INVITATION TO TENDER NORTHWEST DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Northwest Climate Change Action Plan Marketing and Communications Strategy NWDA00240
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6 February 2008
Dear Sirs INVITATION TO TENDER TITLE OF TENDER: NORTHWEST CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY NWDA REF: NWDA00240 You are hereby invited by the Northwest Development Agency (“the Agency”) to submit a tender for the above services. Please complete the attached ‘Notice of Intent to Submit a Tender’ form and return to the undersigned by e-mail by 11 February 2008. Tender Timetable Tenderers’ clarification questions to be submitted by The return date for this tender is 10.00 am Interview/Presentations (if required) Post Bid Clarifications The anticipated contract start date is
12 February 2008 22 February 2008 w/c 03 March 2008 (estimated) 10 March 2008 24 March 2008
Documentation You are required to return one electronic disk version, one original hardcopy proposal plus 1 copy of the response to the Invitation to Tender Document, clearly marked as such. Tenders must be returned using the enclosed return label and in accordance with the ‘Instructions to Tenderers’ in particular point 6, to: TENDER BOARD Northwest Development Agency Brew House Wilderspool Park Greenall’s Avenue Warrington WA4 6HL
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Whilst Tenderers are preparing their responses, questions will inevitably arise. It is requested that all queries be referred in writing to Rahat Yasmeen, Contracts Manager (telephone 01925 644241, email: at the above address. In order to allow the Agency time to offer appropriate answers, Tenderers must submit any queries in writing to Rahat Yasmeen by the date specified in the table above. We look forward to receiving your tender response. Yours faithfully
Rahat Yasmeen Contracts Manager
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Instructions to Tenderers
Invitation to Tender 2.1 2.2 2.3
Tender Documents 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
Background Information Specification and Scope Evaluation Criteria
Structure of Proposal Response Form of Tender (this form must be signed and returned) Pricing Schedule Sub Contractor Arrangements References General Supplier Details
Terms and Conditions of Contract
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Tenders must be submitted in accordance with these instructions and any further instructions contained in other documentation issued by the Agency.
Tenderers who do not wish to submit a tender must return the enclosed documents using the addressed label. It would be helpful if Tenderers could state their reasons for not tendering, although there is no obligation to do so.
Alterations: The Tenderer may not alter this document. Any proposed alteration is to be given in a separate letter accompanying the tender.
Non-compliant or incomplete tenders: Tenders may be rejected if any of the requested information is not supplied with the tender.
Tenderers must submit a compliant bid based on the structure as outlined in this document. However, if Tenderers wish to submit a variant proposal, they should do so separately and this must be in addition to a compliant bid.
The address label enclosed must be used for the return of the tender. Envelopes/packages should be plain and must not show any reference to the Tenderer’s identity. Please place the Tender Number label on the front of the return envelope. Tenderers should note that this also applies to any tenders sent via courier. Tenders without the label or in envelopes, which in any way identify the Tenderer, may be rejected.
The date and time for return of tenders is shown on the label and on the Form of Tender. Tenders will be received up to the time and date stated. It is the Tenderers’ responsibility to ensure that their tender is received on time. The Agency does not undertake to consider tenders received after that time unless there is sufficient evidence to pre-suppose its due delivery.
Facsimile, e-mail, and telephone: Tenders will not be considered if sent by these methods. Hand delivery of envelopes will be accepted.
The Agency does not issue acknowledgement of receipt of tender documents and accepts no responsibility for loss or non-receipt of applications.
The tender should be completed legibly in black ink, black ballpoint or clearly typed.
The Agency expressly reserves the right not to award any contract as a result of this procurement process and it shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Tenderers. The Agency also reserves the right to accept all or any part of a tender.
Prices shown should be exclusive of VAT.
Confidentiality of tenders: The Tenderer must not inform anyone else of their tendered price. The only exception is if the Tenderer is required to obtain an
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insurance quotation to calculate the tender price then the Tenderer may give details of their bid to the insurance company or brokers, if requested. 14.
The Tenderer must not try to obtain any information about any other party’s tender or proposed tender before the contract is awarded.
The Tenderer must not arrange with any other party the submission of a tender, except in the circumstances where sub-contracting and/or joint ventures are applicable.
Trading names/invoicing: Where invoices will be rendered by, or payments made to, an entity whose title differs in any respect from the title in which the tender is submitted, full details must be provided in a letter accompanying the tender. Successful Tenderers who fail to provide this may experience delays in payment or non payment of their invoices.
Tenders must be returned to Northwest Development Agency, Tender Board, Brew House, Wilderspool Park, Greenall’s Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL not later than the time and date stated at the front of this Invitation to Tender document. Tenders must be delivered either by post or by hand to the reception desk, ensuring that a member of staff notes the time and date of receipt, as tenders delivered otherwise may not arrive on time.
