Northwest Development Agency
PreQualification Questionnaire NWDA00292 Daresbury Building 3
RETURN DATE FOR SUBMISSION Not later than 12 noon on 15th May 2009
23rd April 2009
NOTES FOR BIDDERS................................................................................................3
THE PROJECT............................................................................................................. 3
GENERAL INFORMATION..........................................................................................4
IMPORTANT INFORMATION......................................................................................5
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION....................................................................................6
BIDDER SELECTION PROCESS................................................................................7
STAGE 1 PREQUALIFICATION STAGE.....................................................................7
STAGE 1 SELECTION PROCESS...............................................................................7
BIDDERS COSTS........................................................................................................9
INDICATIVE TIMETABLE...........................................................................................10
Appendices APPENDIX 1 – PQQ EVALUATION CRITERIA…………………………………………………………………………11 APPENDIX 2 COMPLIANCE CHECK.........................................................................................20 APPENDIX 3 – MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS........................................................................29 APPENDIX 4 – TECHNICAL CAPABILITY...................................................................................35
Daresbury Building 3 1.0
The Project: 1.1.1
Background Information: Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus was inaugurated in September 2006 by the former Science and Innovation Minister, Lord Sainsbury. The Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus was developed in order to create an internationally recognised community of scientific, innovation and entrepreneurial excellence. Following on from the success of the existing Innovation Centre, growon space is now required for successful companies in the Innovation Centre to expand and move into larger premises and start the next stage of their companies’ development. This growon space is to be provided by this project.
Project Requirements: The site development will entail the provision of new site infrastructure and services, car parking and good quality structural landscaping together with approximately 3500 Sq m (37,000 Sq ft) (Net lettable) high quality office / technical office accommodation. The external aesthetic quality of the office building, car parking and landscaped areas is particularly important. Internal office area finishes are to be high quality to meet the latest occupier expectations. The design and material specifications must meet with the requirements of the NWDA’s “Sustainable Buildings Policy” and the NWDA’s Key Performance Indicators; Carbon footprint / Water / Waste. The design must also achieve an “Excellent BREEAM rating, whilst providing accommodation that is both efficient to use and maintain. Renewable energy sources should also be explored with a view to reducing carbon emissions. The aim of the facility is to provide flexible floor plates to accommodate a variety of room sizes but with the ability to let complete floor plates or “wings” as tenants expand. Particular attention is to be made to the provision of layout of services to allow for this flexibility. The building is to comprise of both office and technical offices at ground floor, with flexible office space at first and second floors.
The above information is to provide the bidders with the NWDA’s design intent and the successful bidders invited into the tender process, will be provided with a detailed specification / requirement’s documentation for the project.
Daresbury Building 3 1.2
General information: Thank you for responding to the Expression of Interest for the selection of preferred Bidders. The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist in deciding which Bidders are to be shortlisted and invited to participate in the D&B tender for the Daresbury Building 3 development. The Northwest Development Agency (NWDA) is the landowner. The NWDA needs and requirements in relation to the contract are as set out in the OJEU contract notice 2009/S 78112121. The procurement process for the contract will follow the ‘ACCELERATED RESTRICTED” procedure as outlined in Regulation 16 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No. 5). This is a procedure in which the following stages will apply: Stage 1 PreQualification stage: All those bidders expressing an interest to participate will be evaluated and a shortlist will be invited to participate in the 2 stage D&B tender process. Stage 2 – Competitive Tender Stage: Shortlisted Bidders ( minimum of 5 bidders will be shortlisted for tender) following the prequalification stage will be invited to participate in the tender. Following conclusion of the competitive tender stage – The successful company will join the client’s project team, bringing their own designers to prepare the detailed design and procure the works packages. More details about in the tender procedure are set out in this document. Bidders should answer all questions as accurately and concisely as possible. Where a question is not applicable to the Bidders organisation, this should be indicated, with an explanation. Questions and any supporting information should be answered in English and must be completed in a form to correspond with the same numbering and order as in the questionnaire, with the text being “Tahoma” and no smaller than 11 point. Bidders wishing to register their interest need to complete the PQQ and submit 2 hard copies and 4 CD copies of the Stage 1 PQQ submission to Tender Board, Northwest Development Agency, Renaissance House, Centre Park Warrington, WA1 1QN not later than the deadline of 12:00 noon on 15 th May 2009. Submissions shall be clearly marked with the reference NWDA00292, and the OJEU reference. It must not identify the Bidder’s organisation. Bidders are asked to fully comply with the instructions at the front of the PQQ. Late submissions will not be accepted, unless there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate their intended delivery, via recorded or registered post. Bidders are referred to the timetable for the tender process as set in the following pages. Failure to furnish the required information, make a satisfactory response to any question or supply documentation referred to in responses, within the specified timescale may mean that Bidders will not be invited to participate further. Any queries about this questionnaire should be emailed to the Agency’s Procurement Department, (marked for the attention of Jane Daniels) In the event that none of the responses are deemed satisfactory, the NWDA reserves the right to consider alternative procurement options.
