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Our plans for the year ahead 2009-2010

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Review of 2008/09


Investment Priorities


Strategic Priorities


Key Activities - Business - Skills and Education - People and Jobs - Infrastructure - Quality of Life

16 Sub-Regional Activity - Cheshire and Warrington - Cumbria - Greater Manchester - Greater Merseyside - Lancashire 22 Resources 23 Board and Executive



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Foreword These are challenging times for the Northwest, the UK and the global economy. In these uncertain circumstances, it is more important than ever that we maintain the momentum of economic support to the region. The Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) recognises that in times such as these it is vital that we communicate a clear sense of direction for the region and this Business Plan sets out the Agency’s strategic priorities, planned activities and available resources for 2009-10. All of the priority activities you will find on the ensuing pages are focused around the key challenge of helping the Northwest economy to remain resilient and to emerge out of the economic downturn even stronger than before. As an organisation, we will continue to evolve so that we are better placed to respond to the changing economic conditions. We will also be taking on further responsibilities that have emerged from the Sub-National Review of Economic Development, including our ongoing shift towards a more strategic commissioning role in our activities and initiatives.

Bryan Gray Chairman

As a result of recent Government statements on future investment priorities for RDAs and ‘New Industry: New Jobs’ we will maximise our support for businesses in the short term and help to develop the Northwest’s strengths and competitive position for the future. We are looking forward to working with Greater Manchester partners and Government to maximise the opportunities presented by the 2009 Budget announcement of pilot city-region status for Greater Manchester. This initiative will have significant impact on the economic competitiveness of the Northwest as a whole. We will continue to facilitate joint investment planning with Greater Manchester partners and other Northwest areas that are developing Multi Area Agreements and economic development companies. The progress that we make in working with partners towards the implementation of the full range of priorities outlined in this Business Plan will be reported in our 2009/10 Annual Review, which will be published in early summer 2010.

Steven Broomhead Chief Executive


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This Year’s Key Achievements The economic climate in the Northwest changed markedly in 2008–09. So far, the impact of the global economic downturn in the region reflects the broader national picture, with issues emerging around access to finance, a decline in private sector investment and global demand and a rise in unemployment. During the past year, the NWDA has played a pivotal role in increasing the support offered to help businesses through these challenging conditions. This includes a range of activities which will continue to drive the Northwest economy forward and support the long-term delivery of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES) and the NWDA’s Corporate Plan.

Opposite are just a few of the Agency’s key achievements announced during 2008—09 A more detailed breakdown of the NWDA’s activities and achievements can be found in the Agency’s Annual Review for 2008–09. This will include information on progress towards achievement of the objectives and outcomes set out in the NWDA’s Corporate Plan 2008–2011.


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£23m £4.1m funding to help businesses succeed

innovation voucher scheme

In the past year the NWDA has provided over £23m of financial support to help the region’s businesses start up, grow and expand via a number of grant and loan schemes. This included the launch of a new Transitional Loan Fund in December 2008 to improve the available finance options to businesses. The fund had already awarded £2m of loans by the end of March 2009.

With the support and investment of the new ERDF programme, the NWDA has created a new £4.1m Innovation Voucher Scheme designed to encourage business to engage proactively with the Northwest knowledge base, including colleges and universities. So far, over 150 businesses have collaborated with Higher Education institutions through the scheme.

£431m 3.5m in Gross Value Added

Business Link Northwest (BLNW), the NWDA’s information and advice service for the region's businesses continues to exceed expectations, exceeding targets for engagement rates with businesses and contribution to GVA (economic output). One of the services operated by BNLW is the Access to Finance programme, a newly-launched service that helps to diagnose the financial needs of individual businesses and assist them in finding the right financial solution.

first-time visitors to Liverpool Liverpool’s position as European Capital of Culture has had an economic impact on the Liverpool City Region in excess of £800m in 2008 alone. Over 3.5m visitors came to Liverpool for the first time during 2008 and the year generated £176m in tourism spend.

£150m 97,000 of private sector leverage secured for MediaCityUK

jobs directly created or safeguarded

The Agency has continued to invest in a range of capital projects that will help position the Northwest for long-term future success. Investment continues on the development of MediaCityUK, where £150m of private sector leverage was secured in 2008–09 alone, while key projects including the new Higher Education campus in Burnley has approached completion.

