Your Questions About Inguinal Hernia Anatomy

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Joseph asks‌

What would you assume this scar is from? I have a scar in my pubic area just above my vagina, it's 3cms long and a proper wound scar, been done by the doctor and had 3 stiches but the little dots from the stiches have gone. It's completely innocent but I want to know what a guy would assume it's from. Thanks

admin answers: I would guess the remainder of an inguinal hernia repair. +++++ Edit: ... That's probably due to my relatively poor knowledge of anatomy. Maybe a hernia scar would be more to the left and/or right as well, I'm not sure. I could let my imagination run wild, and thoughts could cross my mind of you having been born a hermaphrodite,... ...and a penis having been surgically removed while you were a child, but that might be a bit far fetched. I hope you don't find this last bit offensive; it wasn't meant to be. +++++ Edit 2: Oh, I forgot, I don't usually assume anything, because I've lived long enough to have learned that this phrase is often true: To assume makes an ASS out of U and ME.


Donald asks‌

What causes hernia? What are hernia symptoms? How is a hernia treated? May I see a photo of a hernia please?

admin answers: There are many types of hernias. The common trait of all of them is that some part of the body slips out of position. One of the most common types of hernia is an inguinal hernia. There's an opening in the abdominal wall in men through which the spermatic cord (vas deferens) travels, and sometimes, if there is weakness in the wall or if great mechanical strain is placed upon it, the opening stretches and abdominal fat or even a bit of small intestine manages to slip through the hole. The symptoms are a vague sensation of something shifting, occasionally pain, and sometimes a lump visible or palpable from the outside. The risk of a hernia is that something might slip through an opening and get stuck, cutting off the blood supply and producing gangrene. This is a risk with inguinal hernias and other hernias that allow internal organs to slip around and get stuck. Small hernias don't involve this risk. Hernias are treated surgically, by putting everything in its proper place and closing any openings that allow things to slip. The surgery for inguinal hernia is extremely common and simple and can often be done as an outpatient procedure. Surgery is required only if the patient wants it, or if the hernia is so bad that there's risk of something getting stuck as described above. Hernias aren't often visible externally. You can feel them sometimes but you can't always see them. The surgeon sees them when he operates.


Inguinal hernias are more common in men because they exert themselves more (weightlifting, etc.), and because their slightly different anatomy favors them. Women may get umbilical hernias more often, especially when they are pregnant and pressure inside the abdomen is high.

Chris asks‌

What is that Line on my balls? I have a dark thick line that is almost in the middle of my balls. It looks like a line where they sewed my balls back together, but I never had an injury like that. Anyone know if this is common to have, or what it is for? I have never seen anyone else with one.

admin answers: Hi there, At least someone finally noticed it. Yes all men have it, although in some it is easier to see then others. Also as someone else mentioned it is called a perineal raphe. The reason we have this is that when we are developing fetuses we are (as someone pointed out) technically female (that is the default gender). So a few weeks after fertilization, the initial appearance of the fetal genitalia is basically feminine with a pair of "urogenital folds" (what will one day become the labial folds both major and minor in woman and shaft/scrotum in men) with a small protuberance (bump) in the middle (to be clitoris in females and glans in men), and the urethra behind the protuberance. Under normal fetal development, there is this gene called SRY which causes testicular formation. In the absence of this gene female gonads (ovaries) are formed. It is after this point (formation of gonads either testes or ovaries) that the rest of fetal


genitalia are developed through the action of either estrogen or testosterone (colloquially called female and male hormones, although this is incorrect because they both exist in both sexes just in different ratios). By the way your testicles first develop in the abdomen (hence why you may have heard that some newborn boys do not have descended testicles medically called Cryptorchidism). In fact it is due to the movement of the testicles from the abdomen down to the scrotum through the inguinal canal that men are more commonly afflicted by scrotal and inguinal hernias. As a side note this is why we have homologous anatomy to woman (prostate gland in men, Skene's gland in women). For those interested the Skene's gland are located near the opening of the urethra (tube from which you urinate from). By the way the fact that we are technically first develop to be by default female is why both genders have nipples and men have mammary glands (very under developed). So at about 11 weeks old, the body of the penis will be formed by the fusion of the urogenital folds, which does not completely finish until later (approximately 20 weeks). The scrotum is formed by the fusion of the labio scrotal folds. The Raphe line of the scrotum corresponds to the zone of fusion of the labio scrotal folds. I hope this answers your question (and even more). Dan MD.

Thomas asks‌

another tough anatomy question! 10 points for a good answer...? John, a patient at Jones City Hospital, is in tough shape. He has hernia in his inguinal region, pain from an infected kidney in his lumbar region, and severe bruises and swelling in his pubic region. Can u explain where each of these regions is located?


admin answers: Yes, but I'm not going to help you cheat on your homework. By the way this is not a tough question....its basic anatomy 5 year old cousin knows where the lumbar region is

David asks‌

ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY QUESTION!!!!!? -the severance of the common peroneal nerve results in the loss of what muscle action? -what is the most common location of a fracture of the scapula? -inflamation of an ileal (meckel's) diverticulum causes pain quite similar to what other well know infection? -what two bones lie within the "anatomical snuff-box"? -why are males more susceptible to an inguinal hernia than females? -what is the anatomical name for the ligament that anchors the head of the radius to the ulna? -bell's palsy effects what cranial nerve? -swelling of the pituitary gland will directly affect which special sense? THANK YOU SOOO MUCH IF YOU CAN HELP MEE!!!!!!!!

admin answers: Severance of the common peroneal nerve results in a loss of dorsiflexion. This means you can't lift your foot (or more precisely you can't lift your toes towards your shin) scapular fractures occur most commonly in the body of the scapula.


Don't know about ileal diverticulum the snuff box contains the scaphoid and trapezium bones of the wrist males are thought to be more susceptible to inguinal hernias because the abdominal cavity contents are thought to follow the path of the descending testes. This path is thought to be weaker than surrounding areas because the passage of the testicles. The annular ligament holds the head of the radius to the ulna. Wikipedia has a very good picture of this ligament. Bell's palsy affects cranial nerve VII, the facial nerve Swelling of the pituitary gland can affect sight. The pituitary gland and the optic nerves are very close to each other, so a swollen pituitary gland can press on the optic nerves and cause double vision, blurred vision, or blindness

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