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A Carbon Challenge site Bick er shaw Collier y, L eigh PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE (PQQ)



Contents Notes for Bidders


1. Compliance Check 10 1.1PQQ submission information


1.2Basic details of your organisation


1.3The Public Contracts Regulations 2006


2. Minimum Standards 18 2.1Financial information




2.3Health and Safety


2.4Equal Opportunities


2.5Environmental policy


3. Technical Capacity 35 3.1Business activities


3.2Professional and business standing


3.3Technical provision (experience and track record)


3.4Quality assurance / quality management


3.5Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)




4. Appendix A:PQQ evaluation criteria 51




Notes for Bidders General information 

Thank you for responding to the Expression of Interest for the selection of preferred Bidders. This PQQ is issued in relation to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) contract notice relating to the contract for Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh and should be read along with the Memorandum of Information (MoI) which has been prepared in relation to the PQQ for the contract and which includes important information for those responding to the contract notice.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist in deciding which Bidders to shortlist to invite participation in a dialogue about, and a later tender for, Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh.

The Northwest Development Agency (NWDA) is the landowner and English Partnerships (EP) will provide NWDA with funding, working together with Wigan Council (hereafter to be referred to as “the Partners”).

The Partners needs and requirements in relation to the contract are as set out in the OJEU contract notice and the MoI. Bidders are referred to the Carbon Challenge website ( for additional information about the Carbon Challenge.

The procurement process for the contract will follow the ‘Competitive Dialogue” procedure as outlined in Regulation 18 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No. 5). This is a procedure in which the following stages will apply:

Stage 1 - Pre-Qualification stage: All those bidders expressing an interest to participate will be evaluated and a shortlist will be invited to participate in the dialogue. Stage 2 – Competitive Dialogue Stage: Short-listed Bidders following the pre-qualification stage will be invited to participate in the dialogue which will take place in order to discuss all aspects of the contract and to identify and define the means best suited to satisfying the needs and requirements of the Partners. Final Tender Stage: Following conclusion of Stage 2 – Competitive Dialogue, the final shortlisted Bidders will be requested to submit a final tender to be assessed on the basis of a contract being awarded to the most advantageous tender. More detail about in the tender procedure is set out in this document. 

In the case of submissions from a consortium of companies, each member of the consortium should complete the PQQ form, except for Section 3.3, which should be a joint submission, indicating where appropriate the consortium bid of which they are a part. Also, where a consortium approach is proposed, all information requested should be given in respect of the proposed prime consultant or consortium leader. Relevant information should also be provided in respect of consortium members who will play a significant role in the delivery of services under any ensuing contract. Responses must enable the Partners to assess the overall service proposed.




Where the proposed prime consultant is a special purpose vehicle or holding company, information should be provided of the extent to which it will call upon the resources and expertise of its members.

Pursuant to Regulation 28 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 the Partners will require any consortium to form into a single legal entity before entering into a contract.

Bidders should respond to the PQQ in the light of such consortia arrangements as are envisaged at the submission date. The Partners recognise that arrangements in relation to consortia may be subject to future change, however such changes are not encouraged and any subsequent changes will need to be agreed by the partners in advance (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld)..

In order to simplify the process, supporting documents (for example, accounts, certificates, statements or policies) do not need to be provided with this questionnaire, unless specifically requested.

Bidders should answer all questions as accurately and concisely as possible. Where a question is not relevant to the Bidders organisation, this should be indicated, with an explanation.

Supporting information should be presented in the same quantity and form as any other information and should be referenced to the relevant question.

Questions should be answered in English and must be completed in a form to correspond with the same numbering and order as in the questionnaire.

Bidders wishing to register their interest need to complete the PQQ including the certificate of undertaking and authority to seek reference, and submit five CD or DVD copies of the Stage 1 PQQ submission to Tender Board, Northwest Regional Development Agency ,Brew House, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington, WA4 6HL not later than the deadline of 12:00 noon on 14 th March 2008. Submissions shall be clearly marked with the reference NWDA/00/249, but should not identify the Bidder’s organisation. Bidders are asked to fully comply with the instructions at the front of the PQQ. Late submissions will not be accepted, unless there is sufficient evidence to presuppose their due delivery.

Bidders are referred to the timetable for the tender process as set in the following pages.

Failure to furnish the required information, make a satisfactory response to any question or supply documentation referred to in responses, within the specified timescale may mean that Bidders will not be invited to participate further.

Any queries about this questionnaire should be directed to:

Mr. Andy Frost, Jones Lang LaSalle, 82 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WQ Telephone: +44 (0) 161 828 6440 or 07860 967 667 Email:




In the event that none of the responses are deemed satisfactory, the Partners reserve the right to consider alternative procurement options.

For the avoidance of doubt, neither the OJEU Contract Notice and/or this PQQ and/or the MoI or any related document constitute an offer and the Partners do not undertake to accept any response.

Important information 

This PQQ is being made available by the Partners to those persons who have expressed an interest to participate in the process of selecting a developer for the Bickershaw Colliery site, Leigh.

The information contained in this PQQ, and all other information made available at any time to the Bidders or their advisors by or on behalf of the Partners is supplied on the basis that the Bidders will keep such information confidential at all times and that such information will be used only for the purpose of participating in the bidding for the Bickershaw Colliery site, Leigh.

Information provided by the Partners, or their officers, employees, agents or advisers (‘Connected Persons’) to interested parties will be given in good faith, but Bidders will have to make their own investigations and interpretations as to its veracity, and no liability will be accepted by the Partners or any Connected Persons for the accuracy of completeness (whether or not within this PQQ or the MoI).

No information contained in this PQQ or any other written or oral information made available to any Bidder or its advisers shall form the basis for any warranty, representation or term of any contract by the Partners with any third party. Only the express terms of any written contract relating to the subject matter of this PQQ as and when it is executed and completed by all relevant parties shall have any contractual effect in connection with the matters to which it relates.

Nothing in this PQQ or the MoI is, or should be relied on, as a promise or representation as to the future intentions of the Partners. The Partners reserve the right to change the procurement process or any of the proposal or information in relation to the Bickershaw Colliery site, Leigh, to reject any or all bids and to terminate discussions with any or all Bidders, and under no circumstances shall the Partners or any Connected Person incur any liabilities in that respect.

The Partners reserve the right not to follow up this PQQ in any way or to withdraw from the dialogue process and no expense incurred by any Bidder or its advisers in responding to this PQQ and preparing tenders will be reimbursed. The Partners reserve the right not to award a contract for any reason. The Partners are not bound to accept the most economically advantageous offer, or tender.

Freedom of Information 

The Partners are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (together ‘FOI Law’).

As part of their duties under FOI Law, the Partners may disclose information provided by Bidders to anyone who makes a request. The Partners may also




publish some of the information given in your tender submission in their Publication Scheme under the Act. 

If you consider any of the information contained in your submissions should not be disclosed because of its commercial sensitivity then you should highlight the information that you consider should not be disclosed together with your reasons for considering it to be commercially sensitive. Information thus highlighted should be limited to that information which is genuinely confidential and which may be exempted from disclosure under FOI Law. This process does not remove the Partners obligation to consider the applicability of the exemption on a case by case basis.

