for you all, and I am so grateful to those of you who stuck with me through the craziness that was high school. Stay wild, cats.