An Overview of Qigong

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==== ==== Secrets of Chi Manipulation - The Insider Methods To The Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong Techniques. Click on the link to learn more ==== ====

Qigong (also Chi Gong, and pronounced chee gong) is an ancient Chinese system of Philosophy, Exercises and Life Style designed to promote the optimization of one's health and well being. Qi means the energy of the Universe and Gong means work or skill. So Qigong means Energy Skill or Work. Another way of looking at it is to say that Skill will come from the Work. Interestingly, the more ancient name for these types of exercises, Yang Sheng Shu was probably more to the point. It means the "Art of Nourishing Life." The origins of Qigong are shrouded in antiquity; and may extend as far back as pre-history. Whenever it may have actually begun is not important to our practices today; so let's not dwell there except to look at all of the influences which have shaped its core beliefs and practices. No doubt, some form of pre-historical practices existed in the area now known as China. However, since that time the country and philosophy have coalesced into a coherent, unified, systematic, progressive society which as given rise to the system of beliefs and practices known as Qigong. Some of the major influences on Qigong were and are Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts. Of course, some of these influences were influenced by each other both before and after their interactions with the system we now know as Qigong. So if things seem to get convoluted from time to time, it may be because they actually are! Of all of these influences, Daoism is clearly the strongest one; and, permeates all of the others in China as well. Interestingly, both India and China developed a philosophy which emphasized living as long and as healthy a life as possible in order for a person to accomplish life's purpose--which was to achieve Unity or Harmony with all of creation, which the Chinese call The Dao. For reasons we will probably never know, the ancient Indian system, known as Yoga, is more spiritual, more nebulous than the ancient Chinese system of Qigong. While Qigong can be pursued on a spiritual and philosophical level, more often than not, it is seen as simply a system to promote Health, Well-Being and Longevity. Indeed, I believe one can say that Qigong is to Daoism as Hatha Yoga is to Yoga. Both are the more physical parts of the greater whole which are suppose to prepare one for the more energetic, philosophical and spiritual pursuits of the complete system. However, each of these two physical

parts work fine as stand alone systems of practice. To accomplish their physical goals, the Chinese believed one must preserve and nourish our 3 Treasures or Gems: Jing, Qi and Shen, known as San Bao in Chinese: Jing: our essence, our life force. It is usually associated with our sexual energies, especially the male's semen. Qi: has many meaning to the Chinese. For our purposes here, let us limit it to mean the most basic energy which manifests as all of creation: sentient, animate and inanimate. Shen: is only possessed by sentient creatures. it is sometimes defined as "Spirit," as in a spirited thoroughbred race horse. It also refers to a quality of one's Heart as in a racer or fighter who refuses to give up against seemingly insurmountable odds. The state of each of these is dependent upon the state of the other two. They cannot be separated; and, the state of one is influenced by the state of the other two. The ancient system of Qigong was developed in order to accomplish the task of persevering, conserving and enhancing our stores of the San Bao. The ancient Qigong masters developed the following principles which are the basis for all Qigong: Regulation of the Body regulation of the Breath Regulation of the Mind As in Yoga, the Chinese place the Breath between the Body and the Mind; or between the physical plane and the mental plane. it is not a coincidence based upon the physical proximity of the two countries. It is fact based upon countless hours of internal experimentation by their respective masters and sages. There are four main categories of Qigong. Passive with no intent: here someone else manipulates your Qi by various means. The one most of us has experienced is massage. The masseuse manipulates your body and, therefore, your Qi without any input from you. Active with no intent: this is when you move your body without consciously trying to move your Qi. The very act of you directing your body to move will activate and move Qi according to the commands you issue to your body. Active with Intent: This is when you consciously direct your Qi to flow in Harmony with the physical actons you are directing your body to perform. Taiji (Tai Chi) is an example of this level of Qigong. Intent Only: At this level, a person does not need to move their body at all. All the moving, balancing and manipulating of Qi is performed using one's Yi (Will Power). Each of these four have been influenced by and contain all of the branches of Qigong. Each can be extremely effective and each has its place in one's practice.

I believe I listed the four in order of their level of accomplishment from grossest to highest without passing judgment on their effectiveness. The practice of Qigong (correctly) on any level will produce results regardless of whether a person believes if its philosophical basis or not. As long as you do not seek to actively disrupt the flow of Qi, it will flow according to its own laws. These laws govern the volume, intensity, direction and polarities of the flows in your body. Just as electricity will flow according to its own laws whether you believe in it or not, Qi will do the same. The biggest difference here is that, we cannot will the conditions which govern the flow of electricity to change. However, we can will the ambient conditions which govern the flow of Qi in our body to change; and, thus we can change the flow of Qi using our Yi or Will Power. Qigong is a vast system with thousands of variations. There is truly something for everyone.

Gary Giamboi, aka Dharma Warrior, has a new web site offering truly unique content on Yoga and Qigong which he learned from his Instructors and from personal insight. As an E0500RYT Yoga instructor, a personal disciple of Yogiraj Swami Bua, M.H.Y., a Level 4 (Master's) Qigong instructor of the National Qigong Association, a Sifu in Taijiquan (Tai Chi) and I Liq Chuan, a Kyoshi (Teaching Master) in Japanese Martial Arts and a certified Personal Trainer with the NASM, he has had and continues to have access to a combination of personal teachings not available to anyone else. He uses all of his knowledge, skill and insight gained to provide great free content for all. There is also heretofore "Secret" content for Gold members, even more "Secret" details for Platinum members and personal coaching for Dharma Warrior's Inner Circle. Kindly go to to register today! The Dharma Warrior can be reached through there.

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==== ==== Secrets of Chi Manipulation - The Insider Methods To The Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong

Techniques. Click on the link to learn more ==== ====

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