Except where the Agency considers that questions are not material to the procurement process and the fullest understanding of its objectives, such questions and their subsequent replies will be disseminated to all Tenderers. Tenderers should note in relation to all responses to questions in connection with this Invitation to Tender that the Agency makes no guarantee that such information in response to questions will be made available and are not warranting its accuracy.
Tenderers should note that during this tender process they should not contact any of the Agency’s respective Board Members, Executive Directors, employees or advisers or any third parties connected to the Agency or any advisers to this procurement, outside of the process outlined within this section and elsewhere within this document.
All responses to this Invitation to Tender must be in English.
The Agency reserves the right, at its discretion, to request clarification in writing, or further relevant information, from any Tenderer post submission of the tender response by such Tenderer.
Eligibility of prospective Contractors: Any change that is considered material by the Agency as to the identity or control of a Tenderer, or in the eligibility of a Tenderer, happening before or after the Tenderer has submitted its response to the Invitation to Tender, will lead to its disqualification. Where the Tenderer is a consortium, the lead consortium member must remain the same as when originally shortlisted. The full consortium membership must be disclosed and set at the time of submission of the Invitation to Tender response and there must be no material changes in the consortium after the tender submission. The Agency
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must be advised of any change in the consortium membership or in the principal relationships between members of the consortium. Any change which is considered material will lead to the Tenderer’s disqualification. 23.
Freedom of Information Legislation 1.
The Agency may be obliged to disclose information provided by Tenderers in response to this Invitation to Tender under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all subordinate legislation made under this and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“the Freedom of Information Legislation”).
Tenderers should be aware that the information they provide could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. The Agency will proceed on the basis of disclosure unless an appropriate exemption applies. Tenderers should be aware that despite the availability of some exemptions, information may still be disclosed if the public interest in its disclosure outweighs the public interest in maintaining the exemption. No response to this Tender should be covered by a general statement regarding its overall confidentiality; instead any specific areas of confidential information should be highlighted in accordance with paragraph 3 below. The Agency accepts no liability (including for negligence) for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information legislation.
Tenderers should highlight information in their responses which they consider to be commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, and should state the precise reasons why they consider this.
The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to consult with Tenderers over the release of information which is highlighted by them as commercially sensitive or confidential.
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2. 2.1
INVITATION TO TENDER Background Information
The Northwest Development Agency (NWDA) is one of nine regional development agencies established in 1999 by the Government to develop the English regions. The NWDA is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) funded by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. The NWDA is responsible for the sustainable economic development and regeneration of England's Northwest and has 5 key priorities: Business, People and Jobs, Skills & Education, Infrastructure and Quality of Life. The NWDA provides strategic leadership, programmes and funding and works closely with a range of partners to deliver the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The RES sets out a clear and measurable vision for the region, outlines policies to deliver this vision details the actions required. It will continue to address the key issues that affect the economic performance of the Northwest. For further details of the NWDA’s role and activities visit
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Specification and Scope
Northwest Climate Change Action Plan Marketing and Communications Strategy 2.2.1
This communication strategy will be delivered over the lifetime of the current version of the Northwest Climate Change Action Plan, from 1st November 2007 to 31st March 2010. The development and delivery of a regional climate change action plan is one of the transformational actions within the Regional Economic Strategy, which sets out the vision of a ‘low-carbon economy’ for the region. The Northwest Climate Change Action Plan builds on this with a vision for a ‘low carbon and well-adapted Northwest by 2020’. ‘Rising to the Challenge: A Climate Change Action Plan for England’s Northwest 200709’, the Climate Change Action Plan, also sets out the means by which the complementary North West Sustainable Energy Strategy will be implemented. Following the launch of the Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) in November 2006, the lead organisations identified in the strategy have come together to form the Northwest Climate Change Partnership (NWCCP). The purpose of the NWCCP is to facilitate and support the implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan on behalf of the Northwest Strategy Team. The NWCCP subsequently identified the need for a specific coordination and delivery body to drive forward the implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan. The Northwest Climate Change Unit (NWCCU) is responsible for the day to day running of the Climate Change Action Plan and the delivery of the communications strategy. The Strategy has been developed with regard to the recently completed ‘Climate Change Perceptions in the Northwest’ study, which has generated a series of recommendations aimed at informing and complementing this communications strategy. 2.2.2
Aim & Objectives
The overall aim of the Communications Strategy is to deliver Action 14 of the Northwest Climate Change Action Plan: “Define, develop and implement a targeted regional energy and climate change communications strategy, with regional media and national support organisations, to raise awareness of the causes of climate change and the necessary actions required to mitigate and adapt, using language appropriate to the different audiences”. In order to deliver this the communications strategy has the following overarching objectives; 1. To ensure that the causes and consequences of climate change and the need to take appropriate actions designed to mitigate and adapt to climate change are communicated clearly and concisely to all stakeholders, including, indirectly, to the general public through key enablers and influencers; Invitation to Tender/SC Version 4 Issue date 28/09/06
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2. To ensure that progress on the CCAP and the Climate Change Unit is communicated to all key stakeholders; 3. To enable communication between all partners within the CCAP, through sharing of best practice and specific briefings, and to provide partners with the communication resources to engage their own stakeholders; 4. To influence key decision makers and practitioners to take action on climate change and participate in the CCAP, and target marketing campaigns to raise awareness of the programme to the key identified audiences; 5. To utilise new and innovative marketing and communications techniques and ensuring that all stakeholders are targeted through a variety of mechanisms; 6. To promote better partnership working and ensure that work from different organisations is built on, does not take place in isolation and is not duplicated; 7. To ensure that messages are consistent with the marketing and communication strategies of partner organisations, and vice versa, and that the communication resources of partners are utilised whenever possible; 8. To ensure that the environmental impact of all communication activity is minimised. 2.2.3
Existing and Complimentary Work
It is critical to ensure that this strategy compliments existing communications and marketing resources available across the region. At present there are a variety of communications vehicles available, including;
The Northwest Climate Change website –
Existing capacity and communication vehicles of partners within the NWCCP, especially the Northwest Development Agency, Government Office for the Northwest, The Northwest Regional Assembly, and Environment Agency.