Bidder Selection Process Stage 1 – Pre-Qualification stage 

The objective of the selection process for the Stage 1 – Pre-Qualification stage dialogue stage is to assess the responses to the PQQ in accordance with The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Selection criteria will be a combination of both financial and non-financial factors and will consider:

Bidder Acceptability – Status of Bidders in relation to Regulation 23 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006, including that the Partners shall treat as ineligible to tender a Bidder where there has been a conviction of any offence as identified in Regulation 23 (1) and the Partners may treat a Bidder as ineligible or decide not to select a Bidder for tender in accordance with Regulation 23 (4).

Information as to economic and financial standing in relation to Regulation 24 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. The Partners will assess whether a Bidder meets the Partners minimum standards of economic and financial standing required including that a Bidder must be in a sound financial position to participate in a contract of the complexity and value of the contract outlined in the OJEU contract notice, in this PQQ and related documents and information. Information should be provided as set out in the PQQ, but the Partners reserve the right to seek supplemental or additional information and may also undertake independent financial checks.

Information as to technical or professional ability – Status of Bidders in relation to Regulation 25 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. The Partners will assess whether a Bidder meets the Partners minimum standards of technical and professional ability and has an appropriate capacity and capability in regard to totality of resources and core competences such that are appropriate for such a contract.

The Bidder may also be required to supply supplementary information or clarification details in addition to that provided in accordance with Regulations, 23, 24 and 25 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. 

The following selection process will be used:

First Sift – Compliance Check: 

Following receipt of responses to the PQQ a preliminary assessment of submissions shall be undertaken to determine for the following items:




- General compliance with PQQ requirements (satisfactory completion). - Basic details of your organisation (satisfactory information provided). - The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 compliance. 

Responses should be in the format as required by the PQQ. The compliance check will result in the following evaluation: - Pass - All documentation provided - Fail - Major information requirements missing

In very exceptional circumstances, and entirely at the discretion of the Partners, missing information may be admissible after the deadline for submission of PQQs and providing this information is submitted within a strict period of 24 hours following a request made by the Partners to submit such missing information.

If a fail is noted, then the evaluation shall proceed no further subject to verification by the Partners evaluation team.

Failure to provide sufficient information to an appropriate level of detail may render the application non-compliant and its evaluation may be taken no further. Second Sift – Minimum Standards:

Bidders passing the first sift will be evaluated for meeting minimum standards to be deemed suitable for the execution of the project in the following areas:

- Financial information - Compliance with insurance requirements - Compliance with Health and Safety requirements - Compliance with Equal Opportunities requirements - Compliance with Environmental Policy requirements Third Sift – Technical Capacity 

Bidders qualifying from the first and second sift of PQQ responses will be evaluated by an evaluation panel made up of relevant representatives of the Partners, and Bidders will be ranked and scored in the following criteria:

- Business Activities - Professional and Business Standing - Technical provision (experience and track record) - Quality Assurance / Quality Management - Key Performance indicators - References




The evaluation criteria that will be used to assess PQQ submissions can be found in Appendix A and will be evidence based.

Those Bidders who are evaluated as the most appropriate for tendering for the contract in accordance with the selection criteria and process identified in this PQQ will be invited to participate in the Stage 2 dialogue. All other applicants will be informed of the decision and given the opportunity for feedback on their application in writing.

Partners are mindful that the completion of this PQQ is a stage-one response to the Bickershaw Colliery site, Leigh opportunity, and that detailed design proposals are not required at this time. Bidders should therefore simply address the requirements set out in the PQQ, focussing on your company /consortium’s historical experience, ability and capacity.

Bidders wishing to register their interest need to complete the PQQ including the certificate of undertaking and authority to seek reference, and submit five CDor DVD copies of the Stage 1 PQQ submission to Tender Board, Northwest Regional Development Agency ,Brew House, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington, WA4 6HL not later than the deadline of 12:00 noon on 14 th March 2008. Submissions shall be clearly marked with the reference NWDA/00/249, but should not identify the Bidder’s organisation. Bidders are asked to fully comply with the instructions at the front of the PQQ. Late submissions will not be accepted, unless there is sufficient evidence to presuppose their due delivery.

Stage 2 – Competitive Dialogue Process 

The shortlisted bidders will be invited to progress to Stage 2 of the selection process which will require a more detailed submission and invitation to participate in dialogue. The submission must seek to demonstrate that the shortlisted bidder is capable of meeting the objectives and requirements listed below;

Submission of outline masterplan and approach to the Carbon Challenge for the whole site.

Submission of detailed proposals in respect of Phase 1 of the site, demonstrating how the environmental and design quality standards have been met

Financial offer. 

The short-listed parties will be provided with the Partners detailed requirements, including legal documentation and other relevant information including technical and services information.

Submissions will be expected to address:

the key issues relating to the delivery of ‘Level 6’ of the Code for Sustainable Homes;

exceptional high quality place making that will contribute to the delivery of sustainable communities;




a commitment to providing a mix of dwelling types including shared ownership, affordable and low cost homes and market ‘for sale’ homes for a wide range of income groups,

acceptance of the legal documentation;

details of financing arrangements for the development including suitable letters of commitment; and

other information necessary to provide the land owners with confidence on deliverability of the Project. 

The Partners reserve the right to refine their needs and requirements during the dialogue process, based on discussions with the short-listed parties.

When the Partners declare the dialogue stage over a final shortlist will be compiled. The Partners will formally invite each of the revised short-listed parties to submit final tenders. Those parties will be issued with tender documentation that will include the Partners detailed requirements, prepared during, and informed by the dialogue stage.

Once final tenders have been submitted, the Partners may request a Bidder to clarify, specify or fine tune its tender e.g. fleshing out designs and minor contractual details. Bidders will not be permitted to alter the basic features of the tender unless it can be demonstrated that this would not distort the competition or have a discriminatory effect on the other parties or tenderers.

The tender submissions will be evaluated and the Preferred Bidder selected on the basis of award criteria to be advised during Stage 2.

The Partners reserve the right to abandon or recommence a contract award procedure in the event that they are unable to select a Preferred Bidder.

Once the finalised contract has been concluded with the preferred Bidder and the contractual documents executed, the developer will be required to prepare and submit a reserved matters planning application for its scheme, and when all the necessary approvals have been obtained, to commence construction in accordance with a programme forming part of the contract.




Confidentiality 

In the interests of ensuring equality of treatment, any information made available will be provided to all interested parties. The Partners will not provide information in a discriminatory manner, which may give some Bidders an advantage over others.

Bidders Costs 

Bidders must bear all of their own costs and expenses relating to their expression of interest, and participation in the procurement process and any subsequent contractual arrangements. Neither the Partners nor any of their officers, employees, agents or advisors shall be liable for any such costs and expenses whether or not the procurement proceeds.

Indicative Timetable Milestone

Period/ Date

Issue Contract Notice

6 February 2008

Deadline for submission of completed PQQs

14 March 2008 (12:00 noon)

Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected bidders

21st April 2008

Competitive Dialogue Process

April 2008 - July 2008

Submission of final tenders

August 2008

Final evaluation (including clarification, fine tuning of final tender submissions)

September 2008

Selection of Preferred Bidder/ Notify Bidders

October 2008

Clarify/ confirm commitments

October 2008

Landowners Approval

October 2008

Contract with Preferred Bidder

November 2008

Publish Award Notice

November 2008

Submit Reserved Matters

February 2009

Start on Site

May 2009

Anticipated Duration

4-7 years




1. Compliance Check Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh Bidders should respond to the following questions by completing the questionnaires contained within this section: 1.1 PQQ submission information 1.2 Basic details of your organisation 1.3

The Public Contracts Regulations 2006




1.1 PQQ submission information Name of the organisation for which this PQQ has been completed:

Is this PQQ part of a consortium submission?


