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Business Plan 2008-2009
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Executive Summary
Review of 2007/8 Business Plan Achievements
Investment Priorities
Strategic Priorities 2008-09
Priorities for 2008-09
Sub-Regional Activity
Organisational Change
Board and Executives
Executive Summary This Business Plan sets out the Northwest Regional Development Agency’s (NWDA) priorities and objectives for 2008/09. It shows how we will use our £390 million investment programme to deliver these. During the year we will continue to focus on those projects and activities required to implement the 2006 Regional Economic Strategy (RES). At the same time we will also begin to take on new roles and responsibilities outlined by Government in the Sub-National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR). These are exciting and challenging times for all RDAs, with a stronger strategic remit, tighter public spending, greater scrutiny and tougher global economic conditions. We will ensure that we both deliver our responsibilities under the RES and adapt to our enhanced role. This year will involve significant change for the NWDA as we adopt a more strategic and commissioning role. We will work closely with partners to implement the commitments set out in this plan and will report progress in our Annual Performance Report and Annual Review 2008/9.
Steven Broomhead Chief Executive
Bryan Gray Chairman
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Review of 2007/8 Business Plan Achievements The NWDA has performed well during 2007/8. We currently expect to meet or exceed our output targets for 2007/08 as set out in table 1 below. A more detailed review will be set out in our Annual Performance Report. Table 1: Total Outputs 2007/08 Output Indicator
Minimum Target
Forecast Outputs*
Jobs Created and Safeguarded
Number of people assisted to get a job
Businesses Created
Businesses Assisted
4a) New Collaborations with the Knowledge Base
5a % of Private Investment Levered
Brownfield Remediated (Ha)
Number of adults assisted with vocational training/education
6a) Number of adults achieving at least NVQ 2
6b) Number of adults assisted with basic skills training
Investment Levered (ÂŁm)
* Outputs subject to confirmation 13th June 2008 once all claims received
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Investment Priorities Our major priorities in 2008/09 include:
Business •
Development of MediaCityUK
Successfully managing the European Regional Development Fund on behalf of the Northwest
Implementation of the Finance for Business Strategy to improve access to finance for those areas not addressed by private sector provision
Continuing the development of Business Link Northwest
Launch of a Visitor Attraction Fund for high quality capital investment in leading visitor attractions
Support for our major science assets and concentrations of innovation in Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus, Manchester (including Manchester Knowledge Capital), Liverpool and Lancaster
Place •
Support for Liverpool Capital of Culture and 08 themed years of Cheshire Year of Gardens, Cumbria Adventure Capital, Taste Lancashire and Manchester Year of World Sport
Implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan
Development of new strategic employment sites including Kingsway Rochdale and Liverpool Knowledge Quarter and support the successful delivery of the Manchester City South development framework
Delivery of regeneration in New East Manchester via the Urban Regeneration Company, including the redevelopment of Ancoats
Support for economic development in Housing Market Renewal areas, including Oldham/Rochdale, East Lancashire and Merseyside
Development of Liverpool Vision to take forward regeneration in Liverpool, including investment at Mann Island, the new Museum, the canal link and Liverpool Northshore
Investment through Re:Blackpool in the ongoing regeneration of the town
Implementation of the West Cumbria Energy Coast masterplan and ongoing development in Barrow via West Lakes Renaissance and Cumbria Vision
People •
Support for the University of Cumbria and skills and employment in Burnley and Pendle
Support for City Employment Strategies in Liverpool, Manchester and Blackburn
Securing continued improvements in perceptions of the region as a place to live and do business
These actions support delivery of the RES and have been developed working with Sub-Regional Partners and Urban Regeneration Companies.
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Strategic Priorities 2008-09 Alongside our investment programme, the NWDA leads work to agree the Northwest’s economic priorities. Our priorities for 2008/9 include: •
Implementation of the recommendations of Government’s Sub-National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration, ensuring that national policy delivers the most effective solution for the Northwest. Beginning work with the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA) and Government Office for the Northwest (GONW) on a Single Regional Strategy, to bring together the Region’s Economic, Spatial and Housing Strategies.
Preparing for increased delegation of decision making where appropriate.
Work with sub-regions to ensure that where MultiArea Agreements are developed they add value to delivering economic priorities.
Implement future scrutiny arrangements with the North West Regional Assembly.