Existing communication vehicles of partner projects and programmes inside and outside of the CCAP, especially ENWORKS, Energy Savings Trust, Carbon Trust, and sub-regional marketing such as Manchester Is My Planet, and key national campaigns.
Promotes other projects to result from the CCAP such as the low carbon fund,
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2.2.4 Audience The Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) aims to influence all in the region. To ensure this happens effectively, the following broad groups have been identified: NWDA, GONW, NWRA, Environment Agency Climate Change Action Plan Group The Mersey Partnership, Cheshire & Warrington Economic Alliance, Energy Saving Trust, Natural England, Carbon Trust, Manchester Enterprises, Enworks, Community Forest Northwest, Cumbria Strategic Enterprises, Envirolink Northwest, Lancashire Economic Partnership, Domestic Energy Alliance, Joule Centre, NHS North West Major Business Organisations Institute of Directors, Business Leadership Team, Chambers of Commerce, Business in the Community, Business Link, CBI, Federation of Small Businesses. Cluster Orgs, Funders Local Authorities Lead Members, Chief Exec, Practitioners - Policy, Environment, Planning, Transport, Housing.
Media Specialist-Research, Planning, Environment, Cluster-related Partner publications, Business press, Regional newspapers
SME’s, Community group
SME’s Environmental Sector
These groups are the target audience for this Communications Strategy. It is not intended that this Strategy will be directly aimed at the general public, but they will be engaged through key enablers and influencers within the target audience. However, all communications must be aware of the need to signpost the general public to resources designed specifically for them. In order to facilitate communications, an initial database of contacts has been devised, with over 3,000 entries. This will regularly updated and developed over the lifetime of the CCAP, and will be used to target communications to key sectors. 2.2.5
Key Messages
High Level Messages– General Climate Change
Climate change is real, we are seeing the impacts now and these will get worse in the long term if effective action is not taken now; Climate change is not a stand alone issue – must be considered along with all associated environmental and socio-economic impacts; All individuals, organisations and businesses are empowered to/can make a difference; Promote the practical opportunities available to tackle climate change; Encourage the consideration of the impact on climate change of every action a stakeholder takes;
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Promote the Stern message that ‘’The benefits of strong early action far outweigh the economic costs of not acting’’.
High Level Messages– NW Climate Change Action Plan
North West is a leading region on tackling climate change; Real progress in the NW is being made, but there is a lot more to do; Excellent regional and sub-regional partnership working is delivering results; Every business, organisation and individual has a role to play and can make a difference; It is important to plan now for the consequences from the unavoidable impact of climate change.
Further explanation of the key messages to be targeted at key audiences is contained in Appendix 1. 2.2.6
Potential Tactics
Listed below are some of the key tactics to be utilised to ensure that the objectives of the Communications Strategy are achieved. These are not exhaustive and will be developed further through the lifetime of the CCAP in consultation with partners and through the engagement of additional marketing expertise. Identity The CCAP is being jointly progressed by the NWCCP and requires an identity which can be used in all marketing and communications activity. This will not be a separate corporate brand but an identity which reflects the nature of the partnership working at a regional level. Newsletters & Updates An Annual Progress Report to be published (both print and electronic) in January/February outlining overall progress on the CCAP for the preceding year, plans for the forthcoming year, and performance management information. An annual update newsletter (both print and electronic) aimed specifically at senior decision makers, and politicians, focussing primarily on best practice as a result of the CCAP within the public and private sector and how they can get involved in the forthcoming year. Monthly E–newsletters to be sent to all email subscribers, focussing on one development within the CCAP or complementary activity by partners, and sign-posting any new material on the NW Climate Change website. Further direct marketing of key sectors and stakeholders will also be utilised on an ad-hoc basis.