If so, please provide the name of the consortium:

and the name of the company leading the consortium:

Contact name for enquiries about this PQQ submission:

Contact position (Job Title):


Post Code:

Telephone number:

Fax number:

E-mail address:

This form has been completed by (name):

Position (Job Title):

Telephone number:


I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted in this PQQ (and any supporting modules) are correct. I understand that the information will be used in the evaluation process to assess my organisation’s suitability to be invited to tender for the Partner’s requirement (please complete the attached list of enclosures/attachments).





List of enclosures / attachments Please confirm that you have completed all the sections within this PQQ, and where appropriate, that you have enclosed the relevant information with your completed submission:


Completed (Yes / No)

Enclosed (Yes / No)

Section 1: Compliance Check 1.1

PQQ submission information


Basic details of your organisation


The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 questionnaire

Section 2: Minimum Standards


Financial information


Audited accounts for the last three years


Interim Statements or other announcements since last annual accounts


Statement of cash flow forecast for the current Year


For consortium Bidders– details of your organisational financial structure and member responsibilities




Certificate of Professional Indemnity Insurance

2.2.2 Certificate of Public and Employers Liability Insurance 2.3

Health and Safety

2.3.1 “Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh: Health and Safety Assessment questionnaire” document


Equal Opportunities


Copy of Equal Opportunities Policy


Environmental policy




Environmental Policy Statement


Environmental Management System Certificate


Completed (Yes / No)

Enclosed (Yes / No)

Section 3: Technical Capacity 3.1

Business activities


Professional and business standing


Technical provision (experience and track record)


Consortium Information


Low or Zero Carbon Experience


Sustainable Water Management Experience


Sustainable Waste Management Experience


Environmental Standards


Design Excellence


Construction Quality


Innovation in Development


Supply Chain Management

3.3.10 Capacity and Capability

3.3.11 Community / Stakeholder Engagement and Long-term Stewardship

3.3.12 Public Relations and Working with the Media

3.3.13 Project management

3.3.14 Risk Management

3.3.15 Transport

3.3.16 Constructing Excellence

3.3.17 Renewable Energy


Quality assurance / quality management




Quality management Certificate


Quality management System


Key Performance Indictors (KPIs)


Key Performance Indicator assessment results over the past two years




Three references



1.2 Basic details of your organisation Contact name for enquiries about your organisation:

Contact position (Job Title):


Post Code:

Fax number:

E-mail address:


Company Registration number (if applicable):

Charities or Housing Association or other Registration number (if applicable):

Please specify registering body:

Date of Registration:

Registered address if different from the above:

Is your organisation: (Please tick one) i) a public limited company?

ii) a limited company?

iii) a partnership

iv) a sole trader

v) other (please specify)

Name of (ultimate) parent company (if applicable):

Company’s House Registration number of parent company (if applicable):

Construction and related businesses only: Are you registered with ‘Constructionline’?

If ‘yes’, what is your registration number?

1.3 The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 PRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE


Any contractor may be excluded from participation in accordance with Regulation 23 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Please complete the questionnaire below to confirm if any of the circumstances as set out in The Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2006 Regulation 23, apply to your company: SUMMARY OF INELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS PROVIDED BY REGULATION 23 OF THE PUBLIC CONTRACTS REGULATIONS 2006 (SI 2006 No: 5)

Answer : Yes / No

1) The Partners shall treat as ineligible and shall not select an economic operator in accordance with these Regulations if Partners has actual knowledge that the economic operator or its directors or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the economic operator has been convicted of any of the following offences: a conspiracy within the meaning of section 1 of the Criminal Law Act . 1977 (a) where that conspiracy relates to participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 (1) of Council Joint Action 98/733/JHA (b).;

b corruption within the meaning of section 1 of the Public Bodies Corrupt . Practices Act 1889 (c) or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906 (d);

c the offence of bribery; .

d fraud, where the offence relates to fraud affecting the financial interests . of the European Communities as defined by Article 1 of the Convention relating to the protection of the financial interests of the European Union, within the meaning of: i

the offence of cheating the Revenue;


the offence of conspiracy to defraud;


fraud or theft within the meaning of the Theft Act 1968 (a) and the Theft Act 1978 (b);


fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985;


defrauding the Customs within the meaning of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (d) and the Value Added Tax Act 1994 (e);


an offence in connection with taxation in the European Community within the meaning of section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 (f); or,

vii .

destroying, defacing or concealing of documents or procuring the extension of a valuable security within the meaning of section 20 of the Theft Act 1968;

e .

money laundering within the meaning of the Money Laundering Regulations 2003 (g); or,


any other offence within the meaning of Article 45 (1) of the Public Sector Directive as defined by the national law of any relevant State.

2) The Partners may treat an economic operator as ineligible or decide not



to select an economic operator in accordance with the PCR 2006 Regulations on one or more of the following grounds, namely that the economic operator: a.

being an individual is bankrupt or has had a receiving order or administration order or bankruptcy restrictions order made against him or has made any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of his creditors or has made any conveyance or assignment for the benefit of his creditors or appears unable to pay, or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay, a debt with the meaning of section 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (h), or is the subject of a petition presented for sequestration of his estate, or is the subject of any similar procedure under the law of any other state;


being a company or any other entity within the meaning of section 255 of the Enterprise Act 2002 (a) has passed a resolution or is the subject of an order by the court for the company’s winding up otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation, or has had a receiver, manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor appointed in respect of the company’s business or any part thereof or is subject of the above procedures or is the subject of similar procedures under the law of any other state;


has been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of his business or profession;


has committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of his business or profession;


has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the economic operator is established;


has not fulfilled obligations to the payment of taxes under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the economic operator is established;


is guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any information required of him under this regulation;


in relation to procedures for the award of a public services contract, is not licensed in the relevant State in which he is established or is not a member of an organisation in that relevant State when the law of that relevant State prohibits the provision of the services to be provided under the contract by a person who is not so licensed or who is not such a member.

If you have answered yes to any of the above, please provide us with further details:       The Partners may seek evidence at a later date, in confirmation of your answer.




2. Minimum Standards Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh Bidders should respond to the following questions by completing the questionnaires contained within this section and by enclosing the relevant information where requested: 2.1 Financial information 2.2 Insurance 2.3 Health and Safety 2.4 Equal Opportunities 2.5 Environmental Policy



2.1 Financial information 1.1.1

Please provide the annual turnover of your organisation for the last three years. If your organisation is part of a group, please give figures for both your own organisation and the ultimate holding company. Organisation (please name):       Annual Turnover


For Year


Annual Turnover


For Year


Annual Turnover


For Year


Ultimate Holding Company (please name):


Annual Consolidated Turnover


For Year


Annual Consolidated Turnover


For Year


Annual Consolidated Turnover


For Year


Please enclose a set of your last three full (unabbreviated) audited accounts and those of the holding and ultimate parent company (if applicable). Enclosed? Yes No

If the above information has not been enclosed, please explain why and detail what alternative information will be made available.



Please provide any interim statements, preliminary announcements, trading statements or profit warnings published since the last accounts. This information must be provided for the specific legal entity which will enter the contract if successful and on a consolidated basis for the ultimate holding company, if applicable. Enclosed? Yes PRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE




If the above information has not been enclosed, please explain why and detail what alternative information will be made available.



