Business Plan 2007-2008
Contents 1
Strategic Priorities 2007-08
Regional Influence and Partner Relations
Targets 2007-08
Business Plan 2007-08 The Business Plan sets out the Northwest Regional Development Agency’s (NWDA) strategic objectives, key activities and resources for 2007-08. It is focused on delivery of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES) and its transformational actions (TAs), which are highlighted. The NWDA Board has approved £420.9 million for 200708 programme expenditure investment. Detailed internal plans and evaluation arrangements for the Agency’s Directorates are in place to guide the delivery of the priorities set out in the Business Plan. We welcome your feedback on the plan.
Steven Broomhead Chief Executive
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Bryan Gray Chairman
Northwest Regional Development Agency Board and Executive The Board
Bryan Gray MBE DL (Chairman)
Steven Broomhead, Chief Executive
Professor Sir Martin Harris CBE DL (Deputy Chairman) David Brockbank
Bernice Law, Chief Operating Officer & Deputy Chief Executive
Joseph Dwek CBE Peter Hensman Cllr Dr Pauleen Lane CBE Dave McCall Cllr John Merry Professor John Moverley OBE Vanda Murray OBE
Ian Haythornthwaite, Executive Director, Corporate Resources Mark Hughes, Executive Director, Enterprise, Innovation & Skills Peter White, Executive Director, Infrastructure & Development
Cllr Marie Rimmer CBE Anil Ruia OBE JP LLB ACA
James Berresford, Director of Tourism
Brenda Smith Cllr Mike Storey CBE Professor Maureen Williams The Board meets 11 times a year and has 9 formal committees and sub-committees.
Peter Mearns, Director of Marketing & Communications Fiona Mills, Director of HR, Organisational Change & Development Patrick White, Director of Policy
Annual Public Meeting The Agency’s annual conference and AGM will be held on 18th October 2007 at Manchester Central Convention Complex, to review our performance and contribution to the region during 2006/07. The Agency’s Annual Report and Accounts will also be available at this time.
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Strategic Priorities 2007-08 This year will see a number of significant NWDA funded projects in the region coming to fruition, including Kings Waterfront and the Cruise Liner Facility in Liverpool, and Kingsway Business Park in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. 2007-08 will also be a critical year for a number of major projects in the region and the NWDA has agreed several strategic priorities to ensure their successful delivery. On 1 April 2007 the new Business Link Northwest service became a reality. The service will provide a high-quality, consistent and targeted service for businesses. Importantly, it will seek to address the needs of individual businesses whilst also impacting positively on the regional economy through encouraging business development and growth. This will be complemented by the nationally driven business support simplification programme to reduce the range of public business support products from 3,000 to 100 by 2010. Delivery of the region’s first Internationalisation Strategy and Action Plan will stimulate the capacity of businesses to engage in the increasingly global economy, and export goods and services in key markets. Work to stimulate new business growth will continue with the launch of the Northwest Enterprise Forum and new regional business start up service. Support for key growth sectors is also a priority. This includes the start on site of mediacity:uk in Greater Manchester, which will become the hub for an international centre for media, digital and creative industries, anchored by the BBC’s relocation of 8 departments and 1,500 posts. This is also an important part of the ‘Arc of Opportunity’, from Salford through Manchester city centre to Oxford Road.
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Encouraging innovation in Northwest businesses and scientific research will also be a significant priority with measures to further increase the impact of major projects including Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus, Liverpool Science Park, Manchester Science City, the National Microsystems Packaging Centre, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Northern Way N8 research centres and Lancaster Science Park. The region’s first Climate Change Action Plan will start to be implemented this year with key projects and actions taking shape. The Agency will support partners to drive this key issue further up the agenda of all public, private and voluntary/community organisations in the region. The Agency will work with partners to deliver both the University of Cumbria and Higher Education (HE) in Burnley. Support for the implementation of the post-Leitch structures, work with partners to identify and articulate the skills needs required by priority sectors and the development of a Northwest Leadership and Management Action Plan will be key elements of the NWDA’s Skills programme. Measures to tackle the region’s significant pockets of worklessness will be taken forward by partners with Agency support. Sub-Regional Partnerships (SRPs) will continue to play a vital and enabling role in providing sub-regional evidence and prioritising the delivery of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The Agency will maintain its focus on SRPs long-term development. The Agency will also continue to support the City Regions of Manchester, Liverpool and Preston/Central Lancashire, given their capacity to drive and increase the region’s economic performance, and will respond appropriately to the emerging governance and delivery proposals from these City Regions.