Public relations and media
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Media activity needs to be targeted and proactive. Key opportunities will be through engagement of the Northwest regional and sub-regional media, alongside specialist environmental and business publications. The NWCCP will utilise the media relations capabilities of partner organisations, and also seek external PR expertise to ensure that all significant opportunities are taken. Partnership tools A selection of marketing material is needed for the use of all partners. This will ensure that a cohesive approach and message is given out. Material required will include the production of leaflets, displays, newsletters and the preparation of presentations in MS PowerPoint for the delivery by third parties. These tools will be audience/sector specific, bespoken to the specific requirements of businesses, local authorities, environmental organisations, and the community/voluntary sector. All tools will be designed for download on the Northwest Climate Change Website. Conferences and media related exhibitions We will capitalise on existing regional events that could provide an opportunity to promote the Climate Change Action Plan. These include the Environenergy, Northwest Business Environment Awards and the Business in the Community May Day Climate Change event. Off the shelf resources will be developed for use by partners and the Climate Change Unit at such events. In addition to these, the Partnership will also organise at least one pre-eminent climate change event for the region and one for each sub-region. A full list of event opportunities will be drawn up and agreed by partners. Further topic based workshops and discussion groups linked to developments within the CCAP will also be established on an ad-hoc basis. Awareness Raising Campaigns & Event Sponsorship There are opportunities to complement awareness raising weeks/days as a part of ongoing campaigns. These are mostly national or international campaigns such as Car Free Day and Earth Day. Media activity on CCAP progress is to be targeted during these campaigns, and opportunities to develop coordinated regional responses will be sought. In addition, there will be opportunities to sponsor partner lead activities which have a direct link to the CCAP, and which provide an opportunity to publicise the work of the NWCCP and/or target specialised or hard-to-reach audiences. Website development The Climate Change Action Plan website ( will act as a key tool for use by partners to communicate the latest climate change developments, build understanding and share information, and a receptacle for literature and resources. The site will also be an information portal and signposting service to further resources for all stakeholders. The site is to be updated on at least a weekly basis in order to be kept up to date not only with Climate Change Action Plan work, but also work and information of all Invitation to Tender/SC Version 4 Issue date 28/09/06
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partners, and any related national and international news. Special circumstances will also exist when the website is to be updated in response to a significant regional, national or international event. The website will also be regularly reviewed to ensure that overall content is not only relevant and up-to-date, but also to make use of new and innovative mechanisms to engage our target audiences. 2.2.7
Overview of Requirements
The focus of the communications strategy should be on partnership working, to clearly deliver the Climate Change Action Plan by the Northwest Climate Change Partnership and the Climate Change Unit. The operational delivery of the communications strategy will require close and regular interaction with the Marketing team, the Climate Change Unit and the appointed agency. Audiences should be targeted in new, innovative and relevant ways, incorporating both traditional and new media. Consideration should be given to the added value of coordinated regional marketing, building on, but not duplicating the marketing of the individual delivery partners. 2.2.8
Marketing and Public Relations Requirements.
In particular the successful tender will provide the following requirements: •
Assist the NWCCP in meeting the objectives of this strategy through identifying, and evaluating the most suitable means of engagement with the target audiences for the effective communication of the CCAP.
Develop, in partnership with regional media organisations, a forward plan of opportunities and activities for the effective communication of the CCAP to the general public;
Produce a forward plan of proactive PR with key regional and national specialist media around key milestones of the CCAP;
Generate an identity for the CCAP, utilising existing Northwest identities if possible;
Generate an annual Progress Report (both print and electronic) detailing progress on the CCAP and plans for the coming year;
Generate an electronic and printed annual update for senior decision makers and politicians;
Generate monthly E-newsletters to be sent to all email subscribers, and occasional targeted email bulletins to key sectors and stakeholders within the CCAP Database;
Generate a forward plan of event sponsorship and campaigns.
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Promote and manage one pre-eminent climate change event each year
Promote and manage up to 5 Sub-Regional Partnership events to highlight progress, or to secure engagement, of specific projects or initiatives
Promote and manage occasional ad hoc thematic workshops or discussion groups.
Ensure that the Climate Change Northwest website is updated no less than once per week, and if required at 24-hours notice to respond to very occasional significant developments.
Generate publicity leaflets, displays, and presentations.
Provide opportunities for the development of the Northwest Climate Change website to improve communication with all target audiences.
Update and maintain a comprehensive, existing contact list of key regional and national stakeholders and target audiences, including a mechanism for subscription to the database through the Northwest Climate Change Web-site.