Daresbury Building 3 For the avoidance of doubt, neither the OJEU Contract Notice; and / or this PQQ; or any related document referred to therein, constitutes an offer and the NWDA do not undertake to accept any response.
Important information: This PQQ is being made available by the NWDA to those persons who have expressed an interest to participate in the process of selecting a single Contractor for the Daresbury Building 3 site, at Daresbury Science & Innovation Campus, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire. The information contained in this PQQ, and all other information made available at any time to the Bidders or their advisors by or on behalf of the NWDA is supplied on the basis that the Bidders will keep such information confidential at all times and that such information will be used only for the purpose of participating in the bidding for the Daresbury Building 3 site. Information provided by the NWDA, or their officers, employees, agents or advisers (‘Connected Persons’) to interested parties will be given in good faith, but Bidders will have to make their own investigations and interpretations as to its veracity, and no liability will be accepted by the Partners or any Connected Persons for the accuracy of completeness (whether or not within this PQQ). No information contained in this PQQ or any other written or oral information made available to any Bidder or its advisers shall form the basis for any warranty, representation or term of any contract by the NWDA with any third party. Only the express terms of any written contract relating to the subject matter of this PQQ as and when it is executed and completed by all relevant parties shall have any contractual effect in connection with the matters to which it relates. Nothing in this PQQ is, or should be relied on, as a promise or representation as to the future intentions of the NWDA. The NWDA reserve the right to change the procurement process or any of the proposal or information in relation to the Daresbury Building 3 site, to reject any or all bids and to terminate discussions with any or all Bidders, and under no circumstances shall the NWDA or any Connected Person incur any liabilities in that respect. The NWDA reserve the right not to follow up this PQQ in any way or to withdraw from the procurement process and no expense incurred by any Bidder or its advisers in responding to this PQQ and the preparation of tenders will be reimbursed. The NWDA reserve the right not to award a contract for any reason. The NWDA are not bound to accept the most economically advantageous offer, or tender. The Agency will not enter into detailed discussion of the requirements at this stage. All questions must be addressed to and be received at least 5 working days before the submission date, otherwise a response cannot be guaranteed. If the Agency considers any question or request for clarification to be of material significance, both the query and the response will be communicated on the Agency`s website, in an anonymous form. It is the responsibility of Bidders to check this website for information on a regular basis
1.4Freedom of Information: The NWDA are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (together ‘FOI Law’). PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE
Daresbury Building 3 The Agency may be obliged to disclose information provided by Bidders in response to this PQQ under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all subordinate legislation made under this and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“the Freedom of Information Legislation”). Bidders should be aware that the information they provide could be disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. The Agency will proceed on the basis of disclosure unless an appropriate exemption applies. Bidders should be aware that despite the availability of some exemptions, information may still be disclosed if the public interest in its disclosure outweighs the public interest in maintaining the exemption. No response to this PQQ should be covered by a general statement regarding its overall confidentiality; instead any specific areas of confidential information should be highlighted in accordance with paragraph 3 below. The Agency accepts no liability for loss as a result of any information disclosed in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. Bidders should highlight information in their responses which they consider to be commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, and should state the precise reasons why they consider this. The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to consult with Bidders over the release of information which is highlighted by them as commercially sensitive or confidential.
2.0Bidder Selection Process 2.1
Stage 1 – PreQualification Stage:
The objective of the selection process for the Stage 1 – PreQualification stage is to assess the responses to the PQQ in accordance with The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Selection criteria will be a combination of both financial and nonfinancial factors and will consider: i)
Bidder Acceptability – Status of Bidders in relation to Regulation 23 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006, including that the NWDA shall treat as ineligible to tender a Bidder where there has been a conviction of any offence as identified in Regulation 23 (1) and they may treat a Bidder as ineligible or decide not to select a Bidder for tender in accordance with Regulation 23 (4).
