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אביקע ברה

והיתתמ ברה תוניידל ללוכ


קחצי ברה

םחנמ ברה

ללוכו רועיש ידיגמ

השמ ברה

השמ םייח ברה

לאומש ברה

ןימינב ברה

Tuffkid is an Integrated Nursery for all children, including children with additional needs. We provide a warm and nurturing environment where our fully qualified staff work closely with the parents to fulfil each child’s potential.

Tuffkid has a Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Dance Therapist working as part of the team on-site.

If you would like a tour of the Nursery please contact Janice Marriott, Head of Tuffkid Nursery.


For the ןנבר יכלמ ןאמ learning Oraysa, the start of a new Masechta marks the highlight of the year. Just like the calendar year which has exciting milestones and Yomim Tovim, learning maseches Rosh Hashana will give you the rewarding experience of owning many exciting sugyos, הנווכ תוכירצ תווצמ, שדוחה שודיק, תבש תפסות, among many others. This is your opportunity.

How It Works

• Learn 1 new amud daily Sunday-Thursday

• Review yesterday’s amud every day

• Review 2.5 blatt every Friday & Shabbos

• Optional bi-weekly 5 blatt bechina with stipend

• Daily audio / video shiurim & resources

• Interactive Rischa D’Oraysa Q & A’s

KS3 English Teacher - September 2023

Looking for a full-time salary whilst maintaining a healthy work/life balance? This might be for you!

We are seeking to appoint a Key Stage 3 English teacher, starting September 2023. We are looking for someone who will provide high-quality teaching and learning so that all students learn and make progress with adequate support, motivation, care, and supervision.

About the English Teaching role:

• To prepare and deliver well-structured lessons in accordance with the school's curriculum and teaching schedule.

• To assist students in making the best possible development by utilising a variety of teaching, learning, and other support tools.

• English lessons take place Monday to Thursday in the afternoons only


• Highly attractive salary

• Generous non-contact time

• Very small class sizes

How to Apply

To request an application form, or if you would like to talk informally to the Headteacher to find out more about the role, please e-mail head@ttlondon.org.

TTL is committed to safeguarding and promoting the safety and welfare of children. The successful applicant will be subject to an Enhanced DBS check in addition to other background checks.

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