The Agency’s support for spatial priorities will include a focus around completion and delivery of the West Cumbria Masterplan and the Blackpool Masterplan. Key transformational programmes including Mann Island in Liverpool, Ancoats and the Oxford Road Corridor in Manchester, and Preston City Centre will be developed. Progress reviews on the Strategic Regional Sites will be undertaken in order to prioritise future work and investment. Ongoing support for Kingsway Business Park will remain a priority. Major events will continue to provide an important opportunity to showcase the region’s strengths. The Agency will work to maximise the regional opportunities and benefits of Liverpool Capital of Culture and develop a benefits framework for London 2012. To maximise the major benefits of the visitor economy, the Agency will support developments including the Chester Super Zoo Masterplan, Blackpool Renaissance proposals and the development of Lowther Castle. Developing business tourism and improving visitor information will also be a major focus for the Agency’s work. The transfer of the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) from Government Office for the Northwest (GONW) to the NWDA from 1 October 2007 will require prioritisation by the Agency to ensure we have the necessary governance structures, processes and staffing in place to deliver the new ERDF programme and to ensure its alignment to the RES.
In line with all the Regional Development Agencies, we will continue to prioritise evaluation of our programmes and impact throughout the year, as well as lead the development and delivery of the region’s Equality and Diversity Strategy with GONW and the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA). It is vital that the economic priorities set out in the RES are the definitive priorities for the region and are fully aligned with other key regional strategies. The Agency will work through the RES Advisory Group and with the NWRA to ensure that this is the case. Ministers have responded positively to the Northern Way’s focus on the three key policy priorities that will improve the North’s economic performance. These are Innovation in Industry, Transport and Private Sector Investment. The NWDA will focus on developing and delivering key pilot projects, for example on worklessness issues and the drive to deliver the Innovation in Industry projects in particular. The Agency will continue to develop high-quality people management practices and deliver on equality and diversity obligations to ensure an efficient and effective organisation in order to deliver the RES.
As with all public sector bodies, this year’s Sub-National Review and Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) will impact on the Agency’s resources. The NWDA will deliver further efficiencies in its overheads to release resources for front line programmes and to maximise investment in the region.
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Strategic Priorities 2007-08
Business To achieve the vision set out in the RES, the Agency will focus on developing enterprise and innovation, growing key regional sectors and the region’s strong science base, improving our international competitiveness, and improving the skills of our people - with an increased focus on sustainability. Within all of these areas we will work with and influence national and regional policy makers for the benefit of the region.
Enterprise •
Deliver Business Link Northwest as the prime access point for businesses and individuals seeking business support. (TA)
Implement the business support simplification programme with regional partners.
Launch a Northwest Enterprise Forum to provide a co-ordinated approach to promoting enterprise; complete the development of the regional enterprise policy and commence new initiatives for the delivery of start up services.
Innovation, Science and R&D •
Complete the regional Innovation Strategy and Policies Framework and implement key innovation support projects including Knowledge to Innovate and Innovation Advisers. (TA)
Support the Northwest Science Council and implement the review of major Science Fund projects. (TA)
Enable the development and delivery of major projects including Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus, Liverpool Science Park, Manchester Science City, the National Microsystems Packaging Centre, the Northern Way N8 research centres, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Lancaster Science Park. (TA)
International Competitiveness •
Deliver the region’s Internationalisation Strategy and Action Plan. (TA)
Increase inward investment support and promotion working closely with the International Business Forum and UKTI.
Develop a regional Finance for Business Strategy.
Regional Sectors •
Implement new support structures for Food and Drink, Digital and Creative, Financial and Professional Services and support RES sector/cluster activities. (TA) Develop and launch a new strategy for Manufacturing Northwest in line with the Manufacturing Action Plan. (TA) Implement the delivery of mediacity:uk, facilitating the relocation of the BBC departments in 2010 and strengthening support activities within the digital and creative sector. (TA) Deliver an updated relationship management programme with strategically important businesses in the region.
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Review, update and implement the Northwest ICT Strategy and exploit the existing ICT infrastructure to support business growth.
Sustainability, Climate Change, Sustainable Consumption and Production •
Complete the Climate Change Action Plan and agree regional carbon reduction targets. (TA)
Develop the Business Resource Efficiency and Waste (BREW) programme. (TA)
Develop and deliver resource efficiency and renewable energy initiatives, including mapping of waste recovery sites and work with Business Link Northwest in line with commitments in the Budget 2007. (TA)
Appoint the Regional Sustainability Group.
Skills and Education
People and Jobs
The skills base of the region’s workforce is critical to the economic development of the Northwest. The Agency will work closely with partners through the Regional Skills Partnership (and a potential Regional Skills Board) to address skills gaps, complement the work of other organisations and ensure that the skills needs of employers are met.
The Northwest has significant areas of economic growth, but also concentrations of worklessness and economic decline. The NWDA will continue to prioritise four key factors: developing job linkages, growing local employment, improving health and responding to population change - to address these challenges.
