Your Questions About Inguinal Hernia Symptoms

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Charles asks‌

Is there a video or renderings on how to check for a inguinal hernia? I need to find out how to check for a hernia, but i dont know the medical terms of a pubic tubercule, and the inguinal ring.? thanks in advance!

admin answers: Http://

John asks‌

How do I get rid of my nevousness? Yeah I know, their's no real sure fire cure for being extremely nervous, but to give you some


backstory; I've about 93% I have an inguinal hernia, and I'm 15 years old. Bigger problem is, I'm extremely afraid of hospitals, and I can't just make myself go. But I'd like to think I have a long life ahead of me and I can't ignore it forever. What do I do?

admin answers: If you have symptoms of a hernia then you should go and get it checked out by a professional. I am very rarely one to suggest going to the hospital, as I hate going there myself, but there are some things that you just can not cure at home. They can become worse and make you very ill. Hope this help you man. Good luck! If you need someone impartial to talk with...

Michael asks‌

What are the symptoms of a hernia? I have a mild pain in my gut on the left side. It's very mild and comes and goes and feels like an ache/stab. It's been there for a few months. I also have a dull ache above my left buttock in my back, but I suspect that's something different. Do I have a hernia?

admin answers: Maybe. There's such a thing called 'Inguinal Hernia.' I'm going to link you, please read the symptoms, and if they relate then I suggest going to a doctor.


Http:// Other hernia's: If not, maybe you just have a stomach ache, or even gastroesophageal reflux disease.

George asks‌

What does a doctor do when he or she gives you a physical? I'm a male and this is going to be my first physical as far as I know. I'm 25 y/o and have always had ppo insurance, I just went straight to the specialist. Now I got a doc assigned to me.

admin answers: The physician (or nurse practitioner) uses a physical exam as a way to screen for major medical issues. You will complete a history form, in which you relate any current issues as well as your medical history (e.g., have you had chicken pox?) and surgical history (what operations/injuries have you had?). They will review lifestyle issues such as use of alcohol and tobacco, and may ask about sexual orientation and sexual behaviors that may lead them to do additional blood work. They will ask about your family history (does anyone in your family have diabetes, heart disease, etc.?) The physical itself covers the major systems (cardiovascular -- will ausculate your heart to listen for murmurs or irregular heart beat; also listen to your carotid arteries to determine if blood is moving through them smoothly, and at your young age I expect that to be normal. He or she will listen to your lungs, listen to your belly with a stethescope to make sure you have normal bowel sounds and that there is no abdominal aneurism (enlargement of the aorta) and will have you breath in and out while he/she feels for the edge of your liver as it slides from under the rib cage. Will check for inguinal hernia ("the ole turn your head and


cough"), feel the testicles gently to make sure there are no masses, make sure your joints work well. You may or may not get a digital exam of your prostate -- palpation of the prostate via the rectum. Some docs do not feel it is worthwhile unless you have symptoms such as having a difficult time urinating, etc. You probably have some blood drawn to get a complete blood count and some routine chemistries to make sure you major organs are working OK. Probably will have to submit a urine speciman as well. Make sure you understand if you are not to eat 12 hours in advance (to make sure the blood tests are accurate). Sorry to be so wordy, I am an RN and wanted to try to explain it in some detail.

Donald asks‌

Common Inguinal hernia symptoms? I'm 18 and I'm really into weight lifting, and lately I've had a strange pulling sensation in my groin that actually pulled my testicles up as if they're cold, particularly my right one. And it stays like that and never eases up. I got an ultrasound done and It turns out I have a small inguinal hernia. My question is, am I experiencing normal hernia symptoms? or is what I just described something completely different like a pulled muscle?

admin answers: Hernia symptoms.

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