Information as to economic and financial standing in relation to Regulation 24 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. The NWDA will assess whether a Bidder meets their minimum standards of economic and financial standing required in a contract of the complexity and value of the contract outlined in the OJEU contract notice, in this PQQ and related documents and information. Information should be provided as set out in the PQQ, but the NWDA reserve the right to seek supplemental or additional information and may also undertake independent financial checks and ,given the current economic climate, may require bidders to confirm that they still satisfy these requirements at final tender stage.
Information as to technical or professional ability – Status of Bidders in relation to Regulation 25 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. The NWDA will assess whether a Bidder has the relevant technical and professional ability, capacity and capability to deliver the contract.
The Bidder may also be required to supply supplementary information or clarification details in addition to that provided in accordance with Regulations, 23, 24 and 25 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006.
Daresbury Building 3 The evaluation criteria that will be used to assess PQQ submissions can be found in Appendix 1 and will be evidence based. Those Bidders who are evaluated as the most appropriate for tendering for the contract in accordance with the selection criteria and process identified in this PQQ will be invited to participate in the Stage 2, “Competitive Tender”. The NWDA is mindful that the completion of this PQQ is a stageone response to the Daresbury Building 3 site, opportunity, and that detailed design proposals are not required at this time. Bidders should therefore simply address the requirements set out in the PQQ, focussing on your company / Design team’s historical experience, ability and capacity. The shortlisted bidders ( minimum of 5 bidders will be shortlisted for tender )will be invited to progress to Stage 2 of the selection process which will require a more detailed submission and an invitation to participate in the Design & Build tender process.
Confidentiality & Conflicts of Interest:
In the interests of ensuring equality of treatment, any additional information requested during the PQQ and tendering Stage, will be provided to all interested parties. The NWDA will not provide information in a discriminatory manner, which may give some Bidders an advantage over others. Where there is any indication that a conflict of interest exists or may arise, then it shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to inform the Agency, detailing the conflict in writing as an attachment to this PQQ and how the bidder proposes to overcome that cofnlict to enable delivery of the requirements. The Agency will be the final arbiter in cases of potential conflicts of interest. Failure to notify the Agency of any potential conflict of interest will invalidate any verbal or written agreement A Conflict of interest is where a person who is involved in the procurement has or may be perceived to have a personal interest in ensuring that a particular supplier is successful. Actual and potential conflicts of interest must be declared by a person involved in a tender process.
4.0Bidders Costs: Bidders must bear all of their own costs and expenses relating to their expression of interest, participation in the PQQ and Design & Build stage. Neither the NWDA nor any of their officers, employees, agents or advisors shall be liable for any such costs and expenses whether or not the procurement proceeds.
5.0Indicative Timetable: Milestone Issue PQQ Deadline for submission of completed PQQs
Period/ Date 23rd April 2009 15th May 2009(12:00 noon)
Dispatch of tender documentation for participation in
w/c 22nd June 2009 Design and Build, to Bidders shortlisted for Tender Tender return date 10th July 2009 Evaluation of tender submissions (including 24th July 2009 clarification, fine tuning of tender submissions) and PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE
Daresbury Building 3 selection of Preferred Bidder to work up detailed design Conclusion of Contract sum for the contract based upon the value of the works packages Post bid clarification with Successful Tenderer Contract with Successful Bidder
w/c 16th October 2009 w/c 23rd October 2009 w/c 2nd November 2009
Daresbury Building 3
Appendix 1 PQQ Evaluation Criteria Daresbury Building 3
The following schedule sets out the basis of evaluation of the responses to the PQQ to ensure that PQQs will be evaluated consistently and objectively. The schedule identifies and the Weightings for each section The scoring matrix is located at the end of this Appendix
Daresbury Building 3 PQQ Evaluation Criteria for Daresbury Building 3 R
Appendix 2 Compliance Check 2
PQQ Submission Information
For Information Purposes Only
Basic details your organisation
For Information Purposes Only
The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 Questionnaire
P Pass – Comply with Regulations a Fail – Do not Comply with Regulations s s / F a il
Appendix 3 Mandatory Requirements
Daresbury Building 3 3
Financial information 3.1.2 Annual turnover for the last three years 3.1.2 Audited accounts for the last three years 3.1.3 Interim Statements or other announcements since last annual accounts 3.1.4 Subsequent circumstances or events since last annual accounts 3.1.5 Statement of trading position 3.1.6 Ultimate holding company guarantee
Banking Facilities & Funding Arrangements
Banking Details
Insurance 3.3.1 Certificate of Professional Indemnity Insurance 3.3.2 Certificate of Public and Employers Liability Insurance
P a s s / F a il
Detailed financial assessment will be based on information provided by bidders. The information will be assessed on a risk based opinion as to whether a company has sufficient financial standing and capacity and deemed credit worthy on the NWDA credit checking system. The contract value should be no greater than 25% of the main bidder annual turnover. The Auditor’s opinion in the Report to the Accounts must be unqualified
For information purposes only P a s s / F a il
Insurance copies of certificates including bidders current indemnity levels will be required, prior to commencement of the contract.
