Climate Change Action Plan - Implementation Progress Sheet
Last Update: 15/05/07
No Progress/Progress Unreported Planning Stage/Awaiting Approval/Pre-CCAP Activity Activity Undergoing Delivery/Activity Delivered
Action No./Lead/ Description 1.1 NWRA
Activity Lead(s)
1.2 NWRA
Consultancy Project: Delivery of Northwest GHG emissions and renewable energy generation targets (see also Action 1.2)
• Consultancy project underway • Targets workshop pending • DTi have provided £20k from the Regional Energy Strategy & Development budget
Regional energy data collection and modelling, in order to assist with programme design, tracking and policy design (Through the Joule Centre) Consultancy Project: Delivery of Northwest GHG emissions and renewable energy generation targets (see also Action 1.1)
• Delivered (Sebastian Carney, Manchester
Undertake a programme of research to develop the evidence base for prioritising future regional policies and actions including: • Improve regional energy data-sets to monitor progress of the Action Plan and to develop robust regional energy balance forecasting tools
Description of Activity
• Develop viable regional/local targets for greenhouse gas emissions and uptake of renewable energy generation
• Consultancy project underway • Targets workshops pending • DTi have provided £20k from the Regional Energy Strategy & Development budget • Proforma pending
1.3 NWCG • Develop a range of regional climate change scenarios and undertake a climate impact assessment of key regional public & business sectors 1.4 NWCG
• Study on the Perceptions of Climate Change
within the Northwest Region (Action 6.1) will inform this • Surveys complete • Final report due shortly
• Review and supplement national market research on the perception of climate change issues and methods to influence behaviour change for use in the communications strategy (see Action 14). 2 NWRA
• Consultants appointed to develop web-based sustainability checklist for developments. • Training in the use of the IAT is being actively delivered by the NWRA to subregional and local stakeholders • Proforma submitted
Develop and deploy existing tools, criteria and regionally specific guidance to ensure that all regional and local plans, strategies and policies have sustainable energy and climate change impacts at their core. 3 ENWORKS
Realise a ‘step change’ in the effectiveness of regional and national business support organisations to deliver clear, coordinated advice & support to business on resource and energy efficiency, sustainable transport planning and climate change risks & opportunities. /mnt/conversion/splitting/101104204450-b04d8877e4184f71a389721f2eea43a6.file 4.1 NWEC Undertake scoping studies to assess future regional risks,
Funding Request: Continuation of the ENWORKS Programme – Funding ceases in 2007 and this successful programme needs to be continued and expanded
• E,I&S have submitted £6m funding request
Funding Request Submitted
• Proforma pending • E,I&S have submitted £200k funding request
• NWDA are working with ENWORKS to develop a programme which will extend and expand the current ENWORKS model and integrate it within the developing Business Link IDB
Key: NWDA = Infrastructure NWDA* = E,I&S