The Lancaster
Environment Centre Innovation, training and research for a sustainable future
Environmental Monitoring and Analysis for the Nuclear Industry th
17 July 2007 Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University Innovations in technology for environmental monitoring and analysis play a significant role in delivering safer, more efficient and cost effective decommissioning projects. With growing pressure on Site Licence Contractors to manage their environmental performance, understanding the presence, behaviour and fate of contaminants is increasingly important. This event brings together industry specialists and authorities tasked with guiding technology development along with academics and their development teams. Delegates will have the chance to hear the latest strategies as well as establish collaborative opportunities with the knowledge base and their partners.
09:00 Registration, coffee 09:30 Introduction and Welcome John Knox, Envirolink Northwest 09:35 Nuclear Decommissioning: Environmental Issues and Impacts Andrew Craze, Environment Manager, NDA Needs, Risks and Opportunities for Development in environmental monitoring and analysis Dr Neil Smart, Nuclear Research Coordinator, NDA 09:55 Best Practice Techniques for Environmental Radiological Monitoring - study report by Environment Agency Dr Jo Hingston, Environment Agency 10:15 Groundwater Monitoring at Sellafield - Going beyond Compliance Dr Katherine Eilbeck, Deputy Head of Contaminated Land, British Nuclear Group Sellafield 10:35 Innovation in Monitoring Techniques Dr Martin Phillips, British Nuclear Group Project Services 10:55 Coffee, networking
The Lancaster
Environment Centre Innovation, training and research for a sustainable future 11:10 Lancaster Environment Centre Paul Tanner, LEC Enterprise and Business Partnerships Capabilities in environmental monitoring and analysis Technology transfer services Introduction to technology case studies 11:20 Technology Case Studies Sub surface leak detection Andy Binley, LEC Permeable reactive barriers TBC - Nexia Solutions Novel geophysical imaging methods Max Meju, LEC Neutron detection Malcolm Joyce, LEC Coastal erosion Suzana Ilic, LEC 12:30 Open Forum John Knox, Neil Smart, BNG, NWDA Mechanisms for engagement Grants for R&D Innovation Grants NDA R&D Needs and Opportunities 12:50 Lunch and Networking To register please visit or email, fax or post the below form to Alex Southall on, 01524 510588 or LEC, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ. The workshop will be charged at ÂŁ20 + VAT. Contact tel. 01524 510229 with any queries.
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