Daresbury Building 3 Appendix 4 Technical Capability 4
Technical provision (experience and track record)
Low or Zero Carbon Experience
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Water Management Experience
Sustainable Waste Management Experience
Environmental Standards
1 5
Design Excellence
1 0
Construction Quality
1 0
Risk Management
Constructing Excellence
Employment and Training
W ei g ht in g
Total Score
Daresbury Building 3 4
Quality assurance / quality management 4.2.1 Recognised Quality Management System
Key Performance Indictors (KPIs) 4.3.1 KPI performance assessment results
Health and Safety 4.4.1 Health and Safety Policy 4.4.2 Contact 4.4.3 Competent Advisor 4.4.4 Senior Executive Responsible 4.4.5 Accident Reporting 4.4.6 Enforcement Notices
P a s s/ F ai l
Equal Opportunities 4.5.1 Diversity and inclusion 4.5.2 Unlawful discrimination 4.5.3 Commission for Racial Equality 4.5.4 Findings of investigations 4.5.5 Copy of Equal Opportunities Policy
CHAS or equivalent
Daresbury Building 3 4
Environmental / Sustainability policy 4.6.1 Environmental / Sustainability Policy Statement 4.6.2 Environmental Management System Certificate
References 4.7.1 Provision of References
Daresbury Building 3
Evaluation Matrix for Technical Capability Selection Process
Scoring Principles
Rejected / Poor – Evidence is unacceptable or nonexistent, or the relevant evidence require the reviewer to make assumptions, or there is a failure to properly address any issues.
Satisfactory – The evidence is acceptable, but with some minor reservations. The response deals only with processes and little output evidence is provided.
Good – The standard of evidence fully meets expectations.
Outstanding – The standard of evidence is excellent and usefully exceeds the agency’s requirements.
Daresbury Building 3
Appendix 2 Compliance Check
Daresbury Building 3
Bidders should respond to the following questions in the various Appendices by completing the questionnaires contained within this section and provide information and evidence where requested: 2.1 2.2 2.3
List of enclosures / attachements check list PQQ submission information Basic details of your organisation The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 questionnaire
Daresbury Building 3 List of enclosures / attachments: Please confirm that you have completed all the sections within this PQQ, and where appropriate, that you have enclosed the relevant information with your completed submission: Appendix 2
Completed (Yes / No)
Enclosed (Yes / No)
Appendix 2: Compliance Check 2.1
PQQ submission information
Basic details of your organisation
2.3 The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 questionnaire
Appendix 3: Mandatory Requirements 3.1
Financial information
Annual turnover for the last three years
Audited accounts for the last three years
Interim Statements or other announcements since last annual accounts
3.1.4 Subsequent circumstances or events since last annual accounts 3.1.5 Statement of trading position 3.1.6 Ultimate holding company guarantee 3.1.7
Statement of cash flow forecast for the current Year
3.2 Banking Facilities and Funding Arrangements: 3.2.1 Banking Details
Daresbury Building 3 Appendix 2
Certificate of Professional Indemnity Insurance
Certificate of Public and Employers Liability Insurance
Completed (Yes / No)
Enclosed (Yes / No)
Completed (Yes / No)
Enclosed (Yes / No)
Appendix 4: Technical Capability 4.1
Technical provision (experience and track record)
Low or Zero Carbon Experience
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Water Management Experience
Sustainable Waste Management Experience
Environmental Standards
Design Excellence
Construction Quality
Risk Management
Constructing Excellence
4.1.10 Employment and Training 4.2
Quality assurance / quality management
Quality Management Certificate
Quality Management System Overview
Key Performance Indictors (KPIs)
Key Performance Indicator assessment results over the past three years
Appendix 2 4.4
Health and Safety
Daresbury Building 3 4.4.1
Health and Safety Policy
4.4.2 Contact 4.4.3 Responsible Advisor 4.4.4 Senior Executive Responsible 4.4.5 Accident Reporting 4.4.6 Enforcement Notices 4.5
Equal Opportunities
Diversity & Inclusion
4.5.2 Unlawful discrimination 4.5.3 Commission for Racial Equality 4.5.4 Findings of investigations 4.5.5 Copy of Equal Opportunities Policy 4.6