To develop strong investment proposals to Government through the planned Regional Funding Allocation exercise.
The New Business Start Up Program
Develop effective working relationships with the Homes and Communities Agency.
Co-ordinate delivery of the Government’s Business Support Simplification Programme in the Northwest.
Deliver our lead responsibility on Skills on behalf of all RDAs.
Review our organisational capacity and develop a change programme to ensure we are ready to take on new responsibilities from Government such as Economic Shocks and the Train to Gain programme.
As part of the Sub-National Review, the Government has said it will replace output targets for RDAs with an economic goal for the whole region. This is currently being finalised. In order to ensure we can monitor our progress and performance we will continue to report against those outputs listed on page 2 at the end of the financial year. In setting our priorities, we have applied the principles of sustainable development, equality and diversity and ensuring economic opportunities for all. Our objectives also address the challenges faced by the region’s rural economy and communities, and tackle the barriers to entry and progression in the workforce faced by groups such as women, disabled people, BME communities and the over 50s.
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Priorities for 2008-09 This section sets out our priorities in more detail according to the themes in the Regional Economic Strategy
Business Focus on growing priority regional sectors, increasing levels of enterprise and innovation and improving international competitiveness.
Enterprise Support We aim to improve the formation, survival and growth rates of businesses and enhance enterprise skill levels. Specifically we will:
Further investment in our attack brands through Chester Renaissance, Lake District Renaissance and in our resorts through the Resorts Regeneration Fund.
Master planning for Chester Zoo and support for Hadrian’s Wall.
Support for 08 theme years: Cheshire Year of Gardens, Cumbria Adventure Capital, Taste Lancashire and Manchester Year of World Sport.
Develop a Sustainable Tourism Action plan with a Green Tourism Business scheme as the regional standard.
Implement the new Northwest Enterprise Strategy, including action on enterprise skills and culture.
Develop projects to support business start ups and especially high growth knowledge based start ups.
Visitor Economy pilots in each Tourist Board area and deliver the Visitor Information project.
Build on Business Link Northwest as the primary access route for business support.
Deliver the new Finance for Business Strategy, to improve the availability of business finance.
Launch a new Visitor Attractions Fund to stimulate and support high quality capital investment in attractors of national and international visitors to the region.
Implement the Government’s Business Support Simplification Programme.
Regional Sectors and Visitor Economy Our objective is to generate increased GVA through the growth and development of the region’s internationally competitive sectors and the visitor economy. •
Deliver development programmes in the Creative and Digital sectors including MediaCityUK.
Support the Advanced Engineering and Materials sector through the Joint Strike Fighter design engineering and Next Generation Composite Wing projects.
Produce and implement a Manufacturing Strategy/Action Plan.
Support Food Northwest, and related supply chain initiatives.
Deliver the Northwest Biomass programme and a Centre of Excellence for Biopharmaceuticals.
Innovation Our aim is to increase the rate of higher value added business activity through innovation and knowledge transfer, including exploitation of the science base. Actions will include: •
Continue the development of the region’s major science, research and innovation concentrations at Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus, Manchester Knowledge Capital, Liverpool Science Park and Lancaster.
Implement the Northwest Science Strategy and invest jointly with the National Technology Strategy Board.
Publish and implement an ICT strategy.
Deliver an Innovation Voucher scheme to improve business collaboration with Higher Education Institutions.
Deliver our lead role on the Innovation workstream of the Northern Way to increase innovation across the North.
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Skills & Education Internationalisation We will support Businesses to realise the opportunities from globalisation, through international trade, inward investment and supply chains.
Our aim is to increase the demand for higher level skills so that businesses can compete more effectively. We will work to implement Government changes to the supply and funding of skills training.
Leadership, Management and Higher Level Skills Development
With UKTI, provide an integrated package of support to help companies trade internationally.
Generate inward investment from target markets.
Deliver a major programme to promote leadership through a range of learning methods.
Work with partners on investor development programmes with existing overseas investors.
Align the LSC Train to Gain Leadership and Management offer to improve accessibility for microbusinesses and teams of managers and to extend eligibility for the programme.
Support Corporate Social Responsibility action and awareness by the region’s businesses.
Support for the University of Cumbria and Higher Education in Burnley.
Support the Higher Level Skills Pathfinder linking Train to Gain activity with higher education and widening the coverage of sectors.
Support Further and Higher Education in developing a demand/business led response to higher level skills needs.