2.2.9. Monitoring The strategy will be regularly reviewed and monitored by the NWCCP to ensure effectiveness and any opportunities to capitalise on any new developments. To assist this following indicators will be reported to the NWCCP on a quarterly basis: • The number of visits to • The range of people and the diversity of organisations attending events organised by the Climate Change Unit • Number of appropriate stakeholders on the CCAP Database. • Increased awareness of climate change as evidenced through climate change perceptions study Further indicators will be developed during the lifetime of the CCAP and in consultation with the NWCCP.
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Appendix 1
The key partners in the development of the Climate Change Action Plan are the NWDA, Government Office North West, North West Regional Assembly and the Environment Agency. In addition, all members of the North West Climate Change Partnership have a significant interest in the progress made towards the delivery of the Action Plan. Key messages To show effectiveness and progress of the Action Plan Ensure a continued high level of partnership working Businesses Involvement . Businesses and local authorities involved in issues of energy consumption and climate change. This will include several aspects of local authorities such as planning, transport and schools. Private sector high energy users. These can be targeted though Chamber of Commerce, Business Link, Institute of Directors, Business Leadership Team and Business in the community. Key messages: To demonstrate that the Climate Change Action Plan will contribute significantly to the delivery of the agendas of these groups; To better integrate policies and measures for climate change with other mainstream policies, such as transport, housing and planning; To maintain flexibility in policy and regulation to adapt to uncertainty. To highlight the opportunities and benefits that climate change presents to business, academia, agriculture, etc; To promote the benefits of mitigating against, and adapting to, the effects of climate change. Funding Organisations. The main funders for projects, including EU funding streams, capable of helping to deliver climate change benefits. . Key messages: To demonstrate that the Climate Change Action Plan will contribute significantly to the delivery of the agendas of these groups; To ensure that delivery bodies are not duplicating the advice/support being provided and are maximising the benefits of partnership working; Invitation to Tender/SC Version 4 Issue date 28/09/06
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Evaluation Criteria
The Agency will evaluate all Tenders on the basis of the “most economically advantageous tender”. The overall evaluation process will be conducted in a fair and equitable manner, so that the Agency is able to consider the value for money of each proposal. This means that different clarification/information may be sought from different Tenderers. The Agency will take up references and reserves the right to pay due heed to the Tenderer’s performance elsewhere and any past experience from the Agency or its staff. Tenderers may be required to make presentations on elements of their submission to a wide range of Agency staff and any such presentations will form part of the evaluation process. The evaluation criteria described in this Invitation to Tender document will be used to inform the final decision as to which Tenderers will be awarded a Contract. Evaluation of tenders is split between sections a to w of the Response Section (3.2), Sections (3.3), (3.4.1 – 3.4.3) and Sections (3.6 – 3.7). Each section has an overall weighting reflecting the relative importance of each section to the Agency. The sub-total of marks for each section will be added together to produce a final score for each Tenderer. Scoring Mechanism Each question within the Invitation to Tender will be marked as follows: 2 – response exceeds requirement, appearing to offer improved value for money 1 – response appears to meet requirement 0 – response does not appear to meet requirement Weighting Mechanism 5 – is perceived as an essential requirement 2 – is perceived as a preferred/minimum requirement 1 – is perceived as a desirable requirement or is for information only (ie no impact) In/Out – perceived as mission-critical requirements and thus will not attract a score or weighting, but will determine whether a Tenderer remains in the process.
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Table 1: Overall Weightings/Sections Evaluation Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. 10.
Section 3.2 Questions a, b, c, d, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, s, u, w Section 3.2 Questions e, h, p, r, t, v Section 3.3 – Form of Tender Sections 3.4.1 - 3.4.3 Section 3.6 - References Section 3.7 Questions 10-13 Section 3.7 Questions 14, 15 Cost and value for money offered Tenderer interviews/presentations conducted as part of this tender process (If required).
Criteria Weighting Weight 2 Weight 5 In/Out Weight 5 Weight 5 In/Out Weight 5 Weight 5 Tbc
The Agency reserves the right to take into account any other relevant considerations that, in its absolute discretion, it may deem are appropriate.
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Structure of Proposal
The proposal should be structured as follows: • • • • 3.2
Introduction/covering letter Response to Section 3.2, questions (a) to (w). Sections 3.4.1 - 3.7. Section 3.3 - Completed Form of Tender Pricing Schedule Response
Tenderers must ensure that their Tender response is submitted in the format described in this document. Please reply to each point, stating ‘Noted’ or ‘Agreed’, as appropriate, where no specific response is required. Where responses are not offered or further information (e.g. an attachment) is missing, an evaluation rating of zero may be recorded. All tenders must be complete and should offer the most economically advantageous bid available to the Agency. Please provide no more than half a page of narrative in response to each question (a) to (w) below. If you wish, you may provide additional information, e.g. copies of policies etc, in an Appendix. General Response (a)
Tenderers should provide a method statement on how the services will be provided for the Agency and Tenderers should clearly state any geographical service limitations, both partial and total. Tenderers should also separately demonstrate their knowledge of the economic, social and environmental characteristics of the Northwest region.
