Qi Gong - Should You Mix and Match

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==== ==== Secrets of Chi Manipulation - The Insider Methods To The Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong Techniques. Click on the link to learn more http://bit.ly/13mpqIL ==== ====

A common question that beginners have is, "Can I mix this Qi Gong movement with that Qi Gong movement from another system?" Because beginners are usually eager for results, this type of reasoning seems logical. They believe that by combining certain movements or even entire Qi Gong systems they can achieve the results that they want faster and easier. This type of thinking is incorrect and sometimes it can be damaging to the body. As a general rule you should not mix movements from different systems or even complete systems together. Each system works with the body's energy in a certain way. The movements of a set are designed to move the energy, to accomplish a certain goal, or achieve a certain result. Sometimes it can also be bad to practice just a certain movement of a Qi Gong set outside of the complete set. Traditional sets are designed to be balanced and healthy. They should be seen as whole and complete things. They should not be seen as a Lego set which can be broken down and combined to build something new. To accomplish something like this would require a vast amount of knowledge and skill. Of course people will argue that the Qi Gong sets that we have today had to have been created at some point by someone. This is true. But, many of the sets we have today have a very long history. This history includes refinements that have taken place over the generations both making the sets safer and more effective. This long history also gives lots of data pertaining to how these sets work and what results they produce. Now some Qi Gong sets or movements can be practiced together without doing any damage to the body. The type of sets that are safe to practice alongside other sets usually contain milder practices or practices for general health maintenance. When two sets like this are practiced together in the same day they are not practiced back to back. Instead you allow some time between the sets for the body to normalize or "cool down", much in the same way you should cool down after any exercise as it allows the body to return to a normal state. This prevents the exercises from confusing your body or contradicting each other. Qi Gong has a long history with a proven track record. Always practice safely and when in doubt seek advice and guidance from someone with the experience and knowledge to give it. Sometimes it is better not to try to reinvent the wheel.

If you want to learn about Authentic Chinese Qi Gong Exercise you can find all the resources you need at our website. Learn more about different styles of Qi Gong and why you should practice.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Franklin_Fick

==== ==== Secrets of Chi Manipulation - The Insider Methods To The Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong Techniques. Click on the link to learn more http://bit.ly/13mpqIL ==== ====

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