Job Linkages Basic Skills •
Support the Regional Worklessness Group using good practice within the region and elsewhere, including the Northern Way pilots at Knowsley, Barrow and Blackpool, and focus on engaging with and supporting economically inactive individuals to make the transition into sustainable employment. (TA)
Support the development and delivery of the City Employment Strategies for Liverpool, Manchester and Blackburn by implementing activities which increase employment rates. (TA)
Develop an enterprising culture through increasing enterprise skills, working across schools, Further Education and Higher Education.
Skills for Sectors •
Identify the skills needs required by priority sectors and work with Sector teams and Sector Skills Councils to ensure these needs are prioritised with funders and providers. (TA)
Workforce Development Local Employment •
Support development of the current workforce by influencing progression from Further Education to Higher Education and ensure the effectiveness of the National Skills Academies for the region. (TA)
Leadership and Management •
Develop robust economic investment proposals with partners to complement Housing Market Renewal (HMR) activities in the Elevate East Lancashire, Oldham and Rochdale areas. (TA)
Support the delivery of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear, to address the challenges facing employers in terms of skills needs for nuclear decommissioning, energy production, potential new-build and defence. (TA)
Complete the West Cumbria Masterplan. (TA)
Continue to deliver the Barrow Masterplan. (TA)
Support the delivery of the Blackpool Masterplan, prioritising investment decisions on key projects, and support implementation of the ReBlackpool Urban Regeneration Company’s Business Plan. (TA)
Develop and deliver key transformational programmes in Liverpool, Manchester and Preston. (TA)
Develop a Northwest Leadership and Management Action Plan, working closely with the Northern Leadership Academy. (TA)
Educational Infrastructure •
Implement the University of Cumbria and Burnley Higher Education projects. (TA)
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Strategic Priorities 2007-08
Infrastructure •
Work with partners to develop proposals for economic investment for regional growth towns including Crewe, Chester, Warrington, Lancaster and Carlisle. (TA)
Agree the NWDA’s rural policy and development plan and future rural investment priorities. (TA)
Complete the evaluation of the Market Towns Initiative (MTI) and launch a post-MTI concept with partners.
The NWDA will continue to work with partners including the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA) and GONW to ensure spatial, transport and housing priorities are aligned to the RES. The Agency will also be responding to the formal consultation to the Secretary of State’s proposed changes to the Regional Spatial Strategy. In addition, the Agency and its partners will ensure that there is appropriate employment and housing land provision and that new uses are secured for brownfield land.
Deliver the Agency’s input to implementation of strategic regional transport priorities including the Greater Manchester Congestion Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) Bid and the Merseyside Network Rail Route Utilisation Strategy.
Respond to the Regional Funding Allocation Priorities review.
Deliver a programme of support to strengthen NHS engagement with regional procurement, climate change and worklessness activities.
Population Change •
Support the delivery of the Migrant Workers Northwest Business Plan and agree the forward strategy for 5050 Vision.
Land Use
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Deliver a study of infrastructure issues and constraints for the region and develop a programme of action to address these issues.
Complete the review of progress on Strategic Regional Sites and prepare a forward programme for prioritised investment. (TA)
Complete the Newlands 2 site selection process and progress delivery of the REVIVE land regeneration programme in Cheshire.
Agree and implement a revised approach to land regeneration activity.
Quality of Life The Northwest’s quality of life is one of the region’s major strengths with three key priorities for the Agency to focus on - developing our culture and image, improving the environment and developing the sense of community in the region.
Community •
Agree RENEW’s investment and sustainability strategy to realise its objective as the leading Regional Centre of Excellence for Regeneration in England.
Complete the Northwest Voluntary Sector Strategy and develop the Action Plan.
Culture & Image •
Deliver a targeted national and international programme of awareness-raising and perceptionchanging messages about the region’s credentials as a place to visit and invest in. Implement key major events in 2007 including Manchester International Festival and the Turner Prize, and support plans for Blackpool, Liverpool Biennial and Cheshire’s Year of Gardens. Prepare the benefits framework for London 2012 including the Regional Legacy Framework/Action Plan, a series of Roadshows to communicate the London 2012 message in the Northwest, and develop the Northwest Skills and Volunteering plan and final Training Camp facilities.
Implement a range of measures to maximise the regional opportunities of European Capital of Culture 2008. (TA)
Develop Sport and Outdoor sector strategies through mapping and action planning, outlining future development priorities.
Establish a Regional Visitor Economy Forum and agree a Visitor Economy policy.
Implement a marketing plan to increase the region’s share of Business Tourism.
Agree the Chester Zoo Masterplan Agency and targeted investment proposals for delivery. (TA)
Support the delivery of development proposals for Lowther Castle, including key funding submissions to the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery. (TA)
Environment •
Prepare a strategic framework document for regional parks and confirm targeted investment to help delivery of the Regional Parks Capacity Programme.
Encourage measures to implement good design in the region including the Design Review, Sustainable Buildings Policy and launch of the Design Champions Network.