Tenderers must be able to provide expert resources as backup to consultants engaged in customer assignments. Tenderers should describe the number and level of such expert resource that is available.
Tenderers should describe the methods by which their staff acquire and maintain a high level of subject matter knowledge, expertise and use of industry best practice techniques relevant to the contract. Details should be given of any training policies and practices. Responses should also address the methods applied by sub-contractors and/or associates, where they are to be used to provide any of the services.
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Tenderers should describe the process by which their staff acquire and maintain their Public Sector and Customer knowledge. Responses should also address the processes used or applied by sub-contractors and/or associates where they are used to provide any of the services.
Tenderers must provide a list of all key personnel to be attached to the account and must provide a single A4 page curriculum vitae, including full profile of speciality and experience, for each person nominated.
Setting Up Arrangements – Tenderers should set out how they would deal with the receipt of instructions (one point of contact would be preferable). Successful Tenderes must not undertake any work until receipt of a purchase order number and written instructions from the Agency’s project manager; otherwise to do so will be at their own risk.
Tenderers must detail the financial controls in place for budgeting and monitoring in relation to time recording (e.g. work in progress and ensuring that quotes are not exceeded without prior agreement from the Agency).
Tenderers should advise how they ensure that work is delivered to tight timescales.
Tenderers must provide their plans for complying with the provision of the proposed services with regard to equal opportunities, discrimination, health and safety, race relations and any other legal requirements.
Customer Related Requirements (j)
Tenderers must have policies, procedures and resources for managing their relationships with customers at an individual assignment level. Details of how initial bid management, on-going assignment review, contractor performance, quality of deliverables, customer communication and feedback are addressed should be provided.
Tenderers must have policies, procedures and resources for dealing with customer dissatisfaction and/or complaints. Tenderers should describe their procedures in this respect (including escalation procedures).
Tenderers should describe the administrative facilities and support available to staff engaged in working with the Agency.
Tenderers should describe the account management arrangements (as opposed to assignment management) that will be provided for Agency staff.
As an integral part of an assignment some projects may require skills transfer to Agency staff. Tenderers must be willing to accommodate such requirements within their tendered rates and should describe their approach to providing such skills transfer.
Tenderers should describe the processes currently in place, or to be implemented, to ensure that up-to-date management information is available to
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the Agency regarding the status of any assignment and the Tenderers’ performance (or the performance of their consultants, sub-contractors or associates). The Tenderer must be willing to tailor reports to meet individual customer requirements. Evidence of capability must be provided. (p)
Tenderers should describe how they assess and ensure that their staff deliver value for money and customer satisfaction throughout the Contract. Responses should address (but not be limited to) issues such as: • • • • • •
the suitability of individuals for the assignment; the deployment of appropriate skills; the use of best practice; the use of innovation; the efficient use by the consultant of his/her time on the assignment; the frequency of assessment and assessor seniority.
Tenderers should describe how they will ensure that they will provide all Agency staff with the best Value for Money throughout the term of the Contract. Tenderers giving best Value for Money will be seen as those providing suitable quality, delivery, reaction to customer needs and level of risk at best price. It is expected that all prices throughout the life of the contract will be as good as, or better than, those provided to a Tenderer`s most favoured customer.
Tenderers should provide a suggested Service Level Agreement, including Key Performance Indicators, to be used to monitor the level of service provided to the Agency for the duration of any contract awarded.
Tenderers should advise an exit strategy for deployment at the end of the contract period, including arrangements for the transfer of documents belonging to the Agency, the maintenance of commercial confidentiality thereafter, and any other issues considered relevant.
Technical Requirements (t)
Tenderers must demonstrate capability and experience of being able to deliver the required services as detailed in the Specification. Tenderers should provide a half page summary for each of the services listed in Section 2.2 demonstrating their overall strategy and methodology for delivering each service, in addition to any further information requested in the Specification.
Tenderers should outline any suggested measures or procedures to assure the Agency that costs could be minimised whilst maintaining a quality service and assisting the Agency with its efficiency targets.
Tenderers should set out their plans for managing risks and contingencies that may arise during the contract. Tenderers should also indicate how they will assist the Agency in managing and minimising its business risks.
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Innovation - The Agency invites you to comment on any innovative aspects that you will be capable of offering and to explain what sets your firm apart from others.
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Form of Tender
To be returned 10.00 am 22 February 2008 to the address indicated on the enclosed label and in the Invitation to Tender Document. TENDER FOR: 1.