Climate Change and Sustainable Consumption and Production We will implement the Northwest’s Climate Change Action Plan. This includes action to reduce carbon emission rates and minimise waste, increase the value of the region’s energy and environmental technologies sector; improve energy security and resource efficiency in companies and prepare the region for the unavoidable impacts of climate change. •
Provide support to business on sustainable resource use and sustainable procurement
Encourage energy research in Northwest universities through the Joule Centre.
Support energy and waste technology development through Envirolink.
Deliver demonstration programmes in sustainable resource use and climate change adaptation technology and systems.
Help high energy users reduce emissions and mitigate unavoidable emissions.
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Priorities for 2008-09
People and Jobs
Working with partners we will continue to tackle the concentrations of worklessness and economic inactivity that still exist. We will target our funding in areas where there is a clear requirement for the public sector to create the conditions required to attract private investment.
We will continue to work to ensure that the region has the infrastructure required to support growth. Our investment activity will focus on the provision of high-quality employment sites and premises.
Size of the Workforce
Specific activity will include:
Support Liverpool and Manchester City Employment Strategies and Pathfinders to get people back into sustainable employment.
Funding Salford URC to maximise the opportunities from MediaCityUK, in particular, creating connections between Salford Quays and Manchester City Centre.
Work with People & Jobs Warrington & Cheshire to address disadvantage and basic skill needs.
Work with New East Manchester on the next stage of the regeneration of East Manchester and Ancoats.
We will support work to tackle worklessness and social exclusion amongst some of the most disadvantaged residents in Cumbria and Lancashire.
Support the Oldham and Rochdale Housing Regeneration Programmes.
Implement the Regional Equality and Diversity Strategy and develop a regional approach to maximising the contribution of Migrant Workers and older people.
Continue development of a new Regeneration Company for Liverpool and ambitious plans for the 'Liverpool Knowledge Quarter' and the regeneration of Liverpool Northshore and Mersey Waterfront.
Develop, with partners, new College and University campuses in Blackpool and the potential £300 million mixed-use scheme for the Talbot Gateway area of the town.
Support the development of Preston Commercial Business District and Blackburn’s Freckleton Street, the Elevate HMR Programme and proposals for a new Economic Development Company.
Work with Warrington on town centre master planning.
Support development of Barrow Ramsden Business Park and Marina Village, and the continued success of significant economic sites at Lillyhall and Westlakes Science Park.
Support development of Carlisle Rickergate and Riverside.
Conditions for Private Sector Investment
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Quality of Life Other major projects will include:
Our quality of life is a major strength. We will continue to improve the image of the region as a location for business investment.
Kingsway Rochdale
Marketing the Region
Salford Agecroft
Widnes Waterfront
West Lancashire’s Investing in Business Programme
REVIVE in Cheshire
Employment Sites and Premises
During 2008/09 the Agency will undertake a review of its strategic and sub-regional sites to ensure that investment continues to meet regional priorities and sustainable development principles.
Promote the region and its destination brands to national and international visitor markets.
Work to bring major cultural, sporting and business events to the Northwest. We will support the Liverpool 08 Programme, Blackpool 365 and the Manchester International Festival, amongst others.
Promote the region as a location for potential training camps for Olympic teams competing in London 2012.
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Sub-Regional Activity All our activities will benefit the region’s economy. However, our different economic areas have specific local priorities and opportunities. Our priority activities for 2008/9 have been developed with each of the sub-regions. These include:
Cheshire and Warrington
Greater Merseyside
Support Warrington Town Centre Master-planning and opportunities arising from it.
Support the successful delivery of and inheritance from Capital of Culture.
Implement programmes to address basic skills and employability needs.
Strengthen business productivity and enterprise, through business start up and sector programmes.
Improve business competitiveness and enterprise through sector and start up programmes.
Strengthen Cheshire and Warrington’s quality of place to attract more visitors and private sector investment.
Strengthen Liverpool’s position as a European visitor destination, through major infrastructure investment and improvements in the visitor offer.
Targeted programmes to reduce worklessness in the most deprived areas of the city.
Create conditions for continued investment through investment in the Edge Lane Improvement Programme and key employment sites.
Cumbria •
Implement the Energy Coast Masterplan, including assets at Westlakes Science Park and Lillyhall.