Please give details of any subsequent circumstances or events since the latest annual accounts which have had a material impact on the understanding of Bidders financial status (or confirmation there are none). This must include, but should not be limited to: change of ownership/control, corporate re-financing, substantial acquisitions or disposals, potentially significant litigation or threatened litigation, and (if part of a wider corporate group) circumstances having a material impact on the understanding of the financial position of the group as a whole.



Please give a statement of the Bidders trading position in the period since the last annual accounts.



If the Bidder is part of a wider corporate group, please provide a statement confirming that the ultimate holding company will guarantee the obligations of the Bidder under the contract if it is successful.






Please provide a brief description of the funding lines available to the Bidder and the level of available / undrawn facilities. In the case of Bidders that are part of a wider corporate group, if funding is derived from other group companies (either directly or arising from facilities secured or guaranteed by other group companies) then similar information is required on a consolidated basis for the ultimate holding company.



Please provide a statement of cash flow forecast for the current year. Enclosed? Yes No


Please give Bankers:






Branch Address:

Account Name:

Number of years account has been open:

May your Bankers be approached for a reference?

1.1.10 Please provide any other information that the Bidder considers may be useful to enable a proper understanding of its financial status. 2.1.8




2.2 Insurance 1.1.11 Please provide details of your organisation’s insurance protection in respect of professional indemnity cover, which should be not less than £105m for each and every claim. 2.2.1



Indemnity Value (£)

Self Insured Amount

1.1.12 Please enclose a copy of the relevant professional indemnity insurance certificate. Enclosed? Yes No

If the above information has not been enclosed, please explain why and detail what alternative information will be made available. 2.2.2

1.1.13 Please provide details of your current insurance cover Value which should not be less than £10m for each and every claim: 2.2.3

Employer’s Liability


Public Liability


Other (please provide details):




1.1.14 Has your organisation met the terms of its banking facilities and loan agreements (if any) during the past year? 2.2.5

Yes No

If “No” what were the reasons, and what has been done to put things right?

1.1.15 Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors and staff during the past year? 2.2.6

Yes No

If “No” please explain why not?




2.3 Health and Safety 1.1.16 You will need to complete and return the following ‘Corporate Health and Safety Assessment’ questionnaire with your submission (please ensure you complete Section A and Section B). Your completed questionnaire, along with any supporting documentation, must be submitted in a separate / standalone document and marked “Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh: Health and Safety Assessment”. The name of your organisation / consortium should be clearly indicated on the front cover of your document. This will then be reviewed by NWDA's health and safety department. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine your overall approach to managing health and safety, and your ability to act in the capacity of a construction client. Enclosed? Yes No

Notes: Health and Safety Policies Any business employing five or more people has, by law, to prepare and bring to the attention of employees a written Health and Safety Policy Statement. A Health and Safety Policy usually consists of three distinct sections, namely: 1) General Policy Statement – a short statement outlining the organisation’s commitment to Health and Safety, signed and dated by the senior organisation official (for example, the Managing Director). 2) Organisation – how the organisation addresses health and safety; lines of communication between managers and staff; and any specific duties/responsibilities assigned within the organisation - this should be relatively straightforward for smaller organisations. 3) Arrangements – the systems and procedures in place for ensuring employees’ health and safety at work.




Corporate Health and Safety Assessment Questionnaire: Notes 1.

This questionnaire is to be completed by developers tendering for NWDA projects, who will act in the capacity as CDM Client. The purpose of the assessment is to determine your overall corporate competence in managing health and safety as an employer and suitability as a construction Client under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. It is strongly recommended that you seek competent health and safety advice in completing this questionnaire.


Please note that we do not operate an ‘Approved List’ for developers or partners. This assessment is purely for the project you are applying or bidding for.


In the case of a consortium or joint venture bids, the questionnaire MUST be completed by the organisation who will be acting as the CDM Client on behalf of other JV or consortium members for the project.


It is recognised that some organisations will also undertake the role of duty holders such as designer, CDM coordinator and principal contractor, however, this assessment is purely focussing on your organisation’s role as: a) an Employer; and b) Construction Client.


The questionnaire is based on the core criteria for demonstration of competence in Appendix 4 of L44 Managing Health and Safety in Construction – Construction Design and Management Regulations 2007, but tailored to assess corporate and client competence.


The questionnaire is part of a two stage assessment process and must be completed at prequalification stage. Failure to return this questionnaire with the supporting enclosures, by the required deadline date, will result in your application being dismissed and you will not be invited on to Stage 2.


Some questions require you to submit specific documents to demonstrate compliance with certain criteria. These are mandatory enclosures and are indicated as such on the enclosure list at the back of the questionnaire.


All questions must be answered, providing supplementary evidence where necessary to demonstrate compliance with the criteria.


Each question is weighted equally in terms of marks. A minimum of four marks is required for each question in order to pass. Additional marks are awarded for questions supported with evidence to demonstrate compliance and examples of good practice over and above legal compliance.




Corporate Health and Safety Assessment Questionnaire: Section A This completed Health & Safety questionnaire, along with any supporting documentation, must be submitted in a separate / stand-alone document and marked “Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh: Health and Safety Assessment”. The name of your organisation / consortium should be clearly indicated on the front cover of your document. Project OJEU Ref No (where applicable)

Site or Project Name

Company Registered Name

Trading Name (if different to registered name)

Registered address

Correspondence address (if different)

Has your company changed its name during the last three years?

Yes / No

If yes, what did it change from and when?

What is your contact telephone number

What is your email address?

How many employees does your company employ?

How many offices / bases do you operate from?

In the box below, describe your business’s main area of work.       Is your organisation a member of the Construction Clients Group CCG or Major Contractors Group? If yes, please give membership details.       Has your organisation already registered with any nationally recognised health and safety assessment schemes such as CHAS, Achilles UVDB verify, NHBC Contractor Assessment Scheme or Safecontractor ? If yes, please give details of registration.       Do you participate in the HSEs Corporate Health and Safety Performance Index (CHaSPi)? If PRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE


yes, please confirm your self assessment results, and whether they were externally verified and published.       Do you have OHSAS 18001 registration? If yes, please provide a copy of your registration certificate.       If your bid is part of a consortium, please give contact details of consortium members below and their role in this particular project. Organisation

Role e.g. principal contractor, designer, client

What is the size, type and value of typical projects you normally procure as a construction Client?




Corporate Health and Safety Assessment Questionnaire: Section B For Official

1. Health and Safety policy and organisation for Health and Safety

Use only

You are expected to have and implement an appropriate health and safety policy which is regularly reviewed, and signed off by your Managing Director or equivalent. The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of your work and set out the responsibilities for health and safety management at all levels within your organisation. Please enclose a signed, current copy of your organisation’s health and safety policy which details the organisation and responsibilities for health and safety, indicating when it was last reviewed and by whose authority it was published. Health and Safety Policy Document enclosed

(Please tick box)


2. Arrangements for Managing Health and Safety You must demonstrate that you have arrangements and procedures in place for the management of health and safety within your organisation which should be relevant to the nature and scale of your work, for example, arrangements for accident reporting, first aid and maintenance of work equipment. They should set out how your organisation will discharge its duties under the health and safety law, in particular, as a Client under CDM2007. There should be a clear indication of how these arrangements are communicated to your employees and third parties working on your projects. Please provide details of your procedures for managing health and safety within your organisation, in particular, in your role as a construction Client under CDM 2007 and managing projects. These arrangements normally form part of your health and safety policy document.