An assessment* of national RDA performance concluded that every £1 invested by RDAs generated an average of £4.50 for their economies. Over £900 million of NWDA funded projects between 2002–07 were shown to have created or safeguarded 97,000 jobs, created 3,500 new businesses and helped 14,000 businesses improve their performance. * Source: independent evaluation by PricewaterhouseCoopers on behalf of BERR 2008-09.


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Investment Priorities The NWDA’s key challenge for 2009/10 will be to support the region through the challenges posed by the current economic conditions. The Agency is already maintaining a close dialogue with businesses, stakeholders and communities to ensure that timely, tailored support is in place. This will be complemented by medium and longer-term activity to foster recovery and growth and position the Northwest for sustainable recovery. In prioritising investment, the Agency will continue to align European Regional Development Funds with NWDA and other domestic funding to support competitiveness and prepare for the economic upturn. Major priorities for 2009/10 will support the ongoing delivery of the Regional Economic Strategy and the Agency’s Corporate Plan. These have been developed working with regional and sub-regional partners including urban regeneration companies (URCs).




• Launching a £140m Venture Capital & Loan Fund to help businesses gain access to finance in order to innovate, invest and grow.

• Working with partners to develop new strategic priorities including the development of the Atlantic Gateway and Cumbria Energy Coast.

• Encouraging business investment in skills with a £40m stimulus package.

• Ongoing development of Business Link Northwest, including increasing the amount of intensive assists and boosting the financial advice available to business.

• Identifying development schemes which are under threat due to the economic climate and bringing forward up to £20m of capital investment to help ensure that these schemes can progress.

• Implementing the Northwest Enterprise Strategy including a new Business StartUp Programme and High Growth Business Support Programme. • Growing the MediaCityUK site, including development programmes in the Creative and Digital Sectors. • Investing in the region’s major science, research and innovation concentrations. • Investing in the five sub-regional Tourist Boards to support tourism businesses and growth in the regional visitor economy. • Implementing the Northwest Climate Change Action Plan.

• Developing strategic employment sites including Kingsway Rochdale. • Working with Liverpool Vision to create conditions for further private sector investment and improve the attractiveness of Liverpool as a visitor destination. • Delivering regeneration in New East Manchester via New East Manchester URC, including the regeneration of Ancoats. • Supporting the continuing delivery of Blackpool URC regeneration plans. • Deliver transformational infrastructure projects through West Lakes Renaissance. • Support the work of Central Salford to regenerate Salford city centre and develop MediaCityUK.


• Supporting city employment strategies and local and regional activities to help individuals retain or regain employment. • Making further capital investment in the Further and Higher Education system, including support for the University of Cumbria. • Continuing to highlight the Northwest’s competitive advantage as a place to do business.

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Strategic Priorities Alongside its investment priorities, the NWDA will continue to work strategically to deliver the region’s economic priorities and to respond effectively to further developments arising from the Sub-National Review of Economic Development.

Strategic priorities for 2009–10 will include: • Playing a lead role in the Joint Economic Commission (JEC) for the Northwest, to share intelligence with key partners across the region and agree and implement coordinated regional responses to the downturn. Work is already underway on the following themes: — support for business — labour market issues, such as redundancies and apprenticeships — public infrastructure and investment — impact on communities — preparing for the upturn, focussing on the Atlantic Gateway, Cumbria Energy Coast, renewable energy and creative industries. • Maintaining a close dialogue with businesses and banks, monitoring developments in the Northwest economy and feeding intelligence to Government and wider partners to inform policy and initiatives. • Responding to Government statements on RDA investment priorities including ‘New Industry: New Jobs’ and using them to inform future NWDA investment decisions. • Learning from the recent RDA evaluation exercise and building its findings into all future activity. • Supporting the implementation of Multi Area Agreements and the development of statutory city-regions in the Northwest (including the development of a pilot city region in Greater Manchester), plus support ongoing development of joint investment planning across the region. • Continuing to work with 4NW, the Regional Leaders’ Forum, to develop a new Single Regional Strategy. A draft strategy is expected to be ready for consultation towards the end of 2009, subject to legislation that may enable this work to become the Northwest’s formal Single Integrated Regional Strategy.