Environmental / Sustainability policy
Environmental / Sustainability Policy Statement
Environmental Management System Certificate
4.7 References
Daresbury Building 3 2.1
PQQ submission information: Name of the organisation for which this PQQ has been completed: Contact name for enquiries about this PQQ submission: Contact position (Job Title): Address: Post Code: Telephone number: Fax number: Email address:
This form has been completed by (name): Position (Job Title): Telephone number: I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted in this PQQ (and any supporting modules) are correct. I understand that the information will be used in the evaluation process to assess my organisation’s suitability to be invited to tender for the NWDA’s requirement (please complete the attached list of enclosures/attachments). Signature: Date:
Daresbury Building 3 2.2 Basic details of your organisation: Contact name for enquiries about your organisation: Contact position (Job Title): Address: Post Code: Fax number: Email address: Website: Company Registration number (if applicable): Date of Registration: Registered address if different from the above: VAT Registration Number: Is your organisation: (Please tick one) i) a public limited company? ii) a limited company? iii) a partnership iv) a sole trader v) other (please specify) Name of (ultimate) parent company (if applicable): Company’s House Registration number of parent company (if applicable): Construction and related businesses only: Are you registered with ‘Constructionline’? If ‘yes’, what is your registration
Daresbury Building 3 number? What are the main business activities of the organisation including those relevant to the project? How many staff does your organisation employ? Please state the trades/ works your company proposes to sublet to sub contractors. Please give details of proposed sub contractors if known at this stage.
Daresbury Building 3 2.3
The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 Any contractor may be excluded from participation in accordance with Regulation 23 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Please complete the questionnaire below to confirm if any of the circumstances as set out in The Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2006 Regulation 23, apply to your company: SUMMARY OF INELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS PROVIDED BY REGULATION 23 OF THE PUBLIC CONTRACTS REGULATIONS 2006 (SI 2006 No: 5)
Answer : Yes / No
1) The NWDA shall treat as ineligible and shall not select an economic operator in accordance with these Regulations if NWDA has actual knowledge that the economic operator or its directors or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the economic operator has been convicted of any of the following offences: a. conspiracy within the meaning of section 1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 (a) where that conspiracy relates to participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 (1) of Council Joint Action 98/733/JHA (b).; b. corruption within the meaning of section 1 of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 (c) or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906 (d); c.
the offence of bribery;
d. fraud, where the offence relates to fraud affecting the financial interests of the European Communities as defined by Article 1 of the Convention relating to the protection of the financial interests of the European Union, within the meaning of:
the offence of cheating the Revenue;
the offence of conspiracy to defraud;
fraud or theft within the meaning of the Theft Act 1968 (a) and the Theft Act 1978 (b);
fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985;
defrauding the Customs within the meaning of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (d) and the Value Added Tax Act 1994 (e);
an offence in connection with taxation in the European Community within the meaning of section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 (f); or,
vii .
destroying, defacing or concealing of documents or procuring the extension of a valuable security within the meaning of section 20 of the Theft Act 1968;
money laundering within the meaning of the Money Laundering
Daresbury Building 3 Regulations 2003 (g); or, f.
any other offence within the meaning of Article 45 (1) of the Public Sector Directive as defined by the national law of any relevant State.