3. Competent advice – Corporate and Construction related Your organisation, and your employees, must have ready access to competent health and safety advice, preferably from within your own organisation. The advisor must be able to provide general health and safety advice, and also (from the same source or elsewhere) advice relating to construction health and safety issues. Please provide details on the arrangements you have in place for accessing competent health and safety advice both corporately and construction related. You must provide names of individuals or organisations that provide PRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE


advice and their level of competency and qualifications.


4. Training and information You should have in place, and implement, training arrangements to ensure your employees have the skills and understanding necessary to discharge their duties as project managers, contractors, designers or CDM co-ordinators (where applicable). You should have in place a programme for refresher training, for example a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme or life-long learning which will keep your employees updated on new developments and changes to legislation and good health and safety practice. This applies throughout your organisation – from Board or equivalent, to trainees. You will need to demonstrate that you have in place, and implement, training arrangements to ensure your employees have the necessary skills and understanding to discharge their duties under CDM (where applicable) as either contractors, designers or CDM co-ordinators. Please provide details of the training programmes you have in place for your employees, such as, CPD arrangements and CSCS. Please provide copies of training records and certificates of attendance for training courses.


5. Individual qualifications and experience You are required to demonstrate that your employees and third party appointees working on this project have the appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver this project safely, particularly those acting in the capacity of designer, CDM coordinator, project manager and site manager (where applicable) You must provide details of qualifications and / or experience of key post holders within your organisation and third party appointees (proposed or otherwise already appointed) to undertake work on the project, such as, project managers, CDM coordinators and designers.


6. Monitoring, audit and review You are required to have a system in place for monitoring your safety arrangements and procedures, for auditing them at periodic intervals, and for reviewing them on an ongoing basis. This will include activities, such as, site safety inspections, safety audits and monitoring accident / incident trends and taking corrective action where necessary. Registration and compliance with OHSAS18001will demonstrate that monitoring arrangements are in place. You must provide evidence that you carry out such monitoring and review exercises by providing copies of inspection or safety audit reports, examples of progress reports to senior management on health and safety issues or



records of other safety related monitoring activities you carry out.


7. Workforce involvement You should have, and implement, an established means of consulting with your workforce on health and safety matters. This is normally achieved through the establishment of a health and safety committee and appointed safety representatives. You must demonstrate how consultation is carried out internally for your own employees. Ideally this should be supported with evidence, such as, minutes of health and safety meetings or similar activities.


8. Accident reporting and enforcement action You should have records of all RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 1999) reportable events (to the Health and Safety Executive) for at least the last three years, e.g. dangerous occurrences, fatalities, major injuries and over three day injuries. You should also have in place a system for reviewing all incidents, and recording the action taken as a result. 8.a. Please provide incident statistics for your employees only for the last three years. You must also provide an example of a completed accident report and an accident investigation report. Year


Major Injury or Over 3 day injury

Non Reportable

Dangerous Occurrences

Reportable Ill Health

Near Misses

This Year

Last Year

Year before


8.b. Please provide details of any enforcement action taken against you in the last five years. You must include details of enforcement notices such as improvement and prohibition notices, as well as prosecutions taken by the HSE and the Environment Agency. Please note the HSE Prosecutions Database will be checked.





You should have arrangements in place for appointing competent suppliers, contractors and consultants, in particular, those appointed as principal contractor, contractor, designer and CDM coordinator. You should be able to demonstrate how you ensure that your suppliers, contractors and consultants also have arrangements in place for appointing competent (sub) suppliers, contractors and consultants. You should also have arrangements for monitoring the health and safety performance of your contractors, suppliers and consultants. Please provide details on the arrangements you have in place for appointing competent suppliers, contractors and consultants, in particular, the appointment of CDM duty holders, such as, principal contractors, contractors, designers and CDM coordinators. Ideally this should be supported with evidence of your monitoring arrangements, such as, inspection reports of contractors or suppliers undertaking works on your behalf.


10. Risk assessment You should have procedures in place for carrying out risk assessments and for developing and implementing safe working arrangements and procedures within your organisation. Please provide worked examples of risk assessments you have carried out on your organisation’s activities, including examples of safe working procedures that have been developed from risk assessments.


11. Co-operating and co-ordinating your work with others You should be able to illustrate how co-operation and co-ordination of your work with others is achieved in practice, for example, with contractors, designers, CDM coordinators, and also other organisations affected by your work activities and projects. Please demonstrate how you achieve cooperation and coordination with others. Ideally this should be supported with worked examples of risk assessments, examples of procedures, or project team meeting notes from previous or current projects.







Summary of Health and Safety Enclosures

Yes /No

1. Health and Safety Policy document and organisation for health and safety *

2. Health and Safety arrangements (will normally form part of your policy document)

3. Name and competency details of source of safety advice

4. Examples of training records and / or CPD programme for employees *

5. Individual qualifications and experience - CV’s, person specifications, etc

6. Evidence of auditing, monitoring and review – inspection reports and management responses

7. Evidence of employee consultation - committee reports etc.

8. Example of recent accident report including outcome of investigation

9. Examples of monitoring exercises for contractors and suppliers – inspection reports etc

10. Example of worked risk assessments and safe working procedures. *

11. Examples of cooperation and coordination with others

* Mandatory enclosures – these documents must be provided.

Other enclosures are supplementary to assist in demonstrating compliance with the corresponding question.

Signed by ………………………………………………………………….

Date …………………

Print Name





2.4 Equal Opportunities Yes / No 1.1.17 Is it your policy as an employer to comply with the Race Relations Act 1976 as amended by Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, and is it your practice not to treat one group of people less favourably than others because of their colour, race, nationality, or ethnic origin in relation to decisions to recruit, train or promote employees?

1.1.18 Is it your policy to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995?

1.1.19 Is it your policy to comply with The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 and The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003?

1.1.20 In the last three years has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by any court or industrial or employment tribunal?

1.1.21 In the last three years has your organisation been the subject of a formal investigation by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) on grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination?

1.1.22 If the answer to question 4 and / or 5 is “Yes”, what steps did your organisation take as a result of that finding or investigation?       1.1.23 Is your policy on race relations and employment equality set out in…: i. instructions to those employees concerned with recruitment, training and promotion?

ii. documents available to employees, recognised trade unions or other representative groups of employees?

iii. recruitment advertisements or other literature?

1.1.24 Please provide relevant examples of the instructions, documents, recruitment advertisements or other literature.

1.1.25 Do you follow as far as possible the Commission for Racial Equality's Code of Practice for Employment as approved by Parliament in 1983, which gives practical guidance to employers and others on the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of equality of opportunity in employment including the steps that can be taken to encourage members of the ethnic minorities to apply for jobs or take up training opportunities?




