Headlines Objectives of the Sub-National Review of Economic Performance VAT Registration Rates
RES Outcomes
Corporate Plan Outcomes
NWDA Project Outputs
2. Increased number of VAT start-ups per 10,000 working age population. (RES Target 2).
Enterprise: Supporting the creation and growth of new businesses, aiming for 5100 net new business starts focused on high growth and priority gropus/areas as identified in the Res, and a further 2600 assists leading to 11000 jobs created. Sectors: Increase the contribution of the priority sectors to the economy in terms of output, productivity, employment, number of companies and recognition of the region for specialisms in these sectors.
No. of businesses assisted.
Innovation: By 2011 we will aim to increase the number of innovation active firms from 59% to 75%, and increase private sector R&D spend from £1.9bn to £2.3bn per annum. Size of the Workforce: Increase the employment and activity rates in the priority places identified in the RES. Currently employment rates in the region range from 63.9% to 79.6% while activity rates range from 69.9% to 82.4%. Higher Level Skills: Over 2008-2011 in partnership with other agencies to increase the proportion of the working age population qualified to level 3 and above in line with Leitch targets (to be agreed) from their current level of 43%.
No. of businesses assisted.
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training. No. of jobs created or safeguarded.
Productivity: GVA per hour
3. Increased productivity: GVA per hour worked.
Innovation / R&D Expenditure
14. Greater expenditure on R&D as a proportion of GVA.
Employment Rates
42. Improved Employment Rates. (RES Target 6)
Basic, Intermediate and Higher Level Skills
30. Increasing percentage of working age population with at least level 2, at least level 3, and at least level 4 qualifications, compared to England average. (RES target 5)
Note that all NWDA project outputs are subject to beneficiaries monitoring.
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No. of businesses created. No. of businesses assisted.
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training. No. of people assisted in their skills development.
Detailed Alignment. Targets of the Sub-National Review of Economic Performance GVA per head
RES Outcomes
Corporate Plan Outcomes
NWDA Project Outputs
Increased GVA per head.
Increased GVA per head.
No directly relevant project outputs.
“Enterprise” VAT Registration Rates
2. Increased number of VAT startups per 10,000 working age population. (RES Target 2).
Enterprise: Supporting the creation and growth of new businesses, aiming for 5100 net new business starts focused on high growth and priority gropus/areas as identified in the Res, and a further 2600 assists leading to 11000 jobs created. Enterprise: Delivering an Information, Diagnostic and Brokerage service via Business Link which increases usage from 96,000 to 104,600 firms per annum, with intensive assists increasing from 5,500 to 9,600. GVA impact of support will also increase from £305m per annum to £528m per annum. Enterprise: Improving availability and access to finance for SMEs. Enterprise: Improving the business survival rate for assisted start-ups from 72% to 80% at 36 months through targeted start up support and the Business Link information, diagnostic and brokerage service. Enterprise: Promoting positive enterprising behaviours and culture in the region, increasing the TEA index as measured by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor from 5.0% in 2006 to 5.7% by 2010 leading over time to higher levels of productivity, business density and economic activity.
1. Increased business density per 10,000 working age population.
4. Stronger firm survival rates at 12, 24 and 36 month.
8. Increased numbers of people who believe they have the skills to start a business.
No. of businesses created. No. of businesses assisted.
No. of businesses assisted.
No. of businesses assisted. No. of businesses assisted.
60. Increased availability of high quality office accommodation.
61. Increased takeup on strategic regional sites for Class B (Employment) uses.
73. Improved performance in business survey regarding the region as a good place to operate/invest.
“Productivity” GVA per hour
3. Increased productivity: GVA per hour worked.
Employment Sites and Premises: High quality development proposals close to the regions major transport interchanges, high quality physical environments in particular Grade A office accommodation. Employment Sites and Premises: Sites to support increased employment in the region and new jobs leading to an increase in GVA and an increase in rental values.
Sq m of new or refurbished floorspace
Sq m of new or refurbished floorspace Ha of brownfield land reclaimed or redeveloped
Conditions for Private Sector Investment: increase the amount of regional land available for active use via investment in reclaiming brownfield land and developing regional parks including enhancement of green infrastructure in order to achieve sustainable economic development and GVA growth. Marketing the Region: A 25% improvement in perceptions of the region as a location for business investment between 2006 and 2011. Sectors: Provide the strategic leadership necessary to drive improvements in the quality of experiences provided to the region’s visitors. Success will be measured by monitoring improvements in perceptions of the region and its destinations by target consumer groups in the UK and overseas. Employment Sites and Premises: Major sites which contain important infrastructure to move goods and freight off the road network and onto the rail system contributing to mitigating the impact of adapting to the threat of climate change.
