Northwest Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) - Implementation Progress Key:
No Progress/Progress Unreported Planning Stage/Awaiting Approval/Pre-CCAP Activity Activity Undergoing Delivery/Activity Delivered
Action No./Lead/ Description 1.1 NWRA
Activity Lead(s) NWRA
Description of Activity Consultancy Project: Delivery of Northwest GHG emissions and renewable energy generation targets (see also Action 1.2)
• Final tender document issued 05/01/2007 • DTi have provided £20k from the Regional Energy Strategy & Development budget
• Improve regional energy data-sets to monitor progress of the Action Plan and to develop robust regional energy balance forecasting tools
Funding Request: Regional energy data collection and modelling, in order to assist with programme design, tracking and policy design
• E,I&S have submitted £200K funding request
1.2 NWRA
Consultancy Project: Delivery of Northwest GHG emissions and renewable energy generation targets (see also Action 1.1)
• Final tender document issued 05/01/2007 • DTi have provided £20k from the Regional Energy Strategy & Development budget
Consultancy Project: Study on the Perceptions of Climate Change within the Northwest Region
• GONW have issued revised draft tender specification • GONW are leading the project but Tendering progressing through NWDA channels • Tender sent out to Panel (11th Jan 2007) • Project to be delivered by 31st March 2007
Funding Request: Continuation of the ENWORKS Programme – Funding ceases in 2007 and this successful programme needs to be continued and expanded
• E,I&S have submitted £8m funding request • NWDA are working with ENWORKS to develop a programme which will extend and expand the current ENWORKS model and integrate it
Undertake a programme of research to develop the evidence base for prioritising future regional policies and actions including:
• Develop viable regional/local targets for greenhouse gas emissions and uptake of renewable energy generation
1.3 NWCG • Develop a range of regional climate change scenarios and undertake a climate impact assessment of key regional public & business sectors 1.4 NWCG • Review and supplement national market research on the perception of climate change issues and methods to influence behaviour change for use in the communications strategy (see Action 14).
2 NWRA Develop and deploy existing tools, criteria and regionally specific guidance to ensure that all regional and local plans, strategies and policies have sustainable energy and climate change impacts at their core. 3 ENWORKS Realise a ‘step change’ in the effectiveness of regional and national business support organisations to deliver clear, co-ordinated advice & support to business on resource and energy efficiency, sustainable transport
Key: NWDA = Infrastructure NWDA* = E,I&S
Additional Programmes Actions agreed by DEA with DTI for Regional Energy Budget deployment (2006/07) 6
A programme of workshops for Local Authority Officers, Planners, Housing Association Managers, Developers and others to encourage community renewable and microgeneration projects. These will seek to break down barriers to the uptake of low carbon technology options, particularly in the light of forthcoming changes to the planning regime, and will assist in the implementation of the renewable policies in the NW RSS, due for adoption in Autumn 2007.
Domestic Energy Alliance (incorporating GONW, NWRA, HEON, NEA and NW EEACs).
Programme devised and developed Dec 2006 – Jan 2007, delivered Feb-March 2007.
Purchase and NW adaptation Jan 2007. Roll out to Local Authorities and staff training Feb 2007. Usage from March 2007 onwards.
Collection of NW case study material and best practice guidance Dec 2006 – Jan 2007. Creation of new web portal and linkages to Carbon Connection and Microgeneration Directory Feb – March 2007.
Workshop delivery by Renewables NW.
The programme will be an integral part of long term actions to improve take up of renewable technologies agreed in the NW Climate Change Action Plan. 1 2
Purchase Home Energy Officer Network targeting toolkit, devised in Eastern region and adapted for North West, to enable Local Authorities, EEACs and others to identify and reach the fuel poor and those suitable for advice on energy efficiency and microgeneration issues.
Domestic Energy Alliance (incorporating GONW, NWRA, HEON, NEA and NW EEACs).
Once purchased, NW Local Authorities will be responsible for management of the toolkit, including staff training and maintenance costs. 2
Improved access to energy efficiency and renewable energy NW information for Local Authorities, Developers, Housing Association Managers, SMEs and other stakeholders, by linking the Carbon Connection database (incorporating energy policy, advice on technologies and case studies) with the Microgeneration Directory (business contacts). The project will also include a new portal for domestic energy practitioners, and the cost will include regional promotion of the new resource to all stakeholders. Future maintenance and development of the information resource is expected to be supported from a variety of sources, including NWDA and (potentially) the Sustainable Energy Network to be eastablished in the NW.
Domestic Energy Alliance (incorporating GONW, NWRA, HEON, NEA and NW EEACs). Input also from Renewables NW.