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Celebr8 2009-10 Local Authority and Community Programmes Event/Activity Proposal – Application Form Return date: 12pm 19th October 2009. Please email completed applications to Celebr8 (don’t discrimin8) was initiated in 2006 by 4NW – the Regional Leaders Board (formerly the North West Regional Assembly) as a programme by which diversity as an economic, social and cultural asset could be promoted. It has won support from the major regional agencies, and engaged the voluntary and private sectors in wide ranging activities which have then been the subject of successful public relations. In 2006 Celebr8 scored 55 media hits reaching an estimated audience of 5.5 million. In 2007 it scored more “hits” – 65 – and was runner up in the EU wide European Year of Equal Opportunity Campaign of the Year in recognition of Celebr8’s success in bringing together organisations to work collaboratively to promote important positive messages about diversity. The major focus of Celebr8 in 2008 was diversity on the silver screen. Scripts and story board ideas were sought through a competition, culminating in the production of Celebr8 ­ a short film in each sub­region. There were premieres in each of the sub­regions and the films were shown at a major conference in September. In addition, awards were given to community groups who were working with local authorities to promote positive messages locally. Celebr8 is now in its fourth year. In 2009 we are working in partnership with NWDA, GONW, NHS North West, the Equality and the Human Rights Commission, NWIEP and NWTWC on this important regional campaign. We want your help in making the community group/local authority strand be an even greater success in 2009. 2009-10 Theme – Community Cohesion Local Area Agreement National Indicator 1 (the percentage of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area) is a key driver for local authorities and their partners wanting to improve community cohesion in their localities. 4NW funding enables us to support the participation of local authority and/or community groups in Celebr8 this year through providing capacity for projects that can demonstrate innovation and good practice in the area of community cohesion. We are looking to support projects that may be at the planning or conception stage. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET


Celebr8 2009-10: What we are looking for We will financially support projects, by providing a minimum of 5 grants - each of up to £4,000 for local authorities, groups of local authorities (e.g. at sub regional or MAA level) or community/voluntary sector groups (who are working with their local authority). The grants would be available for activities that demonstrate or promote ‘those from different backgrounds getting on well together’ with special reference to one or more of the following 9 strands - Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Age, Faith, Gender, Disability, Race, Asylum seekers/refugees, Socio-economic disadvantage. We are seeking applications from each of the 5 North West sub regions. If you are interested in receiving funding, please complete the application form below. Timetable The deadline for receipt of applications is 12pm 19 th October 2009. Please submit electronically. A decision will be made at a judging panel of regional partners on 27 th October 2009. We may contact you by telephone for further points of clarification sometime before that date. Successful applicants will be notified in the week beginning 2 nd November by email. The successful applicants will be announced at the Celebr8 conference in Liverpool on 11th November 2009. Winners will not be required to attend this conference although will be invited. All projects must be completed no later than 1 st March 2010. Conditions of grant allocation If your organisation is successful in receiving funding, we will release 50% of funding in November 2009. The remaining monies will be allocated on successful completion of the project and compliance with our evaluation requirements (see below). All successful applicants must provide: • • •

A short (four page maximum) summary evaluation report of their activity An electronic photo of their project, suitable for production in an evaluation brochure Participation in follow up evaluation requests

In addition, they must use Celebr8 branding, and, working with 4NW, produce a press release prior to the event.


1. Name of proposed project

2. Name of applicants(s). (Please note we will prefer applications demonstrating that there will be partnership working between a local authority or group of local authorities and community organisations. If there is more than one applicant please indicate which body would receive and account for the funding if successful). 3. Which of the nine equality categories does your application relate to (please note we will prefer applications which seek to bring together more than one theme. See section above - What we are looking for). 4. In which sub region will your planned activity take place (please note we intend to fund at least one event/activity in each sub region). 5. Please describe your proposed project, including intended activity, audience and expected outcomes. 6. Please detail the intended goals of your project (please show how the proposal links to the aims of Celebr8 and community cohesion) 7. Organisations can apply for up to ÂŁ4,000. Please tell us how much you wish to apply for, and detail what the money will be spent on. 8. Can you confirm that if you are successful the event/activity would be delivered by 1st March 2010? 9. Please confirm that all publicity associated with your project and produced by you will reference Celebr8 funding, and that you will use our official logo? 10. Please confirm that you will provide a short report (including suitable electronic photograph/s) of your project, provide a summary evaluation report and take part in any post event evaluation as required. Organisation/s: Contact details: please include name of contact, email and postal address and telephone number


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