Your Questions About Biceps Exercises No Weights

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Robert asks‌

What is the best way to build biceps? I wont to have bigger biceps but what are the best exercises with weights and without?

admin answers: Curls.

Donald asks‌

What kind of exercises can I do to make my arms thicker and my waste more fit? Exercises without weights. Or if weights, what can i do with one dumbell?


admin answers: For arms, do some curls. You don't really need heavy weights, its more about the form. Just hold them at your sides and slowly bring them up while rotating your arm. (so that the length part is parallel to your body at first and then parallel to your chest to finish.) That's good for biceps. For triceps, grab one weight and hold it with two hands above your head. Then lower the weight behind your head and repeat. You could also lean over a chair and lift them weights backwards (like if you were trying to punch someone behind you). For your waist, the best option is to run. Running will burn fat and work your abs at the same time.

John asks‌

What are some good exercise to firm up my arms? What are some daily arm exercises (with weights or without) I could do to get rid of under-arm sag and flab? Thanks.

admin answers: For the underarm stuff - recommend doing seated dips. They're great for your triceps and shoulders. You don't need any weights - just something to prop your body on. Http://


for your biceps - push-ups. There's this program which is awesome: - push-ups are great for the body all around.

David asks‌

What are some good ways to work out the pectorals, abs, and arms? I'm a sixteen year old who started working out recently. I've begun exercises without weights, but I recently bought a few and now I want to know what workouts build up the abs, pectorals, biceps, and triceps. I'm pretty thin, and I want to be in as best shape as I can in about two months. How can I get these muscles in shape in this time period? What are some good ways to do this?

admin answers: Youll have to eat right and work out alot, two or three sessions a day to get cut. Abs, i put a 35 pound weight on my chest and do about 100 sit ups. Also get a crunch wheel, they are wheels with handles on them, they work wonders. Pecs, id do a buch of bench presses and push ups. Bis and tris also push ups and curls will do good. For your tris put the weight behind your head and lift up over your head straightening your arms. Go to a gym and get a personal trainer also.


Paul asks‌

How to get a nice toned body without weights? I'm a guy. I like running which I do often. I also like working out on a mat, as opposed to weights. It just feels better. I don't want huge muscles. I just want a nice toned body. How can I achieve this? What are some exercises without weights I can do on a mat that will help me get a nicely toned upper body? Pilates or Yoga? Any suggestions would help.

admin answers: If you just want a toned body i mean like not bulky like a bodybuilder you can use lots of different ground movement and exercises to tone your body as long as your eating healthy as well as your food diet is half the battle even if your not over weight diet is still very important for having a toned body, the best matt exercises you can do are - wide press ups for your chest (placing your hands far apart) - middle press ups for your biceps which is placing your arms near to your body shoulder width - or diamond press ups these mean that both of your hands are in a v shape on the floor touching so they will make a diamond these are amazing for your triceps - for abs i'd advise crunches, leg raises and you can get power wheels cheap which tone your stomach greatly. -Legs you can do squats even without a weight a high amount of reps can tone them if your doing it correctly cheers

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