1.1.26 Please provide a copy of your Equal Opportunity Policy. Enclosed? Yes No

2.5 Environmental policy 1.1.27 Some business operations can have a big impact on the environment, but all firms can help to ensure that they minimise any harmful effects of their work on the environment, for example by recycling where appropriate and properly disposing of hazardous materials. Please provide a copy of your Environmental Policy Statement. Enclosed? Yes No

1.1.28 Do you have an Environmental Management System in place?


Yes No

If “Yes” please provide details and provide a copy of any certificate, e.g. ISO 14001 (maximum 200 words):

If “No” please explain why not (maximum 200 words):




3. Technical Capacity Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh Bidders should respond to the following questions by completing the questionnaires contained within this section and by enclosing the relevant information where requested: 3.1 Business activities 3.2 Professional and business standing 3.3 Technical provision (experience and track record) 3.4 Quality assurance / quality management 3.5 Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) 3.6 References PRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE






3.1 Business activities 1.1.29 What are the organisation?







1.1.30 How many staff does your organisation have?


1.1.31 If you are a sole trader, please say so: Yes No




3.2 Professional and business standing Do any of the following apply to your organisation, or to (any of) the director(s) / partners / proprietor(s)? 1.1.32 The company is in a state of bankruptcy, administration, insolvency, compulsory winding up, receivership, suspension, composition or arrangements with creditors, or subject to relevant proceedings, no analogous situation has arisen or is arising under any national laws of a member state. 3.2.1

Yes No

1.1.33 The company has been convicted of a criminal offence related to business or professional conduct. 3.2.2

Yes No

1.1.34 The company has committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of business. 3.2.3

Yes No

1.1.35 The company has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security contributions in any member state in which the business is or was liable to make social security payments. 3.2.4

Yes No




1.1.36 The company has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of taxes in any member state in which the business is or was liable to make taxation payments. 3.2.5

Yes No

1.1.37 The company is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying information on any of the matters covered by or in this questionnaire to other contacting authorities. 3.2.6

Yes No

1.1.38 The company is not in possession of relevant licences or membership of an appropriate organisation where required by law. 3.2.7

Yes No

1.1.39 If the answer to any of the above questions is “Yes” please give brief details below, including what has been done to put things right. 3.2.8




3.3 Technical provision (experience and track record) For the following questions, please provide the relevant details of your experience and track record. This should be submitted in a separate / stand-alone document and marked “Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh: Technical provision (experience and track record)”. The name of your organisation or consortium (if appropriate) should be clearly indicated on the front cover of your document. This document should contain a response to each question in the following format: 

an outline statement per question;

a minimum of one case study (maximum of three) citing past experience and any lessons learned (your company / consortium’s involvement should be clearly stated);

a maximum of one sheet of A4 text and three sheets of A4 pictures / plans / photographs per question.

In the case of a consortium, for Section 3.3 consortium members should work together to produce a joint submission of experience to the “Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh: Technical provision (experience and track record)” document, so that ONLY ONE DOCUMENT IS PRODUCED ON BEHALF OF ALL CONSORTIUM MEMBERS. The experience and track record of different members should be clearly indicated in the joint document. Where appropriate, non-UK companies should specify the equivalent EU or EU country standard or regulatory compliance rather than UK standard (e.g. EcoHomes). Please confirm that each question has been addressed, by completing the boxes below.

1.1.40 Consortium Information - Is this PQQ being submitted in the name of a consortium? If so, please enclose a clear consortium structure indicating the relationships and roles of each consortium member, along with a statement of how knowledge will be shared between members. Addressed? Yes No

Not applicable

1.1.41 Low or Zero Carbon Experience – The ambition for Bickershaw Colliery site, Leigh Addressed? is to create an innovative and exemplar zero carbon development. Please therefore PRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE 40 provide evidence to demonstrate how your company / consortium has previously engaged with the low or zero carbon agenda, including any lessons that you have learned.


Yes No

1.1.42 Renewable Energy – To meet the Bickershaw Colliery target of ‘Level 6’ of the Code for Sustainable Homes, it is envisaged that the use of renewable energy will be the only method of achieving this target. Please provide evidence and examples of projects where successful delivery of renewables was achieved. Include examples of the differing technologies used and any experience of the setting up, organising and management of ESCOs or private production or management of such technologies. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.43 Sustainable Water Management Experience – Development at Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh will seek to adopt a sustainable water management strategy that will help conserve water, provide local amenity and reduce the risk of flooding. Please therefore provide evidence of your company / consortiums experience of sustainable water management, for example, measures to reduce potable water consumption, Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SUDs). Please include any experience you have had of using waste management tools and techniques. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.44 Sustainable Waste Management Experience – Development at Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh will seek to adopt a sustainable waste management strategy that will help minimise the waste generated on site during construction, and the waste produced by occupants of the development. Please therefore provide evidence of your company / consortiums experience of sustainable waste management, both in the construction and operation of buildings. Please include any experience you have had of using waste monitoring tools and techniques. Addressed? Yes No




1.1.45 Environmental Standards – As a Carbon Challenge site, the housing development at Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh will be delivered to ‘Level 6’ of the Code for Sustainable Homes and the commercial offices will be BREEAM Excellent. Any civil engineering work will be to CEEQUAL Excellent. Please therefore describe the experience that your company / consortium has had of working with environmental standards such as the Code for Sustainable Homes, BREEAM, CEEQUAL, EcoHomes or any EU equivalent standards. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.46 Design Excellence – The Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh project must deliver a successful neighbourhood scheme that is of exceptional design quality and that responds to the local context and design code. This will be characterised by a development that is, for example, responsive and adaptable to change, supports an integrated range of uses, has a pepper-potted mix of residential tenures and is well connected. Please therefore provide examples of where your company / consortium has achieved design excellence elsewhere. Please include any experience of working with recognised design guidance or toolkits such as the Urban Design Compendium and the Manual for Streets, etc. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.47 Construction Quality – The Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh development must achieve excellence in build quality, whilst driving down construction and supply chain costs through economies of scale, and minimising waste through initiatives such as ‘Lean Construction’ and ‘Modern Methods of Construction’, Design for Manufacture competition. Please demonstrate how your company / consortium has previously developed new partnerships and methods to deliver quality and efficiency in construction. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.48 Innovation in Development - The Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh development will be an innovative and exemplar scheme that is at the leading edge of sustainability, and where new concepts, technologies and construction techniques are adopted. Please providePRE­QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE a statement to explain the experience your company / consortium 42 has of working on leading edge projects, including any experience of Research and Development, of testing new products and processes, and of risk management.


Addressed? Yes No

1.1.49 Supply Chain Management – The Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh development will rely on a efficient and effective supply chain to ensure that any barriers to delivery can be overcome. Please therefore provide details of your company / consortiums approach to delivery, for example, your position regarding integrated teams; partnering principles; approaches to increasing efficiency in construction; systems for regularly reviewing and monitoring; mutually agreed targets and feedback mechanisms, and continuous improvement. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.50 Capacity and Capability – The Carbon Challenge is an ambitious initiative that will require strong leadership, commitment, dedicated resource and knowledge from a range of parties to ensure a successful, viable and sustainable development is delivered. Please therefore explain how your company / consortium has previously engaged with, and managed developments that have faced similar challenges, for example, that have involved a range of stakeholders; required specific expertise; or that have been of an ambitious scale. Please also explain any working practices that your company / consortium has established as a response to the increasing importance of sustainability in the built environment, for example, any dedicated teams that have been established to focus on the issues; or any processes that have been developed to co-ordinate the scope of expert knowledge required to address the sustainability agenda. Addressed? Yes No




1.1.51 Community / Stakeholder Engagement and Long-term Stewardship - The most successful sustainable communities are those where local people feel they have been involved in the regeneration of their areas, and have pride and a sense of ownership in the end product. This provides the best platform for communities to run their own affairs where they have the capacity to do so, and to put in place practices that encourage high standards of stewardship, neighbourliness and respect. Please provide a statement of your company / consortiums approach to community engagement, including past experience with early and effective involvement of local communities; capacity building to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence of the community; and the approach to long-term stewardship and management to demonstrate how you would maintain the integrity and value of completed mixed residential tenure, mixed use developments. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.52 Public Relations and Working with the Media – The Carbon Challenge is a high-profile initiative that is expected to receive a significant amount of interest from a range of parties, including the media, housebuilders, consultants and Local Authorities. Please give examples of schemes where your company / consortium has been required to handle sensitive media issues, particularly with regard to controversial impact on a particular sector of the community. Please also describe any media and communications protocols you have experience of working with.

