TIC Workshop
Lorna Easton Marketing & PR Workshop Notes 7 April 2011
TIC Workshop
The Visitor Journey – this is from VisitEngland’s draft Visitor Information Action Plan – delegates identified a role for TICs in all stages of the visitor journey Prior knowledge, Word of mouth, Broadcast & print media Web, Social Media, CRM
Word of mouth, Social Media, User reviews, CRM
Word of mouth, Mobile, Print, INFORMATION CENTRES, Local ambassadors
Word of mouth, Mobile, GPS, Signage, Real time travel info
Word of mouth, Guidebooks, Web, Social Media, User reviews
Web, Mobile, Telephone/offline
TIC Workshop
TICs have two promotional roles – the first is to promote the TIC itself, the second is to promote the place they represent
Promoting the TIC
TIC Workshop
TICs have 3 audiences‌ Visitors Providers Stakeholders Each can be segmented further‌and each will require their own individual marketing messages about what the TIC is and provides as well as shared messages which apply to all segments.
TIC Workshop
Pre-visit International During visit
Residents Day visitors
Staying visitors
Repeat Families
Business people
First time
Tourist boards
Local authorities
Business organisations
Accommodation Restaurants Pubs
Attractions Retailers Transport
TIC Workshop
Promoting the place
TIC Workshop
Experiences and stories are vital to differentiate a place and feed content to destination marketers
Press trip ideas – news & themes Events for website listings Itineraries & trails for website
Cultural immersion Snippets for tweets & re-tweets
Experiences Atmosphere Uniqueness
Items for travel trade newsletters
Items for press releases
Content for advertorials to support campaigns
TIC Workshop
Making news
TIC Workshop
Destinations have to generate news TICs can help source stories
Events for website listings
Newspapers/ magazines /supplements
Itineraries & trails for website
Websites/ E-news Blogs & Tweets Partners
Press trip ideas – news & themes
Snippets for tweets & re-tweets
Items for travel trade newsletters
Items for press releases
Content for advertorials to support campaigns
TIC Workshop
News hooks come from … Shared references …
In the news…
Alternative Voting Referendum
Events & festivals
Trends / Zeitgeist …
Locally grown
Cheryl Cole’s new look
Stitch n Bitch / knitting
Stay-cations Royal Wedding
Anniversaries 2012 tickets
TIC Workshop
Some techniques to make news… Stage an event Create a photo opportunity Get a quote from a celebrity Do a piece of research ‘Discover’ something A quirky connection Claim a superlative
TIC Workshop
PR Contacts CUMBRIA TOURISM Ellis Butcher 01539 825060 ebutcher@cumbriatourism.org
Send press releases to VisitEngland press team for inclusion in their PR, newsletters, fact sheets etc… Destination PR Manager Annabelle Thorpe 020 7578 1446 annabelle.thorpe@visitengland.org Web Manager & Chief Tweeter… Constandina Milios constandina.milios@visitengland.org
LANCASHIRE & BLACKPOOL TOURIST BOARD Anna Izza 01257 226614 aizza@lbtbltd.com
THE MERSEY PARTNERSHIP Erica Dillon 0151 237 3934 erica.dillon@merseyside.org.uk VISITMANCHESTER Trevor Evers 0161 238 4553 trevor.evers@visitmanchester.com MARKETING CHESHIRE Kate Blythe 01244 405607 k.blythe@marketingcheshire.co.uk
TIC Workshop