• Ongoing development of relationships with regional and sub-regional partners, including the Homes and Communities Agency, 4NW and GONW. In addition, the Agency will help local authorities and other partners to develop their capacity (where appropriate) in economic development and assist with the new statutory economic assessments arising from the Sub-National Review on Economic Development. • Supporting the work of the new Regional Select Committee. • Ongoing development of the NWDA’s organisational capacity to reflect the Agency’s changing role and its response to the economic conditions.

Sustainability In setting these priorities, the NWDA continues to reinforce the principles of sustainable development, ensuring that sustainability is fully considered and integrated into the Agency’s processes and project development framework. The Agency has introduced an online carbon calculator has been introduced for all of its funded projects.

Equality and Diversity In November 2008, the NWDA launched a Single Equality Scheme to ensure that equality activities are mainstreamed across the Agency’s business. The scheme supports the ongoing delivery of the NWDA Corporate Plan and will be evaluated through the performance management and monitoring process.

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Key Activities In support of the strategic priorities, there are a range of key activities planned for 2009–10 across Business, Skills & Education, People & Jobs, Infrastructure and Quality of Life.

These activities have been aligned with the themes in the Regional Economic Strategy and the NWDA Corporate Plan and include a range of new and ongoing consolidated actions to support the region over the next year.


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Key Activities: Business The NWDA’s aim is to continue to grow the priority sectors in the Regional Economic Strategy, increase and support levels of enterprise and innovation, improve international competitiveness and help the region adapt to climate change and increase sustainable resource use. These aims are essential in order to support the regional economy through the downturn, foster long-term resilience and position the Northwest for the future.

Enterprise Support The NWDA is maintaining a close dialogue with the region’s businesses to ensure that quick, flexible and tailored support is in place to help companies through the downturn. The Agency will continue activities to support the formation, survival and growth rates of businesses and improve access to finance. Key activities in 2009–10 will include: • Building on Business Link Northwest as the primary access route for business support and continuing to implement the Access to Finance brokerage service to boost the financial advice available to business. • Delivering the Northwest Enterprise Strategy, with a range of new and ongoing projects to develop enterprise skills and culture, including: – A new Business Start-up Programme, targeting prioirity groups and areas underperforming in start-up terms – A High Growth Business Support programme • Implementation of the Finance for Business Strategy, including: – Delivering a Transitional Loan Fund to help improve the finance options available to new and existing businesses – Establishing the new Venture Capital & Loan Fund to help businesses gain access to finance for innovation, investment and growth • Implementing the Government’s Solutions for Business portfolio, accessible via Business Link Northwest, to simplify and enhance business support in the region.

RES Priority Sectors and the Visitor Economy The NWDA’s objective is to maximise the contribution from priority sectors and the visitor economy to the wider Northwest economy. Key activities in 2009–10 will include: • Continuing to develop MediaCityUK and the Creative and Digital sectors, including an enhanced role for Northwest Vision and Media. • Implementing the Manufacturing Strategy and Action Plan, including the Future Manufacturing Advisory Service. • Helping to improve the performance and productivity of the Aerospace sector. • Supporting the Food and Drink sector, including development and coordination of supply chain activities. • Continuing to support the Biomedical sector and specialist biopharmaceuticals. • Developing sustainable procurement initiatives to improve SMEs’ capability to win public and private sector contracts. • Providing further funding for Automotive sector training, including £1.5m to help secure the long-term future of automotive manufacturing in the Northwest. • Supporting the development of the Visitor Economy through the core funding allocated to the region’s five Tourist Boards and to Hadrian’s Wall Heritage Ltd. • Delivering investments in the region’s visitor attractions through the Visitor Attractions Fund and the Museums Renaissance project. • Building on the success of Liverpool 08 through event, marketing and tourism sector development activity in Merseyside. • Supporting detailed masterplanning for major new attractions at Chester Zoo and Jodrell Bank, and through activity and investments in other signature projects.


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Developing higher added value activity through innovation and knowledge transfer is a key priority for the Agency, including exploiting the science base.

The NWDA’s priority is to continue supporting businesses to be more internationally competitive and realise the opportunities of globalisation. This will be achieved through international trade, inward investment and supply chains, attracting new overseas investors and working closely with existing overseas investors in the region.