Support the launch of the Lake District Partnership. (TA)
Deliver the Northwest Natural Economy programme. (TA)
Deliver a broad range of key public realm actions to contribute to the ‘improving places’ agenda. (TA)
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Regional Influence and Partner Relations The Agency will provide economic leadership for the region and work closely with its key partners to ensure effective delivery of the RES.
• •
Complete the RES Baseline Report and Transformational Actions Update Report to influence regional thinking. Start preparations for the RES 2009 by agreeing evidence base with the RES advisory group and economic forecasts with SRPs. Complete an assessment of the 25 RES factors in each of the key locations mentioned in the RES. Complete the review of Year 1 actions in the Northwest Equality and Diversity Strategy and develop the work programme for Year 2. Arrange a regional event to report back on progress.
Work with the emerging proposals for Liverpool plc (the amalgamation of Liverpool Land Development Company, Business Liverpool and Liverpool Vision) and establish appropriate Agency involvement with the new body.
Europe •
Implement key actions for development of the new European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Structural Fund (ESF) programme aligned to the RES, including submission of the ERDF programme to DCLG and the EU and the Agency’s response to the 2nd draft ESF Regional Framework. Agree the necessary governance structures, processes and staffing required to enable the Agency to deliver the new ERDF and the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE).
National Policy/CSR
Regional Research
Reinforce the Agency’s relationships with key departments e.g. HM Treasury, DTI, Department for Communities and Local Government, to ensure key issues requiring regional influencing are dealt with effectively - including the CSR 2007 outcomes. Deliver effective responses on behalf of the region on consultation documents and White Papers such as the Planning White Paper, Rail White Paper and the Government’s response to the Eddington Report.
Corporate Performance The Agency will focus on delivering efficiency and value for money across all of its activities.
SRPs, Local Authorities, HMRs and URCs
Ensure regional programmes in the Agency’s Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) are developed working with SRPs to deliver maximum benefit for the sub-regions. Complete a review of the 2006/07 Sub-Regional Action Plan process including a review of Memorandum of Understandings and SRP performance management and communications processes. Review Agency engagement with Housing Market Renewal (HMR) and ensure that HMR scheme updates are submitted.
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Deliver the Research Strategy, including delivery of the RES 2009 evidence base. Review the Regional Observatory function, launch the new Extranet and deliver a series of network events.
• •
Deliver the NWDA targets as agreed with the DTI, including the remaining Northern Way projects. Publish an updated Corporate Plan following the CSR 2007 announcement. Deliver the programme management pilot and enhance the Agency’s approach to evaluation of projects and programmes. Contribute to the scrutiny reports produced by the North West Regional Assembly on Skills, People and Jobs, Infrastructure and SRPs. Deliver further efficiencies in the Agency’s overheads to release resources for front line programmes. Ensure that the NWDA delivers its element of the Northwest Equality and Diversity Action Plan and delivers on its own corporate social responsibilities.
Resources RES Priority
2007-08 ÂŁm
Programme Programme Delivery Business Skills People and Jobs Infrastructure Quality of Life Regional Research Legacy
Programme Total Business Costs
Total Expenditure
10.7 128.8 16.4 147.0 49.3 44.9 1.0 22.8
420.9 45.7
The planned expenditure will be funded from the following income streams:
Funding Source
Core Funding received from Government Clawback Disposal of Assets PPP Drawdown PPP Loan Notes & Partnership Profit EU Funding Coalfields Funding Other Income Rents
Total Income
2007-08 ÂŁm 398.4 18.2 11.6 10.0 4.1 7.7 5.9 8.5 2.2
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Targets 2007/08 Northwest Regional Development Agency - Output Targets 2007/08 The Agency’s approved Corporate Plan presented firm output targets for 2005/06 and indicative targets for the subsequent two years. The Plan stated that future indicative targets would be subject to review, modification and submission for revised approval in accordance with previous practice. Revised targets for 2007/08 are presented in the table below. These are currently being agreed with DTI but as a minimum NWDA will deliver the following outputs.
No. of jobs created or safeguarded
No. of people assisted to gain employment
No. of businesses created
No. of businesses assisted
No. of businesses assisted to collaborate with UK knowledge base
£M of public and private investment levered (i) Total £M (ii) proportion of private leverage
320 37%
Ha. of brownfield land reclaimed or redeveloped
No. of people assisted in skills
No. of adults gaining Level 2 qualifications
No. of adults gaining basic skills
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Regional Economic Strategy 2006
Regional Funding Allocations: The Advice of the Northwest Region
Northwest Science Strategy 2007 - 2010
Who We Are and What We Do 2006
Climate Change Action Plan 2006
Tourism Strategy 2003 - 2010
315o - The NWDA Magazine February 2007
Pocket Databank January 2007
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April 2007 NWDA H4-03