Your Questions About Umbilical Hernia In Children

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Joseph asks‌

what is the best way to tighten up the stomach muscles when you have had multiple umbilical hernias? i had 5 children and starting with the birth of the first-these became the result. had it fixed twice and don't want 2 fix it surgically again.

admin answers: Go to under weight loss and fitness they have great ab exercises

Chris asks‌

Is it normal for a babys belly button hernia to make a squishing sound?


My baby is 2 months old and he has a belly button hernia the size of a large acorn. Is it normal for it to make a squishing sound when he pushes his stomach out?

admin answers: Completely normal! I freaked out when I found out my son had one and when I heard that sounds, I took him to the pediatrician ASAP, only to find out it's just the bile/liquid running through his intestines. Your child's umbilical hernia is fine as long as you can push it in, obviously not when baby's crying or pushing his tummy out. Was he a preemie? My son was 5 weeks premature and has an umbilical hernia, he is now 4 months old and his is almost completely gone! It should go away within a year or he might need surgery to correct it.

Ken asks‌

What minor physical anomoly (say, an ear tag or large birth mark for example) do your kids have? Is it normal for everyone to have some sort of difference from the norm when it comes to physical anomolies? My son has a bifid uvula and my other son a slight unilateral lower lip paralysis. Do your children all have some very slight physical difference? Is it normal to have children with these tiny anomolies? I want another child but am afraid that these aren't normal. I am a very anxious mother in general and just want other mother's experience with this. Thanks!

admin answers: My son has a couple of Caffe Latte spots but they will fade in time, one on the arm one on his


back. My daughter has had her umbilical hernia fixed but to be honest it is not that much better than before (it wasn't too bad but she was having a minr op so i asked for it to be done at the same time) . They are both flat footed. Thats about it. Have aother child if you wish. The physical problems you mention don't sound so huge that you should avoid having more kids

Paul asks‌

I have two children with umbilical hernias and? one is 8 years old and one is 4 years old. They don't stick out alot, but my 8 year old has been complaining that it pinches and sometimes burns him in his belly button. I brought both of them to the doctor and the doctor said when it hurts just to make him lay down and relax. Should I get a second opinion, has anyone experienced this?

admin answers: Get a second opinion. My son had one too and his doc said it should correct itself by 3 years old and if not he may need surgery to correct it. Thankfully it did correct itself. If it is bothersome to your child then get a second opinion for sure


Mark asks‌

How to deal with umbilical hernia in children under one year until the operation time?

admin answers: What specificaly is the problem?

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