Your Questions About Bicep Workouts For Mass

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Richard asks‌

What is a good bicep workout routine for mass? I know it's not good to only workout one body part because you'll end up looking weird or feeling weird or whatever, but I'm not really going for health or anything like that. I just want bigger biceps. Not crazy gigantic biceps, but just bigger ones. So what's a good routine? Preferably only with dumbbells or a pullup bar. I don't have access to barbells.

admin answers: Better formation, heavier weight. 8-12 reps. And no you wont get crazy gigantic biceps no matter what u do. Lets just say its impossible, atleast for a person whose on yahoo answers. You need to weightlift first to see the speed of muscle growth. No one wakes up with their biceps 1 inch bigger in one night. Its a slow process, when you feel ur at a good level then u take it easier to avoid mass and go for definition.


William asks‌

How long can I go without a workout before Muscles start losing mass? Basically How long can I go without a workout before Muscles start losing mass? I've been ill for a while and haven;t been able to keep up with my tight schedule, How long is the average time before mass/strength is noticeably lost? Thanks

admin answers: Noticable mass? Maybe 3-4 weeks. When they actually start losing mass and thus strength 5-10 days deepening on the individual. If I stop working out because of sickness, vacation etc. Then after about a week I start to notice that I've lost some gains. You just get it back when you start back up, so don't worry about it too much. After around 2 weeks you may lose around 10% of your gains as far as strength. So that means if you could bicep curl 10lbs (just for the sake of the argument) then after 1-2 weeks off you may go down to 9lbs. (So if you could bicep curl 50lbs you may drop to 45lbs) -Connor

John asks‌


What are some good leg mass workouts besides squats? I am very skinny, only 130 lbs at 5'7'' 20 years old. My upper body is building up nicely. My lower body is in need of some help lol. Besides squats, what are some good mass workouts to bulk up the legs and lower body? I don't even really like squats because I always feel my technique is wrong but I know they are important. Opinions?

admin answers: Squats are the way to go. Deadlifts and lunges can be great as well. Leg press and leg extensions are terrible for your body. Calf raises only work your calves and are classified as an isolation movement(one joint) and only work one muscle group. Stick to compound movements(multi-joint) which focus on multiple muscle groups. Squats also release the most amount of GH. I think you should go check out Ask your questions there and you will get a ton of useful info. I say stick to compound movements like squats, bench press, chins deadlifts. Lift with intensity. Lifting is only part of it, as diet and rest is just as important. Stick to three days a week. Tone is dictated by bodyfat not how many bicep curls you can do. Build the muscle that you want to show off and then lose the bodyfat to reveal and show it off. Http://

Joseph asks‌

How do I find what weight is just right to lift for gaining muscle mass? I'd like to gain some mass and I plan on lifting heavier weights with less reps, but how do I know if the weight is too little or too much? When should I be struggling with the weight?


admin answers: Ok man well first obviously you wanna warm up. So do one set [15 reps] of free weights and one set of machines with light weight to get warmed up for the muscle you're working. Generally they say you should be hitting only 6 reps or less toward the end of your set. What I like to do high volume. High reps and heavy weights. Keep it in the 12 - 15 rep range and squeeze the muscle you're working throughout the movement. Really give it a pump and have it tighten up. Do 4 sets where you go high then low say you're doing 110 for a rowing movement at 15 reps as your high once you're done wit that drop the weight down to 60-70 pounds and do 15 reps again. That's one set. 4 sets of that for one exercise. Do 3 other exercises that move the same muscles in different ways and hit reaches every plane of movement. This is a great guide for learning exercises. Http:// Or you can get a strength training anatomy book that will explain all the muscles and how they work in the movement. Another thing that really is good for building mass is drop sets. You do bicep curls at 90, then 85 till you can't anymore, then 80, and so forth. [at the end of a workout.] I generally think it's more about eating too. Eat right and get enough protein and you should be straight. No junk food, only once a week on a cheat day [Sat/Sun is ideal] Plenty of water, plenty of sleep [that tends to be a hard one] and you will see results soon! Also technique is really important. Keep your chest up, abs pulled in, and back straight throughout the movement. Knees over ankles obviously and let your shoulder round for ab workouts.


Thomas asks‌

How to gain alot of in my arms? Halo, i am a pretty well built guy, that hits the gym more than 4 times a week! I lift pretty heavy weights, i would just like to know should i rather concentrate on very heave weights and low reps or lighter and more reps for my bicep and triceps workouts, and should i do tri an bi in the same workout or split it, my body is in good shape but i got medium size arms and would like to have massive ones! Any Advice please!!!

admin answers: Heavy weights with low reps will build muscle mass whereas light weights and high reps will build muscle tone. It's generally best to have both so try a workout that uses both. Also, it's best to work your upper body and your lower body every other day. (Like, your upper body one day and your lower body the next. But you can work on your middle everyday. This is to help prevent injuries.)

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