NWDA00240 – Northwest Climate Change Action Plan Marketing and Communications Strategy
I/We agree and/or certify that this offer and any Framework Agreement or Contract arising from it shall be bound by the Invitation to Tender Documentation I/We agree and/or certify to supply goods/services of the exact quality, sort and price specified in the Pricing Schedule(s) in such quantities and to such extent and at such times and locations as the Northwest Development Agency (the “Agency”) may direct;
I/We agree and/or certify that this offer is made in good faith and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the offer by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person;
I/We agree and/or certify that we will not communicate to any person other than the person inviting these offers the (or approximate amount of) offer, except where the disclosure, in confidence of the approximate amount of the offer was necessary to obtain quotations required for the preparation of the offer, for insurance purposes or for a contract guarantee bond;
I/We agree and/or certify that we will not enter in to any Yes/No* arrangement or agreement with any other person that s/he shall refrain from making an offer or as to the amount of any offer to be submitted;
I/We agree and/or certify that we will not pay give or offer or agree to pay or to give any sum of money or other valuable considerable directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any offer or proposed offer for the goods/services any act or thing of the sort described in 3, 4, or 5 above.
I/We acknowledge that if I/we have acted or shall act in Yes/No* contravention of this Form of Tender, the Agency will be entitled to cancel the contract and to recover from ourselves the amount of any loss and expense resulting from such a cancellation.
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I/We agree that this tender and any contract which may result Yes/No* from it shall be based on this Form of Tender, Terms and Conditions, Specification / Brief attached, Pricing Schedule attached, and our response to this invitation to tender (to the extent to which the Agency may determine in accepting the tender).
I/We agree that any other terms and conditions of contract or Yes/No* any general reservations, which may be printed on any correspondence, issued by us shall not be applicable to any contract resulting from this tender.
I/We agree to carry out all contracts and/or other awards of business in accordance with the Agency’s standard Terms and Conditions of Contract
I/We agree that the rates provided shall be held firm for the full duration of the contract period.
Where there is any indication that a conflict of interest exists or may arise, then it shall be the responsibility of the Tenderer to inform the Agency, detailing the conflict in writing as an attachment to this tender.
The Agency will be the final arbiter in cases of potential conflicts of interest. Failure to notify the Agency of any potential conflict of interest will invalidate any verbal or written agreement. Are you aware of any conflicts of interest between your company and the Agency? *A Conflict of interest is where a person who is involved in the procurement has or may be perceived to have a personal interest in ensuring that a particular supplier is successful. Actual and potential conflicts of interest must be declared by a person involved in a tender process. * Please delete one Note In this Form of Tender, the word 'person' includes any person and any body or association, corporate or unincorporated; 'any agreement or arrangement' includes any transaction, formal or informal and whether legally binding or not.
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Signed _________________________________________________________ Full Name (print)_________________________________________________ On Behalf of_____________________________________________________ Position in Company______________________________________________ Date___________________________________________________________
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Pricing Schedule
The Pricing Schedule contains the Contractor’s tendered rates / fixed price.
All prices quoted shall be fixed and firm and shall apply during the whole of the Contract period.
The prices in the Pricing Schedule shall include for all services shown or described in the Contract as a whole and for all services not described but apparent as being necessary for the complete and proper execution of the provision of the Services.
No quantity or continuity of work is guaranteed to the successful Contractor and this should be taken into account when completing the Pricing Schedule. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, any quantities given in this ITT are for information only.
Each item in the Pricing Schedule must be fully priced, with insertions for each item. If any item is unpriced (whether by leaving the rate and/or amount space blank or by entering “included” or otherwise), that item shall be deemed to be free of charge.
Applications for payment shall be made in accordance with the procedures described in the Agency’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract.
All prices quoted shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
All prices shall be carriage paid, including packaging and labeling.
The daily rate indicated in the Schedule of Rates is for an 8 hour working day, during a normal working week (Monday to Friday).
The Contractor will not charge the Agency for travelling time in addition to daily fees. Any travelling time at the start or end of the working day is at the Contractor’s cost.
Tenderers must complete the Schedule of Rates with details of all applicable personnel to this contract by denoting job title, function (brief overview of the role) and daily rate. Tenderers must ensure that all relevant personnel are detailed, as no other rates offered during the contract will be applicable.
Figures inserted into the Schedule of Rates must be a single figure and not a range of figures. A range of fees per job title will not be accepted.
Expenses Business Mileage: Business mileage will be reimbursed at a rate of £0.40 per mile.
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Business mileage will only be paid from the Contractor’s nearest office to the Agency’s Head Office or place of arranged meeting, and must be agreed in advance. Accommodation: Any requirement for accommodation must be agreed with the Agency prior to occurrence, otherwise the Agency reserves the right not to reimburse the Contractor. Accommodation will be reimbursed by the Agency upon production of an authenticated VAT receipt. Accommodation costs must be kept to a minimum through the use of budget hotels (eg travel lodges), where available. Accommodation will be on a bed and breakfast basis and will be refunded up to a maximum of £70 per night. Meals Lunch, will not be provided by the Agency or reimbursed to the Contractor. When residing in a hotel the cost of a reasonable breakfast (if not booked on a bed and breakfast basis) and/or evening meal taken in the hotel will be met. Costs including light meals and beverages will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of £18 per day whether the meals are purchased at the hotel or out of the hotel. Reimbursement is subject to provision of supporting receipts. No other expenses will be reimbursed. The Contractor shall be responsible for making its own travel and accommodation arrangements. 14.