2) The NWDA may treat an economic operator as ineligible or decide not to select an economic operator in accordance with the PCR 2006 Regulations on one or more of the following grounds, namely that the economic operator: a.
being an individual is bankrupt or has had a receiving order or administration order or bankruptcy restrictions order made against him or has made any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of his creditors or has made any conveyance or assignment for the benefit of his creditors or appears unable to pay, or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay, a debt with the meaning of section 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (h), or is the subject of a petition presented for sequestration of his estate, or is the subject of any similar procedure under the law of any other state;
being a company or any other entity within the meaning of section 255 of the Enterprise Act 2002 (a) has passed a resolution or is the subject of an order by the court for the company’s winding up otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation, or has had a receiver, manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor appointed in respect of the company’s business or any part thereof or is subject of the above procedures or is the subject of similar procedures under the law of any other state;
has been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of his business or profession;
has committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of his business or profession;
has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the economic operator is established;
has not fulfilled obligations to the payment of taxes under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the economic operator is established;
is guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any information required of him under this regulation;
in relation to procedures for the award of a public services contract, is not licensed in the relevant State in which he is established or is not a member of an organisation in that relevant State when the law of that relevant State prohibits the provision of the services to be provided under the contract by a person who is not so licensed or who is not such a member.
If you have answered yes to any of the above, please provide us with further details: The NWDA may seek evidence at a later date, in confirmation of your answer.
Daresbury Building 3
Appendix 3 – Mandatory Requirements
Daresbury Building 3
Bidders should respond to the following questions by completing the questionnaires contained within this section and by enclosing the relevant information where requested: 3.1 3.2 3.3
Financial Information Banking Facilities & Funding Arrangements Insurance
Daresbury Building 3 3.1
Financial information:
Please provide the annual turnover of your organisation for the last three years. If your organisation is part of a group, please give figures for both your own organisation and the ultimate holding company.
Organisation (please name): Annual Turnover
For Year
Annual Turnover
For Year
Annual Turnover
For Year
Ultimate Holding Company (please name):
Annual Consolidated Turnover
For Year
Annual Consolidated Turnover
For Year
Annual Consolidated Turnover
For Year
Please enclose a set of your last three full (unabbreviated) audited accounts and those of the holding and ultimate parent company (if applicable). If the above information has not been enclosed, please explain why and detail what alternative information will be made available.
Please provide any interim statements, preliminary announcements, trading statements or profit warnings published since the last accounts. This information must be provided for the specific legal entity which will enter the contract if successful and on a consolidated basis for the ultimate holding company, if applicable. Please also provide a separate statement showing your company’s turn over that directly relates to the provision of D & B services for the last 3 years and for the period that you have been trading if less than 3 years. If the above information has not been enclosed, please explain why and detail what alternative information will be made available.
Please give details of any subsequent circumstances or events since the latest annual accounts which have had a material impact on the understanding of your financial status (or confirmation there are none). This must include, but should not be limited to: change of ownership/control, corporate refinancing, substantial acquisitions or disposals, potentially significant litigation or threatened litigation, and (if part of a wider corporate group) circumstances having a material impact on the understanding of the financial position of the group as a whole.
Daresbury Building 3 3.1.5
Please give a statement of your trading position in the period since the last annual accounts.
If you are part of a wider corporate group, please provide a statement confirming that the ultimate holding company will guarantee your obligations under the contract if it is successful. The guarantee must be in a form approved by the NWDA and this will be set out in the ITT. A statement only is required at this stage.
3.2 3.2.1
Banking Facilities / Funding Arrangements: Please give details of your Bankers: Name
Branch Address: Account Name: Number of years account has been open: Please provide any other information that the Bidder considers may be useful to enable a proper understanding of its financial status.
Policy Insurer Indemnity Value (£) Self Insured Amount Please provide details of your organisation’s insurance protection in respect of professional indemnity cover, which should be not less than £15m for each and every claim.
Please enclose a copy of the relevant professional indemnity insurance certificate. If the above information has not been enclosed, please confirm that the appropriate level will be in place prior to contract commencement.
Daresbury Building 3 3.3.2
Please provide details of your current Public and Employers Liability Insurance cover Value which should not be less than £20m for each and every claim: Employer’s Liability
Public Liability
Please enclose a copy of the relevant Public and Employers Liability Insurance certificate. If the above information has not been enclosed, please confirm that the appropriate level will be in place prior to contract commencement.