Addressed? Yes No

1.1.53 Project Management – The Bickershaw Colliery development will be a complex and demanding scheme. Please provide your experience and details of any project management methodologies that you will utilise for this scheme. Addressed? Yes No




1.1.54 Risk Management – In conjunction with project management of this scheme, risk management is also a very important element of any project. Please provide evidence of your risk management process and capabilities. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.55 Transport – The project is seeking to reduce reliance on private car usage on completion and construction transport during construction. Please give examples of projects where transport has been reduced during construction and within the final development. Addressed? Yes No

1.1.56 Constructing Excellence – Please demonstrate your understanding, appreciation and implementation of “Constructing Excellence in the Built Environment”, Rethinking construction principles and agenda, etc and how any of these have impacted upon your organisation or business. Addressed? Yes No


Employment and Training – Please outline your specific experiences of developing skills in the construction industry and working in partnership to deliver employment training opportunities. Addressed? Yes No







3.4 Quality assurance / quality management 1.1.57 Does your organisation hold a recognised Quality Management certification for example BS/EN/ISO 9000 or equivalent? If yes, please provide copy of Certificate. 3.4.1

Yes No

1.1.58 If not, does your organisation have a quality management system? If yes, please provide a copy of your quality management system. 3.4.2

Yes No

1.1.59 If you do not have quality certification or a quality management system*, please explain why: 3.4.3

* “System” means processes and procedures to ensure that the subject is properly managed. This includes making sure that legal requirements are met.

1.1.60 If you do have quality certification or a quality management system, please give details (maximum 200 words): 3.4.4




3.5 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 1.1.61 Please attach details of your KPI performance assessment results achieved over the last three years either through accredited quality assurance and/or appropriate quality control regimes. Provide a commentary on how these KPI’s are assessed and measured. Enclosed? Yes No




3.6 References 1.1.62 Please provide the following referee details (precisely three in number) in support of your experience/track record (at least one should be from the public sector): 3.6.1

Customer name:

Customer address:

Contact name:

Contact telephone number:

Contact email details:

Date contract was awarded:

Customer name:

Customer address:

Contact name:

Contact telephone number:

Contact email details:

Date contract was awarded:

Customer name:

Customer address:

Contact name:

Contact telephone number:

Contact email details:

Date contract was awarded:

1.1.63 NWDA may elect to contact any of the given companies for a reference. Your permission to do so will be assumed unless you state any objection in the box below. 3.6.2




1.1.64 Have you had any contracts terminated for poor performance in the last three years, or any contracts where damages have been claimed by the contracting authority? 3.6.3

Yes No

If ‘yes’ please give details:




4. Appendix A:PQQ evaluation criteria Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh




Appendix 1: PQQ evaluation criteria for Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh Overall evaluation SECTION





Compliance Check


PQQ Submission Information

Pass / Fail

Pass – all information / documentation provided Fail – major information requirements missing This is simply the confirmation to NWDA by the bidder that the information provided is valid and correct. It is inappropriate to apportion weighted scores to the declaration, although if left incomplete it will flag up to NWDA that there may be concern that the bidder is not prepared to warrant that the information provided is correct.


Basic details your organisation

Pass / Fail

Pass – all information provided Fail – major information requirements missing As the information requested in this section is purely fact-finding and should be easily completed it is inappropriate to apportion weighted scores to the responses provided. However, any concerns which arise over the Bidders company details or any gaps in the information supplied may give rise to questions as to whether they should be invited to tender.


The Public Contracts Regulations 2006

Pass / Fail

Pass – all information provided Fail – major information requirements missing


Minimum Standards


Financial information

Pass / Conditional Pass / Fail

Detailed financial checks will be carried out on the short listed Bidders. The information requested will be passed to NWDA's Business Appraisal who will give a risk based opinion on whether a company has sufficient financial standing and capacity. The opinion is likely to fall within three broad categories - pass, conditional pass (subject to more information later in the competition) or fail.









Pass / Fail

Detailed insurance checks will be carried out on the short listed Bidders. The information requested will be assessed by NWDA. Consideration given to consultation with Risk Management and Insurance. The opinion will be pass or fail.


Health and Safety

Pass / Fail

All developers that employ five or more staff are legally required to have a written Health and Safety policy. If the bidder does not have a Health and Safety system, there may be doubts about its commitment and ability to meet standard H&S requirements. Detailed Health and safety checks will be carried out by our consultants - Jacobs - utilising the questionnaire and giving an overall pass or fail opinion.


Equal Opportunities

Pass / Fail

In order to demonstrate that equal opportunities are provided to all staff and discrimination is combated within their organisation, Bidders are asked to state whether they maintain a written equal opportunities policy. If the supplier does not have a written equal opportunities policy, there may be doubts about its commitment and ability to fairly and equally manage its workforce. Scoring system of ‘Adequate written equal opportunities policy’ – pass; ‘Equal opportunities inadequately or not specifically addressed’ – fail.


Environmental policy

Pass / Fail

If a bidder does not provide a written environmental management policy, NWDA will be unable to determine whether it can meet the basics of the Carbon Challenge working ethos, e.g. minimising effects on the environment through day to day working practice and adhering to environmental protection legislation. Scoring system of ‘Environmental Policy’ – pass; ‘Environmental Policy not specifically addressed’ – fail.


Technical Capacity Pass / Fail

On most occasions NWDA will want to establish that a bidder has experience and expertise in the field that is the subject of the proposed contract and that the work required would not be a new departure for them, or if the bidder would intend to sub-contract. NWDA will check the information provided in this section against the necessary levels of experience/expertise. The section also provides for the bidder to furnish information concerning the commitment of the governing bodies e.g. Chairman / Board members, and the nomination of key staff and resources to be dedicated to this Carbon Challenge site. It also asks for the total number of staff they employ so that this can be assessed against the levels of resource NWDA feels would be necessary to ensure satisfactory performance of the required contract.


Business activities









Professional and business standing

Pass / Fail

If the bidder has answered “Yes” to any of these questions, NWDA will have doubts about the propriety of the organisation, unless the bidder has provided an answer that clearly indicates that the problem has been resolved and that steps have been taken to prevent its recurrence.


Technical provision (experience and track record)

Various scores (see following table)

See following table for evaluation criteria.