Key activities in 2009–10 will include: • Implementing the Innovation Voucher Scheme to boost collaboration between Higher Education institutions and businesses. • Continued development of the Northwest’s major science, research and innovation concentrations at Daresbury, Manchester Knowledge Capital, Liverpool Science Park and Lancaster. • Ensuring successful implementation of projects resulting from the Northwest Science Strategy including the Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry, North West E-Health and the Virtual Engineering Centre. • Continuing to lead the Northern Way workstream on innovation including projects in 2009–10 on Offshore Wind and Carbon Abatement Technologies. • Developing a new ICT policy to ensure that the Northwest leads the UK in the provision of next generation broadband access, digital connectivity and digital inclusion.

Key projects in 2009—10 will include: • Working with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to offer an integrated support package to help companies trade internationally, including new assistance to access international supply chains. • Generating new investment leads from targets including the established markets of North America and Europe as well as the economies of India and China where Northwest-focused staff have been embedded within the UKTI teams in key British Consulates. • Working with potential investors to ensure they are fully aware of the benefits of locating in the Northwest and ensuring that wider support services are targeted to meet their specific requirements. • In partnership with sub-regions, continuing to roll out a programme of investor development with priority overseas investors. • Ensuring that Northwest priority clusters benefit from the new European Cluster Alliance programme to promote and foster world-class clusters in Europe.

Climate Change and Sustainable Consumption and Production The NWDA will continue to implement the Northwest Climate Change Action Plan. This includes ongoing action to increase the value of the region’s Energy and Environmental Technologies sector. Key projects in 2009—10 will include: • Delivering the NWDA’s new role as RDA lead for the Department for Energy and Climate Change, providing opportunities to promote the work of the RDA network in this area and support the development of national Government policy. • Developing an energy strand for the Northern Way to help identify and share pan-regional practices. • Delivering activities focused on low carbon education, training and market development. • Supporting the Carbon Challenge Fund, a new initiative to facilitate demonstrations of technological innovations around energy efficiency and low carbon generation. • Supporting the development of the Energy and Environmental Technologies sector, including tidal projects and work with the Northwest Energy Council. • Promoting and supporting sustainable consumption and production within key regional sectors.

• Maximising the benefits from Shanghai Expo 2010 through the planned presence of both Liverpool and the UK.


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Key Activities: Skills and Education The NWDA’s aim is to increase the demand for higher-level skills so that businesses can compete more effectively. Investing in leadership, management and skills is essential in order to help guide future success and to enable businesses to prepare effectively for the upturn.

Leadership, Management and Higher Level Skills Development Key activities in 2009–10 will include: • Implementing key leadership and management programmes, including the Train to Gain Leadership and Management Advisory Service through Business Link Northwest and the Leading Enterprise and Development (LEAD) programme. • Engaging businesses, schools, and Further and Higher Education institutions in the ‘releasing potential’ agenda, to grow enterprising attitudes and innovation in both the current and future workforce. • Working with partners through the Joint Economic Commission for the Northwest to identify and invest in the workforce skills needed to respond to the eventual upturn. • Making further capital investments to enable access and progression through the Further and Higher Education system including projects at the University of Cumbria, Burnley Further and Higher Education Campus and Hope University.


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Key Activities: People and Jobs The NWDA is closely monitoring regional unemployment rates and developments in the labour market and will continue to work with partners to tackle concentrations of worklessness and low economic activity.

Size of the Workforce

The Agency is also working closely with partners to ensure a collaborative and coordinated approach to safeguarding employment and apprenticeships and minimising redundancies where possible.

• Implementing and monitoring the Regional Equality and Diversity Strategy, including activities to support older people and migrant workers.

Key activities in 2009–10 will include: • Supporting local and regional activities to help people retain or regain employment, including ongoing support for the City Employment Strategies in Liverpool and Manchester. • Working closely with partners to develop a collaborative and coordinated response to redundancy. • Working with partners to support those who are most remote from the labour market in order to tackle and prevent increases in worklessness.


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Key Activities: Infrastructure The Agency will continue to Conditions for Private Sector Investment focus on developing The impact of the economic downturn on infrastructure in the region to private sector investment in the Northwest continue to be closely monitored, whilst support long-term economic will investment will support the preparation of suitable locations and enable priority areas growth. to prepare for the upturn.

Activity will concentrate on improving the physical conditions for private sector investment in priority locations and supporting the development of key employment sites.

Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Identifying major schemes that may be threatened due to external economic conditions and helping to ensure they can progress. • Working with the Homes and Communities Agency on plans for the Greengate scheme connecting Manchester and Salford city centres, thereby strengthening the core of the city region. • Working closely with URCs to focus resources and plan for sustainable economic development in the postrecession recovery. This will include: - Central Salford: ensuring the continued regeneration of Salford city centre, the rejuvenation of the River Irwell corridor and the development of MediaCityUK - New East Manchester: taking forward the regeneration of East Manchester and Ancoats, and supporting the development of new sporting infrastructure at SportCity - West Lakes Renaissance: delivering transformational infrastructure projects in Furness and West Cumbria, to create large-scale employment and attract significant private sector investment - Liverpool Vision: building on 2008’s significant investment in the city through the development of the Liverpool Commercial District and the emerging opportunities for transformational schemes such as Northshore, Liverpool and the new Museum of Liverpool - ReBlackpool: supporting the ongoing implementation of the Blackpool regeneration masterplan and wider regeneration of the area • Targeting support for rural areas, including implementation of the Rural Growth Programme, focusing on capital investment in rural area workspace and key service centre activity.


Employment Sites and Premises Work will continue to support the long-term development of employment sites in the Northwest, including creating the right conditions for private sector investment when the economy recovers. Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Investing in the Northwest’s core commercial centres. • Facilitating major private sector-led development schemes. • Creating high quality commercial environments in the Northwest’s major business centres and ensuring high quality ‘Grade A’ office space for existing business expansion. • Major projects over the year will include: - Kingsway, Rochdale - Daresbury - Dunningsbridge, Sefton - Westlakes Science Park - Carlisle city centre

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Key Activities: Quality of Life The NWDA’s objective is to continue to improve the reputation of the Northwest as a tourist destination and business investment location. Activities under this theme interlink with those in the Business theme in working to develop the visitor economy in the region.

Marketing the Region The priority is to utilise the region’s key destinations and assets to promote the Northwest as a destination for national and international visitors and as a business location for investors. Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Supporting the five Tourist Boards in their promotion of the Northwest’s main destinations. • Promoting the region internationally via England’s North Country and maximising the potential of the current favourable exchange rates. • Promoting key business sectors and emphasising the region’s competitive advantages for business using major infrastructure projects, such as MediaCity UK and Daresbury, to demonstrate the Northwest’s diverse knowledge based economy. • Delivering thematic campaigns to take advantage of the Northwest’s strength in culture, including building on the Liverpool 08 legacy, promoting key events such as the Manchester International Festival, and promoting the natural environment. • Attracting and delivering major national and international sporting, cultural and business-related events, such as TATE Liverpool’s Colour Chart exhibition, the Lakes Alive International Performing Arts Festival and the Soccerex European Forum. • Helping regional partners benefit from the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, and using the Northwest’s sports infrastructure to attract Pre Games Training Camps.


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Sub-regional activity Different areas of the Northwest are being affected by the economic downturn in different ways, and the NWDA is monitoring these impacts closely so as to react appropriately to the situation in each sub-region. A series of new and ongoing activities have been developed in partnership with each sub-region for 2009-10. Activities are broken down by each of the following sub-regions: Cheshire and Warrington Cumbria Greater Manchester Greater Merseyside Lancashire


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Sub-regional activity Cheshire and Warrington Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Continuing investment in the renaissance of Chester city centre.

• Enhancing Cheshire and Warrington’s quality of place through investment in land reclamation and visitor attractions.

• Supporting Warrington town centre master-planning and the opportunities arising from it.

• Establishing firm relationships with the new Cheshire East Council and Cheshire West & Chester Council to ensure economic priorities and opportunities are addressed effectively.

• Implementing programmes to improve business competitiveness and enterprise and to address skills and employability priorities.

• Supporting the development of new subregional partnership arrangements.


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Sub-regional activity Cumbria Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Establishing the Eden and South Lakeland Delivery Board.

• Encouraging the growth of Carlisle through Carlisle Renaissance and its Rickergate and Riverside schemes.

• Supporting the new West Cumbria Delivery Board.

• Exploiting the potential of Barrow Waterfront and supporting enterprise growth and the new Barrow Delivery Board.

• Implementing the Energy Coast masterplan, including assets as Westlakes Science Park and Lillyhall.


• Continuing to support the University of Cumbria.

• Supporting ‘Destination Cumbria’ to promote the sub-region’s unique heritage, landscape and culture.