Other (please provide details):
Daresbury Building 3
Appendix 4 Technical Capability
Daresbury Building 3
Bidders should respond to the following questions by completing the questionnaires contained within this section and by enclosing the relevant information where requested: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
Technical provision (experience and track record) Quality assurance / Quality management Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) Health & Safety Equal Opportunities Environmental / Sustainability Policy References
Daresbury Building 3
Daresbury Building 3
Technical provision (experience and track record) For the following questions, please provide the relevant details of your experience and track record. This should be submitted in a separate / standalone document and marked “Daresbury Building 3 site”: Technical provision (experience and track record)”. The name of your organisation should be clearly indicated on the front cover of your document. This document should contain a response to each question in the following format:
an outline statement per question;
a minimum of one case study (maximum of three) citing past experience and any
lessons learned (your company / consortium’s involvement should be clearly stated); a maximum of one sheet of A4 text and three sheets of A4 pictures / plans /
photographs per question. Questions should be answered in English and must be completed in a form to correspond with the same numbering and order as in the questionnaire, with the text being “Tahoma” and no smaller than 11 point. The NWDA’s Sustainable Buildings Policy can be found on the Agencies website 4.1.1
Low or Zero Carbon Experience – The requirement for Daresbury Building 3 site, is to meet the requirements of the NWDA’s Sustainable Buildings Policy. Please therefore provide evidence to demonstrate how your company has previously engaged with the low or zero carbon agenda, including innovative ideas and any lessons that you have learned.
Renewable Energy – The requirement for Daresbury Building 3 site is to meet the requirements of the NWDA’s Sustainable Buildings Policy. Please provide evidence and examples of projects where successful delivery of renewables was achieved. Include examples of the differing technologies used, along with any innovative ideas and lessons learned.
Sustainable Water Management Experience – The requirement for Daresbury Building 3 site is to meet the requirements of the NWDA’s Sustainable Buildings Policy. Please therefore provide evidence of your company’s experience of sustainable water management, for example, measures to reduce potable water consumption, Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SUDs). Please include any experience you have had of using waste management tools and techniques.
Daresbury Building 3 4.1.4
Sustainable Waste Management Experience – The requirement for Daresbury Building 3 site is to meet the requirements of the NWDA’s Sustainable Buildings Policy. Please therefore provide evidence of your company’s experience of sustainable waste management, both in the construction and operation of buildings. Please include any experience you have had of using waste monitoring tools and techniques.
Environmental Standards – The requirement for Daresbury Building 3 site is to meet the requirements of the NWDA’s Sustainable Buildings Policy. Please therefore describe the experience that your company’s had of working with environmental standards such as BREEAM, CEEQUAL, or any equivalent standards.
Design Excellence – The Daresbury Building 3 project must deliver a successful neighbourhood scheme that is of exceptional design quality and that responds to the local context. This will be characterised by a development that is, for example, responsive and adaptable to change and supports current ethos. Please therefore provide examples of where your company has achieved design excellence elsewhere.
Construction Quality – The Daresbury Building 3 development must achieve excellence in build quality, whilst driving down construction and supply chain costs through economies of scale, and minimising waste through initiatives such as ‘Lean Construction’ and ‘Modern Methods of Construction’, Design for Manufacture competition. Please demonstrate how your company has previously developed new partnerships and methods to deliver quality and efficiency in construction.
Risk Management – In conjunction with project management of this scheme, risk management is also a very important element of any project. Please provide evidence of your risk management process and capabilities and examples of where this has clearly contributed to successful projects.
Constructing Excellence – Please demonstrate your understanding, appreciation and implementation of “Constructing Excellence in the Built Environment”, Rethinking construction principles and agenda, etc and how any of these have impacted upon your organisation or business and your supply chain. For example; your position regarding integrated teams; partnering principles; approaches to increasing efficiency in construction; systems for regularly reviewing and monitoring; mutually agreed targets and feedback mechanisms, and continuous improvement. Please therefore, provide definitions.
Employment and Training – Please outline your specific experiences of developing skills in the construction industry and working in partnership to deliver employment training opportunities, including your direct involvement in Apprentice training. Also, please identify whether your company has signed up to any Skills Pledges or other training initiatives and if not, what processes you have in place for developing the skills of your workforce?
Daresbury Building 3 4.2
Quality assurance / Quality management:
Does your organisation have a recognised Quality Management System or hold a Quality Management certification for example BS/EN/ISO 9000 and Certified by a UKAS or EU accredited body. If yes, please provide copy of Certificate. Yes No
If you do not have quality certification or a quality management system*, please explain why:
* “System” means processes and procedures to ensure that the subject is properly managed. This includes making sure that legal requirements are met.