Sectors: Increase the contribution of the priority sectors to the economy in terms of output, productivity, employment, number of
No. of businesses assisted.
companies and recognition of the region for specialisms in these sectors. Sectors: Enable firms to increase productivity and move up the value chain in their industries through programmes such as the Manufacturing Advisory Service which will create £115m net addition GVA to the region. Internationalisation: Target an additional £140 million of export sales generated through the regional trade programme between 2007/08 and 2009/10 and, through wider ISAP and RES interventions increase the regional levels of international exports from £23bn to £25bn by 2010. Internationalisation: Help 2000 companies either become exporters or enter new markets between 2007/08 and 2009/10. Internationalisation: Contribute to the national UKTI trade targets to help 20,000 businesses internationalise and 200 businesses to increase R&D activity in the UK. Sectors: Grow tourism GVA at rate that is higher than the overall growth of the economy of each sub-region. The target is also to maintain growth of revenue generated by visitors at 5% over the corporate plan period. Sectors: Deliver specific sector programmes which may include infrastructure, skills, innovation and investment support e.g mediacity;uk which will create 15,000 new jobs, 1,150 new businesses and £279m GVA and leverage a total investment package of £1billion into the Salford City Region. Leadership and Management: Drive up business productivity by £200m through increasing the level of leadership and management skills;
No. of businesses assisted.
£M economic impact from major events and tourism marketing No. of visitors attracted.
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No. of businesses assisted. £M of public and private leverage No. of jobs created or safeguarded
Leadership and Management: Understand and prove the business benefits of investment into leadership and management training (e.g. via evaluation of pilot projects such as the Northern Leadership Academy). Climate Change and Sustainable Resources: Increase the value of the region’s energy and environmental technologies sector.
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20. Greater percentage of businesses adopting and exploiting digital technologies.
26. Increased number of businesses taking positive action to improve
Marketing the Region: An increase in the awareness (by people outside the region) of the cultural attractions and experiences of Liverpool and Manchester from 2% in 2007 to 10% by 2011; Major events supported by the Agency contribute £45m to the regional economy from 2008 to 2011 (up from a current baseline of £30m) and attract additional 1.5m visitors up from a current baseline of £30m. 35%-40% of all UK adults receive a positive message about the Northwest through the media from 2008 to 2011. Return on investment form tactical Tourism Marketing Campaigns delivered, or supported, by the NWDA will increase by 10% between 2008 and 2011. Innovation: Increasing the number of businesses (particularly in the SME sector) achieving productivity gains through effective exploitation of advanced ICT. Innovation: Ensuring the availability of globally competitive high-speed communication infrastructure and services. Climate Change and Sustainable Resources: Ensure a single point of access for
No. of businesses created. No. of businesses assisted. No. of jobs created or safeguarded
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No. of businesses assisted. No. of jobs created or safeguarded
Tonnes of CO2 saved Kilowatt hours of
resource efficiency.
31. Reducing percentage of employers reporting skills gaps and shortages.
comprehensive environmental business advice through Business Link and achieve a 20% increase in the number of businesses seeking advice. Assist a minimum of 5,000 NW businesses with their resource efficiency and consequently help NW companies save £69m. Identify the most climate vulnerable areas and sectors in the region, highlighting and addressing the effects of unavoidable climate change. Promote behavioural changes through engaging, encouraging, enabling, exemplifying and catalysing actions which will lead to the more sustainable consumption and production of resources. Improve the coordination of and communicate regional activity, reducing duplication, identifying synergistic activity and sharing good practice. Identify and achieve specific targets that exemplify the NW as a region committed to developing a low carbon economy: including raw material savings, waste diverted from landfill, CO2 savings and water savings. Higher Level Skills: Meet the skills needs of employers in the growth and high employment sectors.
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32. Increasing percentage of employers undertaking training
Sectors: raise and increase the level of skills, and rate of employment within these sectors, particularly in the areas of leadership and management, NVQ4 level and above, generating apprenticeships and upskilling the workforce, and cultural change. Higher Level Skills: Increasing the percentage of employers investing in training.
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renewable energy installed Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill Cu M of water saved
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training No. of people assisted in their skills development No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training No. of people assisted in their skills development No. of people assisted in their skills
development Leadership and Management: Increase the number of Investor in People recognised organisations in the region, currently 5018 organisations. 33. Increased graduate retention, particularly of STEM and ICT graduates; and evidence of firms' recruitment of graduates into appropriate jobs. 34. Increased proportion of businesses with appropriate ICT skills, including at senior managers/decision maker level.
Internationalisation: For university engagement, a greater internationalisation of research, an increase in the numbers of international students, and enhanced retention/placement of international students in regional businesses. Innovation: Filling ICT skills gaps in the labour market, both user and professional skills.
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training
No. of people assisted in their skills development No. of businesses assisted. No. of people assisted in their skills development No. of businesses assisted.
35. Higher percentage of the workforce employed as senior managers, and a greater proportion of senior managers holding a relevant qualification.
Leadership and Management: Increase the number of managers and senior officials as a proportion of all employees from the current level of 13.9% in line with the England rate of 15.5%. Leadership and Management: Increase the proportion of managers and senior officials holding a higher level qualification. Leadership and Management: Reduce the proportion of organisations with management skills gaps from the current level of 78.5% to below the England average currently at 64.4%
36. Higher proportion of the workforce displaying enterprise capabilities.
Enterprise: Assisting businesses to access information and support designed for enabling enterprise skills development in young people and adults, availability of uptodate and relevant business support information to enable business startup and growth.