Quality assurance / quality management

Min score required 3 (Max score out of 10)

If the bidder has neither a quality assurance accreditation nor a quality management system, NWDA will be unable to assess the Bidders ability to deliver this Carbon Challenge development. As a minimum, the bidder should provide evidence that it has considered the implementation of appropriate controls to achieve and ensure consistent performance and intends to adopt such processes on this Carbon Challenge site. Scoring system of ‘Certificated quality management system’ – 7, 8, 9, 10; ‘Proprietary quality management system’ – 3, 4, 5, 6; or ‘No quality management system’ – 1, 2 or 0 marks, is suggested.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

In order to demonstrate commitment to quality and the environment, Bidders are asked to state their recent performance against their key performance indicators (KPIs). As a minimum these include the UK Housing Forums Key Performance Indicators for the residential and construction sectors. If the bidder does not maintain KPIs, there will be doubts about commitment and ability to achieve the NWDA and Carbon Challenge quality standards. Scoring system of ‘good performance against UK Housing Forums KPIs and additional KPIs’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘good performance against the UK Housing Forums’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Poor performance against KPIs' or ‘Irrelevant KPIs’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘KPIs not provided’ – 0 marks.



Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

The basic rationale behind this section is to enable NWDA to assess the level of relevant expertise and experience possessed by a bidder. NWDA will check that the organisation has provided references that are specific and relevant to the aims of the Carbon Challenge and the site specific requirements, and that the references relate to schemes that are consistent with the likely size and value of the Bickershaw Colliery site, Leigh requirement. Scoring system of ‘Relevant references’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Partially relevant references’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over terminated contract(s)' or ‘Irrelevant references’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘References not provided’ – 0 marks.

Overall Opinion

Short-listed / Not Short-listed

On the basis of the above analysis should the company / consortium be short-listed.




Technical provision (experience and track record) evaluation (section 3.3) SECTION





Consortium Information

Pass / Fail / Not applicable

Detail of how a consortium will be structured, whether the risk and reward relationship is fully explained, and whether the consortium has sufficient capacity and the skills needed to deliver the Carbon Challenge at Bickershaw Colliery, Leigh. A scoring system of 'strong, complete consortium proposed' - pass; 'Weak or incomplete consortium proposed' - fail.


Low or Zero Carbon Experience

Min score required 8 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of 'Very good/excellent understanding and engagement with low carbon issues' - 11,12,13,14,15; or ‘Good understanding and evidence of engagement with low carbon issues’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Reasonable understanding and evidence of engagement with low carbon issues’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Poor understanding and lack of evidence of engagement with low carbon issues’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Details of low carbon understanding and evidence of engagement not provided’ – 0 marks.


Sustainable Water Management Experience

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant examples of sustainable water management experience' – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of sustainable water management experience' – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over identified examples of sustainable water management experience' or ‘Irrelevant examples of sustainable water management experience' – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Details of sustainable water management experience' not provided’ – 0 marks.


Sustainable Waste Management Experience

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant examples of sustainable waste management experience' – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of sustainable waste management experience' – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over identified examples of sustainable waste management experience' or ‘Irrelevant examples of sustainable waste management experience' – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Details of sustainable waste management experience' not provided’ – 0 marks.


Environmental Standards

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant examples of environmental assessment' – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of environmental projects and assessment’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over identified examples environmental assessment' or ‘Irrelevant examples of environmental assessment' – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Details of environmental assessment' not provided’ – 0 marks.









Design Excellence

Min score required 8 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of 'Very good / excellent examples of exceptional design quality’ 11,12,13,14,15; or ‘Relevant examples of exceptional design quality’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Partially relevant examples of exceptional design quality’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over examples of exceptional design quality' or ‘Irrelevant examples of well designed, connected communities’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Examples of exceptional design quality not provided’ – 0 marks.


Construction Quality

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant examples of quality and efficiency’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of quality and efficiency’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over examples of quality and efficiency' or ‘Irrelevant examples of quality and efficiency’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Examples of quality and efficiency not provided’ – 0 marks.


Innovation in Development

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant research and development’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant research and development / risk management’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over research and development / risk management effectiveness' or ‘Irrelevant research and development / / risk management’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Details of research and development / risk management not provided’ – 0 marks.


Supply Chain Management

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant approach to supply chain management’– 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant approach to supply chain management’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over approach to supply chain management' or ‘Irrelevant approach to supply chain management’ – 1, 2, 3 or ‘Details of supply chain management not provided’ – 0 marks, is suggested.


Capacity and Capability

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of 'Very good / excellent demonstration of experience and of appropriate working practices’ - 11,12,13,14,15; or ‘Relevant examples of experience and appropriate working practices’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Partially relevant examples experience and working practices’ – 4, 5, 6, 7; or ‘Concern over examples of relevant experience and working practices' or ‘Irrelevant examples of well designed, connected communities’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Examples of relevant experience and working practices not provided’ – 0 marks.


Community / Stakeholder Engagement and Long-term Stewardship

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Relevant statement and evidence of stakeholder engagement and consultation, and evidence of very good / excellent approach to long term management'’ – 11,12,13,14,15; ‘partially relevant statement and evidence of stakeholder engagement and consultation, and evidence of relevant approach to long term management’ – 8,9,10; or ‘Relevant statement and evidence of stakeholder engagement or evidence of relevant approach to long term management’ – 4,5,6,7 or ‘Concern over statement on stakeholder engagement and consultation, and concern over evidence of relevant approach to long term management’ – 1, 2, 3; or ‘Statement on stakeholder engagement and consultation, and evidence of relevant approach to long term management not provided’ – 0 marks.









Public Relations and Working with the Media

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Evidence of relevant and positive experience of handling sensitive media issues’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant or marginally successful experience of handling sensitive media issues, with lessons learnt’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over poor handling of sensitive media issues ' or ‘Lessons not being learned' – 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of handling sensitive media issues not provided’ – 0 marks.


Project Management

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Extensive experience and relevant examples of project managing major development projects, with demonstration of an excellent / very good approach to project management’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of project managing major development projects, with lessons learned’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over limited experience or previously poor project management of major development projects '– 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of managing major development projects not provided’ – 0 marks.


Risk Management

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Experience and relevant examples of risk management involving major development projects, with evidence of an excellent / very good approach to risk management’’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of risk management, with lessons learned’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over risk management experience or past poor handling of risk management '– 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of risk management not provided’ – 0 marks.



Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Experience and very good demonstration of implementing sustainable transport initiatives during the construction phase of development projects’ – 8, 9, 10; Evidence of partially relevant examples of implementing sustainable transport initiatives, with lessons learned – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over limited experience or past poor handling of sustainable transport initiatives'– 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of implementing sustainable transport initiatives not provided’ – 0 marks.


Constructing Excellence

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Excellent / very good experience and relevant examples of achieving construction excellence involving major development projects’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of achieving construction excellence, with lessons learned’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over none or limited experience of achieving construction excellence or achieving poor performance on past poor construction projects– 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of achieving construction excellence not provided’ – 0 marks.


Renewable Energy

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Excellent and very good demonstration of implementing renewable energy initiatives involving major development projects’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of implementing renewable energy initiatives, with lessons learned’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over limited experience or past poor experience of implementing renewable energy initiatives – 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of implementing renewable energy initiatives not provided’ – 0 marks.









Employment and Training

Min score required 4 (Max score out of 10)

Scoring system of ‘Excellent experience and relevant examples of implementing renewable energy initiatives concerning major development projects’ – 8, 9, 10; ‘Evidence of partially relevant examples of implementing renewable energy initiatives, with lessons learned’ – 4, 5, 6, 7, or ‘Concern over limited experience or past poor experience of implementing renewable energy initiatives – 1, 2, 3 or ‘Experience of implementing renewable energy initiatives not provided’ – 0 marks.

Total marks out of 200



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