If you do not have quality certification or a quality management system, please give details of how you manage quality in the delivery of your works (maximum 200 words):
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Please attach details of your construction KPI performance assessment results achieved over the last three years either through accredited quality assurance and/or appropriate quality control regimes. Provide a commentary on how these KPI’s are assessed and measured. If no formal KPI assessment system in place explain how key business performance areas are controlled and monitored. Enclosed? Yes No
Daresbury Building 3 4.4
Health and Safety:
You are expected to have and implement an appropriate health and safety policy which should be compliant with the current Health and Safety at Work Act and which is regularly reviewed, and signed off by your Managing Director or equivalent. It is recognised that policy statements may vary enormously. The Agency’s minimum standard will be the CHAS standard or equivalent. Please refer to Your policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of your work and set out the responsibilities for health and safety management at all levels within your organisation. Please enclose a signed, current copy of your organisation’s health and safety policy which details the organisation and responsibilities for health and safety, indicating when it was last reviewed and by whose authority it was published. Failure to demonstrate sustainability and compliance with current health and safety legislation will result in your application being concluded unsatisfactory.
Point of Contact: Please give full name, title and contact details of a person we can contact if we require additional information.
Name: Title: Full name of company: Full Address: Phone: Fax: E Mail address:
Competent health and safety assistance and advice: Please indicate if your firm’s Safety Adviser is a permanent member of your firm’s staff or if they are a consultant:
Employee(s) Consultant(s) Please provide their full name, title and qualifications below: Name:
Daresbury Building 3 Title: Qualifications: Full name of company: Full Address: Phone: Fax: E Mail address:
Please name the Senior Executive Responsible in your company who is responsible for Health and Safety. This must be an executive who is assigned responsibility as a Senior Executive within the company for ensuring the ‘Safety Management System’ is carried out in practice:
Name: Title: Full Address: Phone: Fax: E Mail Address:
4.4.5. Accident Reporting:
Please provide incident statistics for your employees only for the last three years. You must also provide an example of a completed accident report and an accident investigation report. Year
Major Non Injury or Reportabl Over 3 e day injury
Dangerou Reportabl Near s e Ill Misses Occurren Health ces
This Year
Daresbury Building 3 Last Year Year before last
4.4.6 Please provide details of any enforcement action taken against you in the last five years. You must include details of enforcement notices such as improvement and prohibition notices, as well as prosecutions taken by the HSE and the Environment Agency. Please note the HSE Prosecutions Database will be checked.
Equal Opportunities:
What measures do you take to ensure that there is diversity and inclusion in your workforce and that clients are treated fairly and do not suffer discrimination
In the last three years has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by any court or industrial or employment tribunal?
Yes /No
In the last three years has your organisation been the subject of a formal investigation by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) on grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination?
Yes /No
If the answer to question 2.5.4 and / or 2.5.5 is “Yes”, what steps did your organisation take as a result of that finding or investigation?
Daresbury Building 3 4.5.5
Please provide a copy of your Equal Opportunity Policy. Enclosed? Yes No
Environmental policy / Sustainability Policy: Some business operations can have a big impact on the environment, but all firms can help to ensure that they minimise any harmful effects of their work on the environment, for example by recycling where appropriate and properly disposing of hazardous materials. Please provide a copy of your Environmental / Sustainability Policy Statement. Enclosed? Yes No
Do you have an Environmental Management System in place? Yes
If “Yes” please provide details and provide a copy of any certificate, e.g. ISO 14001 (maximum 200 words):
If “No” please explain why not (maximum 200 words):
Please provide the following referee details (precisely three in number) in support of your experience/track record of schemes over the last three years that are consistent with the likely size, value and complexity of the Daresbury Building 3 (at least one should be from the public sector): Customer name: Customer address:
Daresbury Building 3 Contact name: Contact telephone number: Contact email details: Date contract was awarded:
Details of Contract value and contract works undertaken Customer name: Customer address: Contact name: Contact telephone number: Contact email details: Date contract was awarded: Details of Contract value and contract works undertaken Customer name: Customer address: Contact name: Contact telephone number: Contact email details: Date contract was awarded: Details of Contract value and contract works undertaken