Support the growth of Carlisle through Carlisle Renaissance and Rickergate and Riverside schemes.
Improve the quality of the tourism offer of the Lake District National Park.
Support the continued growth of Barrow, exploiting the waterfront and supporting enterprise growth.
Support the University of Cumbria.
Lancashire •
Develop Preston as a driver for economic growth and maximise the economic benefits of Lancaster’s heritage, environment and University assets.
Continue to support high-tech manufacturing and engineering sectors adapting to and exploiting new markets.
Support increased skills and enterprise development in areas of low growth.
Address barriers to transport and communications.
Greater Manchester •
Ensure that Northern Districts have maximum opportunities to benefit from growth at the regional centre.
Invest in key employment sites, including Rochdale Kingsway.
Support the development of a high quality Multi Area Agreement.
Build on Greater Manchester’s key economic assets and provide majority funding support for the Manchester Independent Economic Review.
Ensure that the Regional Funding Allocations and Northern Way transport priorities continue to support improved connectivity between Manchester and the rest of the North.
Support continued major investment in and improved co-ordination of the exploitation of the city’s knowledge and science assets.
Further investment in Central Salford and New East Manchester URCs and HMR areas to improve conditions for continued private sector investment.
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Organisational Change To ensure the Agency is equipped to deliver its part in the Regional Economic Strategy (RES), it is vital that we have an efficient and effective organisation in place. During 2008/09 we will be developing plans to take on further responsibilities from Government, relating to dealing with Economic Shocks and Train to Gain. As the Agency continues to move from direct delivery to a more strategic, commissioning role, we will be reviewing our organisational capacity and structure to ensure we are equipped to deliver our new role. This will involve the NWDA increasing strategic commissioning and contract management, further developing our economic policy and research function and strengthening our role in planning, transport and housing strategies. We will also work with Local Authorities in priority areas to improve capacity for economic development delivery where this is needed.
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2008/09 ÂŁm
Programme Enterprise Support
Growth Sectors
Climate Change & SC&P
Leadership and Management
High Level Skills Development
Size of Workforce
Conditions for Private Sector Investment
Employment Sites and Premisies
Marketing the Region
16.9 392.1
Irrecoverable VAT
Total Programme
ERDF Programme
Total Business Costs
Total expenditure
Funding Sources
2008/09 ÂŁm
Core Funding received from Government
ERDF Programme
PPP income
EP Coalfields programme
Disposal of assets
EU 2000-2006 programme
Other income
Total funding
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Northwest Regional Development Agency Board and Executive The Board
Bryan Gray MBE DL (Chairman)
Steven Broomhead, Chief Executive
Professor Sir Martin Harris CBE DL (Deputy Chairman) Vanda Murray OBE (Deputy Chairman Elect) Peter Allen Prof John Brooks Joseph Dwek CBE
Bernice Law, Chief Operating Officer (on secondment at the Liverpool Culture Company) Ian Haythornthwaite, Executive Director, Resources
Peter Hensman Robert Hough Dave McCall Tony McDermott Cllr John Merry Cllr Marie Rimmer CBE Brenda Smith
Mark Hughes, Executive Director, Enterprise & Skills Peter Mearns, Executive Director, Marketing Patrick White, Executive Director, Policy
Prof Maureen Williams Cllr Susan Williams
Peter White, Executive Director, Development
The Board meets 11 times a year and has 9 formal committees and sub-committees.
James Berresford, Director of Tourism Fiona Mills, Director of Human Performance
Annual Public Meeting The Agency’s annual conference and AGM will be held on 26th September 2008 at the Liverpool Echo Arena and Convention Centre. This will coincide with the publication of our Annual Report and Accounts. The AGM will be an opportunity to review our performance and contribution during the year.
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Regional Economic Strategy 2006
Corporate Plan
Northwest Science Strategy 2007 - 2010
Who We Are and What We Do
Rising to the Challenge A Climate Change Action Plan for England's Northwest 2007-09
Tourism Strategy 2003 - 2010
315o - The NWDA Magazine
Northwest European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013 Programme Summary
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The Northwest Regional Development Agency PO Box 37 Renaissance House Centre Park Warrington WA1 1XB Tel: +44 (0)1925 400 100 Fax: +44 (0)1925 400 400
www.nwda.co.uk www.englandsnorthwest.com www.visitenglandsnorthwest.com
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May 2008 NWDA i4-28