Please give details in the Schedule of Rates (Table 1) below of the daily rates proposed per level of function. Please insert in the blank spaces in the Schedule of Rates Table details of any applicable functions not listed.
Provide details of support, advice, research and access to research tools, training and seminars that you would be prepared to provide free of charge to the Agency and its staff to assist in its activities.
Demonstrate how the proposed rates offer value for money to the Agency..e.g. stating standard rate (and any discount offered).
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3.4.1 Lump Sum Total Price for this Tender: £……………………………………………………… In words: …………………………………………….
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3.4.2 Schedule of Rates – (Table 1) Function
Rate Per Day/Hour ÂŁ
Copy Writing Photography Design Research Administration
3.4.3 Section 2.2.6 indicates all the potential tactics that may be employed as part of the delivery of the Climate Change Action Plan Marketing and Communications Strategy. For each of the bullet points please provide an indicative cost for providing each of these services. Each service can be backed up with up to half page of methodology and reasoning behind the approach being taken. Please provide details below:
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Subcontractor Arrangements
The Agency intends to enter into a contract with the successful tenderer(s). If the Tenderer intends to sub-contract any of the Services, full details must be disclosed with the tender. The Contractor shall not sub-contract any of the Services without the previous consent in writing of the Agency. Any such consent, if given, may be subject to any conditions which the Agency considers appropriate. Such conditions will include a requirement that the Contractor must comply with all applicable European procurement legislation in connection with the procurement of any of the Services and the Contractor will promptly provide to the Agency any information which the Agency may request in order to satisfy itself that the Contractor has done so. 1. Please tick the box below which applies a) We are bidding to provide all the services required, without the use of subcontractors b) We are bidding in the role of Prime Contractor and intend to use subcontractors to provide some services 2. If the answer to question 1 is (b) please identify intended subcontractors for the bid (if currently known) below: Organisation name
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Organisation address and contact details
Service provision responsibility
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3.6 1.
References Details of three major recent private sector contracts you have been awarded for the provision of services similar to those required by the Agency
Customer name and address
1. 2. 3. 4.
Contact name and Telephone number
Date contract awarded
Contract reference and brief description of service undertaken
Names of subcontractors and/ or consortium members and their role
Details of any major recent contracts you have been awarded by organisations in the wider public sector (e.g. government departments, local authorities, NHS trusts, RDAs) for the provision of services similar to those required by the Agency
Customer name and address
Contact name and Telephone number
Date contract awarded
Contract reference and brief description of service undertaken
Names of subcontractors and/ or consortium members and their role
1. 2. 3.
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General Supplier Details
Name of the company (prime or single contractor) in whose name the tender would be submitted Contact name (Single point of Contact): Address: Telephone number: Facsimile number: E-mail address: Company Registration number, date of registration and registration address: VAT Registration number: Website address (if any) 1a) Is your organisation:
Is your company a subsidiary of another company?
Name of holding or parent company
Name of ultimate parent company (if applicable)
Has your organisation made any application for third party funding – including State Aid assistance – in relation to the services you are intending to provide? Is your organisation registered under the Data Protection Act 1998?
6. 7.
If yes, registration number:
Please give address to which Payment/Remittances should be sent:
Please also advise if your invoice address is different from the above:
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i) a public limited company? ii) a limited company? iii) a sole trader? iv) a partnership?
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
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10. Please provide details if during the last 3 years, there have been any of contracts where there has been a failure to complete the contract on time or at all, or where there have been claims for damages, or where damages have been deducted or recovered. 11. Details of any contracts which have been terminated during the last 3 years. 12. Are there any court actions and/ or significant employment tribunal hearings outstanding against your organisation? If yes, please provide details
13. Has your organisation been involved in any court action and/ or significant employment tribunal over the last 3 years? If yes, please provide details
14. Please provide details of any quality assurance certification that your company holds e.g. IS0 9000 or equivalent standard. Please include a copy of any certificate. If no accreditation held, please attach an outline of your quality assurance policy. 15. Please provide details of any project management methodologies, e.g. PRINCE2, enclosing any relevant documents
Financial Information 1)
A copy of the most recent audited accounts for your organisation must be provided that cover the last two years of trading or for the period that is available if trading for less than two years.
A statement of the organisation’s turnover, Profit & Loss and cash flow position for the most recent full year of trading (or part year if full year not applicable) and an end period balance sheet, where this information is not available in an audited form at (1).
Where (2) cannot be provided, a statement of the organisation’s cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit facility position.
Note: Where a consortium or association is proposed, the information is requested for each member company.
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If your company is a subsidiary of another company, parent company and/or other guarantees of performance and financial standing may be required if considered appropriate.
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