Your Questions About Biceps Exercises Men

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James asks‌

What are best exercises to do to tone my arms with 2 lbs weights? I'm walking on a treadmill with incline set to 10 and at a 2.8 pace, I use 2 lb weights to tone my arms...does anyone have any recommendations for exercises to do to minimize amount of reps I need to do? Thanks for any help you can give. I've lost 25 lbs and need to lose another 25 more but want to be tone by the time I'm done.

admin answers: Oh man there are soooo many!!!the important thing is to work all the areas(triceps,biceps,deltoids, etc) i would google arm exercises and get to work. Find the ones that work for you best and keep doing them. Switch up your routine every so often to keep your muscles guessing. *a little arm secret- really tone those shoulders. It sets the illusion of a completely toned armed

Charles asks‌


What is a good alternative exercise to weight training and running? I'm a 44 year old man and I work out regularly at a gym about 5 days/week. My routine consists of weight training followed by running on a treadmill. I feel like my training has hit a plateau over the last 2 months. What is a good alternative to weight training and running that might help to shake things up and shock my body out of this plateau state?

admin answers: Swimming freestyle is excellent - great cardio workout and really good for your back. Cycling is fantastic for your cardio fitness and leg endurance. Try yoga to improve your flexibility, which could help your weights and running to be more comfortable. Does your gym offer circuit classes? These are a mix of cardio, muscle endurance and strength exercises, and can be loads of fun if you get a good instructor. Boxing gets your heart rate right up, and works in your strength in a different way from weights, Have you tried interval training when you run? INstead of running the whole time at a steady pace, alternate fast and slow. You'll get a more intense workout in less time this way. How long has it been since you've changed your weights program? Changing any of the variables (weight, reps, sets, rest between sets, order of exercises etc) will force your body to adapt & give your training a kick start. Super sets are a great way to increase the intensity of your workouts. Pick 2 exercises for the same body part, for example upright row & overhead press for shoulders. Perform a set of one exercise, then move straight into the 2nd exercise without a break. You can also do this with opposing muscle groups, eg biceps and triceps - superset bicep curls with dips or something like that. OUCH! Everyone gets a bit jaded with their training sometimes, so now could be a good chance to try something a bit different. Have fun!


Paul asks‌

What are the best exercises to build pecs? I want to loose some fat and build my pecs. What are some good exercises to build that muscle?

admin answers: Push ups man, they target specifically the pecs and triceps (upper arm muscles behind your biceps) having big pecs and triceps gives you the strength to push or shove stuff, or people =P when doing push ups, remember to keep your arms straight in front of your chest, military style. Start with your arms farther apart, around shoulder length and gradually bring them together until you can form a triangle with your index fingers and thumbs, bringing your arms closer to the center of your chest develops the pecs closer to the center of your chest, so it doesn't look as bony in the middle do around 20 every other day for a few weeks and you'll start seeing results good luck!


Mark asks‌

How many days after exercising my arms should I start again (MEN)? If I work out my triceps and biceps say today, when should I start again 1 day rest or 2 day rest? After only using dumbells and no other equipment? Thanks!!

admin answers: Say you work on Biceps and triceps Monday. You should wait until at least Wednesday to work them again with proper protein intake. Thursday if its a really intense workout.

Steven asks‌

How many exercises per muscle group should I do?


I'm beginning to work only a few muscle groups at a time and lifting every day (rather than full-body), and I've decided I'm doing 4 sets per exercise, and 8 reps per set. I don't really have any information on how many exercises per muscle group I should do though... I was thinking 4; would that suffice?

admin answers: That's a pretty fair number of exercises per body part. It's too easy to get wacko with the lifting and want to do just about every exercise known to man, that usually leads to overtraining. I personally have pared down my lifting to 4 exercises per body part for the larger groups (chest, back and legs), 3 for the shoulders over 2 days (I do the posterior deltoids the day I do my back), and 2 for triceps and biceps. If you feel you need to do more, do more. If you feel you need to do less, do less. Your body will let you know what is sufficient and what isn't. And always, remember to use good form whilst lifting.

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