48. Reduction in days lost per
No. of people assisted in their skills development No. of businesses assisted.
employee per year through sickness absence. 68. Increased utilities capacity and infrastructure, including Next Generation Broadband, removing identified constraints to growth. “Innovation” R&D Expenditure
Innovation: By 2011 we will aim to increase private sector R&D spend from £1.9bn to £2.3bn per annum; Innovation: By 2011 we will aim to increase the level of public sector R&D investment in the region from 3% of the UK total to 6%; Innovation: By 2011 we will aim to increase the level of HEI R&D in the region from 14% to 20% of the UK total. Innovation: By 2011 we will aim to increase the number of innovation active firms from 59% to 75%. Innovation: Increase number of business/University interactions by 2000 per annum, enabling businesses to obtain consultancy services, support, or training.
No. of businesses assisted.
No. of businesses assisted.
No. of businesses assisted.
19. Increased quality of inward investment projects in terms of greater research intensity and above average salaries.
Internationalisation: an increase in number of projects to a total of 150 per annum; alongside an increase in the quality of project, with targets for research intensity and average salary for these projects.
No. of businesses assisted.
42. Improved Employment Rates. (RES Target 6)
Size of the Workforce: Increase the employment and activity rates in the priority places identified in the RES. Currently employment rates in the region range from 63.9% to 79.6% while activity rates range from 69.9% to 82.4%.
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training.
14. Greater expenditure on R&D as a proportion of GVA.
12. An increase in companies which are innovation-active. 13. Increased number of business engagements and knowledge transfer with HEIs.
“Employment” Employment Rates
Innovation: Ensuring availability of globally competitive high-speed communication infrastructure and services.
5. Increased number of new jobs (RES target 2)
45. Increased number of entry level vacancies filled by formerly workless people. 47. Higher proportion of new job creation within RES06 growth areas (three cities, five growth centres) and in the four areas remote from growth.
Enterprise: Supporting the creation and growth of new businesses, aiming for 5100 net new business starts focused on high growth and priority gropus/areas as identified in the Res, and a further 2600 assists leading to 11000 jobs created. Size of the Workforce: Working with JCP and the NHS to focus on reducing the number of people claiming Incapacity and other forms of Benefit and support them back into work. Conditions for Private Sector Investment: Support the achievement of URC objectives in Liverpool through the new Regeneration Company by seeking to accelerate further economic recovery by capitalising on Liverpool’s economic assets and opportunities to attract and retain private sector investment. In New East Manchester focus on renewing the physical landscape of East Manchester and tackle high levels of multiple deprivation which continue to affect most communities in East Manchester. Specific outcomes reducing the proportion of working age population claiming benefits by 20% by 2013 and by 50% to the Manchester average by 2018. In Central Salford contribute towards the provision of a high quality environment to stimulate new private sector development and create in excess of 1,120,000 sq m of new floorspace for employment. In Blackpool, expand and diversify the economic base of Blackpool so as to increase the employment rate from 69% to 75% by 2017. In West Cumbria and Furness seek to diversify the economic base of West Cumbria and secure new investment in key sectors. Help unlock private sector investment in
No. of jobs created or safeguarded.
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training.
No. of jobs created or safeguarded. £M of public and private leverage
51. Increased employment rate of those over 50.
excess of £1 billion currently planned for Lancaster, Chester, Crewe, Blackpool and Preston Conditions for Private Sector Investment: maximise the multifunctional role of key service centre sin rural areas and strengthen their contribution to the economy through a strong focus on place renaissance, the creation of modern and flexible workspace, and the delivery of employment land. Size of the Workforce: Raising regional employment rates and economic activity rates for disabled people; non-white communities; the over 50s; and lone parents and exoffenders as identified in the RES. Size of the Workforce: Delivering appropriate outcomes in the region’s Equality and Diversity Strategy.
58. Increased proportion of JSA claimants within 30 minutes by noncar transport to key employment sites. 37. Increasing evidence of a skills escalator in widespread employment sectors. “Skills” Basic, Intermediate and Higher Level Skills
30. Increasing percentage of working age population with at least level 2, at least level 3, and at least level 4 qualifications, compared to England average. (RES target 5)
28. Increased proportion of people of working age achieving functional literacy and numeracy skills.
£M of public and private leverage
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training.
No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training. Higher Level Skills: Over 2008-2011 in partnership with other agencies to increase the proportion of the working age population qualified to level 3 and above in line with Leitch targets (to be agreed) from their current level of 43%.
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No. of people helped to secure employment, education or training. No. of people assisted in their skills development No. of people assisted in their skills development.
29. Reduced rate of working age population without qualifications, including reducing the number of districts who have more than 29% working age population in this category. (RES target 4) 38. Reduced percentage of 16-19 year olds Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). 39. Increased proportion of 16 year olds obtaining 5 A*-C GCSEs (level 2 qualifications). 40. Increased proportion of 19 year olds gaining level 2 and level 3 qualifications. 41. Increased numbers of FTE HE students.
Higher Level Skills: Working with the FE and HE sector, increase the number of FTE HE students in the region especially in Cumbria and Pennine Lancashire.
No. of people assisted in their skills development.