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Sub-regional activity Greater Manchester Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Supporting the refresh of the Manchester Multi Area Agreement and implementing and developing Manchester’s statutory city-regional status. • Playing a key role in the development of the Greater Manchester Strategy. • Maximising the opportunities for northern districts to benefit from growth at the regional centre.

• Ongoing investment in key regional and sub-regional employment sites, including Kingsway, Rochdale . • Building on Greater Manchester’s key economic assets and supporting the conclusion of the Manchester Independent Economic Review study, ensuring that findings are disseminated to all partners.

• Supporting continued major investment in the city’s knowledge and science assets and improving how their exploitation is coordinated. • Making further investment in Central Salford and New East Manchester URCs and HMR areas to improve the conditions for continued private sector investment.

• Ensuring that the Northern Way transport priorities continue to support improved connectivity between Manchester and the rest of the North.


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Sub-regional activity Greater Merseyside Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Working with tourism partners to capitalise on the success of Capital of Culture.

• Improving business productivity and enterprise through business support, start-up and sector development programmes.

• Strengthening Liverpool’s position as a leading European visitor destination, developed through infrastructure investment and improvements in the visitor offer.

• Supporting targeted programmes to reduce worklessness and improve access to employment opportunities in the most deprived areas of the city region.

• Supporting the development of the vision for the Liverpool Superport to become a global destination and logistics hub.


• Investing in strategic employment sites to create new employment opportunities, focusing on strategic locations such as 3MG in Widnes, Birkenhead, Daresbury and the Dunningsbridge Corridor in Sefton.

• Supporting the development of the Liverpool City Region Multi Area Agreement. • Working with Liverpool Vision to create conditions for further private sector investment.

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Sub-regional activity Lancashire Key activities in 2009—10 will include: • Developing Preston as a driver for economic growth working through the new Preston Vision Company.

• Supporting increased skills and enterprise development in areas of low growth, particularly Pennine Lancashire and Blackpool.

• Maximising the economic benefits of Lancaster’s heritage, environment and University assets.

• Addressing barriers to transport and communications, particularly improving links between Pennine Lancashire and Manchester and improvements to quality of broadband coverage.

• Continuing to support Advanced Manufacturing and High-Tech Engineering sectors adapting to and exploiting new markets, including scoping of the Samlesbury site proposals.

• Supporting the establishment of the Pennine Lancashire Economic Development Company and implementation of Pennine Lancashire Multi Area Agreement. • Supporting the development of Fylde Coast Multi Area Agreement, consistent with the outcome of the Blackpool URC Strategic Review. • Supporting Blackpool regeneration through continued delivery of ReBlackpool URC plans.


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Resources Expenditure

2009/10 (ÂŁm)



Growth Sectors


Enterprise Support






Leadership and Management


Higher Level Skills Development


Size of the Workforce


Employment Sites and Premises


Private Sector Investment


Climate Change and Sustainable Consumption and Production


Marketing the Region




Total Programme


ERDF Programme


RDPE Programme


Total Business Costs


Total Expenditure


Funding Sources

2009/10 (ÂŁm)

Core funding received from Government


Self-generated income


Activity-matched grants


ERDF programme


RDPE programme


Total funding


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Board and Executive The Board

The Executive

Bryan Gray CBE, MBE, DL - Chairman

Steven Broomhead Chief Executive

Robert Hough – Deputy Chair Vanda Murray OBE – Deputy Chair Peter Allen MBE

Ian Haythornthwaite Executive Director of Resources Mark Hughes Executive Director of Economic Development

John Brooks Joe Dwek CBE Peter Hensman

Peter Mearns Executive Director of Marketing & Communications Simon Nokes Executive Director of Policy & Planning

Dave McCall Councillor Tony McDermott MBE Councillor John Merry

James Berresford Director of Tourism Diane Summers Director of Human Performance

Anne Selby Brenda Smith Lord Peter Smith

Annual Public Meeting

Dr John Stageman

The Agency’s annual conference and AGM will be held on 15th October 2009 at the Liverpool Echo Arena and Convention Centre. The AGM willl provide an opportunity to review our performance and contribution to the region in 2008/09. The Agency’s Annual Report and Accounts will also be published at this time.

Councillor Susan Williams

The Board meets approximately 9 times a year and has 9 formal committees and sub-committees.


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June 09 NWDA J5-18

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